carbon nanotube arrays with strong shear binding-on and easy … articles/2008... · 2012. 1....

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Further insight is gained by examining thedynamics in the phase space of the mechanicaloscillator, spanned by X and P (Fig. 3, C to E).Without a cavity field, the time evolution wouldsimply correspond to a clockwise rotation at 4wrec.Yet when photons enter the cavity, the evolutionis affected by light forces. This is the case alongthe vertical resonance line determined by theresonance condition D = 0, as shown in Fig. 3, Cto E (red line).

Initially, the condensed atoms are prepared atthe stable phase-space point (X, P) = 0 (Fig. 3C).Increasing the detuning Dc across the resonancerenders the system instable and triggers paramet-rically excited oscillations, as indicated by thesolid line in Fig. 3D. The evolution along thispath is dominated by the free oscillator dynamics,which are periodically interrupted by the interac-tion with the cavity light field (Fig. 3, D and E).This behavior is closely related to the matter-wave dynamics of a kicked rotor that is operatedat an antiresonance where the accumulated phasefactor between two kicks inhibits occupation ofhigher-momentum modes (24).

The frequency of these oscillations decreasescontinuously over observation time (Fig. 4). Thisis expected when actively scanning the cavity-pump detuning Dc, which shifts the resonanceline in the phase-space diagram and leads to anadiabatic change of the system’s circling path(compare Fig. 3, D and E).

A precise quantitative understanding of theobserved frequency and its decrease is obtainedwhen taking into account atom-atom interactions,the external trapping potential, and atom losses.The atom-atom interactions result in a shift of thebare oscillation frequency 4wrec = 2p × 15.1 kHzby the mean field energy, which in the Thomas-Fermi limit equals 4/7 times the chemical po-tential m = 2p × 2.4 kHz (25). The trappingpotential gives rise to a Fourier-limited broaden-ing of the initialmomentumdistribution and accord-ingly introduces a damping of the free-runningoscillator dynamics. This suppresses a double-peak structure in the transmitted light, whichwouldbe expected at the onset of oscillations for thehomogeneous two-mode model (see Fig. 3D).An enhanced atom loss during the oscillationsaccelerates the observed frequency shift by afactor of 2. The numerical integration of the fullone-dimensional model (Eqs. 1 and 2) yieldsvery good agreement with our data (Fig. 4).

The quantitative agreement between experi-ment and semi-classical theory, together with theobservation of very narrow peaks in the fullymodulated cavity transmission, indicates that oursystem is well localized in the phase space of themechanical oscillator. Using a second quantizedpicture where the BEC acts as the vacuum stateof the mechanical oscillator mode, we haveestimated the expectation value for thermal exci-tations in this mode. It is found to be below 0.01for a realistic condensate fraction of 90% (26).This extremely pure preparation of the groundstate of a mesoscopic mechanical oscillator is

possible because the cavity couples only to onespecific excitation mode. Because of the highfinesse of the cavity, a single coherent mechan-ical excitation leads to a detectable shift of thecavity resonance by 0.7k. Entering this stronglycoupled quantum regime of cavity optomechanicspromises to be ideal for testing fundamental ques-tions of quantum mechanics (8, 9).

From the perspective of quantum many-bodyphysics, we have investigated a Bose gas withweak local interactions subject to nonlocal inter-actions mediated by the cavity field. Experimen-tally, it should also be possible to enter the stronglycorrelated regime where local interactions domi-nate over the kinetic energy. In this case, thenonlocal coupling is predicted to give rise to novelquantum phases (27–29).

References and Notes1. V. B. Braginsky, Y. I. Vorontsov, K. S. Thorne, Science

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14. S. Slama, S. Bux, G. Krenz, C. Zimmermann,P. W. Courteille, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 053603 (2007).

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(2008).30. We thank K. Baumann, P. Domokos, C. Guerlin, I. Mekhov,

H. Ritsch, and A. Vukics for stimulating discussions.Supported by the SCALA Integrated Project (EuropeanUnion) and QSIT (ETH Zürich).

Supporting Online and MethodsReferences

14 July 2008; accepted 1 September 2008Published online 11 September 2008;10.1126/science.1163218Include this information when citing this paper.

