celebrate shavuot! - gesher

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Celebrate Shavuot!

Erev Shavuot - Saturday Night

June 8th starting at 8:00 pm

Minha (Shabbat Afternoon Service)

A dairy S’udah Shlishit with all the Shavuot trimmings,

including blintzes and cheesecake

And over the S’udah we’ll continue the Congregation Sons of Israel tradition


Have you read a Jewish-themed book?... tell us about it! Novel, Biography, History, Humor, Short Stories,

Kosher Cookbook, Bible Commentary…You Name It… (No worries: you don’t have to have read a book to come, eat and daven!)

Ma’ariv (Evening Service for the start of the Y om Tov)

Shavuot Services

First Day - Sunday, June 9th

at Congregation Beth Israel of the Palisades 1585 Center Avenue

Morning Service - 9:30 am

Ma’ariv at The JCC of Fort Lee/Congregation Gesher Shalom - 9:15 pm

Second Day - Monday, June 10th

at The JCC of Fort Lee/Congregation Gesher Shalom

We are pleased to welcome members of CBIOTP to our shul!

Early Yizkor Service - 7:30 am (for those unable to attend the service at 9:00 am)

Morning Service - 9:00 am - including Yizkor

Minha - 12:30 pm

Ma’ariv & Havdalah - 9:15 pm

“Offerings of the Heart”

The names of our

Torah Members

are inscribed on the

sculpture in our

Community Room.


These members provide financial assistance and synagogue membership for families who are enduring

financial hardship, as well as a full religious education for their children.


These members provide financial assistance and membership for

families who are enduring financial hardship.

Our Torah Members These generous individuals have voluntarily chosen to support our Synagogue at a higher level of dues

than is required, in order to help other Jews who are less fortunate and in need of assistance.


David Korn

Stephen & Merilee Obstbaum

Joseph & Tikva Ofeck

Joni Rosen

Myrna Weissman

Gertrud Buchler

Martin & Rochelle Carus

Lior & Andrea Elrom

Harvey & Barbara Fishman

Regina Friedman

Allan Ginsburg

Jerome Goldfischer & Lila Mordoh

Seymour & Nancy Green

Arnold & Alice Grodman

Renee Gruenspecht

Yakov & Vera Kishinevsky

Daniel Kraut & Eve Kohut

Larry Lesh & Terry Gottlieb

Joseph Lempel

Irwin & Karen Meyers

Ann Oster

Abraham Ravid

Ann Rosenberg

Seligman & Phyllis Rosenberg

Sheila Scherl

Michael & Sally Seymour

Marcia Sherman

Norm & Florence Silverberg

Barry & Barbara Sussman

Mordechai & Suzanne Warshavsky

Charlotte Winter

From the Rabbi’s Study

Notes from the Cantor


Hebrew School





Bat Mitzvah


Birthdays & Anniversaries






2018 President’s Council 2019

GUARDIAN LEADERS Gifts of $25,000 or more


Herb A”H & Reggie Feuerstein

Congregation Sons of Israel

Steven & Suzette Kolitch *

The President’s Council was established to recognize and honor our “Leadership Donors”

who contribute $1,250 or more to our Kol Nidre Annual Fund.

These generous individuals are the “Financial Guardians” of our synagogue.

BENEFACTORS Gifts of $5,000 - $9,999


Allan Ginsburg Sisterhood

PATRONS Gifts of $2,500 - $4,999

Anonymous (2)

Marjorie Berger


Seymour Blechman

Alvin & Nili Cohen

David Korn

Stephen & Merilee Obstbaum

Loren & Lori Wasserman

BUILDERS Gifts of $1,750 - $2,499


Martin & Rochelle Carus

Alice & Arnold Grodman


Renée Gruenspecht

Marvin & Shirley Kochansky

Joseph & Tikva Ofeck

Joni Rosen

Sheila Scherl


SUSTAINERS Gifts of $1,250 - $1,749


Anonymous (3)

Mark & Audrey Altschul

Naomi Altschul

Milton & Doryne Davis

Ira & Anna Erlichman

Regina Friedman

Jerry Goldfischer & Lilah Mordoh


Ruth Korn

Joseph Lempel

Jerome & Barbara Margolin

Irwin & Karen Meyers

Ann Oster

Terry Plawker

Leo & Mary Rettig

Richard & Nancy Schiff

Laurie Singer

Heidi Skolnik & Michael Glanz

Gregory & Nancy Vorbach

Mordechai & Suzanne Warshavsky

Ellen Yuder



FOUNDERS Gifts of $10,000 - $17,999

Estate of Ken Feldman

Anonymous Gary & Lisa Maier *

CHAI-FOUNDERS Gifts of $18,000 - $24,999

(* Indicates a Charter Member since 1995)

Seven weeks of counting… Three

weeks of impending gloom… A

month of anticipation… Nearly

another month of nonstop

holidays…And this is only part of

the rhythm of the Jewish calendar.

