case no. 52/90 john memfu nkwanyana and … · john memfu nkwanyana and two others appellant and...

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CASE NO. 52/90




Judgment by:



CASE NO. 52/90




In the matter between:












At about midnight on 16 July 1987, a hut in the



Sovana Reserve in the district of Nongoma, Zululand, was

set on fire. Five persons were in the hut at the time,

presumably asleep. They were 84 year-old Mrs Elsie

Magagula ("Elsie"), her two adult grand-daughters and two

boys aged nine and five. It would seem that the flames

quickly spread and engulfed the hut. A neighbour helped

the three adults escape through a window. They had,

however, already suffered severe and extensive burns. They

were taken to hospital. Two of them died there the

following day. The third died the day after. In each

case the cause of death was toxaemia and renal failure.

These were complications of the injuries they sustained.

They were such that according to the medical evidence there

was no chance of survival. The two children were found

dead in the hut. The doctor who performed the post-mortem

examination on them testified that their bodies had been

"charred beyond recognition".



These events led to the prosecution of the three

appellants before SQUIRES J and assessors in the Natal

Provincial Division on five counts of murder. The State

case was that it was the first and second appellants who, at the instigation of the third appellant, had intentionally set the hut alight and thus caused the death of the five occupants. Appellants denied these allegations. Their evidence in support of what amounted to alibi defences was, however, rejected. Third appellant was found guilty on all five counts of murder. But first and second appellants were convicted on one count only, viz, the murder of Elsie. This was because, so it was held, the State had not (as it had in the case of third appellant) proved that they knew that the hut was occupied by anyone else. No extenuating circumstances were found. Accordingly each of the appellants was sentenced to death on the counts on which they were found guilty. This 4/


appeal is against their convictions and sentences.

I must refer to a preliminary, procedural matter.

It arises from the fact that at the commencement of the

trial first and second appellants declined the services of

the pro deo counsel who had been appointed to represent

them and who had prepared their respective defences. They

each stated that he wished to conduct his own defence.

SQUIRES J was understandably anxious that this should not

happen. But despite his commendable attempt to persuade

first and second appellants to change their minds, they

persisted in their attitude. Counsel were, however, not

then discharged from their duties. At the learned judge's

invitation they remained in attendance and cross-examined

certain of the State witnesses after first and second

appellants had been given the opportunity of doing so.

Furthermore, at the end of the evidence counsel were asked

to and did, in addition to appellants themselves, present



argument to the Court. There may not be any objection to

the latter course but counsel should not have been allowed

to cross-examine. Whilst an accused has a fundamental

right to legal representation (S vs Mabaso and Another

1990(3) SA 185(A)) he also has a fundamental right to

represent himself (S vs Tyebela 1989(2) SA 22(A) at 31 D).

What happened detracted, so it seems to me, from such

right. Furthermore, it involved the potential of answers

adverse to appellants being elicited. In fact, however,

this did not occur so that in the result they did not

suffer any prejudice.

Elsie was third appellant's mother-in-law. What

the State sought to prove was that he wished to kill her.

The setting alight of her hut on the night in question was

the means of achieving his nefarious purpose. He had hired

first and second appellants to do this. In summary the

evidence relied on by the State was the following:



(i) That of Amos Mathe who stated that about a week

before Elsie's house burnt down he was approachéd

by third appellant who said that he wished to

hire him "to go and kill the Magagulas". He was

prepared to pay Mathe R3 000 to do this. The

reason he gave for wanting them killed was that

his wife had deserted him and "the Magagulas are

aware of (her) whereabouts". Moreover, so he

further told Mathe, his wife had stolen R70,000

from him. The witness "assumed" that they had

refused to tell third appellant where she was.

A few days after the fire he spoke to first

appellant who admitted that he was one of the

persons who had set the hut alight.

(ii) Then there was the evidence of Absolom Gama. He

worked for third appellant. His testimony was



that on the night in question he was in the

company of third appellant at third appellant's

shop. Two persons arrived there. He later

identified one of them as second appellant.

