ch 15 detecting the environment - st. joseph's anglo ...sjs-bio/teachandlearn/notes/f5... ·...

Post on 23-Mar-2018






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Ch 15 Detecting the environment


1 stimuli 2 responses 3 receptors 4 nerve impulses 5 effector

6 Photoreceptor 7 Eye 8 Mechanoreceptor 9 Ear 10 Chemoreceptor

11 Thermoreceptor 12 temperature


1 eyebrow 2 eyelash 3 tear gland 4 eyelids 5 tear duct

6 Conjunctiva 7 Cornea 8 light 9 Refracts 10 Aqueous humour

11 shape 12 Pupil 13 Iris 14 size 15 amount

16 Lens 17 focuses 18 Suspensory ligament 19 Ciliary body

20 thickness 21 Eye muscle 22 orbit 23 rotate 24 Sclera

25 Choroid 26 pigment 27 blood vessels 28 Retina 29 Yellow spot

30 Optic nerve 31 Blind spot 32 Vitreous humour 33 cornea

34 aqueous humour / vitreous humour 35 vitreous humour / aqueous humour 36 lens

37 real 38 laterally 39 smaller 40 light-sensitive 41 optic nerve

42 visual centre 43 rod / cone 44 cone / rod 45 dim 46 bright

47 Colour 48 retina 49 yellow 50 blind 51 optic nerve

52 photoreceptors 53 cannot 54 circular 55 radial 56 Contract

57 Relax 58 Relax 59 Contract 60 Constricts 61 Dilates

62 Decreases 63 Increases 64 curvature 65 refraction 66 eye accommodation

67 Diverging 68 parallel 69 Contract 70 Relax 71 decreases

72 increases 73 More 74 Less 75 Increases 76 Decreases

77 near 78 distant 79 thick 80 in front of 81 concave

82 long 83 in front of 84 concave 85 distant 86 near

87 thin 88 behind 89 convex 90 short 91 behind

92 convex 93 colour blindness 94 cone 95 red-green 96 inherited

97 cannot


1 inner 2 middle 3 outer 4 Pinna 5 Auditory canal

6 Eardrum 7 vibrations 8 Ear bones 9 Amplify 10 Oval window

11 Transmits 12 Semicircular canals 13 direction 14 Cochlea 15 sensory hair cells

16 Auditory nerve 17 interpretation 18 Round window 19 middle 20 Eustachian tube

21 Equalizes 22 perilymph 23 endolymph 24 endolymph 25 bent

26 stimulated 27 auditory nerve 28 e 29 h 30 a

31 g 32 d 33 c 34 b 35 f


1 growth 2 unilateral 3 tropism 4 phototropism 5 towards

6 positively 7 photosynthesis 8 away from 9 negatively 10 anchorage

11 Coleoptiles 12 rapidly 13 large 14 tip 15 sensitive

16 chemical 17 agar block 18 mica plate 19 below 20 shaded

21 higher 22 rapidly 23 uneven 24 higher 25 shaded

26 auxins 27 tips 28 indoleacetic acid 29 apical 30 elongation

31 primary 32 the same 33 does not destroy 34 Mica plates 35 the same

36 F 37 illuminated 38 shaded 39 promote 40 root

41 shoot 42 root 43 shoot 44 promote 45 inhibit

46 inhibit 47 even 48 illuminated 49 shaded 50 promotes

51 shaded 52 inhibits 53 illuminated

Ch 16 Coordination in humans


1 nervous 2 endocrine 3 central 4 brain 5 spinal cord

6 peripheral 7 cranial 8 spinal 9 Neurones 10 cell body

11 dendron 12 towards 13 axon 14 away from 15 myelin sheath