We are about to complete seven

weeks of counting the Omer from

the night of the second Seder until the day before


In biblical times this was a period of great optimism and

anticipation: the Festival of Liberation coupled with the

barley harvest was the beginning of a very exciting time,

because in a short seven weeks our ancestors anticipated

the wheat harvest (wheat is a lot more precious than

barley) coupled with the harvest of first fruits. And to top

it all off, the rabbis linked this agricultural celebration to

the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai.

But in rabbinic times, this heady period was marred by

Roman persecutions which left a millennia-long scar

seared into our psyches as evidenced by customs of no

weddings, haircuts, and growing “an Omer beard.” In the

shul of my youth there was also a special Omer tune for

L’cha Dodi (although I always thought it was just a bit

too beautiful for a mourning period).

The days of the Omer didn’t get any better for us in

modern times: the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and the great

deportation of Jews from Hungary and Czechoslovakia

took place within this seven-week Omer timeframe. Even

the end of World War II, the birth of the State of Israel

and the miraculous, lightning-fast victory in the Six-Day

War – all occurring within the seven weeks – could not

entirely erase the trauma of centuries past. In the New

York City area our Celebrate Israel Parade is usually

postponed until after the Omer and Shavuot are behind

us. This year, however, an exception was made: the

parade will be held on Sunday June 2, Y om

Yerushalayim (anniversary of the Israeli capture of the

Old City in 1967).

And then come the three weeks, the crescendo of

mourning for the Temples that culminates in/on Tisha


Less than a month later the shofar is heard at every


weekday morning service, heralding the approach of

the high holidays (it’s not exactly a time of great joy

for a rabbi, especially when everyone else around me

has a different attitude). Five days later comes Sukkot

and we can truly revel in the beauty of nature and

God’s world. Now even a rabbi can share in the joy,

sitting back in a chair and gazing up at the sky

through the lattice work.

What comes next? Nothing… A whole month of

nothing… And although that is a welcome break, both

nature and Jewish life abhor a vacuum. Now is the

time when we can finally get down to business and

when shul-life becomes a beehive of activity.

And around – and within – the framework that I have

just laid out for the coming six months of our Jewish

year, we plug in our personal feasts and fasts,

birthdays and anniversaries and vacations, and yes,

yahrzeiten, as well.

And when you look back on all of it and reflect, it

turns out that it’s not so much a rhythm or a tempo as

it is a series of moments: periods of exhilaration,

recollection, tension, relaxation, dread, anticipation,

highs and lows.

It’s life.


May you all have a great summer, filled with just the

right mix of activity and quietude after you join us for


Early-morning Yizkor Service on the Second Day

You may recall that last fall, for Sh’mini Atzeret, the

Ritual Committee decided to explore the possibility of

holding a special Yizkor service in the evening rather

than early on a weekday morning.

A weeknight Yizkor wasn’t an issue for Passover

because the last day (on which Yizkor is always held),

fell on Shabbat.

But Yizkor for Shavuot is on Monday morning, June

10. Nevertheless, you will notice that our Yizkor

schedule calls for a Monday morning 7:30 a.m.

Yizkor service. That is because the second night of

Yom Tov begins at 9:15 p.m., and the Ritual

Committee felt that that was just too late to hold this


If you have an opinion about the schedule that you

would like to share, the Ritual Committee and I would

welcome hearing from you.

Trading Places

SHAVUOT will mark the third time in the span of just

under two months that we will welcome members of

Congregation Beth Israel of the Palisades to our shul,

and in turn, we will be welcomed into theirs.

On Sunday morning, June 9, services will be held at

CBIOTP, 1585 Center Avenue at 9:30 a.m.

On Monday morning, June 10, services (including

Yizkor) will be held at Gesher Shalom, starting

at 9:00 a.m.

Please note: All evening services will be held at

Gesher Shalom.

We Are Proud of…

Drs. Lia Tsveniashvili and David Pichkadze who

will be honored at the annual dinner of the Bergen

County High School of Jewish Studies on Wednesday,

June 5. For years they have volunteered in the school

on Sunday mornings, and through the Parents’

Association in support of their son, Sam, who is

completing 11th grade.