Third appellant handed them two gas cylinders and

a container of paraffin. He said to them: "Take

these two gas cylinders and this container and

you go and burn everybody who is there, with

these gas cylinders". They then left. They

later returned. They reported to third

appellant that they had "fixed everything up".

Third appellant thanked them. At third

appellant's request the witness took a bag of

money from the safe of the shop and handed it to

third appellant. Gama then went to bed.

(iii) The State also tendered written confessions

allegedly made by each of first and second



appellants to a magistrate shortly after their

arrest about a year after the commission of the

crimes. First appellant denied having made the

confession. In addition he and second appellant

testified (in a trial within a trial) that they

had been assaulted. On this basis they

contended that the confessions had not been

freely and voluntarily made and were therefore

inadmissible. The trial court, however, held

that the onus (which by reason of Sec 217(1)(b)

of Act 51 of 1977 rested on them) of proving the

duress relied on, had not been discharged. In

their respective confessions first and second

appellants describe how, by means of the

eguipment supplied to them by third appellant,

they set the hut on fire. What they state to be

petrol was poured under the door. The cylinders



containing gas were opened and thrown inside the

hut. A match was lit and the blaze started.

(iv) A further admission proved (against first

appellant) was what he said at the sec 119 proceedings. They were held the day after he made his confession. First appellant, in pleading guilty to the five counts of murder, briefly confirmed the terms of his confession. (v) Certain witnesses confirmed that two empty gas cylinders were found at the scene of the fire. In addition there was evidence that an explosion emanating from the hut was heard at the time. That then was the case which appellants had to meet. In his evidence third appellant, admitted that his wife had about a month before the incident deserted him and that he was looking for her. He said that he suspected that she had misappropriated, not money, but some R900 worth of 10/


stock from his shop. But he denied that this had affected

his relationship with his mother-in-law; on the contrary

they continued to be on good terms with each other; he had

not asked her the whereabouts of his wife; he did not hold

her or her family responsible for his marital problems; he

never entertained any thought of harming them. He

admitted that on the night in question he was with Gama at

his shop. He denied, however, that first and second

appellants arrived there. He had never hired them to kill

Elsie. Nor had he ever approached Mathe for this purpose.

First and second appellants similarly denied their alleged

participation in the crimes or their presence at third

appellant's shop as Gama alleged. And first appellant

denied the admission he was alleged to have made to Mathe.

As I have indicated, the trial court, in a

comprehensive judgment, rejected appellants' evidence.

Having admitted first and second appellants' confessions it



found them reliable. The discovery of the gas cylinders

was an objective fact supporting what was stated in them.

The court seems to have had some hesitation in accepting

Mathe's evidence involving first appellant but a certain

amount of weight does appear to have been attached to his

implication of third appellant. Gama's credibility was,

however, approached more positively. He impressed the

court. After a careful analysis of his evidence, SQUIRES

J rejected the argument that he was part of a conspiracy to

falsely implicate second and third appellants. Though

regarding him as a single witness, the learned judge

accepted his version as the truth. Moreover his

identification of second appellant as one of the two

persons who was at third appellant' s shop was held to be


Before us, counsel for appellants launched a

wide-ranging attack on the correctness of the convictions.



(i) On behalf of first appellant it was contended

that neither his confession nor his admissions in

the sec 119 proceedings should have been

admitted; he had on his arrest and for some time

subsequent thereto denied his guilt; even when

initially taken to a magistrate by the name of de

Klerk (not the one to whom he later confessed),

he still did not admit any personal participation

in the crimes; it was therefore probable that he

later confessed because of the assaults which he

said were perpetrated on him by the investigating

officer, Sgt Ntuli and others; Sgt Ntuli was a

bad witness who had contradicted himself and who

admittedly had questioned first appellant for a

lengthy period shortly after first appellant's

arrest; on the State evidence itself the

opportunity for first appellant having been



assaulted prior to him making the confession

existed; and such evidence did not explain what

happened to first appellant during this period.

