cbse: research results, experiences and challenges third workshop stefano de panfilis engineering...

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CBSE: Research Results, Experiences and Challenges

Third WorkShop

Stefano De Panfilis

Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. ¶

25-26 September 2003, Larnaca

Stefano De Panfilis, CBSEnet 3° Workshop – 25-26 September 2003, Larnaca 1


CBSEnet the motivation / scenario CBSEnet the solution CBSEnet the project CBSEnet the current status

CBSE Landscape document CBSE Portal

Stefano De Panfilis, CBSEnet 3° Workshop – 25-26 September 2003, Larnaca 1

CBSEnet the motivation

The “Component-ware” a newly development and continuously evolving strategy the DEPLOYMENT issue

New implications for software market benefits problems

A large number of IST projects on CBSE few synergies lot of repetitions, mostly unknown

Stefano De Panfilis, CBSEnet 3° Workshop – 25-26 September 2003, Larnaca 1

CBSE - key issues Software Product issues

Component selection (Granularity, Classification) Interoperability Quality Maintenance

Software Development issues Trade-offs (requirements Vs. offered capabilities) Tool support Long-term support The responsibility chain

Commercial issues New contract structures (Payment) Distributed execution (SBSE) Certification

Stefano De Panfilis, CBSEnet 3° Workshop – 25-26 September 2003, Larnaca 1

CBSEnet the solution

European-wide forum on CBSE exchange of information share results, problems, … CBSE Portal

foundation for future research programme CBSE application domains CBSE research trends

Stefano De Panfilis, CBSEnet 3° Workshop – 25-26 September 2003, Larnaca 1

CBSEnet the project (1)

The Partners: 3 research institutions

Lancaster University (UK) MTA-SZTAKI (Hungary) NTNU - SINTEF (Norway)

3 technology suppliers Athens Technology Centre (Greece) Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. (Italy) European Software Institute (Spain)

Stefano De Panfilis, CBSEnet 3° Workshop – 25-26 September 2003, Larnaca 1

CBSEnet the project (2)

Stefano De Panfilis, CBSEnet 3° Workshop – 25-26 September 2003, Larnaca 1

CBSEnet the project (3)

Expected Results Where we are, Where we want to be, How we want

to get there CBSE Classification Model

firstly discussed during the First CBSEnet Workshop

CBSE Landscape Document draft available

CBSE Portal launched on 5 July 2003

Stefano De Panfilis, CBSEnet 3° Workshop – 25-26 September 2003, Larnaca 1

CBSEnet the project (4)

Approach: Iterative Verifiable and co-operative (4 Workshops)

Workshop 1: 27-28 September 2002 - Bilbao Workshop 2: 3-4 April 2003 - Budapest Workshop 3: 25-26 September 2003 - Larnaca Workshop 4: February 2004 - Athens

Stefano De Panfilis, CBSEnet 3° Workshop – 25-26 September 2003, Larnaca 1

The Landscape Document (1)

I - CBSE Aspects (Anatomy?)(organised according to the Classification model items)

1. Concepts (Lancaster) 2. Process (Lancaster, RCOST) 3. Roles (Lancaster) 4. Business (ATC) 5. Product (MTA SZTAKI) 6. Technology (SINTEF) 7. COTS (ESI) 8. Related paradigms (Lancaster, SINTEF, …)

CBSE Vs.Service Oriented Computing (Lancaster, UoA)Model Drive development (SINTEF, ESI)Aspect-oriented computing (UniCyprus, Lancaster)Agent-based computing (Engineering, MTA SZTAKI)Agile methods and Extreme-programming (NAME)

Trustworthiness (Kung-Kiu, Ivica, Stefano, …)

Stefano De Panfilis, CBSEnet 3° Workshop – 25-26 September 2003, Larnaca 1

The Landscape Document (2)

II - System / Application types Information Systems

Business systems (ATC, look at a German initiative) Finance systems (Engineering)

GIS (SINTEF) Simulation (SZTAKI) Real time systems (Malardalen University)

Embedded systems Process control

Stefano De Panfilis, CBSEnet 3° Workshop – 25-26 September 2003, Larnaca 1

The Landscape Document (3)

III - Industry perspectives Telecom (Telenor, France Telecom) Banking and Insurance (FIN-TECH) Automotive Industry (SAVE, SEI Europe, EAST) Others ?

