cd263 exercise vho

Post on 01-May-2017






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Jens Weiler / SAP AG

Getting started with your session

Login credentials and group numbers can be found in the ‘My Reservation’ tab on the SAP TechEd Virtual Hands-On Workshops website (

Important: Some of the sessions use place holders for users (e.g. CD300_XX) or objects (e.g. ZCD400_Exercise_##). The place holders XX or ## must be replaced with your assigned group number, which you find in the ‘My Reservation’ tab on the above mentioned website.


TABLE of Contents

A. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 3

B. ABAP List Viewer with integrated Data Access (ALV with IDA) ............................................................ 4

Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 4

Exercise B1 – Simple ABAP List Viewer with Integrated Data Access ................................................... 4

Exercise B2 – ALV with Integrated Data Access leveraging SAP HANA Fuzzy Search Capabilities ..... 16

C. ABAP on HANA ..................................................................................................................................... 22

Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 22

Exercise C1 – Expose a HANA view as an External View ...................................................................... 22

Exercise C2 – Enhance the view with additional fields ............................................................................ 28

Exercise C3 – Call a Database Procedure .............................................................................................. 33

D. OData & SAPUI5 ................................................................................................................................... 39

Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 39

Exercise D1 – OData service ................................................................................................................... 39

Exercise D2 – SAPUI5 application .......................................................................................................... 53

Appendix .................................................................................................................................................... 64

Additional Material for Exercise D1 .......................................................................................................... 64



Welcome to the exercises of TechEd Session CD263. In this document you will find exercises on:

B. ABAP List Viewer with integrated Data Access C. ABAP on HANA D. ODATA and SAPUI5

Before you start, here is some technical information on the systems, usernames, passwords, etc. that you will need during the exercise:

Session Name CD263

Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Accessible via the Windows Start Menu (“SAP HANA Studio – CD263”)

ABAP System M33 (already configured in the SAP Logon)

ABAP Client 800

ABAP Username CD263-## (where ## is your group name)

ABAP Password Welcome1

HANA System M33 (already configured in the “Modeler” perspective of your IDE


HANA Password Welcome1

The screenshots for this exercise have been prepared using ABAP application user CD263_00. The explanation in this

exercise will remind you to use your group number (indicated by ##), e.g. ABAP program ZCD263_##_SALV_IDA.

Moreover, you’ll be creating ABAP artifacts in package ZCD263EX_##, while all screenshots show package

ZCD263EX_DEMO for illustration purposes. In the “Modeler” perspective of the IDE, you will find packages

teched.cd263.exercise.a as HANA Content packages.

Now, enjoy the exercises!



Introduction Estimated total time: 40 minutes Objective This exercise introduces the ABAP for HANA Development Environment and familiarizes you with the new “ABAP List Viewer with Integrated Data Access” (a.k.a. “ALV with IDA”). The ALV with IDA introduces some major database feature improvements compared to the classical ALV like:

Database paging: Result will be selected from the database in pages – there is no need to transfer the full result set to the application server any more

Operations like aggregation, sorting, and filtering in the ALV grid will be pushed down to the database layer In exercises B1 and B2 you will learn how to build an ALV with IDA and get a first impression of the new paging, sorting, and aggregation possibilities / advantages. You will also learn how to use fault tolerant search, also known as “Fuzzy Search”, and how to consume it in a simple user interface based on the ALV with IDA. Content Exercise B1 - ABAP List Viewer with Integrated Data Access Exercise B2 - ABAP List Viewer with Integrated Data Access leveraging SAP HANA Fuzzy Search Capabilities

Exercise B1 – Simple ABAP List Viewer with Integrated Data Access Transform an existing report following the traditional pattern:

Data selection into an ABAP Internal Table (itab)

Data output with a classical ALV into

an ABAP List Viewer with Integrated Data Access Estimated time: 20 minutes

Explanation Screenshot

1. Logon to the Frontend System

2. Start the Development Environment by selecting “Start” > “All Programs” > “SAP” > “SAP HANA” > “SAP HANA Studio – CD263”


Explanation Screenshot

3. A “Welcome” screen is displayed. Click on the “Workbench” icon to launch your Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Hint: In the “Welcome” screen, you will find many useful links to either tutorials or further documentation about “SAP HANA Studio”, the “ABAP”, and “ABAP for HANA Development Tools”

For the virtual Hands-on workshops the user and password is unique and was changed before you get access to the system. Therefore the password of the secure store needs to be recovered/unlocked.

You need to recover the password first. Choose Window->Preferences


Explanation Screenshot

Then open General -> Security -> Secure Storage

Click on Recover Password

Answer the questions Question 1: 1972 Question 2: Hoffenheim And click OK.


Explanation Screenshot

And click OK.

And click OK.

Unlock the Secure Store by clicking on Unlock. Now you can continue with the exercises.