Alternatively it was said that the confession

differed radically from the events described by

Mathe and especially Gama and was accordingly

unreliable. Finally, attention was drawn to

the fact that Gama, who (so first appellant

alleged) knew him, did not purport to identify

him as second appellant's companion on the night

in question.

(ii) Leave to appeal against the admission of second

appellant's confession was refused by the trial

judge. Counsel nevertheless relied on second

appellant's evidence that his confession was

involuntarily made in support of an argument that

it should have been held to have been unreliable

and therefore deserving of no weight. The



cogency of Gama's evidence implicating second

appellant was also attacked on various grounds.

The main ones were that he had not satisfactorily

explained why he had delayed for about a year

before reporting the matter to the police; he

had contradicted himself in his evidence; there

were discrepancies between his evidence and the

contents of the confession; it was improbable

that appellants would have discussed the

contemplated setting alight of Elsie's hut in

front of him; and the witness's identification

of second appellant was in any event unreliable.

(iii) The principal argument on behalf of third

appellant was that Gama's evidence should not

have been accepted. Echoing the argument on

behalf of second appellant, his counsel submitted

that it was incredible that appellants with a

total disregard for their own interest would plan



the murders in Gama's presence and that third

appellant would make him a party to the fact that

he was going to reward the two persons he had

hired. A further complaint was that the trial

judge had in his approach to Gama's evidence

misdirected himself in certain respects. Gama

should have been held to have had a motive to

falsely implicate third appellant. Mathe's

credibility was also impugned; counsel

submitted that it was improbable that third

appellant would have approached Mathe to carry

out the murders; having done so their

arrangements in this regard would not have been

as indefinite as they apparently were; and Mathe

too had failed to satisfactorily explain his

delay (also of about a year) in reporting the

matter to the police; he was moreover akin to an

accomplice and had been warned as such in terms



of sec 204 of the Act. Another submission was

that in the absence of evidence by third

appellant's wife (who it was said was an

available witness) the State had failed to

establish that Elsie had refused to disclose the

wife's whereabouts to third appellant;

accordingly the State had not established a

motive on his part to harm her.

I do not propose to deal with these arguments in

any detail. Substantially the same contentions were urged

upon the trial court. In my view its rejection of them is

unassailable. First appellant's denial that he made a

confession was manifestly false. And the State presented a

strong body of evidence in rebuttal of his and second

appellant's allegations of assault. In the case of first

appellant it showed that he failed to complain to Mr de



Klerk (the magistrate to whom I referred earlier) or to a

district surgeon who, at the instance of Sgt Ntuli,

examined him immediately after he had made the confession

in issue. Nor did he say anything to the magistrate

during the sec 119 proceedings about having allegedly been

assaulted. First appellant was unable to satisfactorily

explain these omissions. And, of course, he told the

magistrate before whom he confessed that he had not been

assaulted. Neither the two magistrates nor the doctor saw

any signs of injury on first appellant. On his version

they should have. Second appellant too failed to allege

that he had been assaulted when he should reasonably have

done so. Furthermore I agree with SQUIRES J that his

version of how he was mishandled by the police was far-

fetched. The contents of both confessions are such as to

make it improbable that they were the product of what the

police told appellants to say (which is what they alleged).



The trial judge was alive to the criticisms of Sgt Ntuli.

In the result the argument that the confessions should have

been ruled inadmissible must be rejected. The same

applies to the submission that they should have been

regarded as unreliable. What discrepancies exist between

them and the objective facts established by the State are

unimportant. A confession need not and often does not

accurately describe all the details of the events to which

it relates. In any event the finding of the cylinders and

the hearing of an explosion corroborate what appellants say

in their confessions. This brings me to Gama's evidence.

It is crucial to third appellant's conviction. The trial

court realised this. It dealt at length with the attack

on Gama's credibility. Valid reasons were given for

rejecting the criticisms levelled at this witness. I do

not believe that his version, which is a fairly detailed

one, was a fabrication. In my opinion there is no warrant



for interfering with the conclusion that in implicating

third appellant as he did, Gama was telling the truth and

that his identification of second appellant was reliable.

