ces nov 2009

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Career Education Society

The Sky is Falling! Or is IT?Industry View: Current State of IT—Understanding IT Trends and Resources to leverage the opportunities!

Stephen Ibaraki FCIPS, ISP, ITCP, IP3P, MVP, DFNPA, CNP – sibaraki@cips.caIndustry Analyst: Computing Canada, IT Leadership Lifetime Achievement Award (only recipient)CIPS Fellow (FCIPS), NPA Distinguished Fellow (DFNPA)2008 Advanced Technology Award for Leadership in IT (ASTTBC)IS Professional (ISP), IT Certified Professional (ITCP/IFIP IP3P), Certified Network Professional (CNP), Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP)

McKinsey Advisor; 2006/7/8 Member Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD: Corporate Governance College)

CIPS: Past Chairman National Board and Executive Committee, National President: www.CIPS.caPast Chairman Global Board GITCA (formerly Culminis): www.GITCA.org ; Board Director NPA: www.NPA.orgwww.StephenIbaraki.com : 604.812.5717

Themes: Main:

Current State of IT: Industry, IT and Career Trends

Ending Overview:IT Associations and Groups—Solutions and Resources

Prizes, Q & A – Starting a dialogue

Current State of IT:Industry, IT and Career Trends

Current State of IT: Managing Change/Pace

Source: The Client Computing Scenario: An End-User Revolution Approaches, Gartner, Steve Kleynhans, Delivered at Gartner Fall Symposium 2005














Financial Info

Broadband CellWiFi



















CorpArchives Training Production





Corp Apps


Banking Brokerage



Business Results& New Value

End User Productivity


Keep BusinessUp & Running






Current State of IT: Changing Workforce

Financial success ~ 3m, 1 in 5

Strongly independent

Gen X&Y ~ 71 %

Personalized work

*Richer User Experience off-work

Company loyalty

Veterans(b. 1922 to 1945)

Generation X(b. 1965 to 1981)

Baby Boomers(b. 1946 to 1964)

Millennials – Gen Y(b. 1982 to 2001)(b. 1994 Gen I – online)

Source: “Get Ready: The Millennials Are Coming!”, Forrester Research, Inc., September 2005

Resource: http://www.stephenibaraki.com/cips/v87/m_furdyk_podcast.html

The Current State of IT: 5+2 P’s of Social Media



Discussion ForumFeedback & Filtering

User Generat

ed Content

Social Networki

ngSource: Sean O’Driscoll

Current State of IT: Social Technology Trends Grassroots innovation/co-creation: outsourcing innovation Value extraction through interaction: social platforms Increased automation: organization ecosystem Providing access to internal technology: outside


Resource: http://www.stephenibaraki.com/cips/v87/d_tapscott_podcast.html http://www.stephenibaraki.com/cips/v127/s_odriscoll_podcast.html

2009:1.5B Internet Users4B Mobile Phones

2011: 2B

2015:4B + ~ 60%6.6 degrees

Current State of IT: Online Usage

Current State of IT: Convergence.

Moore’s Law and Maslow Ubiquitous Connectivity

Generation Y Mass Collaboration

Source: Sean O’Driscoll http://communitygrouptherapy.com/2007/12/15/podcast-on-social-media-communities-and-influencers

Current State of IT: Where is it heading?

Specialists drops 40%

2013, 60% “Business Facing”

2015, 70% Versatilists

Current State of IT: Where is it heading?

Business/Core Industry



PM, CRM, Comm.

Technical competencies

Career Growth

Resource: ICTC FIT (Focus on IT program for high school) &http://blogs.technet.com/cdnitmanagers/archive/2007/11/22/it-industry-resources.aspx

Current State of IT: BAIT

Current State of IT:IT as a Strategic National Asset McFarlane: IT Organization:

Operational/strategic; Risk; Competitive position

Harris/Decima survey: Majority IT essential to success: 81 % large , 78 % medium, 53

% small

Improves productivity: 77 % , 69% , 60%

IT or ICT (Information Communication Technology)Sector Impact: 32, 0000 firms & $149 B revenue


78% in favour


Work Experience Valued

Moving to Next Steps

Career Growth

Resource: ICTC Pathway to Recognition (PTR)

