cgmps for pharmaceutical manufacturing

Post on 07-Apr-2018






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  • 8/3/2019 Cgmps for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing


    cGMPs for Pharmaceutical


  • 8/3/2019 Cgmps for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing



    1. To understand where the regulations

    come from, who has enforcement

    authority, and why you need to comply

    2. To understand the Fundamentals,

    Benefits and Key Parts of cGMPs

  • 8/3/2019 Cgmps for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing


    What are cGMPs?

    Current Good Manufacturing Practices

    Come from the Food Drug and CosmeticAct

    Rules set up by the FDA that drugmanufacturers needs to follow in order toensure that a safe and effective product is


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    Where Did the Food Drug andCosmetic Act Come From?

    1906 book by Upton Sinclair

    The Jungle exposed the

    dangers involved in the meatpacking industry

    Helped drive public opinion to

    support a new law passed byCongress

    Food Drug and Cosmetic Act

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    Provisions of the Law(FDC Act)

    Creation of Federal Government agency

    to oversee food industry

    Scope expanded later to medical


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    Who Interprets and EnforcesThis Law?

    The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) is

    an agency within the Department of Healthand Human Services and consists of eight


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    Office of Regulatory Affairs


    Office of the Commissioner (OC)

    National Center for ToxicologicalResearch (NCTR)

    Center for Veterinary Medicine(CVM)

    Center for Food Safety and

    Applied Nutrition (CFSAN)

    Center for Drug Evaluation

    and Research (CDER)

    Center for Devices and

    Radiological Health (CDRH)

    Center for Biologics Evaluation

    and Research (CBER)

    The FDA consists of eight branches

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    Interpretations of the Law

    The Code of Federal Regulations is agovernment publication where Federal Agenciespost regulations

    Contain regulations enforced by the DOT, DEA,FCC, FDA, and all other agencies

    Found in Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)

    Drug (cGMP): Title 21, Part 210 & 211 Device (QSR): Title 21, Part 820

    Combination Product: Title 21 CFR Part 3 Subpart

    A (section 3.2e)

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    Interpretations of theRegulations

    Guidance documents published by FDA and

    International Conference on Harmonization (ICH)

    Draft guidance documents

    Preamble documents published by government

    FDA 483 inspectional observations documents

    Warning letters from FDA to various companies

  • 8/3/2019 Cgmps for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing


    What Happens if cGMPs arenot Followed?

    Adulteration: A drug is deemed to be

    adulterated if the methods used in or the facilities

    or controls used for its manufacture, processing,

    packing, or holding do not conform to or are not

    operated or administered in conformity with

    cGMP to assure that such drug meets the

    requirements of this act as to Safety and has theIdentity and Strength, and meets the Quality

    and Purity characteristics which it purports or is

    represented to possess.

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    Why Comply?

    Food drug and cosmetic act is the law

    When charged with a violation:

    Proof of criminal intent is not necessary. (Guiltyuntil proven innocent)

    Actual harm from contamination does not needto be proven.

    (Passing product non-adulterated product)

    Consequences are numerous

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    Consequences ofNon-compliance

    Legal Consequences FDA 483s

    FDA warning letters

    Consent decree Recall of product

    Product seizure

    Plant Injunction

    Company closure


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    Consequences ofNon-compliance

    Business Consequences

    Expensive to do recalls Loss of sales

    Bad publicity

    Potential harm to customers

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    Fundamentals of cGMPs?

    Based on fundamental concepts ofQuality Assurance PrinciplesControl

    Quality, safety, and effectiveness must bedesigned and built into the product

    Quality cannot be inspected or tested into afinished product

    Each step of manufacturing must becontrolled to maximize the chances that the

    Finished Good will be acceptable

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    What are the Benefits of cGMPs?

    They outline a Quality System that reduces orprevents errors

    Ensures products are safe for use in humans

    Prevent/control contamination and cross-contamination

    Minimizes variations in potency of the drug

    Ensures reproducible physiological activity Prevent side effects and toxicity due to

    variations in drug content and potency

    Prevents mislabeling and adulteration

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    Key Parts of cGMPs

    Subpart B: Organization and Personnel

    Subpart C: Buildings and Facilities

    Subpart D: Equipment

    Supbart E: Control of Components and Drug

    Product Containers and ClosuresSubpart F: Production and Process Controls

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    Key Parts of cGMPs

    Subpart G: Packaging & Labeling Control

    Subpart H: Holding & Distribution

    Subpart I: Laboratory Controls

    Subpart J: Records & Reports

    Subpart K: Returned & Salvaged DrugProduct

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    Organization and Personnel