Aerospace Industry (?) …

Stefano De Panfilis, CBSEnet 3° Workshop – 25-26 September 2003, Larnaca 1

The Landscape Document (4)

Vertical Chapter Structure The <name of domain> domain

to provide a general description of the domain; CBSE Vision for the domain State of the practice in the domain State of the art of the research in the domain Summary of issues and gap analysis Roadmap recommendations


Timing Priority Additional Req

Applicability Expected Benefit

Stefano De Panfilis, CBSEnet 3° Workshop – 25-26 September 2003, Larnaca 1

The Landscape Document (5)

IV - Consolidated Challenges(summary of the “common” challenges from each vertical chapter)

Research challenges Technology challenges Standard challenges

Stefano De Panfilis, CBSEnet 3° Workshop – 25-26 September 2003, Larnaca 1

The Landscape Document - status

Related Paradigms








Stefano De Panfilis, CBSEnet 3° Workshop – 25-26 September 2003, Larnaca 1

The Landscape Document - status (2)

¶ BusinessSystems¶

GIS¶ Simulation¶ Real·TimeSystems¶


¶ ¶ ¶ ¶


¶ ¶ ¶ ¶


¶ ¶ ¶ ¶


¶ ¶ ¶ ¶


¶ ¶ ¶ ¶


¶ ¶ ¶ ¶


¶ ¶ ¶ ¶

Stefano De Panfilis, CBSEnet 3° Workshop – 25-26 September 2003, Larnaca 1

The Landscape Document - status (3)

¶ Bankingand


Automotive¶ Telecomm¶


¶ ¶ ¶


¶ ¶ ¶


¶ ¶ ¶


¶ ¶ ¶


¶ ¶ ¶


¶ ¶ ¶


¶ ¶ ¶

Stefano De Panfilis, CBSEnet 3° Workshop – 25-26 September 2003, Larnaca 1

The CBSE Portal (1) launched on

5 July 2002

Stefano De Panfilis, CBSEnet 3° Workshop – 25-26 September 2003, Larnaca 1

The CBSE Portal (2)

Stefano De Panfilis, CBSEnet 3° Workshop – 25-26 September 2003, Larnaca 1

The CBSE Portal (3)

To make easier the access to the Landscape Document specific section

Stefano De Panfilis, CBSEnet 3° Workshop – 25-26 September 2003, Larnaca 1

Agenda - Thursday, 25 September 20039:00 - 18:00

Welcome (UniCyprus) Introduction to the CBSEnet Project (Eng.) Introduction to NAME (UniBZ) 1st Session: CBSE, MDA and Agile Methods

Stefano, Arne, Giancarlo 2nd Session: Process for CBSE - Systems Evolution

Arne, Oscar, Gerardo 3rd Session: Service Oriented Computing

Simela, Stephen, Thomi

Stefano De Panfilis, CBSEnet 3° Workshop – 25-26 September 2003, Larnaca 1

Agenda - Friday, 26 September 20039:00 - 16:30

4th Session: Composition and Orchestration George, Gerardo, Oscar, Arne

5th Session: Trustworthines Kung-Kiu, Iviča

6th Session: Industrial Experiences Eva, Iviča

Conclusions, Further events and actions

Stefano De Panfilis, CBSEnet 3° Workshop – 25-26 September 2003, Larnaca 1

WS expected outcomes

Contributions to Issues and Challenges Concepts Process Roles Business Product (quality attributes, ecc.) Technology Related Paradigms

Stefano De Panfilis, CBSEnet 3° Workshop – 25-26 September 2003, Larnaca 1

Further Events and Actions

Landscape Document v 4.0: 31 October 2003 CBSEnet 4th WS: London 20-21 November 2003 Landscape Document v 5.0: 15 January 2004 CBSEnet 5th WS: Brussels end-January 2004 Landscape Document final version for publication:

31 March 2004 Half-day Tutorial at ECOOP 2004 (Oslo)

14-18 June 2004

Stefano De Panfilis, CBSEnet 3° Workshop – 25-26 September 2003, Larnaca 1


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