Carbon Nanotube Arrays withStrong Shear Binding-On andEasy Normal Lifting-OffLiangti Qu,1 Liming Dai,1* Morley Stone,2 Zhenhai Xia,3 Zhong Lin Wang4*The ability of gecko lizards to adhere to a vertical solid surface comes from their remarkable feetwith aligned microscopic elastic hairs. By using carbon nanotube arrays that are dominated by astraight body segment but with curly entangled top, we have created gecko-foot–mimetic dryadhesives that show macroscopic adhesive forces of ~100 newtons per square centimeter, almost10 times that of a gecko foot, and a much stronger shear adhesion force than the normal adhesionforce, to ensure strong binding along the shear direction and easy lifting in the normal direction.This anisotropic force distribution is due to the shear-induced alignments of the curly segmentsof the nanotubes. The mimetic adhesives can be alternatively binding-on and lifting-off overvarious substrates for simulating the walking of a living gecko.

The unusual ability of gecko lizards toclimb on any vertical surface and hangfrom a ceiling with one toe has inspired

scientific interest for decades. Only in the pastfew years has progress been made in under-standing the mechanism that allows the gecko todefy gravity in climbing vertical surfaces (1, 2).Recent studies revealed the remarkable geckofoot with countless specialized keratinous aligned

microscopic elastic hairs (3 to 130 mm in length),called setae, splitting into even smaller spatulae(0.2 to 0.5 mm in diameter) at the end (1, 2). It isthese spatulae that come in close contact with thesurface to induce strong van der Waals (vdW)forces (~10 N cm–2) (1–3) to hold gecko lizardsonto a vertical wall. Attempts have been made tomimic gecko feet by usingmicrofabricated arraysof polymer pillars (4, 5), but the polymeric dry

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adhesives have produced a maximum adhesiveforce of ~3 N cm–2, about one-third of the valueobtained by geckos.

Having an extraordinary high aspect ratioand exceptional mechanical strength (6), verti-cally aligned carbon nanotubes (VA-CNTs, bothsingle-walled and multiwalled) show great po-tential for dry adhesive applications. Althoughan adhesive strength of more than 500 N cm–2

between VA-CNTs and a glass surface has beenpredicted by theory (7, 8), experimental workcarried out so far showed rather low adhesionforces up to only about 30 N cm–2 for macro-scopic arrays of vertically aligned single-walledcarbon nanotubes (VA-SWNTs) (9) and 36N cm–2

for micropatterned arrays of vertically alignedmultiwalled carbon nanotubes (VA-MWNTs)(10). Recent atomic force microscopic (AFM)measurements have revealed a strong nanometer-scale adhesion with AFM tips up to 200 or 3 to15 times stronger than that offered by gecko foothairs for VA-MWNTs or functionalized polymerpillars (11, 12). The large difference between theobserved macroscopic adhesion forces for VA-CNTs and the theoretical prediction is presum-ably due to their inaccessibility to the hierarchicalstructure of geckos’ setae and spatulae. More-over, a strong lift force is normally required todetach carbon nanotube dry adhesives thatstrongly bind to a surface, which limits theapplication of VA-CNTs as a transient adhesive.

Theoretical studies have indicated that anoptimal adhesion could be achieved by the com-bination of a size reduction and shape optimiza-tion with hierarchical structures (13, 14) and thatthe side contact of fibers with substrates over alarger contact area could provide a stronger ad-hesion force than that of a tip contact (15, 16).With use of hierarchically structured VA-CNTarrays, we report here gecko-foot–mimetic dryadhesives with a high shear adhesion force(~100 N cm–2) for strong shear binding-on buta much lower normal adhesion force (~10 Ncm–2) for easy normal lifting-off. The carbonnanotube arrays are required to have a straightaligning body and a curly entangled end segmentat the top. This is responsible for creating ananisotropic adhesion force through the sidewallcontact with various substrates, and the differ-ence between shear adhesion and normal adhe-sion is what the gecko exploits to switch betweenattachment and detachment as it moves. The re-quired samples were produced by a low-pressurechemical vapor deposition (CVD) process on aSiO2/Si wafer (fig. S1) (9, 17–19). During the

pyrolytic growth of the VA-MWNTs, the initiallyformed nanotube segments from the base growthprocess grew in random directions and formeda randomly entangled nanotube top layer towhich the underlying straight nanotube arraysthen emerged (7, 20) [supporting online material(SOM)]. However, Zhao et al. (7) suggested thatthe top layer of the entangled nanotube segmentscould prevent the underlying aligned nanotubesfrom contacting the target surface, leading to aweakened adhesion force.