Current State of IT: Industry Certification

Current State of IT: Gaining GroundIT as a Profession or Professionalism

Initial Professional Education

Professional Development


Code of Ethics

Professional Society: IdentityCredentials


Professional Status

Skills Development

Professional Development

Infrastructure Support Professional Societal Influences

Based on A Mature Profession



Resource: http://blogs.technet.com/cdnitmanagers/archive/2008/04/23/professionalizing-the-profession.aspx

BEFORE: No consistency Poor perception Geek / Pirate? Technical features Job

AFTER: Profession• Global standards• Professionalism/Trust/Ethics

Stronger voice/Common-ID• Engineer /Executive?• Business solutions• Career + Mobility

2009: International

IT Profession / Certification

based on common standards

Current State of IT: IFIP Vision

Note: US Fed Acquisition Regulation Dec 2007: requires code of ethicsResource: http://www.ipthree.org

Bernard Courtois, CEO of ITAC: ITAC employs more than 70% of the IT workforce in Canada and accounts for 140B in revenue….Supports IFIP IP3"....I think this global initiative fits quite naturally and quite well with the whole skills issue that we discussed earlier. That is, we need the mobility of professionals and we need professionals with recognized advanced degrees of skills so this initiative fits on both fronts. It's also a natural for Canada as an open society and an advanced technological nation. We very often have a role on the international scene of facilitating things like this because we are able to bring people together and help understanding across different mindsets.....I'm very happy to see that and that CIPS is involved in it...."

Current State of IT: IFIP Vision

Resource: http://ipthree.org/

GITCA (Global IT Community Association) is the world's largest international IT organization… Supports IFIP IP3“The IFIP IP3 program is the next step in the natural evolution of the industry and profession. IP3 stands as a foundation for IT workers, very much aligned with [GITCA] Culminis principles, ensuring career growth plus global recognition of IT professional value. Global mobility and international standards within a framework of ethical conduct, demonstrated professional development and recognized professional certification are the hall marks for an enabled IT professional and profession. This is the IFIP IP3 initiative.”

Current State of IT: IFIP Vision

Added Endorsements Worldwide: http://ipthree.org/

Current State of IT: National Comparing WorldwideCanada’s Rankings Falling

OECD—9th (From What?)Economist Intelligence Unit—13th

WEF—11th (in one year)

ICT Adoption Rates—Productivity

Current State of IT: NationalIT Investment Growth

5 year trend: 4% Canada: overall increase Economy growing in 2010

Source: ICTC; ITAC; OECD; IDC; Forrester; Citi; IMF; Gartner; MS

Current State of IT:Economic Contribution per IT Worker

CDN GDP = - $21B (Skills


Wage +


X 1.75

= ~$120


~120k yearly average contribution to economy per IT worker~21B yearly impact on CDN GDP—not filling skills shortage

* Based on Conference Board of Canada, ICTC estimates

Current State of IT: NationalSkills Shortage Trends 126 to 178K demand—next 8 years:

63% from retirements BC to Sask: Labour shortage and Skill shortage 600K+:~ 94% full; 81% > 1 year; unemp 2% < ½

nat.; 91% <=40 hrs

Beginning 2002: Up to 64% decline enrolments from peak 2010: 90% of world’s engineers/scientists

in ???Source: ICTC, MS Research, Media

Current State of IT: Salaries

Role Salary % Increase for 2008

App Dev Manager 87,000-110,750 7.6

Messaging Administrator 51,000-65,750 6.1

Project Managers 77,250-113,750 6.7

Network Architects 75,000-101,750 5.8

Software Developers 55,000-82,250 5.6

Tier 1 Help Desk 32,000-41,750 4.6

Business System Analysts

64,000-87,500 4.5

Entry Developer 50,000-60,000

Entry Dev + 2 yrs (Vanc) 57,000-88,000

All 3.7 Source: Robert Half 2008 Salary Guide

**Note: Outsourcing Mid-size > Large corps.

Only 12 %IT World Canada IT Job Market and Salary Survey: Average base salary 2007 80,329 vs. 77,529 in 2006Other data for 2008: Base 78,087; Raise 4,592; Years 13.7 M/F 3:1

Most Popular Educati0n MajorsMajor (popularity ranking)2009 : 6.2% increase in CS

Salary: < 5 yrs exp.

