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Post on 10-Jan-2016






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STANDAR KOMPETENSI LULUSAN : READINGMembaca --> menentukan gambaran umum teks tertentuContoh soal 1 :THE SUGAR GLIDERThe sugar glider is a marsupial, just like the many other Australian animals- the kangaroo, the koala and the wombat for instance. The sugar glider is a possum very similar to the tupai in Indonesia. It basically lives in trees. It eats leaves and fruit. However, the Australian sugar glider has a very special skill. It can jump from tree to tree like a tupai but it can also sort of fly as well. In fact, it glides or terbang layang in Bahasa Indonesia. When it jumps from one tree to another it spreads its four legs out wide; and its extra skin also spreads out and functions like a parachute.What does the text tell about?a. The kangaroob. The Koalac. The wombatd. The sugar gliderPembahasan :Jika ada judul teks maka jawabannya adalah judul teksMaka jawabannya d. The Sugar gliderContoh soal 2 The largest meat-eating animal in the world is the brown bear that lives in Alaska. Brownie, as this bear is called, will always keep away from people. But, be careful if it is wounded with a gun or the mother bear and her cubs are shocked. Some hunters claim the brown bear can outfight a tiger. A grown brownie may be up to nine feet tall. It may weigh over 1.600 pounds. But home when the brown bear is born, it weighs less than one pound. If you grew at the same rate, you would weigh almost 10.000 pounds when you were fully grown.What does the text mostly tell about?a. Brown bearb. Strong huntersc. Fighting tigerd. Alaska peoplePembahasan :Jika teks tidak memiliki judul maka jawabannya adalah subyek kalimat yang sering disebutkan didalam teksJawabannya adalah a. Brown bearSTANDAR KOMPETENSI LULUSAN : READING

MEMBACA : Menentukan tujuan komunikasi

Contoh Soal :CHAMP EMULSION COD LIVER OILIts naturally rich in vitamin A,D, Omega-3 forty acids, fortified with Calcium. As an emulsion, the vitamin A and D are better absorbed by the body.INDICATIONSAs a nutritional supplementFORMULAEach 15 ml(liable spoon) children childrenemulsion under above 4 year 4 year consist of :Cod liver Oil 450 mgProviding vitamin A 850 iu 34 17 vitamin D 85 iu 21 21calcium 424mg 12 10Hypophpsphitee.q to Calcium 100mg

DOSAGEChildren below 4 years :15 ml ( 1 table spoon ful) once a dayChildren above 4 years :15 ml ( 1 table spoonful) twice a day.Children above 12 year and adult:15 ml ( 1 table spoonful) three times a day

What is the purpose of the text? (Ujian Nasional 2009-2010)a. to infrom the reader about the function of the supplementb. to tell the reader about the usage of the supplementc. to tell the consumer about the ingredients of the supplementd. to give detailed information about the supplement

Pembahasan soal:

Siswa harus bisa menentukan jenis teks berdasarkan ciri2 yang ada pada teks diatasciri2 dalam tejs terdapat :Nama suatu produkInformasi lengkap tentang komposisi, bahan2, cara menyajikan dan fungsi produkDosis penggunaan

Jika terdapat ciri2 diatas maka teks tersebut berjenis LABELTujuan komunikasi Label adalah to give detailed information about....( nama produk)

Jawaban : d. to give detailed information about the the supplement


MEMBACA : Menentukan main idea pada paragraph tertentu

Contoh soal :

Unlike other international airlines which have stopped flights to Jakarta, Garuda Indonesia has no plan to delay its operation in the capital city.

Garuda Indonesia spokesman Pujobroto said the national flag airlines had not received any notification that Soekarno-Hatta Airport had been affected by the volcanic ash from the Mt. Merapi eruption about 500 kilometers to the east."There has been no notification from the aviation authorities which says the airport is affected by the volcanic ash. Therefore Garuda continues its activities", Pujobroto said as quoted by

A total 13 international carries stopped their flights to Jakarta on Saturday, concerned about volcanic ash in the aire that could cause damage to their aircraft engines, and endanger safety. they are Malaysia Airlines, AirAsia, Singapore Airlines, Emirates, Etihad,Turkish Air, Japan Airlines, Lufthansa and KLM.

Separately, Soekarno Hatta Airport operator PT Angkasa Pura II said the airport was safe and not affected by volcano's eruptions. "The airport is considered normal and safe so far", airport operator's president director Tri S Sunoko said.