16 insulates 17 surroundings 18 speed up 19 Sensory 20 receptors

21 CNS 22 Outside 23 long 24 short 25 Motor

26 CNS 27 effectors 28 Inside 29 short 30 long

31 Interneurone 32 sensory 33 motor 34 Inside 35 nerve


1 electrical 2 synapse 3 synaptic knob 4 neurotransmitter 5 diffuses

6 synaptic cleft 7 nerve impulse 8 one 9 communicate


1 Bones 2 cranium 3 vertebral column 4 Membranes 5 Cerebrospinal fluid

6 central canal 7 cranium 8 membranes 9 cerebrospinal fluid 10 membranes

11 vertebral column 12 neurones 13 shock absorber 14 mechanical 15 cerebrum

16 cerebellum 17 medulla oblongata 18 folded 19 coordination 20 grey

21 white 22 intelligence 23 voluntary 24 folded 25 grey

26 white 27 Coordinates 28 body balance 29 white 30 grey

31 Reflex 32 involuntary 33 cell bodies 34 nerve fibres 35 myelin sheaths

36 cerebral cortex 37 Sensory 38 sensations 39 Motor 40 responses

41 Association 42 Integrates 43 white 44 grey 45 white

46 grey 47 sensory 48 interneurone 49 motor 50 dorsal root ganglion

51 relays 52 reflex


1 reflex action 2 cerebrum 3 fast 4 Spinal cord / Spinal nerves

5 spinal nerves / spinal cord 6 Medulla oblongata 7 a 8 e

9 d 10 f 11 b 12 c 13 cerebrum

14 can 15 protects 16 b 17 d 18 a

19 e 20 f 21 c 22 posture / balance 23 balance / posture

24 reflex arc 25 conscious 26 initiated 27 receptor 28 CNS

29 cerebrum 30 integrated 31 effector


1 spinal cord / medulla oblongata 2 medulla oblongata / spinal cord 3 cerebrum

4 receptors 5 Not under 6 automatic 7 Under 8 Inborn

9 Not inborn 10 the same 11 stereotyped 12 different 13 fast


1 endocrine glands 2 hormones 3 exocrine glands 4 blood 5 ducts

6 hormones 7 protein / lipid 8 lipid / protein 9 regulation 10 small

11 blood 12 target 13 widespread 14 long-lasting 15 b

16 d 17 a 18 e 19 c


1 effectors 2 responses 3 Endocrine 4 Nervous 5 Chemical

6 Electrical 7 neurotransmitter 8 Slow 9 Rapid 10 Widespread

11 Localized 12 long-lasting 13 Short-term 14 involuntary

Ch 17 Movement in humans


1 skeleton 2 muscles 3 bones 4 cartilage 5 living

6 minerals 7 hard 8 proteins 9 compact 10 spongy

11 spongy 12 porous 13 red bone marrow 14 blood cells 15 compact

16 dense / strong 17 strong / dense 18 yellow bone marrow 19 blood vessels 20 fewer

21 softer 22 elastic 23 friction 24 shape 25 support

26 axial skeleton 27 appendicular skeleton 28 cranium 29 brain

30 vertebrae 31 Supports 32 shock 33 muscle attachments 34 spinal cord

35 intervertebral disc 36 bending 37 ribs 38 lungs / heart 39 heart / lungs

40 breathing 41 movement 42 shoulders 43 hip 44 limbs

45 support 46 movement 47 minerals


1 joint 2 ligament 3 elastic 4 dislocation 5 move

6 cartilage 7 shock 8 friction 9 wearing 10 synovial membrane

11 synovial fluid 12 friction 13 cartilage 14 hinge joint 15 ball-and-socket joint