The result, in my opinion, is that the State

proved (i) by means of Gama's (and Mathe's) evidence that

third appellant instigated the burning down of Elsie's hut;

(ii) that first appellant confessed to his participation in

the crime; and (iii) second appellant's guilt by means of

his confession and Gama's identification of him as being

one of the persons who, on the night in question, was at

third appellant's shop when the events described took

place. On these findings it is clear that appellants were

correctly found guilty of the murder of Elsie. It was,

however, submitted on behalf of third appellant that the

trial court should not have found it proved that he had the

necessary intent to kill the four other occupants of the

hut and that he should therefore not have been found guilty



on counts 2, 3 4 and 5. I am unable to agree. Gama's

evidence that third appellant instructed first and second

appellants to "go and burn everybody who is there" shows

that he subjectively contemplated at least the possibility

of the presence of others in the hut and accordingly the

possibility of their deaths. It was a case of dolus


This brings me to the appeal against sentence.

When the trial was concluded, what I call the old sec 277

of the Act was still in operation. This meant that in the

absence of a finding of extenuating circumstances, the

death sentence was compulsory. Now, however, by virtue of

the introduction by sec 4 of the Criminal Law Amendment

Act, 107 of 1990 of a new sec 277 the position is, as will

be seen, substantially different. And, despite the fact

that the amending Act came into operation only on 27 July

1990, sec 277 as amended is to be applied (see the recent



judgments of this Court in Masina and Others vs S, case no

695/89, delivered on 13 September 1990 and Senonohi vs S,

case no 691/89, delivered on 17 September 1990). This

is because by virtue of sec 20(1)(a) of the amending Act an

appeal has to be continued and concluded as if secs 4 and

13(b) had at all relevant times been in operation. I have

already mentioned sec 4. Sec 13(b), by inserting a new

sub-sec (2A) into sec 322 of the Act, brings about a

fundamental alteration to the powers of the Appellate

Division when dealing with appeals against the death

sentence. It enables this Court to set aside the sentence

if it is of the opinion that it would not itself have

imposed the sentence of death. In this event it may

impose such punishment as it considers proper. In other

words, the previous limitation on the power of this court

to interfere with the imposition of the death sentence has

fallen away. Now this Court can on appeal impose whatever



sentence it considers should have been imposed by the trial

court. And in deciding what such sentence should have

been, regard must, as I have indicated, be had to the new

sec 277.

I therefore turn to a consideration of the effect

of the new sec 277 and more particularly sub-sec (2)

thereof. The following are its essential features:

(i) It abolishes the compulsory imposition of the

sentence of death. The presiding judge is given

what amounts to a discretion in this regard. It

is true that the word "shall" is still used. But

the consequent obligation to impose the death

sentence only arises if the presiding judge "is

satisfied that the sentence of death is the

proper sentence".

(ii) In pondering this fateful guestion, the presiding



judge is enjoined to have "due regard" to "the

presence or absence of any mitigating or

aggravating factors". Indeed, a finding in

this regard has to be made. It is doubtful

whether the absence of mitigating factors could

in itself be aggravating. But it may be that

the absence of aggravating factors is mitigating.

The use of "a finding" in sub-sec (2)(a) can

possibly lead to misunderstanding. The section

cannot be read as requiring a single finding.

Usually both mitigating and aggravating factors

will be present. Neither term is defined.

Mitigating factors, whilst obviously including

those which until now have been regarded as

extenuating circumstances, is a wider concept

(see the judgment of FRIEDMAN AJA in Masina and

Others vs S, supra, at p 10). What constitutes

aggravating factors in relation to a crime which



is a very serious one in its nature, will have to

be clarified by the courts. Suffice it to say

at this stage that the degree of planning, the

manner of the commission of the murder, its

motive, the circumstances of the victim and an

accused's previous convictions are some of the

considerations which will no doubt be viewed as

relevant in deciding whether there are

aggravating factors.