4. Make sure that the “ABAP” Development Perspective is selected

5. Create an ABAP Project. Navigate to the menu and select “File” > “New” > “ABAP Project” Hint: You can use the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Shift+P

6. In the “System Connection” dialog window, use the “Browse” button and select the system M33 [PUBLIC]


Explanation Screenshot

7. In the “New ABAP Project” dialog window, enter the logon credentials as indicated in the screenshot. The username and password information are given in the introduction of this document (chapter A). User: CD263-## (where ## is your group name) Password: Welcome1

Continue with “Next“

8. Press the “Add...” button to incorporate your working

package ZCD263EX_## and the

solution package

ZCD263_SOLUTION to your

“Favorite Packages” list and confirm with “OK”. Then press “Finish” to finalize the “New ABAP Project” wizard

Note: Remember that ##

denotes your group number


Explanation Screenshot

9. Open the ABAP program

ZCD263_##_SALV_IDA by using

the “Open ABAP Development Object Dialog” by using the

shortcut Ctrl+Shift+A and

enter the program name in the input field. Continue with “OK”

Or use Navigate->

Hint: You can also navigate through the “Project Explorer” to open the ABAP program

Code Snippet: ZCD263_##_SALV_IDA

REPORT zcd263_00_salv_ida.

* Dynpro Fields: Equal names used in Dynpro 555 and Program

DATA: g_okcode TYPE sy-ucomm.

DATA: gc_container_name TYPE string VALUE 'D0555_CONTAINER'.

* Global program Fields/variables

* A) Reference Variable of CL_SALV_TABLE

DATA: go_alv_display TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table.

DATA: go_container_d0555 TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container.

* B) gt_outtab global table to be filled by select statement

DATA: gt_outtab TYPE TABLE OF zdv_bpa_open_inv.



* B) Note: Complete data must be loaded at the beginning -> poor performance,

Limited ABAP memory. Restricted to 100.000 rows


UP TO 100000 ROWS.


Explanation Screenshot

What is the ABAP program about?

You see a typical ABAP report including an ABAP List Viewer (ALV).

The data is retrieved via the DDIC view ZDV_BPA_OPEN_INV which shows Business Partners and their

Open Invoices.

The report’s dynpro (555) has a GUI container which acts as a parent container for the ALV Grid Control.

The dynpro typical PBO and PAI modules are already handling the basic logic. In the PBO module a

classical ALV is created – in the PAI module a simple EXIT is implemented. In the END-OF-SELECTION

event of the report – after the data is retreived from the database – a screen will be called to display the data. Note: This report will not handle any kind of authority checks and the data selection has been restricted to 100.000 rows due to retrieval time

10. Run the ABAP Program (press

F8) to see a list of Business

Partners and their open invoices (Total Gross Amount) Hint: Displaying the screen will take some seconds because of fetching the data from the database

Embedded SAP Gui

You will see an embedded SAP Gui Window within the ABAP Development Tools at runtime to display the result

11. Switch back to your program by selecting the appropriate source code editor tab


Explanation Screenshot

12. Analyze the Report

a. Reference Variable of CL_SALV_TABLE

b. gt_outtab: global table filled by select statement.

Selection restricted to 100.000 rows for performance reasons

c. Dynpro PBO/PAI/Fields/ContainerCreation

d. Use cl_salv_table=>factory( ) to get a new instance for ALV

Table Object

e. Set GUID columns as technical to hide it from the ALV grid

f. Enable the basic service functions of ALV (filtering, sorting,


g. Optimize the Column width

h. Display configured ALV: Trigger the UI Rendering

From a classical ALV to an ALV with Integrated Data Access (ALV with IDA)

Now let’s do a step-by-step transformation from the classical ALV to the new ALV with Integrated Data Access (IDA)

13. Change the reference of variable

go_alv_display from

cl_salv_table to if_salv_gui_table_ida

Hint: See coding part A)

14. Comment or delete the variable

definition gt_outtab and the

OpenSQL statement for retrieving data from database view zdv_bpa_open_inv

Hint: See coding part B)


Explanation Screenshot

15. Navigate to the PBO form routine. Instantiate the ALV with IDA by calling the create method cl_salv_gui_table_ida=>cr

eate(...)instead of the ALV

table object and pass the existing database view name ZDV_BPA_OPEN_INV

Hint: See coding part D)

Code: ZCD263_##_SALV_IDA

FORM pbo.

IF go_container_d0555 IS NOT BOUND.

* C) Dynpro PBO/PAI/Fields/ContainerCreation

go_container_d0555 = NEW #( |{ gc_container_name }| ).


* D) Instantiate the IDA ALV instead of the ALV table object

go_alv_display = cl_salv_gui_table_ida=>create(

iv_table_name = 'ZDV_BPA_OPEN_INV'

io_gui_container = go_container_d0555 ).

16. Delete some technical columns containing GUIDs (Keys) from the available field list by using the getter and setter methods of the Field Catalog Interface Hint: See coding part E)

Code: ZCD263_##_SALV_IDA

* E) Set technical columns containing GUIDs using the Field Catalog Interface

go_alv_display->field_catalog( )->get_available_fields(

IMPORTING ets_field_names = DATA(lts_available_fields) ).

DELETE lts_available_fields WHERE table_line CP '*_GUID'.

go_alv_display->field_catalog( )->set_available_fields(

EXPORTING its_field_names = lts_available_fields ).


Explanation Screenshot

17. Comment or delete the coding in section E), F), G), and H)

18. Catch exception cx_salv_ida_unknown_name

instead of cx_salv_msg

and cx_salv_not_found

Code: ZCD263_##_SALV_IDA


CATCH cx_salv_ida_unknown_name INTO DATA(lr_ex).

MESSAGE e202(salv_ida) WITH lr_ex->field_name.


