cfd business plan

Post on 20-Jun-2015






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CAR FREE DEALER “A quitter never wins and a winner never quits”

Zero Risk Business Opportunity .

Sales and Marketing Plan.

The CFD Sales and Marketing Plan is a Zero risk , Low start-up cost business opportunity that is open to everyone.

It provide a flexible opportunity to build your business through providing our best financial services and building a network of other people who are engaged in the same activitys.

Core Objective

The core of the CFD Sales and Marketing Plan’s best income opportunity comes from providing best financial services by you to your customers.

As your CFD business grow , the rewards you earn will grow in proportion.

Can life get any change ?

So often life is a trade off between making money you need at the cost of the flexibility and time you want to spend doing other things CFD an alternative that puts you in control, allows you the flexibility to work when you want , the time for your family and friends and the income you Dream of.

How to Join?

Starting your own business

To start the CFD Business one needs to JOIN the CFD Business and be sponsored in the business by an already existing CFD Business Associate.

If you are not an CFD Business Associate but are interested in CFD Business Opportunity please leave your details with us in our website contact section or call 9414158599.

Join directly 

If you are interested in join directly the CFD business plan, Please call 9414158599 and while Checking out leave your details on our website contact section , we will arrange for a Business Associate to contact you directly.

Joining Amount.

Star joining Rs.16000 /-

VIPs joining Rs.106000 /-

Example :1

Let’s take a simple example of how you can reach a first performance bonus level of Rs.2.6 Lakh. i.e. 1:2:4 , it means 3 members in your L.H.S. and 3 member in your R.H.S. as Tripod structure given below. Winner is awarded Rs10000/- PM.

Turned Your Yearly Income Into Your MONTHLY Income

“If You're Ready To Start EarningTHOUSANDS By This Time Next Month,Then Listen Carefully As I Explain..."

We’ll help you

Hello, my name is Mahendra Kesri. I've been a top producer in the direct sales industry for the past several years and am the Promoter of the CAR FREE DEALER marketing system you're about to experience first hand...

The same system in fact, that's allowed me to become the #1 income producer.

How did I do it?

Well, the short answer is... by creating a way for a lot of others to succeed.

And I can tell you right now... it's incredibly rewarding. And it's a good thing too, because I haven't found any other way to make it.

So let me blunt: If these aren't your priorities, you won't make it either.

(Luckily for us though... I've already created the "golden tool" for you and me to help unlimited people...)

As you read my story, you'll discover how I struggled greatly with the very things you're probably dealing with if you currently have a home business of your own, or you've attempted to build one.

But you're also going to see how I came to be, and how you can use my knowledge to make yourself a fortune from home.

How can I be so sure?

Because while every other opportunity out there uses a broken business model – one that pits people against each other – we designed CarbonCopyPRO to be a professional  system where everyone accepted gets to share and leverage upon each other's success.

This is about creating a story and a legacy for yourself and your family. It's about something that's NEVER before been.


OUR MISSION is simple: 100 Millionaires by 2012 with CAR FREE DEALER “CarbonCopyPROTech”.

And the question isn't whether or not we're going to fulfill this mission, but rather, whether or not you're going to be one of them.

Now if you're going to make this happen, you're going to have to believe you deserve it.

So let me ask you... are you willing to believe that? If your answer is yes, enjoy my story... MAHENDRA KESRI, Founder of CAR FREE

DEALER ,CarbonCopyPROTech.

“Carbon Copy” marketing techniques.

From “selling car’s ’’in Udaipur city to self-made Multi-Millionaire living in Rajasthan. Mahendra Kesri has already healped so many people make money from home using his revolutionary “Carbon Copy” marketing techniques.

The Power of Dreams…

Our Dreams have to be Bigger, Our Ambitions Higher,

Commitment Deeper & Effort greater, This is my dream for Car Free Dealer & for

India……”Mahendra Kesri (Promoter)

Single ID , 4 Options Choose any One Option Only.

Option1 = Rs 1 Lakh Option 2 = Rs 2.6 Lakh Option 3 = Rs ½ Lakh Option 4 = Rs 3 Lakh

Option 1

Option 1 Income Condition

If you successfully qualifying Level-2, Now you are eligible for Sum of Rs. 1 Lakh , From next month your non stop income will Rs.5000/-PM rewarded till 20 months only.

Option 2

Option 2 Income Condition. If you qualifying Level 2 successfully, Now you are

entitle for Sum of Rs 2.6 Lakh , This unique income only if you get when you purchase a car in this unique income Rs.10000/-PM rewarded till 26 months Only. After delivery of car from the next month your income will starts. Document required ,send your car insurance ,Loan approval letter, One photograph with your Dream Car.

Option 3

Option 3 Income Condition

If you qualifying Level 3 successfully, Now you are entitle for Sum of Rs. 1/2 Lakh Cash Incentive Reward.

Option 4

If you qualifying Level 5 successfully, Now you are entitle for Sum of Rs. 3 Lakh , Cash Incentive Reward.

Types of Income

Referral incentive.

Binary Matching Bonus.

Binary Matching Bonus Till 7th Level.

Referral Incentive

On referral of any member the sponsor member will be rewarded Rs.1000/- to Rs.3000/- till unlimited depth and there is no capping limit .

Star joining --Sponsor Incentive Rs 1000/- VIPs Joining –Sponsor Incentive Rs 3000/-

Binary Matching Bonus

Member will be rewarded with Rs 10000/- Per binary qualified in their down line for

qualifying 1 binary member has to manage joining amount of Rs 1.5 Lakh in L.H.S. and Rs 1.5 Lakh in R.H.S.

Member can qualify maximum 3 binary in a single month.Binary Matching Bonus till 7th Level Only.

Don’t think your Goal Live your Dreams !

Thank You & All the Best

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