16 one 17 many 18 b, d 19 a, c


1 skeletal muscles 2 striated muscles 3 muscle fibres 4 nuclei 5 tendons

6 inelastic


1 transmit 2 move 3 flexor 4 extensor 5 opposite

6 opposing muscles 7 biceps 8 triceps 9 Contracts 10 Relaxes

11 Relaxes 12 Contracts 13 d 14 a 15 b

16 c 17 short 18 long 19 short 20 large


1 motor 2 muscle fibres 3 neuromuscular junctions 4 motor end plates

5 neurotransmitter 6 diffuses 7 membrane 8 electrical impulse 9 contracts

Ch 18 Homeostasis


1 stable 2 internal 3 homeostasis 4 enzymes 5 skin

6 water potential 7 metabolic 8 kidneys 9 urinary 10 oxygen

11 carbon dioxide 12 breathing 13 heart beat 14 breathing / circulatory

15 circulatory / breathing 16 respiration 17 soluble 18 water potential

19 liver / pancreas 20 pancreas / liver


1 negative feedback mechanism 2 increase 3 on 4 decrease

5 off 6 Receptor 7 changes 8 Control 9 nervous / endocrine

10 nervous / endocrine 11 Effector 12 opposite 13 decrease 14 increase

15 pancreas 16 endocrine 17 Liver / Body 18 body / liver 19 Insulin

20 liver 21 glycogen 22 body 23 Decrease 24 Glucagon

25 liver 26 Increase 27 insulin 28 glucagon 29 decrease

30 glucagon 31 insulin 32 increase 33 diabetes mellitus 34 urine

35 water 36 urine 37 thirst 38 C 39 rises

40 normal 41 A 42 high 43 decreases 44 B

45 insulin

Ch 19 Biodiversity


1 Biodiversity 2 habitat


1 classification 2 systematic 3 evolutionary 4 increasing 5 increasing

6 fertile 7 scientific 8 genus 9 species


1 two 2 bacteria 3 phylogenetic


1 bacteria 2 nucleus 3 membrane-bound 4 flagellum 5 circular

6 capsule 7 cell wall 8 producers 9 cycling 10 prokaryotes

11 cell walls 12 lipid 13 extreme 14 protists 15 nucleus

16 membrane-bound 17 animal 18 plant 19 fungus 20 hyphae

21 mycelium 22 saprophytic 23 parasitic 24 spores 25 chlorophyll

26 cellulose 27 non-vascular 28 vascular 29 roots 30 rhizoids

31 Spores 32 spores 33 needle-shaped 34 cones 35 flowers

36 fruits 37 monocotyledonous 38 dicotyledonous 39 Parallel 40 Net

41 cell wall 42 vertebrates 43 invertebrates 44 backbone 45 Moist

46 Lungs 47 Internal 48 Poikilotherms


1 dichotomous key 2 3b 3 5a 4 Spotted snakehead 5 number

6 external 7 two

Ch 20 Ecosystems


1 organisms 2 physical environment 3 Species 4 Population

5 Community 6 Ecosystem 7 plant 8 ecosystem 9 adaptations

10 food 11 heat 12 sun 13 cycled 14 freshwater stream

15 rocky shore 16 mangrove 17 woodland 18 grassland


1 biotic 2 abiotic factors 3 Homoiotherms 4 wider 5 surface area

6 subcutaneous fat 7 Poikilotherms 8 narrower 9 hibernate 10 migrate

11 Diurnal 12 Nocturnal 13 photosynthesis 14 sweating 15 xerophytes

16 spines 17 waves 18 pollination 19 dispersal 20 increases

21 flattened 22 water potential 23 salt glands 24 decreases 25 reduces

26 increases 27 decreases 28 size 29 small 30 lower

31 aerial 32 lenticels 33 smaller 34 moisture 35 nutrients

36 decomposition


1 habitat 2 niche 3 temperature 4 space 5 Species diversity

6 species richness 7 relative abundance 8 proportions 9 higher 10 dominant species