19. Navigate to the PAI module and add go_alv_display->free( )

within the CASE l_okcode

section in order to release the resources Hint: See coding part I)


Explanation Screenshot

Code: ZCD263_##_SALV_IDA

. . . CASE l_okcode.

WHEN con_exit OR con_back OR con_canc.

* I) Release the resources

go_alv_display->free( ).




20. Save your ABAP program

21. Create a new transport request CD263:Transport Request

of Group ## and press “OK”

22. Check and Activate your ABAP program

23. Run your ABAP program by

pressing F8


Explanation Screenshot

24. Do some analysis on the retrieved data: a) Create a list which shows the Total Gross Amount per Business Partner. In order to do so, select the column “Company Name” and click on the “Group” icon. Then select the “Total Gross Amount” column and click the “Aggregate” icon.

b) Apply a filter showing the Total Gross Amount per Business Partner in a given country. In order to do so, select the “Country” column, press the “Filter” icon and enter e.g. DE (Germany) in the filter dialog window.

Summary Exercise B1 Congratulation: You successfully transformed a classical ABAP List Viewer to an ABAP List Viewer with Integrated Data Access to leverage the full power of the SAP HANA Database. The ALV with IDA brings some major database feature improvements compared to the classical ALV like

Database paging – the result will be selected from the database in pages. There is no need to transfer the full result to the application server any more.

ALV services as database operations – Aggregations, Sorting and Filtering in the ALV grid will be pushed down to the database layer.

You are now able to:

Take advantage of the new integrated environment of ABAP for HANA Development Tools

Transfer a classical ABAP List Viewer report to an ABAP List Viewer with Integrated Data Access


Exercise B2 – ALV with Integrated Data Access leveraging SAP HANA Fuzzy Search Capabilities Enhance an existing report containing an ABAP List Viewer with Integrated Database Access with SAP HANA Fuzzy Search capabilities. Estimated time: 20 minutes

Explanation Screenshot

1. Open ABAP program ZCD263_##_SALV_IDA_FUZZY

_SRCH via the “Open ABAP

Development Object Dialog”

(shortcut Ctrl+Shift+A)

Or use Navigate->

2. Alternatively you can use the “Project Explorer” view to open the ABAP program

What is the ABAP program about?

The report is based on the solution of Exercise B1 with two additional input fields g_search_text and

g_similarity on the dynpro.

The new input fields will handle the user input for leveraging the Fuzzy Search cababilities of the SAP HANA Database. Running the ABAP report you will see two new input fields on the screen, however, there is no logic implemented to handle any kind of user input. The goal of this exercise is to implement the logic for handling the user input and leveraging the fuzzy search on the SAP HANA database.


Explanation Screenshot

3. Run the ABAP program by

pressing F8 to see a list of

business partners, their open invoices, and an input field to search for any kind of text. Enter any kind of search term

e.g. SAP and press Enter.

You will see that nothing will happen.

4. Navigate to the “PBO” form routine and implement the handling of the user input

g_search_text and g_similarity

Hint: See coding part J)


Explanation Screenshot

5. First step is to handover the user input to the interface if_salv_ida_text_search

by calling the text_search( )

method on the reference

variable of go_alv_display

using the appropriate setter methods set_field_similarity( )

and set_search_term( ).

Save, Activate, and Run your

program (shortcuts Ctrl+S,

Ctrl+F3, F8).

If you use remote Desktop connection, some of the shortcuts will not work! Note: Use the transport request created in the previous exercise if applicable.

Code snippet: ZCD263_##_SALV_IDA_FUZZY_SRCH


* J) Fuzzy Search: <<Enter your coding here>>

* .......

go_alv_display->text_search( )->set_field_similarity(

g_similarity ).

go_alv_display->text_search( )->set_search_term(

|{ g_search_text }| ).

6. Now you can explore the Fuzzy

Search feature, e.g. enter SAP

as search term and press Enter


Explanation Screenshot

7. Enter e.g. Sola as search term

and press Enter.

Note: No data is returned from the database

8. Change the “Similarity” to e.g.

0,6, press Enter, and group

the list by “Company Name”. You will see multiple business partners as displayed in the screenshot Hint: Only similarity values

between 0 and 1 are allowed

Additional ABAP List Viewer with Integrated Data Access Capabilities

In our scenario interactive grouping and sorting by “Customer Name” was a frequent user action. Therefore initial grouping and sorting is a valid pattern.

9. Navigate to the “PBO” form routine and implement an initial grouping/sorting by calling the

default_layout( ) method

on the reference variable of

go_alv_display using the

appropriate setter methods set_sort_order( )

Hint: See coding part K)


Explanation Screenshot

Code snippet: ZCD263_##_SALV_IDA_FUZZY_SRCH

* K) Optional: Enter Coding for GROUPING & SORTING here...

* Define Grouping/Sorting Criteria

DATA: lt_sort TYPE if_salv_gui_types_ida=>yt_sort_rule.


is_grouped = abap_true

descending = abap_true

) TO lt_sort.

* Set Grouping/Sorting Criteria

go_alv_display->default_layout( )->set_sort_order( lt_sort ).

10. Save, Activate, and Run your

program (shortcut Ctrl+S,

Ctrl+F3, and F8)

If you use remote Desktop connection, some of the shortcuts will not work!

