cascade hydroelectric power plant shelek€¦ · cascade hydroelectric power plant-shelek...

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January 2016 -almaty


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2.1. General information about the basin

Understanding Pool Shelek River is located in Almaty region in the south-eastern part of the

Republic of Kazakhstan, the area of a swimming pool is in the range east 77º8 '~ 88º45', north

latitude, 42º52 '~ 43º46', in the south of the basin there is a mountain is Ili Alatao that it

borders with Kyrgyzstan.

The river is the primary Shelek Bayou And the source of the river from the glacier

Zailiyskogo- Alatau, the source of the peak is at an altitude of 4642m, the upper and middle

reaches of the plot takes place in a wide gorge ravine Zhalanash and turns north, then flows into

the Kapchagai reservoir. The total length of the river Shelik - 245 km, the basin area of

4980km2, it is the largest tributary of the Ili River water systems in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Driving water systems spread Chilik river basin cm. Ris.2¬1.

The cross-section is Syaochao Chilik River exit section of the mountains, the geographic

coordinates - east longitude 78° 31 north latitude 43° 19, its upper course refers to the area of

education runoff, hydrography characteristics differ from region scattering runoff. The catchment

area, managed in this area 3932 km2, including glacier area 292km2, covers 7.4% of the area of

the river basin Chilik Syaotechao above section, length of the river - 147km, the pool length -

130 km, the average width of the swimming pool 30 km, the coefficient river forms 0.23, is

mainly a bellboy pool and feathery water systems, the right bank of more developed than the

left. Place section Syaotechao see. Ris.2-1

The cross-section is Syaochao Chilik River exit section of the mountains, the geographic

coordinates - east longitude 78 ° 31 north latitude 43 ° 19, its upper course refers to the area of

education runoff, hydrography characteristics differ from region scattering runoff. The catchment

area, managed in this area 3932 km2, including glacier area 292km2, covers 7.4% of the area of

the river basin Chilik Syaotechao above section, length of the river - 147km, the pool length -

130 km, the average width of the swimming pool 30 km, the coefficient river forms 0.23, is

mainly a bellboy pool and feathery water systems, the right bank of more developed than the

left. Place section Syaotechao see. Ris.2-1.



2.2 Meteorology

The area where there is a pool of the river Chilik belongs to the continental temperate

climate, influenced moderately moist flow of the Atlantic Ocean, the Black Sea, the Caspian

Sea and Lake Balkhash, the nature of the pool is basically a significant difference daily

temperature, the spring temperature rises rapidly, and in the fall quickly falls.

The main meteorological elements in that area as rainfall, temperature, wind speed, wind

direction, etc., Are limited in height and terrain. Basin Mali is adjacent pool Chilik river, using

long-term observation data from meteorological stations Mali River Basin can be indirectly

compared the characteristics of private meteorology in the mountainous region Chilik River.

According to the weather station neighborhood pool, pool Chilik river at a height above sea

level 1800m-2000m has the following characteristics:

2.2 (1) The reach of the average annual temperature is 18 °, the maximum temperature of 34o,

comes in July, and the minimum temperature of -34o, appears in January.

2.3 (2) The reach of the annual average rainfall - 600 mm, which corresponds to 60% of the

precipitation that falls during the summer, the average winter snow depth reaches 30 cm.

(3) Wind direction depends on the location of the ridge, the annual wind speed 2,5-3,5m / s,

the annual maximum speed - 20-30 m / s.

2.3 Location hydrological station (GS) and data collection

The Chilik river basin has one hydrological station, geographical coordinates: east longitude 78

° 27 'north latitude 43 ° 5', located at a distance of 35km from Syaotechao section, as shown

in Figure 2-1. In this layout, the station called "Chilik farm", which is located at an altitude of

1420m above sea level, the catchment basin area of 2170km2. To date, there is evidence of

secondary Daily water consumption in Chilik river for 58 years from 1927 to 1985.

2.4. Stoke

2.4.1. Photo Features.

For inland river way out of the mountains is the point of separation from the District

Education drain region of the scattering. A cross section Syaotechao as a section out of the

mountains, it is within the upper area of education different from the run-off and drain region

of the scattering on the hydrographic characteristics.

From Syaochao section in the upper part of the glacier is more developed. The area of

permanent snow cover approximately 292km2 of the glacier takes 7.4% of the pool from the

upper section Syaotechao and refers to a sample of the river, depending on the power of the

glacier. According to the analysis of the river Chilik, the power flow is mainly dependent on the

seasonal melting of snow, ice and groundwater, rainfall is a complementary food, so it is a

river of mixed feeding.

2.4.2. Annual change in runoff

Accounting reportedly stand Chilik farm for 10 years: a long-term average consumption of

31,03 m3 / s, years of average runoff - 9,792 × 108m3. A change in the flow, the river Chilik

small, summer runoff from June to September, takes approximately 44% in the year, but

there is a noticeable period of water scarcity. Annual distribution of the multi-year average

flow GS Chilik, respectively see Table 2-1, Figure 2-2.

Statistical table of the annual allocation of long-term average runoff from Chilik

Table 2-1


Schedule a one-year multi-year distribution of runoff from Chilik

Figure 2-2

Annual runoff change Chilik minor, according to the actual measurement, the maximum

annual runoff - 11,152x108m3 (1927), the minimum annual runoff - 8,967x108m3

(1985god), the ratio of maximum to minimum flow of one year - 1.24. The actual process line

is the annual runoff Chilik farm for 1998 - 2007, sees Figure 2-3. The actual process line is the

annual runoff Chilik farm for 1998 - 2007 years.