Mazal Tov!

On the Road with the Rabbi to The Jewish Museum

Docent-Guided Tour of

Leonard Cohen: A Crack in Everything

Thursday, June 13 10:30 am

$25.00 per person

Ring the bells that still can ring Forget your perfect offering There is a crack, a crack in everything That’s how the light gets in. —Leonard Cohen

RSVP to Rabbi Ken Stern: rabbi@geshershalom.org or 201-947-1735 ext. 314


Hallel was omitted. I was never able to find out just


What I do know today, is that the Israeli Chief

Rabbinate allows prayers of Hallel to be said on Yom

Yerushalayim. The one verse of Psalm 118 from

Hallel sums up the spir it of the entire Hallel, which

has become a Gesher Shalom favorite time to “sing-

out.” The verse I’m referring to is:

Zeh Hayom Assa Adonai… This is the day which

God made… Let us be glad and rejoice!

I conclude with the lyrics of a popular Israeli-Chassidic

Festival Song, “Lach

Yerushalayim,” by Amos

Ettinger and A. Rubenstein.

Some of the words include the


For Thee Jerusalem between

the city wall’s a new light will

shine B’libeinu… in our heart,

there exists but one song…

between the Jordan and the


For all of us, we rejoice with

Jerusalem on Yom

Yerushalayim. The prophet Isaiah said it best when

we read among his many writings, “Sisu et

Yerushalayim,” Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad

with her… The people shall inherit the land forever”


(Sunday June 2nd). Have a healthy,

relaxing and musical summer.

I recently had the honor of

conducting an evening service

(Ma’ariv) in a house of

mourners during Shivah, for a

loss that was sustained by one

of our own members. As we

were about to begin the

service, I asked everyone

present to join me in prayer in

the Eastern direction in the mourner’s home. I

found this idea quite striking, that no matter where

a Jew is in the world,

when we pray, we face

towards the East. Ever

since I can remember

keeping Jerusalem and

the ancient Temple in

mind each day as we

pray, is a very touching

symbol of unity that

links our people to the

past, present, and

toward the future.

On the 28th day of Iyar

in 1967 as a result of the Israeli victory over the

Arab armies during the

6-day war, the two divided halves of Jerusalem were

united for the first time since the year 70 CE. The

temple mount and the Western (wailing) Wall were

once again under Jewish control. Like Yom

Ha’atzmaut, the day is celebrated with patr iotic and

military activities.

In Yerushalayim itself, this designated day begins with

a thanksgiving service at the kotel. Torches are lit to

commemorate the memory of the Israeli soldiers who

died in the battle for Jerusalem.

As a young man I remember visiting an orthodox

synagogue in Boro Park (Temple Beth El) and

attending a Yom Yerushalayim Ma’ariv service and

concert, featuring the late lamented Cantor and

recording artist, Moshe Koussevitsky. He had just

returned from a trip to Israel and, with a cold, managed

to chant the evening service that included Hallel

beautifully, but I distinctly recall that the first bracha of




Mon - Fri at 7:00 am


Sun - Thurs at 7:45 pm

Sing-a-long: Although “April showers bring May

flowers . . . June is busting out all over.” June, in

reality, is when Sisterhood’s current calendar comes

to a close. This year’s accomplishments were many.

We hope you enjoyed the programs, and look

forward to more exciting events next year.


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

To all the loyal and hard working members of our

Executive Board for their patience and input at our

monthly meetings. If it’s true “that many hands

make light work,” then that is the secret of our


And to our members, thank you for being a part of

Sisterhood. To our congregants who are not, our

annual dues are $36 which goes to help support our

programs & synagogue. Please consider joining us.


Shavuot Program

BYOB - Bring Your Own BOOK Saturday, June 8th, 8:00 pm

Please join the congregation erev Shavuot, for

Minha, Ma’ariv and S’udah Shlishit (the 3rd meal).

While enjoying dairy dessert, share with us a Jewish

book you have read and recommend.

Sisterhood Shabbat

Friday, June 14, 2019 ~ 7:00pm

The women of Sisterhood along with

Rabbi Ken Stern & Cantor Paul Zim

will participate in a beautiful and meaningful service.

A special Oneg Shabbat will follow.

We hope your family and friends will join us this evening.