(iii) The question of who bears the onus of

establishing the presence or absence of

mitigating and aggravating factors arises. So

does the degree of proof. Contrary to sub-sec

(3)(b) (which places the onus of showing that an

accused was 18 years of age or older on the

State), there is no reference in sub-sec (2)(a)

to onus. It has been held that the use of the

term onus in relation to factors relevant to



sentencing is inappropriate; and that no rigid

rules governing the degree of proof can

satisfactorily be laid down (see R vs Chinyani

1969(2) S A 588 (RAD) and the two cases cited at

589 as also S vs Seleke 1976(1) S A 675(T) at 690

F and S vs Mogashoa 1978(1) S A 492(T) at 496

A). But the position created by the new sec

277(2) calls for a different approach. A

finding or findings on the presence or absence of

mitigating or aggravating factors has to be made.

There may be a dispute about this. In these

circumstances it would be difficult if not

impossible to make the necessary findings unless

the incidence of onus operates. As Hoffmann and ..

Zeffertt, The South African Law of Evidence, 4th

ed, at 495 state:

"Any rule of law which annexes legal

consequences to a fact, ... must, as a



necessary corollary, provide for which party

is supposed to prove that fact".

No difficulty arises in relation to the onus and

degree of proof of aggravating factors. In

accordance with principle it will be for the

State to establish their presence. And in order

to discharge such onus, proof beyond reasonable

doubt will be required. There is authority in

support of both propositions (S vs Shepard and

Others 1967(4) S A 170(W) and 180 B - D; see too

Schmidt: Bewysreg, 3rd ed, 60-1). In my view

a similar rule should apply in regard to the

mitigating factors referred to in the new sec

277(2). An accused will, of course (unless a

mitigating factor already appears from the

evidence), have to raise it and adduce whatever

evidence he can on the point. But, having done

so, the onus should be on the State to negative,



beyond reasonable doubt, the existence of such

mitigating factors as are relied on by an

accused. It follows that if there remains a

reasonable possibility that mitigating factors

exist, the onus is not discharged. This may be

said to run counter to the rule that it was for

the accused . to establish extenuating

circumstances. But that rule originated from

the particular wording of the statute which

created the concept of extenuating circumstances

(see R vs Lembete 1947(2) S A 603(A) at 609). I

accordingly do not think that it can be assumed

that the Legislature intended that the same *

principle should apply to the new sec 277. On

the contrary, there is reason to think that it

did not so intend. Placing the burden of proof

on the State to negative the existence of

mitigating factors will avoid a difference in the



incidence of the onus of proof (which would

otherwise occur) in regard to mitigating factors

on the one hand and aggravating factors on the

other; and also in regard to facts relevant to

conviction on the one hand and those relevant to

sentence on the other. The illogicality of there

being a different onus in this latter regard was

referred to by COLMAN J in S vs Shepard, supra.

Having cited overseas authority that it is for

the prosecution to disprove mitigating facts, the

learned judge (at 180 G) said:

"What is attractive about the approach is

this: To an accused person the sentence is

at least as important as the conviction, and

it might seem, in a sense, anomalous to give

him the benefit of all reasonable doubts

before finding him guilty, and then, when

dealing with a question which may make a vast

difference to his sentence, to place an onus

on him so that the Court, if it f inds the

probabilities equally balanced in relation to

some mitigating fact, will punish him as if

that fact did not exist."



Schmidt, op cit, at 61-2 endorses this approach.

It may be said to be unfair to the State that

it be burdened with the onus of disproving

mitigating factors especially where, as will

often be the case, they depend on matters

peculiarly within the knowledge of the accused.

This is a consideration but it must bow to the

factors referred to. In any event the problem

will often be more apparent than real. It

follows from what was said earlier that the

State's onus will not generally arise unless the

mitigating factor relied on has been "'genuinely

raised in a genuine fashion', or 'unless a

proper foundation (for it) is laid' by the

accused in the sense that the court could find

that the (factor) existed, or 'unless the



evidence reveals it as a possible factor in the

case'". (Burchell and Hunt: South African

Criminal Law and Procedure, vol 1, 2nd ed, 135).