To demonstrate the adhesion performanceof the VA-MWNTs, we finger-pressed a smallpiece of the as-grown VA-MWNT film (4 mmby 4 mm, Fig. 1A) from the Si side onto avertically positioned glass slide. The nanotubes in

this film have diameters ranging from 10 to 15 nmwith a tube length of about 150 mm and a tubedensity of ~1010 to 1011 cm−2 (Fig. 1, B and C). Abook of 1480 g was clung onto a thin wire thatwas preglued on the back side of the SiO2/Si sub-strate. An overall adhesion force of 90.7 N cm–2

was calculated for the VA-MWNT dry adhesivefilm shown in Fig. 1A. Similar adhesion behaviorswere observed for the VA-MWNT dry adhesiveagainst various other substrates with differentflexibilities and surface characteristics, includingground glass plates, polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE) film, rough sandpaper, and poly(ethyleneterephthalate) (PET) sheet (figs. S3 to S6).

As shown in Fig. 1D, the normal adhesion forcefor VA-MWNT films with the tube length ranging

1Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, School ofEngineering, University of Dayton, 300 College Park, Dayton,OH 45469, USA. 2Air Force Research Laboratory, HumanEffectiveness Directorate, AFRL/RH, Wright-Patterson Air ForceBase, OH 45433, USA. 3Department of Mechanical Engineer-ing, University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325, USA. 4School ofMaterials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute ofTechnology, Atlanta, GA 30332, USA.

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. (L.D.); (Z.L.W.)

Fig. 1. (A) A book of 1480 g in weight suspended from a glass surface with use of VA-MWNTssupported on a silicon wafer. The top right squared area shows the VA-MWNT array film, 4 mm by 4 mm.(B and C) SEM images of the VA-MWNT film under different magnifications. (D) Nanotube length–dependent adhesion force of VA-MWNT films attached onto the substrate with a preloading of 2 kg(7, 9). The vertical and horizontal bars represent the deviations of the force and the nanotube length,respectively, measured for more than 20 samples of the same class. (E) Adhesion strength of VA-MWNTs with length 100 T 10 mm at different pull-away directions. The red arrows represents theaverage forces measured for more than 20 samples, whereas the two perpendicular blue dot linesdefine possible deviations of the force measured for different samples of the same class. Thenanotubes and substrates shown in (E) are not to scale. SCIENCE VOL 322 10 OCTOBER 2008 239


from about 10 to 150 mm increased slightly from10to 20 N cm–2. However, the corresponding shearadhesion force increased from 10 to 100 N cm–2

over the same range of nanotube lengths. The shearadhesion force is typically several times strongerthan the corresponding normal adhesion force at aconstant nanotube length over about 10 mm. Thehigh shear adhesion force of the VA-MWNT dryadhesive ensures a strong adhesion to the targetsurface for hanging heavy objects along the sheardirection, whereas a muchweaker normal adhesionforce allows the nanotube film to be readilydetached in the normal direction. As shown inmovie S1, a finger-tip press can firmly attach a VA-MWNT film (~100-mm tube length, 4 mm by 4mm in area), supported by a SiO2/Si substrate usedfor the nanotube growth, onto a vertically posi-tioned glass slide to hold an ~1000-gweight [400-gbeaker (Pyrex, Corning Incorporated, Corning,New York, 1000 ml) plus 600 ml water] in theshear direction. The VA-MWNT arrays wererepeatedly attached and detached from the glasssurface, and the supported weight did not decrease.The VA-MWNT dry adhesive was found to spon-taneously peel away from the glass slide upontilting it toward the horizontal level with the loadedobject facing downward (movie S2). This obser-vation is consistent with the easy detachment of agecko foot at a tilted angle from a target surface(1, 14). To elucidate the angular dependence ofthe adhesion forces, we measured the pull-offforce in various pull-away directions. The de-crease in the pull-off force with increasing pull-away angle shown in Fig. 1E indicates that theshear adhesion force is much stronger than thenormal adhesion force.

