carp final

Post on 18-Dec-2014






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  • 1. Vocabulary Graffiti
    George Washington Carver Elementary
    Krysta and Kaitlin

2. Connection to SIP
One of the goals of the SIP:
To improve students writing (p. 12 in SIP)
We will focus on vocabulary
Throughout the SIP vocabulary was an area of weakness for all students
Grades 3-5 have limited experiences with exposure to a wide range of vocabulary (p. 4-5 in SIP)
3. Population
Elementary students at George Washington Carver Elementary
One 4th grade class (22)
One 5th grade class (20) now one 1st grade class (19)
4. Vocabulary Graffiti
students compose drawings that are related to the words they are learning
Spencer & Guillaume, 2009
5. The Research
Edens and Potter (2001) found that students have to select, organize and represent ideas when images are drawn by the students
Bromley (2007) found that a students memory is supported by drawing images because the information has to be translated from one form to another
Personal associations with unfamiliar words can also form (Hopkins & Bean, 1998-1999; Standerfer, 2006)
6. Implementation
Introduce three vocabulary words throughout the day in different subjects
Students will be given a new vocabulary word and asked to take out their writing journals
Students will be given 5 minutes to draw their vocabulary graffiti and then we will move on
Students will have the vocabulary graffiti for reference in their writing journals
7. Why Vocabulary Graffiti?
Enhance students vocabulary, which will enhance students writing (this is a goal of the SIP, p. 12)
Students will have the opportunity to use their new vocabulary words in their journals
Connecting the usage of vocabulary in the different subjects throughout the day
Spencer, B. H. & Guillaume, A. M. (2009). 35 strategies for developing content area vocabulary. Boston, Massachusetts: Allyn & Bacon.
8. Pre/Post Test
Sample question (Fourth Grade):
What is the definition of waterfall?
a.A steep descent of the water of a river.
b.An indentation of a shoreline larger than a cover but smaller than a gulf
c.A larger body of water.
d.A body of water surrounded by land.
9. Sample question (First grade):
1. leaf
10. Goal
To have the students journal entries improve in the word choice category of the 6+1 Trait Writing Model (Education Northwest, 1980s)
How will we do this?
Compare previous journal entries before our implementation of the vocabulary graffiti to journal entries afterout implementation
New goal: To have the students knowledge of vocabulary words increase
Compare pre tests and post tests
11. 6+1 Traits Writing Model
Developed by Education Northwest in the 1980s because of the need for a better way to gather information about students writing
Seven qualities
Word choice
Sentence fluency
Rubric scored from 1 to 4
We are focusing on the improvement of the word choice trait
12. Research Questions
Does vocabulary graffiti increase vocabulary usage in journal entries?
Does vocabulary graffiti increase students knowledge of vocabulary words?
13. Data Collection Plan
14. Timeline for each group member
Give pre test on Monday, October 18th
Implement vocabulary graffiti throughout the weeks of October 18th, October 25th, and November 1st
Give post test on week of November 1st
15. Pre-Post Test Findings: 1st Grade
16. 17. Pre-post Discrimination Index
18. Distracter AnalysisQuestion 1
19. 1st Grade
Students enjoyed connecting words to pictures
Vocabulary graffiti proved effective for circling the picture in relation to the vocabulary word
Students excited when they got to do the same test again
20. 21. Examples of Student work
22. Vocabulary words
23. Pre-Post Findings: 4th Grade
N= 21 students
24. 25. Item analysis- post test
26. 27. Distracter analysis
Which of these men would you consider feeble?
28. 4th Grade
Students enjoyed this activity
Hands on
Group work
Significant difference between scores on pre/post test
The post-assessments for was too easy- consider rewriting
29. Does vocabulary graffiti increase students knowledge of vocabulary words?
Vocabulary graffiti does increase students knowledge of vocabulary
Students scores in both 1st grade and 4th grade on the vocabulary posttests improved significantly
30. Does vocabulary graffiti increase vocabulary usage in journal entries?
We were not able to look into this research question because of a switch in placement
Not enough information in the journals in 1st grade
To keep consistent across grade levels, we decided to not use the 6+1 writing traits model to compare journal entries
31. Implications
Confounding variables
Original research design was compromised due to extenuating circumstances
32. Next Steps
Incorporate into first grade curriculum
Tweak design of delivery of vocabulary graffiti
Vocabulary graffiti is a fun, engaging activity that should be used to directly instruct vocabulary

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