center day choice menu - romeo and...

Post on 23-Oct-2019






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Hemmelgarn/English 9


Romeo and Juliet – Center Day Activities

You must choose one assignment from each column OR read a companion novel for a total of 8 weeks

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 8

Shakespeare in the Classroom

Courtship in Elizabethan


Shakespeare Valentines


Dolls/Design costumes

Poem Relates

Letters to


Graphic Novel

Defining Love and Tragedy

IM in Love

Create a set

Pyramus and


Brain on Love

Picture Book

Pick Up Lines

Diary Entry

Movie casting



Invented Teenagers

YOLO Juliet



Companion Book











Parental permission required * These will be completed on center days, once a week in class. This will be in ADDITION to the reading questions each week.

Hemmelgarn/English 9


Hemmelgarn/English 9


Week 2 Sheets

Hemmelgarn/English 9


Defining Love and Tragedy 1. What is your definition of love?

2. What is your definition of tragedy?

3. What is the dictionary’s definition of love?

4. What is the dictionary’s definition of tragedy? 5. What is one example of a tragic tale that you have read or seen? What makes it tragic?

6. What is one example of a romantic tale that you have read or seen? What makes it romantic?

Hemmelgarn/English 9


7. Knowing these definitions, and having read a little of the play, why might it be important to know how specific people define love or tragedy? (Why does it matter if your definition is different than mine?)

8. Reading the prologue, what inferences (Educated guesses) can we make about the play?

9. What line(s) from the prologue best support your guess?

Hemmelgarn/English 9


Courtship in Elizabethan England Read the following articles in the Latitudes packet: “Gender Differences in the 1200-1400s”, “The Role of a Young Noble Woman” and “Wedding Traditions in the Middle Ages”, then answer the following questions:

1. What was the main claim of the article?

2. What evidence/lines support that claim?

3. What did you find the most interesting about the differences between men and women?

4. What was one thing you that you wish still existed today?

Hemmelgarn/English 9


5. What is one thing that you are happy no longer exists?

6. If you were to get an “Elizabethan exchange student” for the year, how would you explain our dating customs and the roles

of men and women today to them?

Hemmelgarn/English 9


17TH Century Pick-up Lines Using the handout of Pick-up lines from the 17th century, please answer the following questions

1. Please translate 5 of the pick-up lines into modern language

Old Pick-Up Line Modern Translation

Hemmelgarn/English 9


2. What is a common theme from the pick-up lines (what do they refer to a lot? Use two lines as evidence.

3. Which one of these lines could you still use today? Why?

4. Which pick-up line should you never use today? Why?

Hemmelgarn/English 9


Week 3 Sheets

Hemmelgarn/English 9


Valentines from Shakespeare Your task is to write a Valentine to a classmate using words from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. You will be making 5 Valentines. You will get two points for the exact quote, but only one if you somehow omit or change a word. You will receive one point when you identify the speaker, and another when you list the act, scene, and line number(s) of the quote. I require each student to make five Valentine cards, resulting in five different quotes. All Valentines must be turned into me for grades before I pass them out. PLEASE NOTE: If you make /turn in an unkind or hurtful Valentine, you will receive NO points for any of your Valentines.

Hemmelgarn/English 9


Twitter/Text Love For our purposes you can think of a text messaging conversation or a Twitter chat. You must translate the balcony scene of Romeo and Juliet into a modern day English chat. They should each have screen/tag names. This will be harder than it seems but should be fun. In order to do this you must understand the scene and will be graded on how much of the scene you have included, as well as how creative you are with the translation/comparison. Consider the following:

• In the beginning Romeo and Juliet both talk to each other without knowing the other is there – figure out how to still include this.