Because of the minimal hydrogen bonding(fig. S7) and negligible electrostatic charging ef-fects (fig. S8), the vdW force is mainly respon-sible for the adhesive force between the nanotubefilm and the glass slide (2). As such, the struc-ture at and near the top surface of the VA-MWNTfilm plays a critical role in regulating its adhesiveperformance. We examined the morphology ofthe top surface and cross-sectional area of theVA-MWNT films with different tube lengthsbefore and after the shear adhesion measure-ments. As expected, randomly entangled nano-tube segments arising from the initial stage ofthe base growth process were observed on thetop surface of the as-synthesized VA-MWNTarrays (Fig. 2A, a to c). After the shear adhe-sion force measurements, however, we foundthat the top layer of the randomly entanglednanotube segments became horizontally aligned(Fig. 2A, d to f). The degree for the shear-induced horizontal alignment increased with in-creasing the aligned nanotube length (Fig. 2A, dto f). Before the testing, the nanotube “trunks”were uniformly aligned (Fig. 2A, g to i). How-ever, after binding on the wall, the verticallyaligned nanotube trunks were tilted along theshear direction (Fig. 2A, j to l). The significantincrease in the shear adhesion force with thealigned nanotube length observed in Fig. 1D seems

to be directly related to the presence of thehorizontally aligned nanotube segments on thetop surface of the VA-MWNT dry adhesive films,which formed the tube-length–dependent hori-zontally aligned structure under shear.

To prove the importance of the nonalignedentanglement at the top of the VA-MWNTs, wecarried out experiments with arrays prepared by aconventional CVD process without a vacuum

system (19). The adhesion forces are generally lessthan 1N/cm2 because of the absence of a nonalignednanotube top layer and/or its poor quality (fig. S18).Both the nanotube structural defects and amorphouscarbon contaminants were found to significantlyreduce the adhesion forces (figs. S16 and S17).

The scanning electron microscopy (SEM)observations are consistent with the followingprocess. During the initial contact, the top non-

Fig. 2. SEM images and schematic diagrams for the morphological change of VA-MWNT arrays duringadhesion measurements. (A) Top (a to f) and side (g to l) views of VA-MWNT films with different lengthbefore (a to c and g to i) and after (d to f and i to l) adhesion measurements. The VA-MWNT length in a, d,g, and j is ~5 mm; in b, e, h, and k, ~70 mm; and in c, f, i, and l, ~150 mm. The arrows indicate the sheardirection during the shear adhesion force measurements. (B) Preloading (a), attachment of the VA-MWNTarray onto the glass substrate (b), shear adhesion force stretching the nonaligned nanotubes on thesubstrate to form the line contact (c), and normal adhesion force leading to the nonaligned nanotubespoint-by-point peel-off from the substrate (d). (Inset) The structure similarity between the cross-sectionviews of the VA-MWNTs (left) and gecko’s aligned elastic hairs (right).

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aligned nanotube segments (Fig. 2Ba) adoptedrandomly distributed “line” contact with the glasssubstrate (Fig. 2Bb). Upon shear adhesion forcemeasurement (Fig. 2Bc), the applied shear forcecaused the nonaligned nanotube segments toalign along the shear direction on the glass sub-strate (Fig. 2Bc) and the vertically alignednanotube trunks to tilt along the shear direction(Fig. 2A, j to l), leading to a predominant aligned

line contact with the glass surface (Fig. 2A, d tof). This is also consistent with the strong lengthdependence of the shear adhesion force shown inFig. 1D, in which the longer VA-MWNTs oftensupport longer randomly entangled nanotube seg-ments on the top for a more extensive line contactupon shear and offer more flexibility for titling thelong nanotube trunks to achieve the most intimatecontacts with the target substrate.

During the normal adhesion force measure-ments, however, the top nonaligned nanotubesegments contacted with the glass substrate werepeeled from the substrate through a “point-by-point” detaching process (Fig. 2Bd), requiring amuch lower force than that for pulling off the entirenanotube array (Fig. 1D). These failuremodes havebeen demonstrated by computer simulations (fig.S2 and movies S3 to S5). The line contactdetachment (Fig. 2Bc) is expected to produce astronger shear adhesion force than the normaladhesion force governed by the point-by-pointpeel-off detachment (Fig. 2Bd). The normaladhesion force only increased slightly (fig. S10)with the preshear–induced nanotube alignment,whereas the shear adhesion force increased muchmore dramatically (fig. S11). We also investigatedthe time dependence of the VA-MWNT dryadhesives compared with those of commercialcopper adhesive tapes. As seen in fig. S9, the VA-MWNT dry adhesive (60 mm long) under a shearloading of 40 N cm–2 or a normal pull-away forceof 12 N cm–2 for more than 24 hours remained onthe glass substrate stably without any cohesivebreakage. In contrast, commercial copper adhesivetapes (3M, St. Paul, Minnesota) under the sameapplied forces fatigued easily andwere peeled awayfrom the substrate within 1 hour.