What is required is a factual basis for the

mitigating circumstance. A speculative one will

not suffice to raise it (Du Toit, Straf in Suid-

Afrika, 51).

(iv) In considering whether the death sentence is "the

proper sentence" (an expression which the

Legislature has understandably not defined),

the findings as to mitigating and aggravating

factors are not necessarily decisive. What the

section provides is that "due regard" be had to

them. This means "consideration in a degree

appropriate to (the) demands of the particular

case" (Black's Law Dictionary, 5th ed, sv "due regard"). Inherent in the expression therefore

is a recognition that other matters may be


31 .

relevant. The absence of mitigating factors (or,

as before, extenuating circumstances) will not

mean that the death sentence should be passed.

Conversely the presence of mitigating factors

will not mean that the death sentence should not

be passed. And when both mitigating and

aggravating factors are present, their respective

force or significance will have to be weighed in

order to determine whether the death sentence is

the proper one. In doing this I agree with

the view of E M GROSSKOPF JA in Senonohi vs S,

supra (at pp 18-19) that regard will be had to

the main purposes of punishment, namely,

deterrent, preventive, reformative and

retributive. This means that in deciding

whether the death sentence is the proper one,

consideration will be given to whether these

objects cannot properly be achieved by a sentence



other than the death sentence (generally a lengthy

period of imprisonment). If they can, then the

death sentence will not be passed. This is

because "the proper sentence" (unlike "a proper

sentence") must be interpreted to mean "the only

proper sentence". It follows that the imposition

of the death sentence will be confined to

exceptionally serious cases; where (in the words

of NICHOLAS AJA in S vs J 1989(1) S A 669(A) at 682

D, albeit in a different context) "it is

imperatively called for." I do not think that any

further attempt at defining when the impositon of

the death sentence will be justified, can or should

at this stage be made.

The principal mitigating factor advanced on behalf

of first and second appellants was that they did third

appellant's bidding out of fear for him. The fear was that



he would kill them. Neither appellant gave any such

evidence seeing that their version was a denial that they

had set the hut alight. They relied, however, on their

confessions. In that of first appellant there is the

statement that third appellant said he would shoot him

"like Khalazame Buthelezi ... if I refused" (to carry out

the assignment). According to second appellant's

confession third appellant threatened to "hire people to

kill me ... if I tell anybody about this incident". The

confessions having been admitted in evidence, appellants

were, despite their repudiation of them, entitled to have

these favourable portions considered (R vs Valachia and

Another 1945 AD 826; S vs Yelani 1989(2) S A 43(A) at 49H -

50C). But the question is: what weight should they

carry? It was said that the State evidence itself lends

some support to the contention that first and second

appellants were intimidated by third appellant. It shows

that third appellant (aged 48 and who was regarded by the



trial judge as a domineering personality) had threatened to

harm Gama if he told anyone about what he had seen or heard

on the night in question. Gama took the threat seriously.

Mathe also feared third appellant. Thus when he was

approached by third appellant to kill Elsie, he, as a

subterfuge, agreed to do so; he felt that if he refused "I

would be jeopardising my life". But in the result Mathe

did not carry out what third appellant asked him to do.

And the threat to Gama was merely to ensure his silence.

