canine plot

Post on 04-Jul-2015






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Canine Plot

In a small suburban town called Reading, seen by many as being nothing but a haven for

benefit fraudsters and the scum of society, live a brother and sister who are not of the usual

sort. Gareth had never had a sister, and he was too young at the time to put up any

objection, but when his conflicted parents decided to adopt a baby girl as a method of fixing

their tattered marriage he had no of idea the bond he would form with her. She had already

been named Ramandeep by her birth mother and throughout their childhood they were

inseparable. Gareth would always stand up for her whenever the other kids teased her

about being an ‘ethnic minority’, or at least that’s what their parents told him all of the

funny words that the neighbourhood children called her actually meant. This bond never

seemed to falter and didn’t ever look like it was going to. Gareth could not have asked for a

better sister.

Just after Ramandeep’s 18th birthday the two of them were walking home from a friend’s

house late one summer’s afternoon. There was still some light piercing the canopy of the

woodland through which they took a shortcut, woodland which local legend would have

them believe harboured a secret. Ramandeep just so happened to be recording their

conversation on a camera she had received for her birthday when Gareth was attacked.

Ramandeep didn’t get a very good look at what exactly had set itself upon her brother and

neither had the camera. All she could remember was something that looked like a huge

wolf. Something she believed couldn’t possibly be natural. It was no surprise that she ran for

her life. The surprise was the fact that she left Gareth for dead and had no intention of

returning to aid him.

All those years of such a strong family bond were instantly forgotten. Gareth had been there

to comfort her when their parents decided that they had had enough of each other and

both of the children they had raised. He had defended her in the foster homes just as he

had done in their old neighbourhood and he was the one who rented a flat so they could

both have a taste of independence. She had abandoned him just to save her own skin. She

hated herself with an unrivalled passion.

She soon succumbed to her grief and lost a considerable portion of her mental reasoning.

Just enough of it to concoct a sadistic plan to not only avenge their difficult life but also to

try and earn her forgiveness in Gareth’s eyes. She would use that image that haunted her

every night, the wolf, to make everyone who had ever wronged him pay with their blood.

After researching Werewolves and their supposed methods of killing she begins to track

down her chosen victims. The kills will be violent and feral, always performed when the

moon is full and designed to look like a monster is to blame. A werewolf has come to


Meanwhile at the hospital Gareth awakens from a 3 week coma. The doctors are baffled as

they can find no I.D or medical history for this patient that they have been caring for. To

complicate matters Gareth is suffering from amnesia and doesn’t remember his own

identity or the vast majority of his past. But two images keep racing through his mind: a

young woman of an ethnic decent, and a huge black shape that scares him for reasons he

does not know. He grows close to a nurse called on his ward called Annah, who volunteers

to help him regain his lost memories and to take care of him until he adjusts back to a

normal life. But as he begins to ask questions about the attack, discovering that it was some

form of giant dog, and the recent murders being blamed on some sort of lycanthrope, he

starts to wonder if he could be responsible.

Gareth is torn apart by guilt that he could be the monster committing the atrocities and

decides to try and distract his mind from the matter by hunting down the girl whose face

visits him in his dreams. Who is she? What part does she play in his life? It takes surprisingly

little time for him to find her but he dare not interact for fear of what might happen. For this

reason he stays at a distance, following her every now and then but occasionally the two of

them would end up staring at each other for a brief moment before he disappeared like

some phantom into the background.

Ramandeep is being driven closer to losing her mind completely. She now cannot go more

than a few days without seeing her beloved brother who never does anything but watch

her. He is clearly haunting her and telling her that she must go even further to prove herself

sorry for abandoning him. So that is exactly what she does. The next full moon she kills five

before sunrise.

Believing that he has killed five people in one night alone, nearly 12 in total, Gareth elects to

record himself all night at the next full moon. He would have stayed in the house all night,

but for the fact that Annah hadn’t come home from her late shift at the hospital. Leaving

the house and through the deserted streets he sees shadows movement in some woodland

that Annah always used as a shortcut home from work. Determined to find her he creeps in

regardless of his fear and after some prolonged searching he succeeds in his mission. He has

found her, but she has been torn apart and looks more suited to be in a slaughter house

than a nurse’s uniform. He collapses to the ground in a state of shock and horror to which

his tears provide little comfort. It is then that a twig snaps behind him and after turning

around sees the mysterious girl from his memories with seemingly all of Annah’s blood

coating her entire body.

The two stand in a state of utter fear and disbelief. Gareth finally asks her who she is and

why he remembers her but nothing else. She however cannot even bring herself to give him

a distinguishable answer due to the fact she believes she is looking upon a ghost. But when

he moves towards her and admits that he has no idea of her identity she is filled with doubt.

Beyond all rational thinking she lunges at him with one of the same blades she used to

mutilate Annah’s corpse, in order to establish that he is indeed a ghost. But upon seeing him

bleed and collapse, upon seeing the look in his eyes of utter horror, she realises that she has

killed him again. She is so horrified by this that she then cuts her own throat, with both

blood and tears staining the ground of the woodland.

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