Additional Fine Tuning

In order to avoid redundant database requests, it is good style to check whether the user input has been changed or not. Therefore, the values of the input fields must be compared with the values of the last database request. Whenever a new value is entered a message in the status bar of the dynpro is displayed.

11. Navigate to the “PBO” form routine and implement the comparison of the actual value and the user input value


Explanation Screenshot

Code snippet: ZCD263_##_SALV_IDA_FUZZY_SRCH

* J) Fuzzy Search: <<Enter your coding here>>

IF go_alv_display->text_search( )->get_search_term( )

NE g_search_text

OR go_alv_display->text_search( )->get_field_similarity( )

NE g_similarity.

go_alv_display->text_search( )->set_field_similarity(

g_similarity ).

go_alv_display->text_search( )->set_search_term(

|{ g_search_text }| ).

MESSAGE s000(0k) WITH 'New Search Term entered'.


12. Save, Activate, and Run your

program (shortcut Ctrl+S,

Ctrl+F3, and F8)

If you use remote Desktop connection, some of the shortcuts will not work!

Summary Exercise B2 The SAP HANA Text Engine provides text indexing and search capabilities, such as exact search for words and phrases and fuzzy search. The full text Search capabilities together with the Fuzzy Search functionality of HANA helps speed up search within large amounts of text data significantly. Fuzzy Search enables you finding strings that match a pattern approximately (rather than exactly). The SAP List Viewer with Integrated Data Access offers the possibility for the user to display, sort, and group data on SAP HANA database views without introducing a new user interface. The known ALV functions are therefore added to the advantages of using in-memory features of SAP HANA from a user perspective.



Introduction Estimated total time: 45 minutes Objective In this exercise you will learn how easy it is to leverage the full power of HANA by using the new features provided in the application server ABAP 7.4. The exercise comprises three parts, in the first part, an existing HANA view is exposed as an external view in the ABAP Data Dictionary. In the second, an existing HANA view is enhanced and the external view synchronized accordingly. Finally, in the last part of the exercise, a database procedure proxy is created for an existing database procedure. Content Exercise C1 – Expose a HANA view as an External View Exercise C2 – Enhance an existing view by a new field Exercise C3 – Create a Database Procedure Proxy

Exercise C1 – Expose a HANA view as an External View In the following exercise you will:

Expose an existing calculation view as an external view

Inspect the view in SE16

Write a SELECT statement on that external view

Estimated time: 15 minutes

Explanation Screenshot

1. Switch to the Modeler perspective by clicking on the corresponding button

(or press Ctrl+3 and enter


2. In the “SAP HANA Systems” view, navigate in the Content folder to teched.cd263.exercise.a:


(where ## denotes your group



Explanation Screenshot

3. In the mentioned view, open the context menu for the calculation view and choose “Data Preview”

4. Switch to the “Raw Data” tab and inspect the results as shown in the screenshot It may happen, that you have a different column order. Note: In the course of this exercise, you’ll deal with the results of this view several times, so you might want to have a deeper look now and memorize a certain value for a later comparison

5. Switch to the ABAP perspective


Explanation Screenshot

6. In the “Project Explorer“ view, select your development package

ZCD263EX_## (## denoting the

group number)

7. Now, you’ll create a new external view. For this purpose, choose “New” > “Other ABAP Repository Object” in the context menu

8. Select “Dictionary View” and hit “Next” Hint: You can filter the list by typing “View” in the edit box.


Explanation Screenshot

9. Enter ZCA_##_OPEN_INV as

name (where ## is your group

number). Add a description. Select the radio button “External View” and choose your personal view teched.cd263.exercise.a.


Finally hit “Next” to continue. Hint: In the field “HANA View” you might want to use the auto completion, just enter


10. Select the transport request you’ve created earlier in the previous exercise (if there is no transport request, just create a new one)

11. Activate your external view by clicking the corresponding icon

(or press CTRL+F3)


Explanation Screenshot

12. Inspect your external view via the

well-known transaction SE16

Hint: You can open the transaction using the shortcut

Alt+F8, and enter SE16 in the

dialog window. Enter

ZCA_##_OPEN_INV in the “Table

Name” field, press Return (to

enter the selection screen)

followed by F8

13. Open the report ZCD263_##_SHOW_OPEN_INV

Hint: Use the shortcut

CTRL+SHIFT+A and enter the

report name Or use Navigate->

14. Write a SELECT statement to

retrieve the data from the external view

ZCA_##_OPEN_INV into the

ABAP Internal Table



Explanation Screenshot

Code Snippet: ZCD263_##_SHOW_OPEN_INV

SELECT bp_id AS customer_id

company_name AS customer_name


gross_amount_converted AS sum_gross_amount

FROM zca_##_open_inv


ORDER BY bp_id.