Chairperson: Kathy Grazian

Sisterhood Book Club

Tuesday, June 18th - 1:00pm

“Russian Tattoo”

By Elena Gorokhova

Refreshments served


Kathy Grazian 201-592-0463

Naomi Altschul 201-568-9274

Next Book Club - August 20th

Book to be determined.

A timely reminder…While we are closing shop

for the summer, we are still thinking ahead.

Evelyn Baer will be chair ing our New Year’s

Greetings fundraising project (a small donation to send

greetings to your fellow congregants.) Watch your

mail for details.


It’s now time for me to put away my pad and

pencil for just a few months. We all need to

recharge our batteries every so often! Enjoy the longer

summer days doing what pleases you most.

Have a happy and healthy summer.

See you in September.

The graduates of the University of Texas were treated

to a commencement address a few years ago by U.S.

Navy Admiral William H. McRaven. It was all over

the internet, and you should absolutely check it out.

The Admiral gave the students 10 lessons from basic

SEAL training. Upon reading the transcript and

listening to the speech, the lessons transcended the

Navy, the university, and even the internet. Some of

the lessons seemed so relevant to the task of raising

and educating Jewish children that a few of them

found their way to the pages of the Messenger.

1. Start each day with a task completed. The Navy

Seal training required the students to make their bed

perfectly each and every day. It seemed ridiculous to

them, considering all they had to go through to

become Navy Seals, the toughest warriors in the

service. Yet the simple act of completing one task

perfectly set the tone for each day. It was a little

thing, but little things matter. Why not begin the day

together, singing Ma Tovu? Or Hamotzi before

breakfast? It is a small thing, but it could make all the

difference in the day of your child.

2. Find someone to help you through life. One of the

key principles the Navy Seals learned day after day

was that they had to work as a team. Whether rowing

a boat or swimming in deep, dark waters with sharks,

success in the end was determined by how well the

students worked together. Raising Jewish children is a

partnership. We are not alone. Parents together with

educators, as well as other families and friends make

community. We should stick together.

3. Life is not fair. As much as we try to live the best

life possible and shield our kids from sadness and

failure, those things will sometimes happen. The

Seals had to go through a uniform inspection. But no

matter how perfectly they prepared, the instructors

would find something wrong. The lesson was that

sometimes no matter what you do or how hard you

try, you might not succeed. Helping children

understand that life is sometimes not fair and true

success is going to be difficult. Teaching that lesson is

probably as hard for parents to do as it is for children to

understand. Helping a child learn that true success

comes from the process, not merely the product can

change the course of a life.

Admiral McRaven summarized the message this way:

“If you want to change the world for the better it will

not be easy. Respect everyone. Know that life is not

fair and that you will fail often. You must take some

risks, step up when times are toughest, face down the

bullies, lift up the downtrodden and never, ever give

up. If you do these things, then the next generation and

the generations that follow will live in a world far

better than the one we have today, and what started

here will indeed have changed the world—for the


Working together, from learning Hebrew to Jewish

values, from tefillah to the history of Eretz Yisrael, we

can change the world.

Navy Seals and Hebrew School - L’Dor v’Dor

We are collecting donations of

Non Perishable Foods, Toiletries

& Paper Products. We would

appreciate if you would make a

donation to help those less fortunate.



We have someone willing to teach several sessions on the in and outs of Mah Jong. If you are interested in learning to play, please notify the synagogue office. 201-947-1735 We will need to know when you are available, afternoons or evenings. Participants will be required to purchase their own Mah Jong card, either $8 or $9 depending on the card size.

This class is for synagogue members only. Only if

we have a committed number of players will the

classes be scheduled.

Ava Ciardiello . . . June 15th, 2019

Fort Lee Memorial Day Parade

Gesher Shalom member, Veteran of

WWII and of The Battle of the Bulge,

Al Sussman, and Rabbi Ken Stern

presenting the Congregation’s wreath.

On Monday May 27th, our synagogue members and Rabbi Ken Stern

marched in the Fort Lee Memorial Day Parade. They can be seen

here holding the synagogue banner. Extra special thanks to Iris

Coleman for spearheading and organizing every aspect!

Ava Rose Ciardiello, daughter of Luba Veiland & Mario Ciardiello and sister to Lily, will

become a Bat Mitzvah on June 15th, 2019. She is the granddaughter of the late Yelya

Veiland and the late Leonid Aizenshtein, and Christina & Peter Ciardiello of Fort Lee. Ava

is a 7th grade student at Lewis F. Cole Middle School where she is a member of her school’s

basketball and softball teams, art club, and has been on both the Honor Roll and the High

Honor Roll.