Their situation is therefore hardly comparable to that of

first and second appellants who were allegedly compelled to

take positive action of a drastic kind. The State

evidence relied on does not assist appellants. So I

revert to their confessions. They were of course found to

be reliable. But this finding was in respect of the

incriminating portions of the statements. It does not

follow that the exculpatory portions or those portions

which might be regarded as evidence of extenuation must



also be accepted (S vs Tovakepi 1973(1) S A 694 (RAD) at

695 D - H) . The confessions were not made on oath and

were not subject to cross-examination. First appellant

falsely denied making his confession. Second appellant

falsely testified that he was told what to say. These are

factors which very much detract from the cogency of those

portions of the statement now relied on (S vs Yelani,

supra, at 50 C - E). Besides, the confessions contain

bald assertions. It is not stated in that of first

appellant (who, like second appellant, is a person of

mature years - both were aged 35) that he had or thought he

had no option but to carry out his assignment. There is

nothing about how imminent or real he regarded the danger

to himself or whether he considered it impossible to

extricate himself from his dilemma. A strong indication

that he did not feel compelled to act as he did is the

disclosure that third appellant promised to "give us



money". First appellant goes on to state that third

appellant, when they returned to his shop paid him R400 and

promised him a further amount of R1 100. Second

appellant's confession, which is subject to the same

criticisms, is even weaker on the issue of duress. It

will be apparent from what has been quoted that the threat

relied on was made after the incident and was that second

appellant should not say anything about the murder. There

is no reference to any threat of harm if he did not carry

out the crime. He too was paid for what he did. The

confession alleges that third appellant gave him R1 800 and

promised to build a butchery for him. The law jealously

circumscribes the defence of compulsion (R vs Samuel and

Others 1960(4) S A 702 (SR) at 703 D). I think the same

applies to where compulsion is sought to be used in

mitigation. In the result, I do not think that either

confession raised a sufficient factual foundation for the



factor of coercion to operate in mitigation. First and

second appellants must therefore be sentenced on the basis

that they were willing participants in the crime. At the

same time, however, the role played by third appellant

cannot be overlooked. The fact that the crime was his

brain-child and that first and second appellants became

involved in it only because of him, is to some extent


First and second appellants relied on certain other

factors as being mitigating. One was that first appellant

is a first offender and that second appellant has no

relevant previous convictions. Plainly, these are

mitigating features and must be taken into account. I think

that the fact that they appear to be unsophisticated and

poorly educated persons who have spent most of their lives

in a rural area may also be regarded as mitigating. The

only others worthy of consideration were the lure of

financial reward which was promised and paid to them and



that in appellants' minds there allegedly was an

"acceptable" reason for killing Elsie, namely, that she had

hired people to kill third appellant. Both confessions

state that this is the reason third appellant gave first

and second appellant for him wanting Elsie murdered. In

my view neither can have any effect favourable to first or

second appellants in deciding whether the death sentence is

the proper sentence. Both are prima facie inconsistent

with the plea of coercion (and, in the case of first

appellant, with his statement at the sec 119 proceedings

that Elsie was killed because she had been stealing from

third appellant's shop). Far from the promise of payment

being mitigating it is, as counsel for first and second

appellant conceded, an aggravating factor. The reason

allegedly given by third appellant why Elsie was to be

killed was by no means an acceptable one. Moreover, the

confession contained no details of how appellants were



influenced by what third appellant told them, if they were

influenced at all.

The issue of whether there were mitigating factors

in the case of third appellant can be briefly disposed of.

It was argued that his domestic tribulations constituted a

mitigating factor; the State evidence showed that he

believed that his mother-in-law was preventing him from

finding his wife and thus redressing the situation; she

caused him emotional stress which led to his decision to

kill her; in the circumstances the reprehensibility of his

conduct (as far as the murder of Elsie was concerned) was

reduced. A similar argument was presented to SQUIRES J.

The learned judge seems to have accepted that Elsie had

refused to disclose to third appellant his wife's

whereabouts and that she had thus frustrated third

appellant. This was, I think, a finding over-generous to

third appellant. It was founded on Mathe's evidence. But



all he said was "I assume (third appellant) had already

been to the Magagulas and the Magagulas were not prepared

to tell him where the wife was and that is why he wanted to

get rid of them". In any event I agree with the following

conclusion of the trial judge:

"(T)here is nothing in our view to show... that a

response of the nature here involved and described

above, was in any way appropriate to the situation.

Had the accused done his reasonable best to find

out from his mother-in-law his ex-wife's

whereabouts, and been frustrated or refused in so

doing, the circumstances calculated to make a

reasonable person angry, one could understand such

an argument and better receive it. The mere

refusal to tell him of her daughter's whereabouts,

accepting Mathe's evidence for this purpose, would

not in our view reduce the moral blameworthiness of

putting her to death in this way; and the

situation is a fortiori in respect of the other

deceaseds on count two to five. Their destruction

was ordered for no other reason than that they were

either somehow related to his ex-wife, or by living

in the mother-in-law's house they were guilty by


As Mr Blomkamp, during the course of his able argument for

the State pointed out, the death of Elsie necessarily ended



any hope of ascertaining from her where his wife was. His

decision to kill her was an act of vengence.