15. Run your report

Hint: You might notice that several empty columns appear. The population of these fields will be done in the next exercise

Summary Exercise C1 You have now successfully accessed a HANA calculation view via an external view using OPEN SQL. You are now able to:

Inspect an existing calculation view in the HANA content

Create an external view, exposing the HANA object in the DDIC

Write a simple SELECT statement to retrieve the data that’s calculated in the HANA database


Exercise C2 – Enhance the view with additional fields In this exercise you will add some additional fields in the HANA calculation view and adapt the dependent ABAP objects accordingly. Finally, the previously empty fields will be populated in the result view of the ABAP report. The following steps will guide you to:

Create additional fields in the calculation View

Synchronize your previously created external view

Enhance the select statement in the ABAP report Estimated time: 15 minutes

Explanation Screenshot

1. Switch to the modeler perspective

2. Open your calculation view teched.cd263.exercise.a.


(double-click on the view in the SAP HANA Systems pane)

3. Click on the node

JoinInvoices in the

“Scenario” pane (left hand side)


Explanation Screenshot

4. Add field POSTAL_CODE to the

output of the JoinInvoices


Hint: The field POSTAL_CODE

appears in both analytical views. Due to the cardinality of the join, you can choose any of them

5. Click on the Projection node

6. Add the fields COUNTRY,

POSTAL_CODE, and CITY to the

output of the projection node

7. Save and Activate the calculation view Hint: Have a look at the “Job Log” view and make sure that the activation of the calculation view completed successfully

8. Investigate the Data Preview, e.g. via the “Data Preview” icon in the upper right corner or via the context menu as described in the previous exercise C1


Explanation Screenshot

9. Click on Raw Data Compared to the result of the data preview in the previous exercise C1, you can now see the columns you just added to the calculation view

10. The next step is to adjust the external view accordingly. Switch back to the ABAP perspective

11. Open your external view ZCA_##_OPEN_INV

12. Press the “Synchronize” button in the upper right corner of the editor to adjust the external view, i.e. to enhance the external view with the new fields. After synchronization, the external view shows the three

additional fields, i.e. COUNTRY,


13. Activate the external view Note: The additional fields can be inspected via the transaction

SE16 (as described in the

previous exercise C1)



Explanation Screenshot

14. The last step is to adjust the ABAP report. To do so, open your report ZCD263_##_SHOW_OPEN_INV

15. Enhance the SELECT statement

as shown in the screenshot by copying the code snippet below

Code Snippet: ZCD263_##_SHOW_OPEN_INV

SELECT bp_id AS customer_id

company_name AS customer_name




postal_code gross_amount_converted AS sum_gross_amount

FROM zca_##_open_inv INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE gt_figures ORDER BY bp_id.


Explanation Screenshot

16. Run the report (press F8). The

previously empty fields are now populated

Summary Exercise C2 You have now enhanced a HANA calculation view, synchronized the existing external view accordingly, and adapted the ABAP report for displaying the additional columns in the result set. You are now able to:

Enhance an existing calculation view

Synchronize an external view after a change to the underlying HANA database view

Enhance the ABAP report and thus the user interface with additional fields


Exercise C3 – Call a Database Procedure In this exercise you will call an existing database procedure and write the retrieved data to a list. The used database procedure returns all invoices which are paid on a given date. The invoices consist of header data, item data, product details, and customer details. With one single request to the database, different tables are queried

without the necessity to bloat the data as a JOIN would.

Estimated time: 15 minutes

Explanation Screenshot

1. Switch to the Modeler perspective

2. Click on M33 and

Open the SQL console via the

corresponding icon in the “SAP HANA Systems” view

3. Enter a call statement for the database procedure teched.cd263::DP_PAID_IN

VOICES_ON_DATE with the data

in ABAP’s date format “YYYYMMDD” (e.g. ‘20131027’) and place holders (i.e. a question mark) for each of the four tabular output parameters

Code Snippet

call "teched.cd263::DP_PAID_INVOICES_ON_DATE" ( '20131027', ?, ?, ?, ?);

4. Execute the procedure call by pressing the corresponding icon


Explanation Screenshot

5. You will get four result tabs: a. Invoice header data b. Invoice item data c. Product information d. Customer information

Note: The screenshot only depicts the Product information

6. Switch to the ABAP perspective

7. Create a new “Other ABAP repository object” in your

package ZCD263EX_##

8. Choose the “Database Procedure Proxy” and continue via the "Next" button Hint: As mentioned earlier, you can filter the list by typing e.g. “prox” in the input field


Explanation Screenshot

9. In the dialog window, use ZDP_CD263_##_PAID_INVOIC

ES as proxy name, enter a valid

description, choose the “HANA Procedure” teched.cd263.DP_PAID_INV

OICES_ON_DATE, and continue

via the “Next” button Note: The name of the “Parameter Types Interface” ZIF_ZDP_CD263_##_PAID_IN

VOICES is added automatically

Hint: Try to enter “DP_PAID” in the “HANA Procedure” input field and trigger the auto completion

via the shortcut Ctrl+Space

10. Add the database procedure proxy to your transport request and press the “Finish” button


Explanation Screenshot

11. In principle, the DB procedure proxy is ready to use now. However, the DDIC does not know that the fields




dates. In order to add this information, use the “DDIC Type Override” functionality and insert

SNWD_DATE for the fields which

have D as “ABAP Type”


Change to

12. Activate the database procedure proxy

13. Navigate to the generated “Database Procedure Interface” by clicking on the corresponding link

14. In the interface ZIF_ZDP_CD263_##_PAID_IN

VOICES you can find the

(structure) type definitions you will need later on in the ABAP report


Explanation Screenshot

15. Open report ZCD263_##_DP_PAID_INVOIC

ES in your package ZCD263EX_##

Hint: You can use the shortcut

Ctrl+Shift+A, enter

“ZCD263_##” in the search field,

and select the report from the “Matching items” list

Or use Navigate ->

16. Define the table types for the ABAP internal tables and write


PROCEDURE statement

Hint: You can make use of the auto completion, just enter the statement including the proxy

name, press Ctrl+Space, and

then Shift+Enter to generate

the signature

Code Snippet: ZCD263_##_DP_PAID_INVOICES

DATA lt_header TYPE SORTED TABLE OF zif_zdp_cd263_##_paid_invoices=>et_invoice_header

WITH UNIQUE KEY invoice_guid.