What is the main idea of the third paragraph?a. 13 international carries stopped their flights to Jakarta because of the volcanic ash.b. Malaysia Airline, AirAsia,Singapore Airlines are some of international carries.c. Volcanic ash in the air could cause damage to aircraft and enginesd. 13 international carries are in critical situation in Jakarta ( Soal Ujian Nasional 2010-1011)

Pembahasan soal :

Main idea biasanya ( sebagian besar) berada pada kalimat pertama setiap paragraph.

Jawaban :a. 13 international carries stopped their flights to Jakarta because of the volcanic ash.


MEMBACA : Menentukan tujuan komunikasi sebuah teks

Contoh soal :

An animal nursery is a kind of job. People who work as animal nursery workers work in zoos, kennerls, animal shelters, and circuses. They are responsible for feeding, watering, cleaning, bathing and exercising animals. They keep records of treatments that the animals have received from the veterinarian, an animal doctor.

Animal nursery workers have serious responsibilities and function. They provide care for newborns and young animals, prepare their food, transport them to feeding areas, and deliver food and water to them. The food they prepare is different for each species of animals they care for. They fill nursing bottles which have been sterilized with the appropriate feeding formula. They also take care of orphaned animals. They observe newborn animals and check for signs of disease or abnormality. They may perform physical exam on the young animals occasionally, taking their temperature, pulse rate and blood pressure. They are also in charge of cleaning and preparing comfortable sleeping areas for animals, removing waste, cleaning and disinfecting them they also make sure all cages and enclosures are safe.

What is the purpose of the writer to write the text above?a. to entertain the readers with the animal nursery workers' storyb. to explain the hobbies of the animal nursery workersc. to explain how to be an animal nursery workers.d. to describe the job of animal nursery workers. ( soal Ujian Nasional 2010-2011)

Pembahasan soal:

Siswa harus bisa mengidentifikasi jenis teks diatas berdasarkan ciri2 teks tersebut.Ciri2 teks Deskripsi/Report1. Menggambarkan sesuatu, bisa berupa benda, manusia (tokoh terkenal), hewan ,tumbuhan, profesi, suatu tempat dll.2. Di dalam teks terdapat data yang berupa angka( meter, kg) , percentase, tanggal, tahun dll3. Paragraph pertama/ kalimat pertama berupa identifikasi sesuatu yang digambarkan4. Paragraph berikutnya berupa gambaran2 dari sesuatu yang diidentifikasi pada paragraph pertama.

Jika sahabat menemukan ciri2 seperti itu maka teks tersebut berjenis Descriptive/Report.Tujuan komunikasi ---> To describe......( sesuatu yang digambarkan)

Jawaban : d. to describe the job of animal nursery workers


MEMBACA : Menentukan tujuan komunikasi teks

Contoh soal :

THE LION AND THE MOUSEOnce when a Lion was a sleep a little Mouse began running up and down upon him; this soon wakened the lion, who placed his huge paw upon him, and opened his big jaws to swallow him," Pardon, O king," cried the little mouse :"forgive me this time, I shall never forget it: who knows but what I may be able to do you a turn some of these days?" The Lion was so tickled at at the idea of the Mouse being able to help him, that he lifted up his paw and let him go. Some time after the Lion was caught in a trap, and the hunters who desired to carry him alive to the King, tied him to a tree while they went in search of a wagon to carry him on. Just then the little Mouse happened to pass by, and seeing the sad plight in which the Lion was, went up to him and soon gnawed away the ropes that bound the King of the Beasts. " Was I not right?" said the little Mouse.

What is the purpose of the text above ?a. to tell about the lion and the mouseb. to describe the lion and the mousec. to entertain the readerd. to tell about the past event

Pembahasan soal :

Siswa harus bisa mengidentifikasi jenis teks diatas dengan mengetahui ciri2 teks tersebut :Berikut ciri2 teks Naratif :1. Diawali dengan kata once, once upon a time, a long time ago, one day, etc.2. Banyak kata kerja berakhiran ed ( menggunakan simple past tense)3. Mengidentifikasi judul The legend of..... (nama 2 ekor hewan) the ant and the elephant, the turtle and the rabbit, the fox and the crow etc. (nama manusia + nama hewan) the young man and the Lion etc.4. Subyek / tokoh utama hewan atau benda bisa dipastikan itu adalah teks naratif.