• Make sure your dialogue includes the following important parts. (HOWEVER, your dialogue should not be JUST these sections so I suggest going through the scene again) …

o Juliet’s soliloquy about Romeo changing his name and the comparison to a rose o Romeo not knowing how to introduce himself and Juliet’s many questions o Juliet’s rationality and sensibility, compared to Romeo’s romanticism o Juliet’s hesitancy toward the quickness of the relationship o Their vows of love and future plans o Their difficulty in parting

Hemmelgarn/English 9


Text/Twitter Translation

Hemmelgarn/English 9


Diary of Main character

You will create a written diary from the perspective of one of the characters in your novel. You must have at least 1 diary entries that are one page typed (double spaced). This entries should not just include events, but also how your character feels about them. The entry may also include pictures, maps, or photographs that compliment your writing. You entry must include at least 4 quotes from the play.

Hemmelgarn/English 9


Hemmelgarn/English 9


Week 4 Sheets

Hemmelgarn/English 9


Paper Dolls Your assignment is to create paper dolls of our two main characters in the play: Romeo and Juliet based on the masquerade ball. What do they look like? What are they wearing? You may use the next page to draw your dolls. Make sure to use details from the text when creating their dolls and write at least 2 of the lines that you used from the play underneath the doll.

Hemmelgarn/English 9


Creating a set Your assignment is to design a stage set for one of the scenes in the lay that we have read so far. You should draw out your set and identify 3 quotes that helped you as you designed. You should also write a four sentence description justifying your choices. Remember to think about the placement of the stage and the audience, buildings and furniture that should be included, placement of actors, and color choices for backgrounds and lights.

Hemmelgarn/English 9


Movie Casting

You will be casting a movie version of the book. You will choose 5 characters in your book that you will like to cast. You will choose an actor to play each of the five characters. With each actor, you will write a paragraph (5 sentences) explaining why you think this actor is the best choice.

Hemmelgarn/English 9


Week 5 Sheets

Hemmelgarn/English 9


Activity 15: Poem Relates (20 pts) Read the following poems and then answer the questions below:


How unfair,

you with your unpronounced,

unrecognized power.

Smooth sexy hips are your Gestapo,

erotic eyes your surveillance cameras.

The words you speak are more powerful,

more controlling than Big Brother.

Caught in the tangle of your hair,

I convince myself

I AM disloyal, I AM independent,

I control my freedom.

You, teenage queen, don’t

own what I think,

nor lease my opinions.


like a faithful pup,

I bound back,

sniffing for love,

competing for attention, distraction,


- Samuel Fox, age 17

1. Some might say “The Consequence of Loving Me” could have been written from Rosalind’s perspective? Do you agree? Why or why not? Use two examples from the play in your answer.

Hemmelgarn/English 9


Sonnet 116

Let me not to the marriage of true minds

Admit impediments. Love is not love

Which alteration finds,

Or bends with the remover to remove.

O no, it is an ever-fixed mark,

That looks on tempests and is never shaken.

It is the star to every wandering bark,

Whose worth’s unknown, although the height be taken.

Love’s not Time’s fool, though rosy lips and cheeks

Within his bending sickle’s compass come.

Love alters not with its brief hours and weeks,

But it bears it out even to the edge of doom.

If this be error and upon me proved,

I never writ, nor no man ever loved.

- William Shakespeare

2. Which character could have written “Sonnet 116”? Use two examples from the play in your answer.

Hemmelgarn/English 9


The Consequence of Loving Me

He thought he knew me,

so he touched my throat,

expecting a kiss.

but I whisked him away

like an apple off a tree,

the consequence

of loving me.

He thought I cared,

so he shared

his deepest creepy secret.

in my head it mushroomed

into a balloon

and then it popped –

the secret was set free.

the consequence

of loving me.

He thought he could change

my bitchy, witchy ways.

He thought I’d listen to him whisper

when he said I was a blister.

But instead I sang him off

with my snitchy melody,

the consequence

of loving me.

My lesson to you

if you think I am sweet

and you want to meet me,


because I stab backs

and I never relax

until the climax

where I hit

you tittering in shock.

The happiness you wish

will never really be

the consequence

of loving me.