DATA lt_item TYPE SORTED TABLE OF zif_zdp_cd263_##_paid_invoices=>et_invoice_item



COMPONENTS invoice_guid.

DATA lt_customer TYPE SORTED TABLE OF zif_zdp_cd263_##_paid_invoices=>et_customer

WITH UNIQUE KEY customer_guid.

DATA lt_product TYPE SORTED TABLE OF zif_zdp_cd263_##_paid_invoices=>et_product

WITH UNIQUE KEY product_guid.

CALL DATABASE PROCEDURE zdp_cd263_##_paid_invoices


iv_payment_date = pay_date


et_invoice_header = lt_header

et_invoice_item = lt_item

et_product = lt_product

et_customer = lt_customer.


Explanation Screenshot

17. Activate the report, run it (press

F8), and choose the payment

date, e.g. use the value 14.09.2013

18. You see all invoices with their items, product details, and customer details

Summary Exercise C3 You have now – with only one call to the database – retrieved data from four different database tables. This has been achieved by exposing a HANA procedure as database procedure proxy in DDIC and easily consuming this proxy object

in an ABAP report using the new ABAP language statement CALL DATABASE PROCEDURE.

You are now able to:

Call a database procedure in the SQL Script console

Create a database procedure proxy

Override the database’s types to get special ABAP data types like the ABAP date format

Call a database procedure from an ABAP program



Introduction Estimated total time: 40 minutes Objective This exercise is the last phase or our end-to-end scenario: You will now finally build a SAPUI5 application based on the consumption of an external view developed in the previous exercise. From the technical point of view, the external view is consumed via a SAP NetWeaver Gateway OData service, which provides the necessary information to the SAPUI5 application. Content Exercise D1 – OData service Exercise D2 – SAPUI5 application

Exercise D1 – OData service In this exercise, a SAP NetWeaver Gateway OData service is created for the consumption of the external view

ZCA_OPEN_INV_SOL. After creation and registration of the OData service, several possibilities for testing an OData

service will be shown. Estimated time: 20 minutes

Explanation Screenshot

1. Go to the ABAP perspective in the SAP HANA Studio

2. Click to open the SAP GUI

(or press Ctrl+6)

Hint: Alternatively, you can directly open a transaction

using shortcut ALT+F8 and

enter the transaction code in the popup window


Explanation Screenshot

3. Confirm with OK

4. Go to the SAP NetWeaver Gateway Service Builder, i.e.

insert transaction code SEGW

in the OKCODE field and hit the return key

5. Create a new Gateway service


Explanation Screenshot

6. Enter the corresponding information in the dialog window (remember ## is

your group number):

Project: ZCD263_##_GW_SERVICE

Description: <some description>

Package: ZCD263EX_##

Click on the check mark button to continue

7. This exercise uses an external DDIC view as data basis. In order to do so, import a Data Model, i.e. right-click on Data Model and select “Import” > ”DDIC Structure”

8. Insert the external view


ABAP Structure and hit the return key Hint: Alternatively, you can use the external view

ZCA_##_OPEN_INV you’ve

developed in the previous exercises


Explanation Screenshot

9. The list of output variables of the external view is displayed.

Change the Object Name

to Customer

Change the Usage of all fields, except for the field

BP_ID, from the initial

value Key to Property

(using the drop-down list functionality)

Change the Name of field

BP_ID to CustomerId as

indicated in the screenshot

Continue via the check mark

on the lower right hand side of the screen If you do not have error click on Continue

10. The entity type Customer in

the service builder should now be similar to the one shown in the screenshot


Explanation Screenshot

11. Create an entity set based on the entity type

Customer, i.e. right-click on

“Entity Sets” and select “Create”

12. Create the entity set

Customers based on the

“Entity Type Name” Customer

Click on Continue Hint: You can use the value help for the “Entity Type Name”

13. Go to the newly created

“Entity Set” Customers


Explanation Screenshot

14. Check the box “Addressable” Note: You only see “A” as field label. You may want to enlarge the column or use the mouse-over functionality

15. The entity set Customers

should now be similar to the one given in the screenshot

Remark: Addressable

If the addressable check box is not set, the consumption of the entity set Customers in the SAPUI5

application via the OData service in Exercise D2 will not work

16. Save the Gateway service using the save icon (or press


17. You can use your existing workbench request (select from “Own Requests”) or create a new one


Explanation Screenshot

18. In case you selected “Own Requests”, this dialog window opens and you can select a workbench request and continue using the check mark button

19. Confirm the workbench request dialog window(s) Note: You receive two workbench request prompts, one for the GW service (screenshot on the right hand side) and one for the GW model (no screenshot in this document)

