causes of low sex drive in women and herbal treatment

Post on 15-Jan-2017






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Low Sex Drive In WomenThere are various causes of low sex drive in women ranging

from physical to psychological and behavioral. Once a woman

becomes less interested in sex the problem starts aggravating

on its own as it irritates her partner or spouse and also lack of

love in life takes a woman in a state of depression.

Low Sex Drive In WomenThough after a certain age when women start to experience

symptoms of menopause arrival of low libido is natural but in

most of the cases even young women loose their desire for

lovemaking which is a much serious concern.

Low Sex Drive In WomenHormonal fluctuations occurring due to menstruation, poor

health, thyroid problems and other medical conditions, use of

oral contraceptives, stress, poor diet, pregnancy, lactation and

medicines like antidepressants, sedatives etc can cause low

sex drive in women at any age.

Low Sex Drive In WomenPsychological causes like fear of pregnancy, feeling of guilt,

young children, anxiety, lack of trust in partner, financial

problems and tragic happening in the family also cause low

libido in women. Undernourished diet not supplementing the

body with all necessary nutrients creates deficiencies to weaken

nerves and reproductive organs which results in low sex drive in


Low Sex Drive In WomenSlow and sluggish digestive system, poor excretory system,

higher toxin level, urinary problems and weak immunity system

which cause frequent problems like UTI, vaginal infections,

dryness and itching in intimate organs are other causes of low

libido in women. Some times fixed and typed daily routine for

longer duration can also cause low sex drive in women even in

absence of any physical problem.

Lady Fire CapsulesThough there are many causes of low sex drive in women and

impact of this condition on one's life can be serious but

alleviating this problem is quite easy. Use of Lady Fire

capsules is an easy, safe and effective way to cure low

sex drive in women. These capsules come loaded with

Very potent and efficient herbs which directly affect and

improve female reproductive system and enhance its functioning.

Lady Fire CapsulesThe herbs in Lady Fire capsules also provide host of other

health benefits for providing long lasting cure like

maintaining hormonal balance and secretion, improving

digestive system, increasing blood flow to genital region,

strengthening nervous system for higher sensation,

improving excretory system, purifying blood and

increasing energy levels and stamina.

Lady Fire Capsules

All of these properties of these capsules benefit a woman

with sound physical, mental and emotional health which

reignites passion and lust in her for leading pleasurable

love life. Lady Fire capsules come loaded with effective

herbs which are used in many supplements for curing

low sex drive and improving overall health of a woman.

Lady Fire CapsulesThese capsules have a bunch of highly potent andtime-

tested herbs that improve female libido and energy

levels. These herbs are nature's gift to humans for

leading passionate and lustful love life and are certain

treatments to cure low libido in women. All of these herbs

supplied through one pill can alleviate the problem of

lesser drive in women without causing any side effects.

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