ceda future of the kimberley conference.pdf

Post on 16-Nov-2015






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  • State of the Regions Series

    Future of the Kimberley

    Friday 29 May 2015, 8.00am to 5.00pm

    Cable Beach Club, Broome

    Join CEDA in Western Australias iconic Kimberley region for an in-depth discussion on how the

    vast number of opportunities present in this region can be optimised.

    The Kimberley region has one of the strongest and most diversified industrial sectors in Western

    Australia, with oil and gas, mining, agriculture and tourism all contributing strongly to the local

    economy. With the region being located so closely to South East Asia, there is an enormous

    opportunity for the Kimberley to feed the burgeoning demand for energy, resources, high quality

    food and safe holiday destinations being driven by China and Indonesias growing middle class.

    How can the Kimberley capitalise on these opportunities? At this conference, CEDAs expert

    speakers will seek to address the following questions:

    What impact will market instability, high costs, environmental concerns and skilled labour

    shortages have on major projects in the region?

    With half the Kimberleys population being Indigenous, what strategies are being

    implemented to improve Aboriginal outcomes?

    Where is additional investment in services and infrastructure required?

    Event Program

    8.00am Registrations and Refreshments

    8.15am Delegates seated

    8.20am Welcome Liz Ritchie, State Director, CEDA WA

    8.25am Welcome to Country Yawuru Elder

    Session 1: Vision for the Kimberley

    8.30am Introduction and Opening comments by Chair

    Jeff Gooding, Chief Executive Officer

    Kimberley Development Commission

    8.40am Opening keynote presentation by

    Hon. Terry Redman MLA

    WA Minister for Regional Development; Lands: Minister Assisting for

    State Development

    Leader of the WA National Party

    9.00am Q&A/Discussion

  • Session 2: Future opportunities for the Kimberley

    9.10am Introduction by Chair Anne Still, Senior Manager, Policy and

    Research, RAC

    9.15am Presentation by

    Russell Barnett, Partner

    Australian Venture Consultants

    Consultant, Broome Future Limited

    9.30am Presentation by

    Professor Alan Duncan, Director

    Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre

    9.45pm Presentation by

    Patrick Dodson*, Chair

    Nyamba Buru Yawuru

    10.00am Q&A/Discussion

    10.15am Morning tea

    Session 3: Kimberley Future Forecasting

    10.40am Introduction by Chair TBC (Brendon Grylls?)

    10.45am Keynote presentation by

    Dr Brad Stelfox, Adjunct Professor, Department of Biological


    University of Alberta, Canada

    Adjunct Professor, International Institute of Agri-Food Security

    Curtin University

    11.15am Q&A/Discussion

    Session 4: Infrastructure and Development in the Kimberley

    11.30am Introduction by Chair LandCorp

    11.35am Presentation by

    Laurie Shervington, Chairman

    Kimberley Ports Authority

    11.50am Presentation by

    Nick Belyea, Chief Executive Officer

    Broome International Airport

    12.05pm Presentation by

  • Frank Tudor, Managing Director

    Horizon Power

    12.20pm Keynote Presentation by

    Hon. Mia Davies MLA

    Minister for Water: Forestry

    12.40pm Q&A/Discussion

    12.55pm Lunch Pre-drinks and move to the deck

    1.05pm Lunch is served

    Session 5: Future Industries in the Kimberley

    1.45pm Introduction by Chair Broome Chamber of Commerce and


    1.50pm Presentation by

    Wayne Bergmann, Chief Executive Officer

    KRED Enterprises

    2.05pm Presentation by

    Ian Gay, Chairman

    Australias North West Tourism

    2.20pm Presentation by

    Kirsty Forshaw

    Kimberley Cattlemens Association

    2.35pm Q&A/Discussion

    Session 6: Resources in the Kimberley

    2.50pm Introduction by Chair APPEA

    2.55pm Panel discussion with:

    Niegel Grazier*, Vice President, Browse


    George Bauk, Managing Director

    Northern Minerals

    Eric Streitberg*, Managing Director

    Buru Energy

    3.25pm Q&A/Discussion

    3.35pm Afternoon tea

  • Session 7: Capitalising on opportunities

    4.00pm Introduction by Chair

    Ralph Addis, Director General

    Department for Regional Development

    4.05pm Closing keynote presentation

    Ian Harper, Partner

    Deloitte Access Economics

    4.35pm Q&A/Discussion

    4.50pm Vote of Thanks and Series Sponsor Closing Summary

    Ralph Addis, Director General

    Department for Regional Development

    5.00pm Event finishes

    *Speakers yet to be confirmed

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