Maka jika didalam teks terdapat ciri2 diatas teks tersebut berjenis Naratif. Teks Naratif memiliki tujuan komunikasi ---> to entertain/ to amuse the reades.


Membaca ---> Menentukan informasi rinci






Menulis---> Menyusun kalimat acak menjadi paragraph yang benar

Contoh Soal :

PEMBAHASAN SOAL1. Siswa harus bisa menentukan jenis teks beserta langkah retorikanya2. Siswa harus bisa mengidentifikasi kalimat awal dan akhir


1. MENENTUKAN GAMBARAN UMUM TEKSContoh pertanyaan : What is the text talk about? What is the suitable title for the text above? The text above tell us about What does the story tell about?

Jawabannya :* Jika ada judul maka jawabannya adalah judul* Jika tidak ada judul jawabannya kata yang paling banyak muncul di dalam teks

2. MENENTUKAN TUJUAN KOMUNIKASIContoh pertanyaan : What is the purpose of the text ?

Jawabannya : Teks Deskripsi (isinya menggambarkan manusia,tokoh yang sedang naik daun, hewan,benda,dan suatu tempat) maka jawabannya adalah to describe(judul teks)/(sesuatu yang digambarkan dalam teks). Teks Recount (Isinya menceritakan pengalaman di masa lalu secara berurutan sesuai waktu kejadian, menggunakan jenis kalimat past tense) maka jawabannya adalah to retell the past event/ to tell the past event. Teks Narasi ( Isinya menceritakan sebuah dongeng, teks dimulai dengan kata Once upon a time, One day, Once, a long time ago, Menggunakan kalimat Past tense) maka jawabannya adalah to entertain the readers or to amuse the readers. Teks Procedur (Isinya menjelaskan bagaimana cara/metode membuat sesuatu,misalkan sebuah resep membuat makanan) maka jawabannya adalah to show how to make(judul teks). Teks Report (Isinya menggambarkan manusia,hewan,benda dengan lebih detail melalui proses penelitian)maka jawabannya adalah to describe(judul teks). Teks Undangan jawabannya adalah to invite Teks Pengumuman jawabannya adalah to announce. Teks Iklan jawabannya adalah to promote/to advertise. Teks surat jawabannya adalah to tell/to inform. Teks label jawabannya adalah to give detail information.

3. MENENTUKAN IDE UTAMA PARAGRAP TERTENTUContoh pertanyaan : What is the main idea of paragraph?

Jawabannya :Kalimat pertama yang berada di awal paragrah

4. MENENTUKAN INFORMASI RINCIContoh pertanyaan : How, where, when, which, how many, what does ,Who, Why, whom, how long, etc

Jawabannya : Carilah kata/kalimat dalam pertanyaan pada teks, jawabannya terdapat di bagian sebelum atau sesudah kalimat pertanyaan.

5. MENENTUKAN INFORMASI TERSURATContoh pertanyaan : What we can learn from the story above?

Jawabannya :*Ada di akhir paragraph*Siswa harus menyimpulkan setelah membaca seluruh teks

6. MENENTUKAN MAKNA / PERSAMAAN KATAContoh pertanyaan:Similar/the same meaning/sinonim/meaning7. MENENTUKAN REFERENSI KATAContoh pertanyaan: The underlined word, refers to

Jawabannya: Subject atau Object pada kalimat sebelumnya


MEMBACA : Menentukan tujuan komunikasi sebuah teks

Contoh Soal :


Things you need :A Half page of paper

What to do :First, fold the paper in half the long way, crease and unfoldSecond, fold the sides up to the middle crease, keep foldedNext, fold the corners down to the middleAfter that, fold the corners down to the middle againThen,, fold the points downs to the middleFinally, open the middle and turn it inside out to make a boat, or flif it over and wear it as a hat.