20. Next step is to generate the OData provider class, i.e. to generate the runtime objects of your OData service


Explanation Screenshot

21. Confirm the dialog window Note: The dialog displays the name of model and service classes generated for the OData service

22. The generation of ABAP classes necessitates the selection of a package, wherein the classes will reside. Use the package

ZCD263EX_## and save

23. In the following dialog window(s), select again your workbench request

24. In the bottom part of the GW service builder you see “Messages” for the successful creation of the model and service classes


Explanation Screenshot

25. Now, let’s do the registration of the created OData service

(double-click on M33)

26. “Register” the OData service using the corresponding button

27. Confirm the “Warning!” dialog

28. Enter the system alias LOCAL

Hint: The value help might not show the corresponding entry but you can just enter it


Explanation Screenshot

29. In the “Add Service” maintenance window, you need to specify your

package ZCD263EX_## in

the “Creation Information” section. Continue via the check mark button

30. Successively, three workbench request dialog windows appear, namely for the “Gateway Model Metadata” (shown in the screenshot), for the “Gateway Service Groups Metadata”, and for the “ICF Service”. Use your request as explained above and continue via the check mark button

31. If everything worked fine the status is shown as indicated in the screenshot

32. Now we will implement the actual consumption of the external view in the OData service. Therefore, the GetEntitySet (Query)

needs to be implemented


Explanation Screenshot

33. Select “Go to ABAP Workbench” Note: If you receive the information that your project has been modified, save it before you continue

34. Confirm the dialog. You will be forwarded to the source code editor in the ABAP perspective of the SAP HANA Studio

35. You’ll find the initial implementation of class ZCL_CD263_##_GW_SERVI

_DPC_EXT as displayed in

the screenshot


Explanation Screenshot

36. Insert the method redefinition in the “Protected Section” of the class definition. Hint: You can copy-and-paste the code snippet below the screenshot

Code Snippet: ZCL_CD263_##_GW_SERVI_DPC_EXT

METHODS customers_get_entityset REDEFINITION .

37. The light-bulb indicates an issue with the coding. A click on the icon gives the list suggested “quick fixes” and allows to apply the displayed “quick fix” to add the implementation of the CUSTOMERS_GET_ENTITYSE

T method

38. Add the implementation of the method CUSTOMERS_GET_ENTITYSE


Hint: You might want to copy-and-paste the coding below the screenshot Note: If you preferred to used your external view,

modify the SELECT

statement accordingly

Code Snippet: ZCL_CD263_##_GW_SERVI_DPC_EXT



Explanation Screenshot

39. Save and activate the class


At this point the OData service is ready to use. In principle, you can now directly continue with exercise D2. The following steps shows an option, how to test the created OData service. Alternative test options are shown in the Appendix

40. Option Browser: Open the Google Chrome


Browser via the Windows Start Menu

41. Enter the service URL and hit the return key A logon dialog is displayed, enter your user name

CD263-## and password

(Welcome1) combination Hint: The URL is given below the screenshot (you

need to replace ## with your

group number)



Explanation Screenshot

42. The response of the browser should look similar to the html document displayed in the screenshot Hint: Using the option ?sap-ds-debug=true

you can navigate, e.g. you can click on the hyper reference to navigate to the

entity set Customers

43. The browser response to the mentioned navigation looks similar to the one shown in the screenshot

Summary Exercise D1 Congratulations! You have successfully created, registered, and tested a SAP NetWeaver Gateway OData service based on the consumption of an external DDIC view. Let’s now consume this OData service in a SAPUI5 Application


Exercise D2 – SAPUI5 application This exercise shows how to build a simple SAPUI5 application displaying a list of customer information. The necessary data for the user interface is retrieved using the SAP NetWeaver Gateway OData service, which has been developed in the previous exercise.

Remark: The following step-by-step description uses the OData service ZCD263_SOL_GW_SERVICE_SRV from the

solution package. You may alternatively want to use your own service ZCD263_##_GW_SERVICE_SRV from

Exercise D1. Estimated time: 20 minutes

Explanation Screenshot

1. Go the ABAP perspective in the SAP HANA Studio

2. Right-click into the project explorer pane (just somewhere below the existing project)

3. The first step is to develop the SAPUI5 application locally, i.e. the application will only be available on your local machine (not in the ABAP) backend system. Select “New” > “Other…” (or use

the shortcut Ctrl+N)

Note: The SAPUI5 application is created locally on your machine. The creation of the necessary objects in the backend will later be performed using the SAPUI5 team provider approach


Explanation Screenshot

4. In the following wizard, use the option “OData Development” > “Starter Application Project” and continue with “Next”

5. Enter the project name

ZCD263_##_UI5, select HTML5

from the drop-down box, and continue with “Next”


Explanation Screenshot

6. On the “Starter Application Templates” dialog select the

second option (SAPUI5) and

continue with “Next”

7. In the next step, the OData service is selected that is used to retrieve the information from the ABAP backend system. In the first step, click on the “Catalog” button to see a list of registered OData services

8. Select the OData service ZCD263_SOL_GW_SERVICE_SRV

(or alternatively your OData service) and continue with “OK” Hint: If you don’t find your OData service on the list, you may need to refresh the list using the corresponding icon


Explanation Screenshot

9. In the OData Service dialog, you can now see the Service URL and some service details. Check the information and continue with “Next”

