central place theory concepts and ideas. who put forward the theory? walter christaller (1933) a...

Post on 29-Mar-2015






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Central Place Theory

Concepts and ideas

Who put forward the theory?

• Walter Christaller (1933)

• A German economist

What is the purpose of the theory?

• To explain the correlation between the size, location, spacing, number and functions of central places within an urban system (urban hierarchy) in a region.

What is a central place?

• A place or settlement at an accessible / central location where central goods and services are provided to the surrounding areas (hinterland).

What are central place functions?

• Goods/services centrally located distributional / dispersed to customers who are scattered in the surrounding hinterlands.

• Range + market threshold govern the size and order of urban centres


Main features of CPT

• Systematic rules and regularities are observed.

• Deduction method is used.

• The theory works under specified conditions (assumptions).

• To help us understand the urban hierarchy.

• 3 different orders identified: k=3, 4 and 7.

Assumptions of CPT

• Isotropic plain• Equal access in all directions• Even distribution of population (densities) and pu

rchasing power)• Concept of centrality• Minimization of distance travelled by consumers• Maximization of market areas by suppliers• High-order/low-order centres/functions• Long and stable history of settlement• Isolated state

Concepts of CPT

• What are the main concepts of CPT?

• How are urban centres classified and spatially organized according to Christaller?


Classification of urban centres

• Classification is based on functions

• Urban centres fall into discrete classes = orders

• Determined by range of goods, market threshold & spatial competition between central places

• Range of goods

• Threshold population

• Order

• Size

• Number of central place of the same category

• Spacing between central places

Causeway Bay

Order of goods/services

• Higher order = longer range + larger threshold

functional hierarchy• i.e. large urban centres have more functio

ns; small urban centres have less functions.

• A hierarchy of central places will emerge (7 levels)

• No. of centre will increase by a constant ratio of k-value.

Spatial organization

• Not haphazard but orderly systems• Regularity in size and spacing• Equally spaced• Surrounded by hexagonally shaped


Size of hinterland

• Same order = same size

• Lower order smaller hinterland

• Higher order larger hinterland (= more population) support more functions

• Increase in hinterland area follows k-value


• Similar order = scattered evenly

• Lower order close together

• Higher order widely-spaced

• Smallest settlements denser network

• Larger settlements less dense network

• Increase in distance apart also follows k-value.

Range of goods

• order of a good / service• frequency of want and hence purchase• price or value of the article• durability• the price-quality of the good• standard of living• the price-willingness of consumers• the length of the journey• transport cost to price ratio• transport development• subjective economic distance• the spatial distribution of population

Different orders of central places

• Lower-order centres • High-order centres

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