Figure. 2-3


2.4.3. Calculation of runoff farm using a series of measurements of the actual yearly runoff

Chilik station, waiting for the formula to determine the frequency of the pilot, the formula is as


m Pm =—----- (2-1)

n + 1

Where, m P - experienced frequency position m actual measurement series.

m - ordinal room from big to small for the actual measurement series.

n - number of years of actual measurement.

In a series of actual changes in the annual runoff and the appropriate frequency, with the

frequency curve of type P. The visually assess and determine the line after receiving the

average value of Cv, Cs / Cv, and adjust the parameters of the static drain to get the accuracy

of the result of calculation. After the adjustment, set the settlement result of the annual run-off,

see. Table 2-2.

table calculation result of a year-long period of HS Chilik Table 2-2

Calculated parameter monthly average settlement rate (m3 / s)



Cv Cs/Cv P=5% P=10% P=25% P=50% P=75% P=90% P=95%

29.1 0.1 8 34.5 33.0 30.8 28.7 27.0 25.1 25.7

2.5. Floods

2.5.1. Feature flood

Chilik river is the river that feeds mainly on melting snow, ice and groundwater. Meals

groundwater is stable, so the summer melting snow and ice is the basis for the formation of the

river, in addition, most of the rain falls in the year to April, while the period of floods on Chilik

farm is mainly attributable to the seasonal high water.

2.5.2. Calculation farm flood

When this layout is used peak flow module similar flood of the river hydrological conditions in

neighboring China basin, formula 2-3 to determine the long-term average of the annual average

flow of the maximum peak flood HS Chilik, the formula is as follows:

Qq = Mc Fq (2-3)


Where, Qq — long-term average of the maximum peak flow rate floods HS Chilik m3 / s;

Mc- long-term average value of the unit of the maximum peak flood analogue stations m3/ (s

*km2) ;

Fq — the catchment area of the managed pool D Chilik km2.

Having a long-term average consumption of the maximum peak flood, citing statistical

parameters Cv and Cs / Cv high water farm nearby river and taking into account the specific

situation of significant power drain melting snow and ice in this basin, to determine Cv and Cs /

Cv. For these static parameters and with the use of the frequency curve of the P-type to

determine the calculated high water Chilik farm, the table of results

Table calculation result of floods HS Chilik

Table 2- 4

2.6. Sediment

Currently, data on GS overburden Chilik not obtained. Under the scheme of distribution of area

long-term average erosion modulus of suspended sediments of nearby rivers of China is similar to

the river Chilik, so to secure the module for calculating the average erosion of suspended sediment

taken the upper limit s M = 200t / km2, which is used to calculate the value of the character of

suspended sediment, Chilik River. To determine the long-term average rate of suspended sediment

to apply the formula 2-5:

W = Ms F (2-5)

Where, W – the annual sediment discharge of long-term average of suspended sediment t;

Ms - module is the erosion of long-term average of suspended sediment t / km2;

F — the catchment area of the controlled section km2 gateway locations km2.

Apply the formula to determine the long-term average sandy 2-6: P = Ws 103 (2-6)


Where, р — long-term average sand content kg/m3;

Ws — annual sediment discharge of long-term average of suspended sediment t;

W — long-term average runoff m3.


Consumption peak flood the estimated rate (m3 / s)

Section Area (km2) P=1



























Apply the formula for calculation of the river boulder 2-7:

Wb = βWs (2-7)

Where, Wb — the annual average rate of long-term deposits of the river boulder t;

Ws — annual sediment discharge of long-term average of suspended sediment t;

β — The ratio of the flow of the river boulder to the flow of suspended sediment.

Chilik river is a mountain river, to watch a particular situation, to take β —0.2.

To determine the total long-term average rate of deposits apply formula 2-8:

Wz = Ws + Wb (2-8)

Where, Wz — long-term average total annual sediment discharges t;

Wz — long-term average total annual consumption of suspended sediment t;

Wb — long-term average annual sediment discharge of the river boulder t.

To determine the ratio of long-term average sediment discharge, apply the formula 2-9:

Qs = Wz (2-9)


Where, Qs — long-term average annual rate of sediment discharge kg/s;

Wz — long-term average annual total sediment discharges t;

W — long-term average runoff m3.

The result of the calculation of sediment on the sections sm. 2-6.

2.7. Setting HS Network

When speed is regulated hydroelectric found 9 step HPPs on Chilik river.

This lay-station network touches the upper and lower parts of the HS Chilik. Given the location

of the proposed installation of a step in the HS - one seats respectively on the sections of the

first and ninth gateway gateway. To determine more precise details of water flow in the river

Chilik local gateways at all levels is necessary to further investigate the hydrology Chilik River.

2.8. Sentence

The hydrological characteristics of the river Chilik insufficiently researched analysis suggested

the following:

(1) River Chilik has a characteristic contrast to the neighboring rivers by runoff and high water;

it is suggested further study high water and hydrology.

(2) At the moment, we received insufficient hydrological data of river Chilik, which greatly

affects the calculation of flow and high water, it is necessary to collect additional data on actual

measurements of hydrology and meteorology, to get the accuracy calculation result.

(3) When collecting hydrological data has rather a summary, it is proposed an additional

charge of hydrological data on the HS station Chilik and neighboring basins, as well as to make a check-up and analysis of this hydrology.



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