canter berry notes

Post on 05-Apr-2018






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  • 7/31/2019 Canter Berry Notes


    Fallout Equestria: Canterberry

    Canterberry Commons

    A reasonably large trading town set up in the south of Canterberry along trades routes from the north,

    east and west. Largest trading town on the southside.

    Notable NPCs:

    Cinderblock - Guard Captain/Sheriff (Earth Pony, Stallion)

    Ironsights Guard (Unicorn, Stallion)

    Gloria Owner/Proprietor of 'Gloria's' Bar (Unicorn, Mare)

    Notable Locations:

    Gloria's Bar Tequila Slammer worked her as a bartender for a few days. Established in the

    remains of a three story building.

    Guard HQ Cinderblock's Office and location of the town prison

    Guard Barracks One building down from the HQ

    North and South gates

    Water Merchant office

    General Goods store Run by a slightly greedy merchant (Earth Pony, Stallion)

    Clinic Run by a unicorn stallion with bloody bandages for a cutie mark.

    Other Notes:

    Power provided by Steel Ranger run geothermal power station to the east? Exchange

    food/water for electricity. ???


    A small town built around a falling Skyscraper bridging The Chasm. Used as an alternative to theSteel Ranger run bridge to the west, has no toll and thus makes a living of shadier goods and

    transport. Also used by merchants (Such as the PC's water caravan) willing to risk the extra danger in

    getting there for the toll free passage and lucrative smugglers/Low-life market.

    Notable locations:

    Water Merchant's office

    General Goods Store

    Notable NPCs:


    Other notes:

    Useful for obtaining less reputable goods, chems, contacting slavers, etc.

    Big Gun Military Base

    Background: Established a naval base to fend off Zebra Coastal attacks and protect Equestria's

    coastlines, and when the Big Gun (Luna's Horn?) was complete launch artillery strikes on Zebra

    naval bases and coastal forces. Was completed only shortly before the Great War and never saw

    action. Was put into high security mode when the bombs fell. This has left it surrounded with nigh

    impenetrable magical defenses (shields/turrets/normal walls). Had a crusader mainframe installed to

    control the base and the gun.

    Most of the military personnel were evacuated to a nearby MoWT bunker intending to re-open when

  • 7/31/2019 Canter Berry Notes


    the area was safe enough, as decided by the Big Gun mainframe. The mainframe however

    determined the surface as far too dangerous until now, it has since taken over the management and

    leadership of the bunker.

    The ability shut down to high security status is beyond the mainframe's control requiring codes form

    top ranking army personnel, not present in the bunker or base when the bombs fell.

    The Guardians

    Established from military survivors in the Big Gun MoWT bunker. They have been led by the Big

    Gun crusader mainframe since the bombs fell. The society has, as such, been living under martial

    law for over 200 years. The mainframe has now determined the surface safe enough for them to leave

    the bunker and resume their original task of restoring order to the city of canterberry.

    Crucial to this objective is seen the reclamation of the Big Gun military base, and has the guardians

    searching the Canterberry wasteland for the required codes.

    The Guardians are attempting to install a very strict form of law and order to the highly resistant

    wastes, and is having trouble adapting to the chaotic world they find themselves in. They however

    possess a 500 strong military, with top of the line weapons and at least 50 suits of Power Armour (stillmarked in pre-war insignia).

    They currently have established a base just west of the main north-south trade route, as a sort of

    advance base to learn more about the wasteland and try to accomplish their goal in a limited area.

    This limited sphere of operations has caused other to underestimate their full military strength as the

    bulk of their forces are still either in or around the bunker itself. The fate of this base will determine

    their attitude towards the Wasteland as a whole...


    The Steel Rangers of the Canterberry region are highly suspicious of the Guardians and are

    considering hostile actions against them. They fear that they will usurp the tenuous control

    they have over parts of the region, but are hesitant to act due to how well equipped and trained

    they appear.

    The ordinary wastelanders are curious of these newcomers but also wary. They are confused

    by the regulations and laws they are trying to enforce, and reactions vary from submissive to

    outright hostile. The lack of information on how they appeared from nowhere has lead the

    Water Merchants to hire mercenaries to gather information and conduct reconnaissance on

    their operations, to try and figure out their 'angle'.

    The raiders actively and violently oppose the efforts of the guardians, especially since the

    Guardians have been targeting them as opponents to the order they are trying to impose. As

    the most threatened and active force opposing the guardians this may cause them to gatherother s to their cause and possible even unite...

    Steel Rangers

    The Canterberry branch of the Rangers functions much as the others do, focusing on reclaiming pre-

    war technology and safeguarding it. To this end they maintain certain trade routes and stations for the

    general populace in return for supplies and technology (See Canterberry Commons). They maintain

    the main way of crossing the Chasm, a post war construction bridge. The greatest frustration to the

    Rangers is the Big Gun Military base which they have been unable to crack, they have long been

    searching the wastes to obtain access to this incredible piece of pre-war technology.

    Their main base lies in the north of the region.


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    As they have been studiously avoided by the Rangers the Guardians know little about them,

    save that they are a remnant of the pre-war MoWT and their basic goals. They have currently

    listed them as a potential threat, but have not openly approached them in their currently

    limited operations.

    The merchants and other folk appreciate the protection and other services they provide but

    chafe under the tribute, fees and tariffs they charge for these services. Some believe they

    would be better off without the rangers, but they are currently too vital to be interfered with.The Rangers know this and try to keep it this way, which can lead to conflicts with other

    parties in the wastes.

    Raiders hate them as much, if not more, then anyone else.


    Other towns? (Bellcolt, ???)

    Other factions?

    A Naval based faction?

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