There are many aggravating features about this

case. And most of them apply to all three appellants. I

have already referred to their motives. In the case of

third appellant it was unreasoned vengeance. First and

second appellents were hired killers acting for reward.

The crime was committed not impulsively but after a number

of days of plotting and preparation by third appellant.

First appellant too had a period of days to reflect on his

involvement; second appellant at least a few hours. What

is more, the burning down of the hut was the second attempt

made to murder Elsie that night. The initial intention

was to stab her to death. First appellant's confession

describes how third appellant provided him and second

appellant with so-called cane knives with which they were

to "chop" Elsie. Gama's evidence and second appellant's



confession corroborate this. It appears, however, that

the plan was frustrated by Elsie remaining in her hut or by.

the presence of "many people there". But this did not deter

appellants. They persisted in their machinations. First

and second appellants returned to third appellant's shop.

They reported that they "were not successful". It was

then that third appellant supplied them with the gas

cylinders and paraffin. Their use in the manner

contemplated was bound to and did achieve appellant's

purpose. Appellants acted with dolus directus. The attack

was a stealthy one. It took place on the victims' home in

the middle of the night when they were in all probability

asleep. The occupants must have been oblivious to and

quite unprepared for it. As it turned out and as-

appellants obviously realised, there was no chance of

escape. The hut was a two-roomed one with only one

outside door. It led out of not the bedroom but the



kitchen (cum dining-room). It would seem that the fire

was started in the kitchen. In short, the crime was

ruthlessly executed in a cold-blooded manner. Consider

too the callousness of appellants' subsequent conduct.

Having escaped unobserved from the scene into the darkness,

first and second appellants returned to third appellant's

shop. There, as I have said, they reported what they had

done. Third appellant's exact response, according to

Gama, was "Thank you my boys, you have done the work" - and

he then paid them for it. They have shown no remorse. I

should add that third appellant has certain previous

convictions but I think they can be left out of account.

Those then are the relevant mitigating and

aggravating factors. What this Court has to decide is

whether, with due regard to them, it is satisfied that the

sentences of death are the proper sentences. I have come

to the conclusion that the answer is in the affirmative.



There are only aggravating factors as far as third

appellant is concerned. This is particularly so in

relation to the murders of the other two women and the two

boys. The mitigating factors applying to first and second

appellants are outweighed by the aggravating factors

referred to. The cumulative effect of these aggravating

factors is, in my opinion, such as to have made this a

heinous crime. Of course, the element of heinousness must

not, in the words of HOLMES JA in S vs Matthee 1971(3) S A

769(A) at 771 B - C, be emphasized out of perspective. The

learned judge goes on (at 771 C - D) to set out what the

relevant factors are in deciding whether, in a case of

murder where extenuating circumstances had been found, the

death sentence, as opposed to a (lengthy) period of

imprisonment, should be imposed. Included in what has to

be considered is whether a prison sentence would not be

regarded by society as an adequate deterrent to others, the



issue of rehabilitation and whether the evil of the

accused's deed "is so shocking, so clamant for extreme

retribution, that society would demand his destruction as

the only expiation for his wrongdoing". This approach

applies to the new sec 277. It takes into account the

main purposes of punishment. I propose to confine the

enquiry to the aspect of retribution. It is true that in

recent times its importance has diminished. But it still

features in deciding upon a proper sentence (S vs B 1985(2)

S A 120(A) at 124 I; S vs J, supra, at 682 H). In my

view, the circumstances of the present matter are such that

the element of retribution must play a decisive role.

They are such as to satisfy me that the above remarks of

HOLMES JA apply and that in the case of each appellant the

death sentence therefore was and is the proper sentence.

In the result, the appeals of all three appellants



against both their convictions and against their sentences

are dismissed.






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