causes of the rev. colonial resistance grows

Post on 28-Jul-2015






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DO NOW What did you read about last night?

Write a brief summary paragraph that uses the TITLE and any 3

vocabulary terms. Begin with a topic sentence. P. 147

Learn about Townshend Acts,

Boston Massacre, and Boston Tea


12A. Who had a plan to raise revenue $$$ from the colonies?

p. 147

Charles Townshend, the King’s Finance Minister

Known as “Champagne Charlie”

12B. Describe the TOWNSHEND ACTS:

TOWNSHEND ACTS were a new set of taxes placed on imported products such as glass, paper, lead, paint, and tea

13. What were the WRITS OF ASSISTANCE?

14. Why were colonists upset about Townsend Acts and Writs of Assistance?

TOWNSHEND ACTS – They were being taxed $$$ again without having a voice in ___________________.

Writs of Assistance

“no one ought to harm another in LIFE, health, LIBERTY, or POSSESSIONS”

Meaning????????Who wrote this? When?

Writs of Assistance

(John Locke – Enlightenment)

It violated their natural rights (life, liberty, property)

15. Describe the DAUGHTERS OF LIBERTY.

When they boycotted British tea, they started making their tea from ________.

Boston was full of tension

The colonists did not like the British soldiers in their city

The colonist made fun of the British soldiers by calling them “lobster backs” because of red uniforms

“Yankee” was a rude name the British called the colonists

Started as an insult and later became a name in which the colonists were proud

16. What event happens on March 5, 1770?

Boston Massacre occurred on March 5, 1770

Some soldiers guarding the British Customs House were taunted by a crowd of citizens

A fight broke out and the British soldiers fired

A total of 5 citizens were killed and 6 were wounded

No British soldiers were hurt in the outbreak

Different accounts about what happened



Thinking Slide

Who names the event “The Boston Massacre”?

Paul Revere & the Sons of Liberty name it a “massacre” to make the citizens of Boston and the colonies very upset with the British

Vocab word for this????

Thinking SlideHow does the term “massacre” show an anti-British bias and propaganda?


CRISPUS ATTUCKS was an African American sailor who was the first killed at the Boston Massacre


The British soldiers were put on trial for murder

17A. Which lawyer decides to defend the British soldiers in the trial?

John Adams becomes the lawyer for the British soldiers on trial

John Adams later becomes the second President of the United States

17B. Why does John Adams, a Patriot, act as the soldiers lawyer?

Adams wanted to prove that Colonists followed the rules of LAW – that anyone could get a fair trial in the colonies – even British soldiers

Sam Adams and John Adams had different ways of protesting!

18. What was the outcome of the trial?

The jury finds the soldiers not guilty.

They fired in self-defense the jury concluded

Note: What happened to the Townshend Act?

With all the protests, why keep the tax on tea???? Monopoly??!

19. What was the purpose of the TEA ACT (Tea Tax)?

It gave the British East India Company control over the American tea trade.

All tea coming into the Colonies had to be shipped in ships owned by this British company!!

But I still don’t understand WHY???????

Most of the tea sold in colonies was smuggled tea from Holland.

A British trading company (British East India Co.) had 15 million pounds of old tea sitting around in British warehouses, not selling.

20. What groups did Sam Adams of Boston start for communication?

21. What happened on the evening of December 16, 1773, in response to the Tea Act?

Sons of Liberty organizes a protest

A group of men dressed as Indians board 3 tea ships in Boston Harbor and dump (destroy) 342 chests of tea into the harbor

Britain wants to be paid for the tea (value was 90,000 English pounds then) and the men to be brought to trial. Who were they?........

Patriotism OR Terrorism??

Patriots OR Criminals??

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