celine mcarthur correspondence with fscj supervisor

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  • 8/2/2019 Celine McArthur correspondence with FSCJ supervisor


    FTUcoverage and Blue WaveP ie rce , T ra cy A .Sent: Wednesday, February 29,2012 11:39 AMTo: McArthur,CelineJ.Importance~Hfgh

    There is no need to work on the sports piece at this time. That is not a priority.I appreciate the plan you provided, but it is not the direction I want to take at this time. The sports piece shouldnot divert your resources from other priorities.If we need video support for the Blue Wave roll out, I will inform you. Thanks. --TracyFrom: "McArthur, Celine J." Date: Wed, 29 Feb 201211:21:09 -0500To: "Pierce, Tracy A." Cc; "McArthur, Celina J." S ub je ct: R e: F TU coverageTracy,What isgoing on with the audit? I need to know. I'm the one crafting the piece that's going to the paper-thepaper that's ALSOanxiously waiting for the results of the prelim audit. I'm not sure why you'd want me to fl y blindon this. Also, please remember that the TU (not the FTU) i s not obligated to print letters to the Editor.Per your other inquiries: We are working with the media today regarding Garrett's story. He just returned from astate competition with the College's forensics team where he won multiple awards. He's now available to dointerviews-and we have two great stories to share.As for ECE:The piece will be featured o n fscj.edu, Florida State College Network, the Chamber of Commercewebsite-and we're sending it to higher ed trades and pubs.We are also working on the sports piece that will be featured in the Blue Wave media campaign-and the actualroll out fund raising event.Lastly-and most timely-we are working on our coverage and media campaign for the conference that's beingheld at our college this Friday and Saturday. As you can see, for a team that's down two players, and has severelylimited resources, we're working on many projects that support the College's mission.Once I meet with Judy and get the information I requested from the different departments, the fetter will bedrafted.We are not missing the window of opportunity-unless there's more to this story than you're telling me.[ really need to get back to work.Thanks,C e l i n e

  • 8/2/2019 Celine McArthur correspondence with FSCJ supervisor


    From: "Pierce, T ra cy A ,If Date: Wed, 29 Feb 2012 10:37:08 -0500T o: "McArthur, Celine J,II Subject: Re: FTU coverageIt does not change my mind.My expectation is t ha t you and your team should be able to draft an effective Jetter to the editor in a timely fashionrepresenting the College's posit ion on such issues.It i s c lea r that you can not. We are missing the window of opportunity to respond to the coverage.

    From: "McArthur, Celine 1.'1 Date: Wed, 29 Feb 201210:28:01-0500To: "Pierce, Tracy A." , CEO Cc: "McArthur, Celine J." Subject: Re: FTU coverageTracy,Per your re q uest, I am working on the Letter to t he Ed it or for the Times-Union in response to the two articles "Cap,Gown, $25K in Debt" and "Massive student debt also a drag on economy" featured in Sunday's Money section. Ihave been working with several departments to secure the information required for the response. I amthen meeting with Dr. Judy Bilsky on Friday to discuss,I disagree with your "salt" an d "pepper" approach to a 2 -p ag e Associated Press double-feature on higher educationand student debt. Responding with mission-statement bullet points and vague references to a few randomexamples of what's offered at the College isn't strategic.You must know that one of the primary take-aways of that coverage is that the Federal Government is shifting itsfocus on higher education from accessibility to accountabilitv. People know Florida State College at Jacksonvilleis open-access. They know the College is the most affordabfe in the region. What they don't know is what theCo lle ge is doing to make sure students are getting their bang for the buck. That's the strategic message that needsto beshared ..Speaking of cost and student debt-I understand that federal financial aid at the College is being audited (T.U.Inquiry from Steve Patterson), First of a ll, a s the A VP of Strategic Communications, that's something I need toknow before the media. If there are issues that will make headlines, it would not be strategic to craf t a piece forOr. Bilsky or any Cabinet member that could make them appear to be unlnformed+or worse-dishonest. Again,not strategic and in fact, counter-productive.P er D r. Wallace, we are supposed to be collaborators. Your unwillingness to share critical information-despite myconstant requests-makes my work unnecessarily chatlenging. As the C EO of storytelling (as described by ourCollege president), i t's my job to tell the story-which I can only do when I have the facts.As our VP of Student Success and Economic Development and Community Education, you need to b e ab le todiscuss (in much greater detail than you presented below) what the C olle ge h as done, is d oin g, an d continues to doto improve student success an d economic development. That ' s why I requested th e interview with you. After 20years of climbing the professional ladder a t th e C ollege , this should not only be sim ple, but also rewarding for you.Le t me know if this changes your mind about an interview.