- Carli Taylor, age 14

Name: Hemmelgarn/ English 9


3. Some might say “Me and Woman Kind” could have been written from Romeo’s perspective? Do you agree? Why or why not? Use two examples from the play in your answer. 4. Which poem do you believe best represents the play? Why is this poem the best choice? Use two examples from the play to support your answer.

Name: Hemmelgarn/ English 9


Soundtrack of Romeo and Juliet Your job is to create a soundtrack that best represents the play so far. You will be required to choose six songs that represent

specific scenes from the play

Scene and Act Number and Brief summary of the scene

Two key quotes and who said them Song and Artist, as well as one line of lyrics that match the scene

Name: Hemmelgarn/ English 9


Name: Hemmelgarn/ English 9


Pyramus and Thisbe

This was an ancient story that was around before Shakespeare’s time and some argue that it is very similar to Romeo and Juliet. You should read the short story and then answer the questions that follow.

1. What are the similarities between Romeo and Juliet and “Pyramus and Thisbe”

2. Which couple had a better plan for evading their parents? Why? (One piece of evidence required)

3. Which couple do you sympathesize with more? Why? (One piece of evidence required)

4. Do you think Shakespeare copied the story of “Pyramus and Thisbe”? Why? (One piece of evidence required)

5. Why do you think tragic love stories are so popular?

Name: Hemmelgarn/ English 9


Week 6 Sheets

Name: Hemmelgarn/ English 9


Letters to Juliet (10 pts) Read the two articles about Juliet’s role in today’s society and then answer the following questions.

1. What is the main claim of the article?

2. What evidence supports your main claim?

3. Why do you think Romeo and Juliet is such a well- loved tale?

4. Why do you think so many people travel to Verona to get advice from a fictional character?

5. Are Romeo and Juliet role models for relationships? Why or why not?

Name: Hemmelgarn/ English 9


Comparing two or more texts

Directions: Use the questions below to help you think about the relationship between two or more texts of any kind. Use the back of the sheet if you need more room to write.

Read any of the pairings below:

“Love Can Relieve Pain” AND “The Brain on Love”

“Shakespeare invented Teenagers” AND “Montague and Capulet as Shiite and Sunni”

“Letters to Juliet” AND “Juliet has a history and a draw”

Content: In your own words, what is each text saying?

Text 1 Text 2

Central Claim


Name: Hemmelgarn/ English 9



1. Similarities: How are these texts similar, connected or related? How are they alike, whether in terms of subject matter, theme, purpose, tone, etc.? What specific lines and details echo each other or connect?

2. Differences: How are the two different—again, in terms of subject matter, theme, purpose, tone or anything else? Where do they “disagree”?

Name: Hemmelgarn/ English 9


3. The Two Texts Together: How does reading the two together make you see or understand things you might not if you read them separately? If the creators or subjects of these texts were to have a conversation, what is one thing they might say to each other?

4. Questions and Reactions: What questions do these texts and their content raise for you? What reactions do you have to them, either individually or together?

5. What relationship do you see between these articles and the play, Romeo and Juliet?

6. Are Romeo and Juliet role models for relationships? Why or why not?

Name: Hemmelgarn/ English 9


Week 8 Sheet

Name: Hemmelgarn/ English 9


Picture Book/Graphic Novel/ YOLO adaptation

Often, picture books and graphic novels and other adaptations provide the details of a story and a summary that can be missed from the original work. They help to simplify what was there all along. Read the picture book version of Romeo and Juliet, the graphic novel or the YOLO Juliet version. While you read, think about the theme of the play. Then work with your group to identify potential themes of the play. This main message or question is the theme of the novel. Romeo and Juliet has many common topics and questions that it tries to answer. You and your group are to identify 4 themes that occur in the novel. You must identify the theme and give 3 examples from the page (with page numbers) that are related to your theme. Theme Evidence/Proof

Name: Hemmelgarn/ English 9


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