11 predation 12 prey 13 lagging 14 competition 15 intraspecific

16 interspecific 17 more 18 needs 19 symbiosis 20 commensalism

21 mutualism 22 parasitism 23 parasite 24 host

25 ecological succession 26 replace 27 increases 28 climax community

29 barren 30 pioneer community 31 soil 32 dominant 33 humus

34 shrubs 35 nutrients 36 trees 37 climax community

38 Secondary succession 39 soil 40 seeds


1 sun 2 photosynthesis 3 chemical 4 food 5 excretion

6 uneaten 7 respiration 8 food chain 9 energy / material 10 material / energy

11 producers 12 consumers 13 decomposers 14 autotrophs 15 heterotrophs

16 herbivores 17 carnivores 18 primary 19 tertiary 20 saprophytes

21 organic 22 inorganic 23 cycling 24 producer 25 primary

26 secondary 27 tertiary 28 food web 29 feeding 30 trophic level

31 Tertiary 32 Producer 33 lost 34 less 35 more

36 faeces 37 heat 38 excretory 39 pyramid of numbers

40 area 41 dry mass 42 reproduction 43 trophic level 44 diet

45 decomposers


1 organic 2 feeding 3 decomposers 4 respiration 5 decomposers

6 fossil fuels 7 limestone 8 photosynthesis 9 organic 10 ammonium

11 nitrates 12 nitrification 13 lightning 14 Nitrogen fixing bacteria

15 nitrogen fixation 16 nitrification 17 root nodules 18 leguminous 19 plants

20 protein 21 denitrifying bacteria 22 nitrogen


1 extinction 2 acid rain 3 greenhouse gases 4 heat 5 Conservation

6 endangered 7 alternative


1 quadrat 2 Repeated 3 transect 4 line transect 5 transect

6 quadrats 7 kite diagram 8 uniform 9 transitions 10 Systematic

11 immobile 12 distribution 13 Abundance 14 data loggers

Ch 21 Photosynthesis


1 photosynthesis 2 organic 3 inorganic 4 water 5 light

6 chlorophyll 7 chloroplasts 8 chemical 9 Oxygen 10 anabolic

11 Proteins / Lipids 12 lipids / proteins 13 minerals


1 leaves 2 surface area 3 chloroplasts 4 upper 5 air spaces

6 diffuse 7 cuticle 8 water 9 stomata 10 guard cells

11 xylem / phloem 12 phloem / xylem 13 double 14 stroma 15 enzymes

16 starch 17 thylakoids 18 grana 19 Chlorophyll 20 surface area

21 interconnected 22 transport


1 iodine 2 glowing 3 dark 4 24 5 destarching

6 variegated 7 absent 8 experimental 9 control 10 Potassium hydroxide

11 experimental 12 control 13 experimental 14 control


1 photochemical reactions 2 carbon fixation 3 thylakoids 4 light

5 light reactions 6 light 7 electrons 8 decreasing 9 Energy

10 electron transport chain 11 ATP 12 ADP

13 photophosphorylation 14 light 15 chemical 16 water

17 hydrogen / oxygen 18 oxygen / hydrogen 19 photolysis 20 NADP 21 NADPH

22 reduced 23 reducing 24 hydrogen 25 by-product 26 gas

27 carbon 28 carbon fixation 29 stroma 30 dark reactions 31 light

32 Calvin cycle 33 carbon dioxide 34 two 35 acceptor 36 ATP

37 NADPH 38 reduced 39 triose phosphate 40 photochemical 41 glucose

42 regenerate 43 energy 44 ATP / NADPH 45 NADPH / ATP 46 six

47 six 48 glucose 49 glucose 50 oxygen gas


1 increases 2 energy 3 saturation point 4 limited 5 optimum

6 increases 7 substrates 8 levels off 9 increases 10 Light intensity

11 levels off 12 increases 13 carbon dioxide concentration

14 carbon dioxide concentration 15 greenhouses 16 improved


1 Triose phosphate 2 glucose 3 energy 4 starch 5 insoluble

6 water potential 7 sucrose 8 phloem 9 inactive 10 cellulose

11 cell walls 12 glycerol 13 fatty acids 14 cell membranes 15 minerals

16 amino acids 17 growth 18 cell membranes


1 producers 2 sun 3 chemical 4 food chains 5 heat

6 Respiration 7 photosynthesis 8 photosynthesis 9 respiration

Ch 22 Respiration


1 Respiration 2 energy 3 oxidative 4 Glucose 5 carbon dioxide

6 water 7 enzymes 8 ATP 9 heat 10 carbon dioxide

11 ATP 12 phosphorylation 13 energy carrier 14 small 15 reused

16 active transport 17 cell 18 nerve impulses 19 muscle 20 synthesis

21 aerobic 22 anaerobic 23 less 24 different


1 cytoplasm 2 mitochondria 3 outer 4 inner 5 enzymes

6 mitochondrial matrix 7 Active


1 oxygen 2 glycolysis 3 Krebs cycle 4 oxidative phosphorylation

5 cytoplasm 6 oxygen 7 cytoplasm 8 phosphorylation 9 ATP

10 two 11 triose phosphate 12 oxidized 13 pyruvate 14 hydrogen

15 oxidized 16 NAD 17 reduced 18 NADH 19 hydrogen

20 pyruvate 21 mitochondrion 22 acetyl-coenzyme A 23 carbon

24 carbon dioxide 25 hydrogen 26 NADH 27 acetyl-CoA

28 mitochondrial matrix 29 two 30 carrier

31 mitochondrial matrix 32 enzymes 33 6-C 34 regenerated