10. The next step is to define the view layout of the SAPUI5 application.

Add a view title, e.g. Customer Information

The entity set Customers is

already selected in the “Entity Set Navigation”

Add fields of the OData service to the view using the “+” button


Explanation Screenshot

11. In the “Add Fields” dialog, select all fields (just use the “Select All” button) and continue with “OK”

12. Back in the “List Template View Layout” dialog, use the up- and down-arrow buttons to order the list of fields as shown in the screenshot. This is the last step in the (local) creation of the SAPUI5 application. Click on the “Finish” button to finalize the process

13. So far, only a local version of the SAPUI5 application exists. In order to productively use it, the application needs to be imported into the ABAP backend system, namely into the BSP repository using the SAPUI5 team provider. In order to do so, right-click on the folder in the “Project Explorer” pane


Explanation Screenshot

14. Select “Team” > “Share Project…”

15. Share the project using the “SAPUI5 ABAP Repository” option and continue with “Next”


Explanation Screenshot

16. In the “Share Project” dialog,

enter M33 in the connection input

field and browse for the ABAP backend connection

17. In the selection window you should only see the connection

M33 [PUBLIC], if you have a

longer list, either type M33 in the

input field or scroll down the list and select the mentioned entry. Continue with “OK”

18. Back in the “Share Project” dialog, you should now see the system connection details to

system M33. Continue with “Next”


Explanation Screenshot

19. The connection to the ABAP backend system requires logon

credentials. Enter the client 800,

your username CD263-## and

password and continue with “Next”

20. The import of the SAPUI5 applications requires the creation of a new BSP application in the backend. Use the following information:

Name: ZCD263_##_UI5

Description: <some description>

Package: ZCD263EX_##

and continue with “Next”


Explanation Screenshot

21. You are asked for a transport request, just select your request from the list and press “Finish”

22. The following information can just be confirmed (use the checkbox on the right hand side to suppress this dialog) Note: This version check informs you that the version of the SAPUI5 libraries in your Eclipse installation is higher than the

ones in the M33 system. For this

exercise this does not lead to any unconveniences

23. In the “Project Explorer” pane, the “>” icon indicates that there are local changes in the project which have not been submitted to the backend system


Explanation Screenshot

24. In order to submit the local changes, right-click on the project folder and use “Team” > “Submit”

25. The “Submit Changes” dialog shows the list of objects that will be submitted to the BSP repository. Finalize the submission of files using the “Finish” button


Explanation Screenshot

26. Now, the SAPUI5 application is ready to use and you can test it e.g. using the Google Chrome


browser and the URL given below Hint: You can retrieve the URL

using the transaction SICF in a

similar way as for the OData service URL described in the

Appendix (use ZCD263_##_UI5

as filter in the transaction SICF

and use the service path



Summary Exercise D2 Congratulations! You have successfully created and tested a SAPUI5 application using SAP NetWeaver Gateway as OData provider to retrieve data from the SAP HANA database. With this final exercise, you have successfully finished all steps of our end-to-end scenario from SAP HANA entities via their consumption in the ABAP application server to the display in a SAPUI5 application!



Additional Material for Exercise D1 Exercise D1 describes how to test the OData service in the Browser. In addition, this appendix shows two more options

for testing OData services, i.e. using the transaction SICF or the “SAP NetWeaver Gateway Client” transaction


1. Option SICF: Go to the ABAP perspective in the SAP HANA studio, open a SAP GUI, and go to transaction SICF

Hint: You may have asked yourself where to retrieve the service URL. This option allows for retrieving it

2. Enter your OData service name,

e.g. ZCD263_##_* and hit F8 or

click on the corresponding icon


3. Select your OData service and

test it using the “Test Service” routine Hint: The Internet Explorer


might be the default browser on your system. You can then either copy the service URL to the Google Chrome

TM browser or

proceed via “Open as…” and select the Internet Explorer


4. For the test of the OData service logon credentials are required.

Enter your username (CD263-##)

and password combination in the authorization dialog window and continue with “OK”

5. Option SAP NetWeaver Gateway Client: Another option is to use the “SAP NetWeaver Gateway Client”. For this option, go to the ABAP perspective of the SAP HANA studio, open a SAP GUI, and go to the GW client transaction /iwfnd/gw_client

Note: The transaction code must

be prefixed with /n or /o


6. Enter the “Request URI” in the input field and hit execute

(or press F8)

You may want to copy (and replace ## with your group number): /sap/opu/odata/sap/zcd263_##_gw_service_srv/Customers

7. The expected response of the http request can be seen in the “HTTP Response” window of the screenshot

Thank you for participating in this SAP TechEd Virtual Hands-On Workshop! Please, take a few minutes to answer a couple of feedback questions concerning your session. Find a shortcut to the survey on the desktop of your virtual laptop image or visit


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Edit Ctrl+Shift+A Open development object Ctrl+F2 Check development object Ctrl+F3 Activate development object Ctrl+Shift+F3 Activate all inactive objects Ctrl+Space Code completion Ctrl+1 Quick fix proposal Ctrl+< Add comment Ctrl+Shift+< Remove comment Shift+F1 Format source aka pretty printer

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Run, Debug

F8 Run current ABAP object Alt+F8 Select & run ABAP application Ctrl+Shift+B Toggle breakpoint F5, F6, F7, F8 Step into, over, return, resume

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