    Management Responsibility

    Responsible for facility, quality system,

    organizational structure, ensuring adequateresources

    Responsible for actions of those reporting to them

    Responsible for reviewing products annually, andprocedures routinely

    Responsible for providing adequate resources to

    perform operations Facilities, personnel, training, equipment, etc

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    Quality Unit

    Responsible for approval or rejection of

    all components, raw materials, containers, closures,

    subassemblies, packaging, labeled finished

    products, process validation reports, procedures

    and product specifications

    Investigative reports for non-conformances and out-

    of-specifications (OOSs)

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    Quality Unit

    Responsible for reviewing production records

    and ensuring that no errors have occurred

    (may include verification activities)

    Responsible for releasing product for use

    Must be independent of manufacturing

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    Buildings and Facilities

    Buildings must be designed with adequate size and space

    for operations (helps to eliminate mix-ups)

    Facilities must be validated

    There must be a good flow pattern for personnel,materials, products and waste materials (flow from clean to


    The facility must be easy to clean and sanitize (surfaces,equipment, exposed cords, floors, ceilings)

    Environmental controls must be in place (clean rooms)

    Utilities must be validated (water systems, electrical, etc)

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    Buildings and Facilities

    Must have engineering documents describing the layout of

    the clean rooms controlled documents

    Changes to the layout of the room after it has been

    validated must go through change control procedures andmay require revalidation of the room

    Any changes that potentially impact the ventilation in the

    room must be assessed for impact on the microbial levelsin the room

    Microorganisms, particulates, and hazardous materials

    must be controlled

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    Equipment should be selected based on the

    intended use and cleanability if it is to be in a

    clean room Equipment must be placed in an appropriate

    location (temperature, humidity, etc.)

    Equipment must be properly qualified (Design,

    Installation, Operation, Performance)

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    Component/Materials Control

    Suppliers must be evaluated and approved and

    monitored for quality

    Incoming Materials must be tested before they can be

    accepted for use

    Materials must be placed in stores or issued according

    to FIFO (stock rotation)

    Materials must be stored so that they are not mixed

    up, damaged, or contaminated.

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    Production/Process Control

    Have & Follow Procedures: A goodprocedure is a written step-by-stepprocedure that provides a roadmap forControlled and Consistent performance.


    (Manufacturing) Work Instructions

    Operating Procedures Testing Procedures

    Quality Manual

    Deviations must be recorded and justified

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    Procedures should address

    verification of critical steps by a secondperson

    line clearance

    monitoring of processes to make sure theyare in control

    time limits and yield calculations asappropriate checks for critical processes

    gowning for controlled environments


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    Packaging and Labeling Control

    Label is a display of a written, printed or graphic

    matter upon the immediate container of any article

    Labeling is the label and any other packaging material

    or container that is printed (ex. IFU, advertising


    Procedures must exist that document receiving,

    identity, storage, handling, sampling, and testing oflabels and ensure that integrity is maintained

    throughout production and use of product

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    Packaging and Labeling Control

    Labeling must be separated physically in storage to

    avoid mix-ups

    Wording of labels cannot be changed unless the

    FDA is notified

    Labeling must be inspected prior to issuing to


    All labels must be reconciled (accounted for) if not

    100% inspected.

    Label control begins with the design

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    Holding and Distribution

    Warehousing procedures should address

    Quarantine of drug products

    storage of products under appropriate conditions

    Distribution procedures should address

    FEFO (First Expiring First Out)traceability of product lots/batches

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    Laboratory Controls

    Written procedures must be established & followed

    All actions must be documented at the time of


    Calculations need to be recorded

    Second person must review records

    Data must be directly recorded into appropriate records

    Equipment, software, and methods must be validated

    An Out-of-Specification (OOS) result must be investigated

    and a root cause identified

    Laboratory data is considered to be a quality record

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    Records and Reports

    Quality Records are the proof that theprocedures were followed and they showtraceability of product.


    Lot History Records

    Laboratory Notebooks

    Protocols Reports


    Distribution Records

    Complaint Files

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    Quality Records

    Records are legal documents and can be subpoenaed

    in a court of law as evidence

    Signatures on documentation have the same meaning

    as on any kind of contract

    Information must be recorded and signed for at the

    time of performance on the original record

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    Website References (Food and Drug Administration) (FDA Warning Letters) Drug and Cosmetic Act) (Federal Register) (Guidance Documents) (International Conference on Harmonization) (Parenteral Drug Association)

  • 8/3/2019 Cgmps for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing


    Q & A

    Make GMP a lifestyle!!!

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