cassandra goodman, global director, people engagement & experience, bupa

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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Leading Through ChangeCassandra Goodman


Fast forward 37 years…


“To lead, influence and

inspire the creation of

high performance

organisations where

people can thrive and

realise their full potential,

both individually and


My Purpose

VUCA is here to stay”Many organisations around the world today

are in trouble. The world is changing around

them while they remain stagnate. The larger

the gap grows, the greater the chance

becomes that these organisations will not


However organisations shouldn't just want to

survive they must want to thrive and be

competitive in a new rapidly changing world.

To do this requires pioneering change, not

waiting for tragedy or crisis to force change. ”

Jacob Morgan – The Future of Work

The Impact Of Glassdoor

“Business has become, in the last half century,

the most powerful institution on the planet.The dominant institution in any society

needs to take responsibility for the whole”

Willis Harmon, World Business Academy

“The significant problems we have cannot

be solved at the same level of thinking with

which we created them.”

Albert Einstein

Connected Leadership

Connected leaders operate from

a strong connection to self, a connection to others

and a connection to the “bigger picture”






“There isn’t a CEO on the planet who is responsible for the customer.

CEO’s are responsible for the people who are responsible for the customer.

Get that right, and everybody wins”

Simon Sinek




Head, Heart & Gut

“People will forget what

you said, people will

forget what you did, but

people will never forget

how you made them


- Maya Angelou

How did it

make you


How effective

was it?

How easy

was it?

Experience Elements

“Like it or not, believe it or not, the new era of business

is as much about feeling as it is about thinking. As

much about trusting as it is about testing. As much

about emotion, intuition and instinct as it is about

listening, learning & leveraging. How your

employees feel about themselves, about each other,

about the work they do and the organisation as a

whole, greatly impacts the quality, quantity and

consistency of their output.”

- Mykel Dixon

“Neurologists say that our brains are

programmes much more for stories than

for abstract ideas. Tales with a little

drama are remembered far longer than

any slide crammed with analytics.”

John P. Kotter

The Power of Storytelling

Mindfulness“Mindfulness practice can reach to the deepest parts of what it means

to be human. Non-judgemental attention and relaxation are

gateways to finding the stability to examine with curiosity, our most

challenging emotions, our deepest-held beliefs, and the habits that

impel us from one moment and one day to the next. We see how

they arise and dwell and fall away. We see the effect they have on

ourselves and others. And finally, we can see others fully, sometimes

for the first time, with fewer of the filters we use to block out things

we don’t want to hear, see or feel. We reach beyond the comfort

zone of our own newsfeed.”

Barry Boyce, Mindful Magazine

Know Your Values & Strengths

Dr.Nick Udall

A New Movement for Leaders

A Shift is HappeningFrom ‘Achiever Cultures’ that are... To Cultures of Innovation that are…

Victims of time and therefore time poor Masters of time and therefore time rich

Driven by norms and metrics (same old same old) Purpose driven, creatively escaping forward step-by-step

Risk averse and tolerant of mediocrity Uses risk to heighten focus, as flow follows focus

Fact-based decision making Pattern-based decision making

Fear-driven, holding on too tight to the past and


Insights, flow, collective intelligence & peak performance

More comfortable avoiding conflict and tension Working intentionally with creative tension and struggle

Obsessed with accountability and execution Freedom, shared responsibility, candid feedback & trust

Only able to work the parts (unable to work the


Patterning, binding, blending and chunking

Embody the Explicit System: linear, fragmented & slow Embody the Implicit Systems: systemic efficient & fast

Emotionless, hierarchical and compensation based Emotional, passionate and intrinsically rewarding

Ego-centric: valuing similarities Eco-centric: valuing novelty and difference

Dominated by leaders who take up space. Shaped by leaders who can hold space

The importance of understanding ‘The System’

What is it about the way we operate that could help or hinder us from living our cultural intention?

Systems Thinking

• Our dominant systems reward and reinforce patterns of reductionist thinking

• We are addicted to the search for the silver bullet

• Simple solutions are seductive they provide us with short term relief from

uncomfortable complexity and uncertainty

• We need to be vigilant in our Systems Thinking Practice

• Systems Thinking is a muscle we have to keep using to keep it strong

Berkana Two Loops Change Model

“Tradition is a very powerful force”

John P. Kotter

Workin’ nine to five, what a way to make a livin’Barely gettin’ by, it's all takin’ and no givin’

They just use your mind and you never get the creditIt's enough to drive you crazy if you let it

Nine to five, yeah they got you where they want you

There's a better life, and you dream about it, don't you?

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