Salary: 10-20 yrs exp.

Computers (10) 55,900 95,500

Nursing (3) 54,200 67,000

Economics (7) 50,100 98,600

Business (1) 43,000 72,100

Political Science (9) 40,800 78,200

Biology (4) 38,800 64,800

Communications (8) 38,100 70,000

English (6) 38,000 64,700

Psychology (2) 35,900 60,400

Education (5) 34,900 52,000

Note: Median Salaries In IT ~ 50% degree (s)Source: August 2008 Time: Payscale & Princeton Review & ICTC

Current State of IT: Business IT Trends

Current State of IT: Business IT Trends

Current State of IT: Job Technology Trends .NET/C#, Open Source, Java Web development, Database, Messaging Web 2.0, Wireless/Mobile, Security, Gaming CIO survey: Windows, Networks, Database

Placements by Networking & Referrals:less job ads, boards

Majority HR managers – IT top priority Downplay Technical Business

= New job titles with business slant Commoditization, Gen-Y, Background, All Bus. Depts.

Added Resources: “Ignite Your Career: Industry Insights”


Interviews with 400+ IT Experts:http://www.stephenibaraki.com/cips/cips_interviewslist.html(see Maria Klawe, Eileen Brown, Lynn Langit)

Why Choose Computing?http://www.cs.washington.edu/WhyCSE

E-Skills--Global Skills Trends Information:www.e-skills.com/newsdigest

World Skills Competition:http://www.worldskills2009.com/index.cfm

Added Resources: Ensemble—one portal for all computing education:

http://www.computingportal.org/ ICTC FIT (Focus on IT):

http://www.ictc-ctic.ca/en/Content.aspx?id=150Debbie Vance debvance@telus.net 403.991.0749

Alice & Scratch (teaching computing graphically):http://www.alice.org/http://scratch.mit.edu/

Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF):http://www.societyforscience.org/ISEF/

Northern Collaborative IT Program:http://www.northernit.ca/NCIT.htm Dave O`Leary DOLeary@nwcc.bc.ca

IT Associations and Groups: Solutions & Resources

CIPS Solutions and Resources:Working with Partners

CIPS/MS Academic forums and Ignite Your Career Webcasts http://technet.microsoft.com/en-ca/cc837417.aspx

IT Manager Connections Bloghttp://blogs.technet.com/cdnitmanagers/

Canadian Coalition for Tomorrow’s ICT Skillshttp://www.ccict.ca/

ICTC Pathway to Recognitionhttp://www.ictc-ctic.ca/en/content.aspx?id=1312

CIPS Solutions and ResourcesEducation & Accreditation

Expanding accreditation of educational institutions

Active speaking programSpecial Student membership and scholarships

Working with under-represented groups: CLL, CFS, WIT

Resource link: http://blogs.technet.com/cdnitmanagers/archive/2008/01/04/the-value-of-networking-through-cips.aspx

CIPS Solutions and Resources : It’s about CIPS people

Co-leading IFIP IP3: Global Certification Standards

Co-leading Seoul Accord: Global Education Standards

Only legislated IT Professional Designation: ISP or Information Systems Professional &ITCP or IT Certified Professional

Contact: Gina Van Dalen, gina@cips.ca,www.cips.ca, 1-905-486-1079

CIPS’ Kelly Gotlieb

Computing pioneer: laid the foundation of an entire worldwide industry, educational programs, and profession

Interview: http://blogs.technet.com/cdnitmanagers/archive/2006/09/29/459971.aspx

* Giving out $500 Bursaries named after Kelly

Professor Emeritus University of Toronto (UT):C.M., M.A., PhD. (UT), D. Math. (UW), D. Eng. (Technical University of NS), Fellow (ACM, BCS, CIPS, Royal Society of Canada)

Global IT Community Association:

Solutions and Resources

World’s largest alliance of IT associations/groups No fee for membership No charge services: Sharepoint, LiveMeeting, … CIPS is a member since 2005 * Schools or Teachers or Student IT Groups

signup here: http://www.GITCA.org * Giving out $500 Bursary today

MVP Solutions and Resources : Most Valuable Professionals

Independent Experts: volunteers 1 in 1.7 million is an MVP Global MVP Awardees:


Looking for Speakers/Advisors? Need help, contact: Canadian MVP Leads

Simran Chaudhry: v-simch@microsoft.com

Ljupco Grmaskoski : v-ljupg@microsoft.com

* Giving out donated Prizes

Pat McGee: Gaming MVP (2007/8)

Noted gaming and development authority who is actively teaching this technology at BCIT--Interview:http://stephenibaraki.com/cips/v118/pat_mcgee_podcast.html

Book code: http://www.gamedeveloperonline.com/upgrade/Version2.0.zip

Course Notes and Resources: http://www.gamedeveloperonline.com/course/XNACourseNotes.zip

* Volunteering to be a Resource to Teachers on Gaming

Co-author, XNA Game Studio Creator's GuideBeacon for Faculty Teaching Gaming:pmcgee@shaw.ca

Elisabeth Vanderveldt & Genevieve L’Esperance

Elisabeth: Global Chair, Company Co-founder, MVP (2007-9)

Gen: MCP at 15, MCTS at 16 International authorities on Collaboration, Driving

Passion for IT through http://geninc.tv/ Interview:


* Share your school & student stories

International Technology Experts: glesperance@conamex.comgenevieve@geninc.tv

MS Solutions and Resources: Advisors

Team Ranked No.1 in the world One Stop--Academic resources:


Director John Oxley: John.Oxley@microsoft.comInterview: http://stephenibaraki.com/cips/v109/john_oxley.html

Looking for Speakers, Advisors ? Need help, contact: Canadian Leads

Christian Beauclair: Christian.Beauclair@microsoft.com

John Bristowe: John.Bristowe@microsoft.com

Rick Claus: Rick.Claus@microsoft.com

* Giving out donated Prizes

Connecting Consumer Questions with Answershttp://answers.microsoft.com

Worldwide Access:

• Covering 10 languages worldwide

Product Coverage:

• Windows XP/Vista/7 • English (September 28, 2009)• Worldwide (October 19, 2009)

• Office (est. launch January 2010)

Powered by the community…Backed by Microsoft Support


Why Join the Community at Microsoft Answers?

• Gain visibility in the community, • Get started from the beginning with the

offical consumer site from Microsoft• Only for consumer technologies


1,146AB 495










Students in Canada--over 16,000 enrolledContact: Joanne Wong joawong@cisco.com http://cisco.netacad.net Interview: http://stephenibaraki.com/cips/v89/joanne_wong.html * Donated Prizes

Active* studentsIn Canada16,450 231 Cisco Academies

*Distinct count of students that were in a class for at least one day within the past 12 months.

Secondary 119Schools

Community 105Colleges

Universities 7


Active Academies

Source: QuarterlyMetricsOct08.xlsAcademyBriefingBookDetails_10.31.08.xls

ACM Solutions and Resources

World’s largest educational and scientific computing society

Interview Dame Wendy Hall:http://www.stephenibaraki.com/cips/v19/dame_wendy_hall.html

Interview Barbara Liskov – Turing Award Winner:http://stephenibaraki.com/cips/v39/barbara_liskov_podcast.html

Interview Maria Klawe – President HMC, MS Board:http://stephenibaraki.com/cips/v99/maria_klawe09.html

Dame Wendy Hall, DBE, FREngPresident ACMhttp://www.acm.org/

ACM: Special Student Award 500 e-books: Books24x7 Thousands of e-courses Digital Library (all ACM publications) Subscriptions Award Summary and how to redeem:

http://www.acm.org/membership/ITdeansummit * You pick the deserving student:

1 per school – first 400 receive award * To redeem award: Contact Cindy Ryan

ryanc@acm.org, 1.212.626.0510

IEEE-CS Solutions and Resources:

The world's largest membership organization for computing professionals

We hold hundreds of conferences, publish 26 peer-reviewed periodicals, and sponsor dozens of the world's technology standards. Our certification, training, curricula, and accreditation activities meet the demand for a highly qualified global workforce




Michael Williams: BSc, PhD, DSc World-Renowned Computing Pioneer; Past-President (2007)IEEE Computer Society

Draws, Q & A sibaraki@cips.ca 604.812.5717 PowerPoints:


Draw for Bursaries (CIPS, GITCA):Redeem by sending e-mail to me

Draw for fun prizes (MVP, MS, CISCO):Redeem by coming up during the break

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