What is the purpose of the text above?a. to describe the how to make a boat or a hatb. to entertain the readerc. to tell the past eventd. to show how to make a boat or a hat

Pembahasan Soal :

Sahabat harus bisa mengidentifikasi jenis teks diatas.Berikut ciri2 teks procedur

1. Pada bagian judul ada kata : how , make atau making2. Teks biasanya dibagi menjadi 3 bagian : Goal (Judul), Material/things you need (bahan), Step/how to do (cara membuat).3. Pada bagian Steps ada kata first, second, next, then, finally, at the end4. Pada bagian steps ada penomoran

Jika di dalam teks terdapat ciri2 yang disebutkan diatas, maka teks tersebut berjenis Prosedur.Tujuan komunikasi dari teks prosedur adalah to show how to make...(di isi dengan judul teks)

Jawaban : d. to show how to make a boat or a hat

MEMBACA : Menentukan tujuan komunikasi teks ucapan selamat

Contoh soal :

Dear Tommy,I heard that you have won an English debate competition and got the highest score at your school. I am very happy for your success. Conratulations! You deserved it.Love Auntie SusanThe purpose of the text is to.......a. inform someone about a competitionb. announce someone's success in a competitionc. tell someone about an English debate competitiond. congratulate one's succes in a competition

Pembahasan soal :

Siswa harus dapat menentukan jenis teks berdasarkan ciri teks tersebut.Ciri2 Teks Ucapan Selamat- Teks tidak terlalu panjang- Ada pengirim dan penerima- Ada kata congratulation,

Jenis teks untuk teks diatas adalah teks ucapan selamatMaka tujuan komunikasi/purpose nya " to congratulate / to give warm"Jawaban : d. congratulate one's succes in a competition

MEMBACA : Menentukan tujuan komunikasi teks iklanContoh Soal :ANNUAL PROMO SPECIAL7 days onlyStore wideAt all DC World BookstoreUp to 40% discount

What is the purpose of the text above ?a. To announce the discount at DC World bookstoreb. To inform the promo at DC World Bookstorec. To tell us about the 40% discountd. To advertise the bookstore

Pembahasan soal:Siswa harus bisa menentukan jenis teks berdasarkan ciri2 dari teks tersebutCiri2 Teks Iklan biasanya :- Ada gambar produk barang yang diiklankan- Keistimewaan produk- Persentase diskon- keterangan harga

Jenis teks untuk teks diatas adalah teks iklan/advertisementMaka tujuan komunikasi/purpose teks iklan adalah to advertise/to promote ( untuk mempromosikan)Jawaban : d. To advertise the bookstore

Latihan soal untuk Sahabat !

NEW TERRANOFree car LCD & PS ONE*)Celebarating Indomobil 27th anniversarySHIFT TO THE FUTURE WITH NISSANOff the road:171,5 m Spirit236 m Kingroad2009,5 m Grandroad

Take your family on a vacationwith the tough Nissan TerranoSee the break of dawn up at Mount bromoor watching the breath-taking view of the sunsetat Senggigi Beach, Lombok.Hurry start your trip todaybecause NISSAN TERRANO Spirit SI now comes with an entertainment packageCar LCD 7 + Play Station PS One*)While stocks last.

What is the purpose of the text above?a. to entertain the owner of NISSAN TERRANO car using PS One and Car LCD 7b. to inform the people to enjoy Bromo and Sengigi Beach using NISSAN carc. to give entertaiment package, "Car LCD 7" and " PS One" to the owner of NISSAN card. to promote the new versions of NISSAN TERRANO car


Menulis ---> Menyusun kalimat acak menjadi paragraph yang benarCONTOH SOAL

PEMBAHASAN SOAL1. Siswa harus bisa menentukan jenis teks dan langkah retorikanya2. Siswa harus bisa mengidentifikasi kalimat awal dan akhir


Menulis : Menyusun kalimat acak menjadi paragraph yang benarCONTOH SOAL

PEMBAHASAN SOAL1. Siswa harus bisa menentukan jenis teks beserta langkah retorika2. Siswa harus bisa mengidentifikasi kalimat awal dan akhir

REFERS TOBentuk Pertanyaan" I can't wait to see you" (last sentence)What does the words "you" refers to? (Ujian Nasional 2008-2009)a. Chaterineb. Stevec. The writerd. Rony

Untuk mencari jawabannya strategi yang digunakan carilah jawabannya pada subjek atau objek kalimat sebelumnya.

1.Posisi Sebagai Subyek.Posisi subyek biasanya ada di awal kalimat

She--------> berupa nama seorang perempuanHe---------> berupa nama seorang laki2I-----------> the writerWe---------> the writer + nama seorang laki2/perempuanThey-------> berupa lebih dari satu nama laki2/perempuan/sekumpulan grupYou--------> berupa nama seorang laki2/perempuanIt----------> berupa nama benda, hewan,tumbuhan, tempat

Contoh Soal :Dita bought a new drees. She really love it.What does the word "She" refers to?Jawab : Dita

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