We also used oxygen plasma etching (21, 22)to physically remove the nonaligned nanotubesegments to investigate their influence on theadhesion forces (fig. S12, a to d). The removal ofthe nonaligned nanotube segments from the topof a VA-MWNT array by plasma etching led topredominately point contacts, which largely elim-inated the nanotube-length–dependence for bothshear and normal adhesion forces within the ex-perimental error, with a concomitant decrease inadhesion forces (fig. S12e). The plasma-etching-induced “bundle” formation (fig. S12c) togetherwith the associated surface chemistry changes(fig. S13) also weakened adhesion forces byreducing the number of effective contact pointsper unit area and/or the interaction energy percontact with the glass surface. To study the in-fluence of nonaligned nanotube segments on theadhesion forces in a more precise way, we elimi-nated nonaligned nanotube segments from thetop of a VA-MWNTarray by turning over the as-synthesized VA-MWNT film with full integrityfrom the SiO2/Si wafer onto a polystyrene sub-strate to keep the nanotube density and surfacechemistry largely unchanged (figs. S14 and S15).The side view SEM image for the invertedVA-MWNT film similar to the sample shown inFig. 2Ah is given in Fig. 3A under a relativelyhigh magnification to show individual nanotubeswithout nonaligned top segment. After the adhe-sion forcemeasurements, Fig. 3B shows the shear-induced alignment but with much fewer horizon-tally aligned nanotube segments on the top surfacewith respect to Fig. 2Ae. Figure 3C shows asignificant decrease in the shear adhesion forcewith a slightly weakened normal adhesion forceby inverting the VA-MWNT array. These results

Fig. 3. Typical side view of theinverted VA-MWNT film (fig. S14)without top entangled nanotubesegments before (A) and after (B)adhesion measurements; (C) theshear and normal adhesions ofVA-MWNT films with and withouttop entangled nanotube segments(nanotube length ~ 80 mm). Errorbars represent the deviations ofthe forces measured for morethan 20 samples of the sameclass.

Fig. 4. Experimental and predicted total adhesion force as a function of loading angle. Thepredictions show two failure modes: shear failure (q < 25°) and normal failure (q > 25°). (Inset) Aschematic representation of a nanotube attached on a substrate. SCIENCE VOL 322 10 OCTOBER 2008 241


indicate that the enhanced shear adhesion force forthe VA-MWNT dry adhesive relies on the pre-sence of curly entangled nanotube segments forlarge sidewall contact. ComparedwithVA-SWNTarrays with no nonaligned nanotube segments onthe top (9), theVA-MWNTdry adhesive shows anexpected much stronger shear adhesion force.However, the VA-SWNT dry adhesive possessesa normal adhesion force (~30 N cm–2) higher thanthat of its VA-MWNTcounterpart (<20 N cm–2),which may be related to a higher nanotubegraphitization degree and packing density asso-ciated with the VA-SWNT array (9).

The contributions of the top nonaligned car-bon nanotubes to the adhesion can be estimated.Assuming that there is a line contact between thenonaligned nanotubes and the substrate with aneffective contact length L after preloading, theVA-MWNT trunk forms an angle q0 with thesubstrate surface (Fig. 4 inset). We first considerthe friction between the substrate and a singleVA-MWNT. The attractive force per unit lengthon the VA-MWNT is Fvdw ¼ A



with the Hamaker constant A, the nanotube di-ameter d, and the gap distance between thenanotube surface and the substrate D (23). Thereis a cut-off gap distance D = D0, representing theeffective separation between the nanotube andthe substrate, at which maximum attractive force,Fmaxvdw , is estimated (23). The maximum friction

force per unit area of the VA-MWNT film isPmaxf ¼ mFmax

vdwLr, where r is the effective nano-tube contact density per unit area and m is thefriction coefficient. Taking the values of L =100 nm, m = 0.09 (24), r = 5 × 1010 tubes cm–2,d = 15 nm, A= 6 × 10−20 J (23), andD0 = 0.34 nm(25), then Pmax