  • 8/2/2019 Celine McArthur correspondence with FSCJ supervisor


    Cel ineCeline McArthurAssociate Vice PresidentStrategic CommunicationslF1orida State College NetworkFlorida State College at Jackson ville9911 Old Baymeadows Road, Suite 01714Jacksonville, FL 322560: 904.632.5028C: 904 .200 .2134Twitter: @CelineMcArthurSkype: celine.rncarthurwww.f1oridas ta tecoUegenetwork .com

    F rom : " Pie rc e , T ra c y A ." Date: Wed, 29 Feb 201207:49:47 -0500T o: IlM cA rth ur, C e lin e J." S ub je ct: R e: F TU coverageCeline, has a ny p ro gr es s been m ade on this project? The w in do w o f o pp ortu nity is c lo sin g. T ha nks . --T ra cyF rom : "P ie rc e, T ra cy A ." < tP ie rc e@ fs cj.e du >Date: Mon, 27 Feb 201209:47:44 -0500To: "McArthur, Cel ine J." S ub je ct: R e : F TU c ov era g eNo need to in te rvie w m e. T he c ove ra ge is in y este rd ay 's p ap er.This is a s im ple c olu mn that e xp re ss es o ur c ore v alu es a s a n in stitu tio n in a w ay that is m ea nin gfu l a nd re le va nt toth e tw o major stories in yeste rday 's pape r on stude nt deb t a nd the cost of hig he r ed,The main poin t is that our comm un ity can avo id the h ig h cost and debt by attending a state ( commun ity ) c o lle g e .The major me ss ag e s a re a cc es s an d respons iveness.You a nd your tea m should be able to dra ft this very q uic kly . T ha n ks . --T ra cy

    F rom : "McA rthu r, CelineJ:c Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2012 09:34:18 -0500To : "Pi er ce , T ra cy A . " C c: "Corby, M lc ha e l" , "M c Arth ur, Celin e J ." S ub je ct: R e : F TU c ov era g eTracy ,Fabu lous idea . First, ple ase se nd m e the lin k to th e s pe cific media c ov era ge y ou 're re fe rrin g to b elo w .r w ould like to se t up a tim e la te r th is w eek to in te rview you for this piece . You r expe rtise , pass ion for the Issueand-most im po rta ntly --y ou r fin an cia l lite ra cy site a nd m ao la campaigns g iv e u s s om e th in g c on c re te a n d p ro ac tiv e

  • 8/2/2019 Celine McArthur correspondence with FSCJ supervisor


    to d is cu ss .Also,we need to renew our subscription to www.newspaperclips.com so we can get reliable, t imely, in-depth feedsof allof the major issues that Impact Florida State College at Jacksonville-and higher educat ion.Thanks!Cefine

    From: "Pierce, Tracy A.If Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2012 08:53:28 -0500To: "McArthur, Celine J." , "Corby, Michael" Sub je ct: F TU coverageThe times union coverage of late has been very good. Congratulations to both of you for your wo rk towar d thisgoal . I t 's great to see.I think we do have one opportunity as a result of the weekend coverage on the cost of education and student debt.Could you please draft a fetter to the editor or guest column responding to that coverage and expressing theaccessibil ity of Florida State College on the basis of our affordable tuition and the tower cost of remaining at home.You can pepper itwith references to how we ar e building our collegiate life component using the examples ofle on ar d P itts and the event going on tomorrow at South. You can salt itwith references to ou r growing 4-yearprograms and the continued capability to access everything the universities offer through the traditionalarticulation program. It's an opportunity to express our maturity as a baccalaureate Institution. If you can get adraft, I'll find someone to be the author - maybe Dr. Bilskey.Again, nice work on the recent media coverage. Let me know your thoughts on the letter/column above. Thanks.--Tracy

  • 8/2/2019 Celine McArthur correspondence with FSCJ supervisor


    Wednesday, February 1,20121:09:24 PM ET

    S ub je ct: le ad ersh ip ro leDate: Thursday, March 24, 2011 8:38:42 AM ETFrom: P ie rc e, T r ac y A.To: McArthur , CelinaPriority: HighCeline,! need to submit a "leadership role descript ion" on your position to Dr. Wallace. Let me know what yo umight add to the paragraph below. These are one paragraph descriptions of your role focusing on the II?'cHfe'rshrp-espeets arrd-interactiens. Note that this has no impact on funding or compensation. It's going into his leadershipmodel work for the board.


    AVPof Strategic CommunicationsThis-leedershtp role demands a psofessional and.respected-eommunicator; with, the. required.

    , ,?Itah.mts to-devele paad-mainteta-relatfenships with-other external opinron-leadere associated,/ w itin im ,pGr;ta nt GallegecfHlstftuenciesin business and industry, mediarand'P0li t ieal~aFe:aa'5g$s:the college's.chief story-teller, the leader in ilits'role must--fl~ess~th~mt-emal.argani~atlonal- aeamen.to. work with senicr.Ieadership as well as.faeu:lzy-and~othel"'staff-49 craft a - eohesivecollege narrative which shapes the identity of the college and optimally positions the college toachieve all aspects of the college's mission. Ree0gRi2~ng1:hi rt 'communic 'f t it l1r i s- inheref l 't n .the . .aehle-'emenffi~aH eellege-geals, t h i c S ' Ieadersmp -tole-is umqne-tn -it:s~pervasive-cO'Uege'impa-ctThe quality of the college's communication program as led by the individual in this role willhave a direct and profound im pact on th e perception of the college among key constituenciesand the consequential behavior of those constituencies in support of the college.


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  • 8/2/2019 Celine McArthur correspondence with FSCJ supervisor



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