Ava will be having a Havdalah service for her Bat Mitzvah. She is of Russian, Romanian, Italian and Spanish

decent. Ava is proud of her Jewish heritage, and she is also proud to be the granddaughter of one of the youngest

Holocaust survivors (her grandmother Yelya). She aspires to one day, work in medicine as a pediatric urologist,

and attend either UCLA or NYU. She also hopes to visit Israel in the near future.

Ava would like to thank all of her friends and family for their continuous support. Most importantly she would like

to thank her parents and her little sister Lilly for their continued love and support. Ava is so appreciative of all that

they do for her, and is incredibly grateful that they are her family.

Mitchell Shedlarz would like to thank all of his friends

at Gesher Shalom who attended the Kaballat Cabaret

Service and Oneg. It was a wonderful event!



Terry Gottlieb & Larry Lesh

Deena Zimmerman

Donations listed were received in April


Ilene McGrath

Barbara Cohen

Alice & Arnold Grodman

Alice & Arnold Grodman

Nancy & Richard Schiff

Laurie & Ira Smilovitz

Laurie & Ira Smilovitz

Ann & Peter Bloch

Marilyn Saposh

Our condolences to . . .


On the loss of his mother,


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


On the loss of his wife,



~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


On the loss of their mother


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


On the loss of her husband,


Shelly & Martin Carus’ Anniversary

Doryne Davis’ Birthday

Doryne Davis’ Birthday

Livia Kraut’s Bat Mitzvah

Alice & Arnold Grodman’s Anniversary




Terry Gottlieb & Larry Lesh


Joel Mostel’s Birthday

Good Health to Terry Gottlieb

Maya Huber’s 9th Birthday

Rabbi Stern

Rabbi Stern’s granddaughter Liora

Cantor Paul Zim

Gesher Shalom Custodial Staff

The Hebrew School Staff

The Schiffs’ new granddaughter

David McGrath

Miriam & Harry Richman

Our Sages


The giving of

tzedakah is as

great as all the

other mitzvot

together — Bara

Batra 9a

Alice and I would like to give our heartfelt thanks

to the congregation, our second family, for all

their love and support.

The generous donations, thoughtfulness and

kind words brought us comfort while we mourned the

passing of my mother, Martha Grodman


Arnold Grodman


1 Marcus Seeger

3 Lucille Laufer

3 Barbara Sussman

6 Jordyn Fein

7 Steven Kolitch

8 Phyllis Breit

8 Mercy Cohen

8 Ava Ciardiello

8 Eileen Goff

8 Ann Hurwitz

8 Ethel Plutzer

9 Sandra Jonas

10 Rose Lederman

10 Audrey Greenberg

11 Jacob Greenberg

11 Sandy Karpman

11 Ann Schaer

14 Martin Carus

14 Peri Wexler

15 Marvin Josif

16 Norman Silverberg

17 Gilad Gensler

20 Sharon Starr

22 Walter Strasfeld

23 Simcha Hausman

24 June Kerman

25 Naomi Fein

25 Marcia Sherman

26 Diana Dasgupta

26 Anne Sommer

27 Richard Danoff

28 Ryan Levi



2 Karen Reisner

2 Faith Dash Guigliano

2 Marianne Wolff

3 Norman Schaer

3 Andrew Schulman

4 Shira Kindler

4 Joseph Hyman

5 Michael Guigliano

5 Martha Shemin

7 Lynda Sussman

8 Carol Franklin

8 Hennie Ostrower

8 Shlomo Peled

8 Alan Stern

12 Rochelle Schneider

14 Edith Adler

15 D. Scott Alenick

15 Shilo Wexler

18 Seymour Green

19 Stephanie Strauss

19 Gregory Vorbach

20 Justin Fasman

22 Suzanne Warshavsky

23 Ilene Cohen

24 Blake Cohen

24 Shirley Kochansky

25 Barbara Fishman

25 Alma Katz

25 Arie Levi

26 Lisa Maier

27 Nancy Vorbach

29 Hilda Froelke

2 Jill Rosenberg

2 Ellen Yuder

3 Wayne Koby

5 Robert Gordon

5 Ann Rosenberg

5 Alvin Sussman

8 Solomon Grazian

9 Earl Schneider

10 Gerald Topiel

10 Yetta Maidenberg

11 Liam Altschul

11 Noah Altschul

11 William Katz

11 Lois Bruno

13 Benjamin Altschul

15 Helen Kimberly

20 Roz Zim

22 Dylan Schulman

22 Bradley Skolnik

24 Ira Erlichman

24 Nili Cohen

24 Marvin Kochansky

26 Austin Rosenberg

27 Sue Ann Koby

30 Sara Erlichman

30 Stephanie Levi

30 Terry Gottlieb

30 Israel Gerstein


If your birthday/anniversary is not listed, please call the Synagogue office and we will

