
Post on 29-Jun-2015






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The Changing Face of


Beware the Techno-gods

Technology’s Tendency to Undermine Serious Study: A cautionary note

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This article was an in-depth discussion on the cautionary side of technology. The author agrees that technology can be an great catalyst for learning in the classroom, however, he believes it should be use very cautiously. Technology is incapable of replacing the role of instructor in the classroom.

Entertainment or life-simplifying tools leave the impression that all learning should be fun, convenient, easy. However, much of this technology does not force the student to ask the important and serious questions regarding why or how something is the way it is.

Points for educators to consider when using technology in the classroom:•Technology should not determine the content or activity•Consider your rationale for using technology. If for entertainment purposes, consider other options•Consider what is gained or lost by using the technology•How does the technology promote or inhibit the student’s understanding?


The author does not contend that technology not be used in the classroom. Instead, he believes that it is the role of the teachers to make exemplary learning occur. He continues to argue that teachers need to understand their students ideas and prior knowledge, and then engage their students to make meaningful learning occur. This sort of process requires effective questioning, actively listening, constructive support and responses; none of which can be provided solely from technology.

>“Principles of effective teaching are not changed by the presence or absence of technology”

TECHNOLOGY’S TENDENCY TO UNDERMINE SERIOUS STUDY: REFLECTION I really enjoyed this article. I liked that although it was obvious

biased to one side, it did not discredit the use or benefits of using technology in today’s classrooms.

My three a-ha! moments came from my own personal experiences.

1. When students were asked why the answer to a math problem was correct, and they responded because that’s what the calculator told them. I admit to doing this in my past.

2. The idea that technology promotes under investigation because students assume what they are told. In doing my own research, I can admit that if a source, such as a documentary, tells me something to be true, I won’t go research it for proof.

3. The belief that teachers, not technology, make great classrooms. Technology merely enhances and expands the options and experiences. I agree with this whole heartedly, although I would hate to be a teacher without access to the internet, computers, or other media!


The author of this article begins by exploring and defining the meanings to some of the most basic words we use in education: knowledge, learning, and technology. Knowledge in the article is defined as any product of new learning. According the article learning occurs in one of two ways, knowledge transmission or knowledge construction. Transmission involves merely transmitting a piece of information from one teacher to student. Construction involves students deepening understanding of a concept. Technology is then any electronic communications equipment that can be used in an educational setting.

“Technology disperses knowledge from a biological center. People know more when supported by tools, when enhanced by media, and when empowered by computers.”


The author continues stating that new technology can both allow students to do things they were previously capable of, only faster, such as manipulating statistics or geometric shapes, and it may also allow for the discovery and generation of knew knowledge. The outcomes of using new technology is yet to be seen, but the author remains confident that it can lead to hugely positive societal changes, referencing the invention of the printing press on the education system of the time. The author argues that technology will continue to challenge our understanding of knowledge and how it is generated, believing that it would be to the detriment of teachers and students to not take full advantage of technological advancements in the classroom.

Geometer’s Sketchpad link noted in the article for its positive uses in math classrooms.

THE CHANGING FACE OF KNOWLEDGE: REFLECTION This article was really supportive of using technology in classrooms in

a positive form. I agreed with her on many points, and really liked the positive future outlook she had on the potential of using more and more technology in the classroom.

My three a-ha! Moments:

1. The potential of using technology for low-performing students is something that a school I was at used, and I found that students were much more engaged when they were able to use technology rather than workbooks

2. Referencing how the technology of the printing press affected schools of that time period, and even schools in today’s society was something I had never thought about, but I thought it was a very thought provoking example.

3. When refuting arguments from concerned teachers that teachers may one day be replaced by technologies like computers, the author states that any teacher who could be successfully replaced by a computer probably should be! I agree, as a future educator, I do not think I should be threatened by using technology in my classrooom, instead I am very excited and intrigued at the possibilities.


This article focuses on the negative trade-offs of technology focused schools. The case in focus involves a Canadian deal that was made between thirty schools, and a large Canadian computer distributor. The deal includes each school being set up with hundreds of thousands dollars worth of computer and televisions. In return, the schools agree to daily broadcasts lasting ten minutes each, with two and half minutes of commercials. However, the content of the broadcasts and the commercials shown are considered to be controversial and corporation biased by many school heads.

56 % of Canadians think there is too much emphasis on computers in school.


Those opposing this deal argue that a few televisions and computers are not worth losing students creativity in the mix. Art teachers state that the money they would be investing in one computer in this new deal could easily be used to supply materials for a year long arts program. Proponents of arts programs claim that students score higher on standardized tests when they have a strong arts program in comparison to those from schools who are technology focused. While some school corporations are making claims of banning technology from this deal their schools, none have put their threats into action.

“Students with course work in the arts or music performance outstripped their competitors by 59 points in verbal and 44 points in math on their Scholastic Aptitude Tests.”


I liked this article more for the controversy and the statistics than I did for the writing itself. It was obvious that the author was exceptionally biased, and did not give a lot of background on this deal or previous technology agreements.

My three a-ha! moments:

1. 1.When the author mentioned the television shows being biased, I reflected back on my own school career and realized that all around me were advertisements for major corporations. While I do not think I was greatly influenced, it is interesting to this about how pervasive things like that are in our society.

2. 2. The author argued that arts in schools lends it hand to creativity, while technology inhibits it. I disagreed with this point greatly because I can think of at least ten computer programs that would allow students to use both creativity and knowledge in an artistic manner. I think that technology allows for new ways for students to show their creative side.

3. 3. I enjoyed the principal’s reasoning for signing on with the deal: a level playing field for all students because many do not have computer access at home. This was an excellent point, and it left me torn. Is twelve minutes worth of corporation propaganda worth providing every student with a chance for a level starting ground in our increasingly computer dependent world? Maybe.


Johnston, A. D. (2000). Beware the techno-gods. Maclean's, 112(43), 81. Retrieved May 2, 2010, from

http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=45830936&Fmt=3&clientId=13225&RQT=309&VName=PQD Hooper, S., & Hokanson, B. (2000). The Changing Face of Knowledge.

Social Education, 64(1), 28. Olson, J., & Clough, M. (2001). Technology's Tendency to Undermine

Serious Study. The Clearing House, Sept/Oct, 8-14.

Before reading these articles, I hadn’t realized that there was such a huge controversy behind using technology in classrooms. Arguments against its use were valid and made me go back and consider some of my own notions. However, I still feel as if technology is an excellent asset for all teachers and students. I do believe that some teachers and students use it as a crutch, therefore, it is an asset and privilege that must be used cautiously. With good lesson planning, dedication to educating your students, and the right resources, technology can be a tool used to stimulate learning and creativity.

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