f is 97 Ncm–2, a value close to theexperimental results. L is only a fraction of thelength of those observed nonaligned nanotubesegments (over 1 mm) at the top of the VA-MWNT arrays, and hence more design spacemay exist for further increasing the adhesionforce. The normal adhesion force of the VA-MWNT film can be calculated on the basis ofthe geometric relations shown in the Fig. 4 inset.The maximum attractive force per unit area canbe obtained by integrating vdW force in thepeel zone (26), Pmax

n ¼ r∫x1x0Affiffiffid


where point x0 is the last contact point betweenthe carbon nanotube and the substrate; point x1is the point beyond which the vdW force canbe neglected, which occurs at a (critical) sep-aration distance Dc (Dc = 5D0 is used here).Assuming that the nanotube at the peel zoneis curved with a radius of Rs (Fig. 4 inset),D ¼ D0 þ Rs −

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiR2s − x2

p. If a load s is applied

on the nanotube array with an angle q, the criteriafor normal and shear failures are s > Pmax

n =sin qands > Pmax

f =cos q, respectively. Figure 4 showsthe total forces as a function of q, predicted by theabove formulae, in which the unknown parametersRs, r, andL are obtained by fitting the experimentaldata. There are normal and shear failure modes,depending on loading angle q. At a small angle(q < 25°), the applied shear stress will first exceed

the interfacial shear strength Pmaxf , resulting in

shear failure, whereas at a large angle (q > 25°)the applied normal force will first exceed the nor-mal strengthPmax

n , leading to a detachment. Theseresults are consistent with the finite elementanalysis for a gecko foot (27), indicating thatthe important anisotropic mechanism for geckoadhesives is mimicked by the VA-MWNT dryadhesives. It can be seen from the model that theparameters Rs, r, and L represent the geometriceffect of the nonaligned nanotube segments onnormal and friction forces, whereas the Hamakerconstant A is the contribution of nanotube surfacechemistry. Increasing the film thickness may in-crease the number of effective nanotube contacts(r) and length of line contact (L) and thus in-crease both normal and shear adhesion, as shownby the data in Fig. 1D. The clean surface of theVA-MWNT arrays produced in our study maylead to a relatively highHamaker constant, whichis consistent with the stronger adhesion forcesobserved for our VA-MWNTs compared withthose for the nanotube arrays of a similar struc-ture produced by a conventional CVD processreported in (7, 19) (figs. S16 and S18).

For VA-MWNTswithout nonaligned top seg-ments, the nanotubes may not have line contactwith substrate. Assuming that all of the nano-tubes contact with the substrate at their top ends,the attractive force per unit area on nanotubes isFvdw ¼ rAd=12D2 (23). Using the above valuesof A, d, D, r, and m = 0.8 to 1.7 (26, 28), wecalculated the maximum normal and shear forcesper unit area to be 32N cm–2 and 26 to 55N cm–2,respectively. However, it is likely that only a frac-tion of the nanotube tips contact with the substrate(lower r) because of bundle formation at theplasma-etched VA-MWNT tips, resulting in muchlower values of normal and shear forces, as shownin fig. S12. For the inverted VA-MWNTarray, theexperiment data are close to the range oftheoretical predictions (Fig. 3C) given that thenanotube tip may have a slightly differentHamaker constant A from that of its sidewall.

We designed VA-MWNT arrays to mimicgecko feet with a shear adhesive force of closeto 100 N cm–2 while retaining a normal adhe-sion force comparable to that of gecko feet(about 10 N cm–2). Shear-induced alignment ofthe nonaligned nanotube top layer dramaticallyenhanced the shear adhesion force resulting fromline contact, which increased rapidly with in-creasing tube length. In contrast, the normal ad-hesion force is almost insensitive to the nanotubelength as a result of point contact. An alternativesticking and detaching of the VA-MWNT onvarious substrates with different flexibilities andsurface characteristics, including glass plates,PTFE film, rough sandpaper, and PET sheet,can mimic the walking of a living gecko. Thisfinding enables us to construct aligned carbonnanotube dry adhesives with a strong shearadhesion for firm attachment and relatively weaknormal adhesion for easy detachment, whichopens many technological applications.

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Supporting Online and MethodsFigs. S1 to S18Movies S1 to S5

23 April 2008; accepted 8 September 200810.1126/science.1159503

10 OCTOBER 2008 VOL 322 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org242


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