update our records. 201-947-1735


1 Gladys & Robert Gordon

1 Lia & David Pitchkhadze

3 Beth & Jeffrey Kaplan

3 Helene & Emanuel Rabin

6 Ayelet & Jacob Kindler

7 Suzanne & Mordechai Warshavsky

8 Lori & Loren Wasserman

8 Judith & Marvin Platt

9 Merilee & Stephen Obstbaum

12 Phyllis & Milton Breit

13 Irene & Kenneth Eisenstein

20 Cheryl & Marc Karpman

24 Suzanne & D. Scott Alenick

24 Lynda & Alvin Sussman

26 Doryne & Milton Davis


1 Simcha & Michael Hausman

4 Laurie & Ira Smilovitz

5 Ann & Norman Schaer

10 Susan Davis & Fred Wolodiger

11 Audrey & Mark Altschul

30 Ana & Ira Erlichman

4 Shira & Robert Feuerstein

5 Andrea & Lior Elrom

10 Karen & Mark Halpern

17 Marlene & Leon Perkal

25 Amy Rosen & Hugh Gilenson

26 Ilene & Paul Cohen

BRIDGE OPTICIANS 301 Bridge Plaza North

Fort Lee, NJ 07024


Harrison L. Rosenberg

Danny Lim David Mandel Lila Mordoh


Beautiful gifts to show your love and usher in important times of the year

Phone 201-947-1735



Call Kathy Grazian



Daily Service Times Mon -Thur 7:00am & 7:45pm Friday 7:00am & 7:00pm Saturday 9:30am & Minchah Sunday 9:00am & 7:45pm

1 27 Iyar

Bible Study 11:30am

2 28 Iyar

3 29 Iyar

4 1 Sivan

5 2 Sivan

6 3 Sivan

Rabbi’s Class 10:30 am CSI Lecture 12:30 pm

7 4 Sivan

Bible Study 11:30 am

8 5 Sivan

Service 9:30 am People of the Book Shavuot program 8:00 pm

9 6 Sivan

Service 9:30 am at CBIOTP 1585 Center Ave, Fort Lee Ma’ariv at 9:15 pm at the JCCFL

10 7 Sivan

Early Yizkor Service 7:30 am

Service 9:00 am Mincha 12:30 pm Ma’ariv 9:15 pm

11 8 Sivan

12 9 Sivan

13 10 Sivan

On the Road with the Rabbi 10:30 am Sisterhood Board Meeting & Luncheon 1:00 pm

14 11 Sivan

Bible Study 11:30 am Sisterhood Shabbat 7:00 pm

15 12 Sivan

Service 9:30 am Ava Ciardello Bat Mitzvah 7:45 pm

16 13 Sivan

17 14 Sivan

18 15 Sivan

Sisterhood Book Club 1:00 pm

19 16 Sivan

20 17 Sivan

Rabbi’s Class 10:30 am

21 18 Sivan

Bible Study 11:30 am

22 19 Sivan

Service 9:30 am

23 20 Sivan

24 21 Sivan

25 22 Sivan

26 23 Sivan

27 24 Sivan

28 25 Sivan

Bible Study 11:30 am

29 26 Sivan

Service 9:30 am

30 27 Sivan
















Rabbi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kenneth A. Stern

Cantor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paul Zim

Rabbi Emeritus . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irving Spielman

Messenger Editor . . . . . . . . . . . .Yael Gevertzman


President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ethel Chesen

Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Martha Shemin

Financial Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ann Bloch

Corresponding Secretary . . . . . . . . . Evelyn Davis

Recording Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . Rochelle Carus

Men’s Club

President/Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alan Stern

Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marvin Kochansky

President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mark Altschul

Vice Presidents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Andrea Elrom

Wayne Koby

Richard Schiff

Ira Smilovitz

Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arnold Insler

Secretaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Niles Burton

Iris Coleman

Joan Alter Ethel Chesen

Regina Friedman Hilda Froelke

Hugh Gilenson Seymour Green

Vera Kishinevsky Dan Kraut

Howard Schefflan Laurie Singer

Heidi Skolnik Alan Stern

Nancy Vorbach

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