35 oxidized 36 two 37 carbon dioxide 38 hydrogen 39 NADH

40 FAD 41 FADH 42 ATP 43 inner 44 phosphorylation

45 oxidation 46 hydrogen 47 oxidized 48 hydrogen 49 hydrogen

50 electrons 51 redox 52 inner 53 ATP 54 oxygen

55 water 56 38 57 Six 58 Six 59 six

60 38 61 oxidative phosphorylation 62 electron

63 oxidative phosphorylation 64 Krebs cycle 65 glycolysis 66 reduced

67 hydrogencarbonate indicator 68 lime water 69 heat 70 temperature


1 oxygen 2 cytoplasm 3 glycolysis 4 fungus 5 ethanol

6 Carbon dioxide 7 NAD 8 alcoholic fermentation 9 ethanol

10 carbon dioxide 11 two 12 chemical energy 13 less 14 water-logged

15 energy 16 pyruvate 17 lactic acid 18 blood

19 lactic acid fermentation 20 two 21 simple 22 additional

23 oxygen 24 lactic acid 25 glycogen 26 oxygen debt 27 beer / wine

28 wine / beer 29 dough 30 biofuel 31 yoghurt 32 cheese


1 oxidative 2 ATP 3 heat 4 enzymes 5 mitochondria

6 cytoplasm 7 required 8 not required 9 water 10 lactic

11 ethanol 12 larger 13 smaller


1 organic 2 respiration 3 ATP 4 energy 5 ecosystems

6 light 7 chemical 8 ATP 9 energy 10 photosynthesis

11 Calvin 12 respiration 13 Chloroplast 14 Catabolism 15 Anabolism

16 Chemical 17 Light 18 glycolysis 19 chlorophyll 20 pyruvate

21 5-C 22 triose phosphate 23 ATP 24 oxygen 25 phosphorylation

26 NADP 27 photophosphorylation

Ch 23 Infectious diseases


1 c 2 a 3 b


1 disease 2 signs 3 symptoms 4 infectious diseases

5 non-infectious diseases 6 pathogens 7 Biological 8 Behavioural

9 Environmental 10 a, c, d, h 11 b, e, f, g


1 viruses 2 multiply 3 cells 4 toxins 5 protein

6 nucleic acid 7 envelope 8 protein 9 host cells 10 cell membranes

11 nucleic acids 12 Some 13 toxin 14 parasites 15 liver

16 red blood cells 17 enzymes 18 surface 19 internal


1 droplets 2 mucous 3 Droplet nuclei 4 spores 5 faeces

6 animals 7 Blood 8 sexual intercourse 9 vector 10 pathogens

11 Mosquitoes 12 mosquito bites 13 mouth 14 face mask 15 respiratory

16 ventilation 17 sewage 18 gloves 19 share 20 transfusion

21 condom 22 breeding 23 physical


1 kill 2 inhibit 3 Antibiotics 4 fungi 5 penicillin

6 cell walls 7 cell membranes 8 nucleic acids 9 protein 10 viruses

11 viral 12 antibiotics 13 antibiotic resistance14 pathogens 15 mutations

16 reproduction 17 resistant 18 antibiotics 19 drugs 20 Sulpha drugs

21 bacterial 22 inhibitors

Ch 24 Non-infectious diseases and disease prevention


1 chronic diseases 2 cancer 3 DNA 4 mutations 5 tumour

6 benign 7 fibrous capsule 8 malignant 9 spread 10 bloodstream

11 lymphatic 12 divide 13 cancer 14 blood vessels 15 spread

16 radiation 17 mutations 18 Chemotherapy 19 cell division 20 mutated

21 accumulate 22 immune system 23 Carcinogens 24 Tar 25 Nitrosamine

26 Asbestos 27 Ultraviolet 28 X 29 Cervical 30 Liver

31 processed 32 face masks 33 sexual partners 34 alcohol 35 coronary heart disease

36 cholesterol 37 plaque 38 narrows 39 cardiac 40 blood clot

41 heart attack 42 blood clots 43 Angioplasty 44 balloon 45 plaques

46 Coronary bypass 47 cardiac 48 DNA 49 elastic 50 Nicotine

51 haemoglobin 52 oxygen 53 saturated fats 54 trans fats 55 cholesterol

56 exercise 57 blood pressure 58 aerobic exercise 59 glucose

60 Insulin-dependent diabetes 61 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes 62 insulin

63 insensitive 64 Obese 65 after 66 blood vessels 67 exercise

68 control 69 insulin 70 1 71 2


1 Immunization 2 vaccine 3 infection 4 transmission 5 risk

6 community 7 screening 8 disease surveillance 9 health education

Ch 25 Body defence mechanisms


1 specific 2 all 3 physical 4 phagocytosis 5 inflammatory responses

6 first 7 Dead 8 impermeable 9 replaced 10 epidermis

11 mucus-secreting 12 mucus 13 cilia 14 beating 15 ciliated epithelial

16 secretions 17 c 18 c 19 a 20 b

21 d 22 blood platelets 23 fibrinogen 24 fibrin 25 blood clot

26 engulfs 27 enzymes 28 arterioles 29 increases 30 permeability

31 inflammation 32 red 33 tissue fluid 34 pain 35 Pus


1 immune responses 2 lymphocytes 3 Bone marrow 4 Bone marrow 5 Thymus gland

6 receptors 7 antigen 8 Self 9 Foreign 10 immune

11 plasma cells 12 antibodies 13 memory 14 protein

15 antigen-antibody complex 16 activates 17 lysis 18 agglutination

19 phagocytosis 20 antitoxins 21 neutralize 22 Helper 23 lymphokines

24 phagocytosis 25 killer 26 cell membranes 27 memory 28 remember

29 B 30 helper 31 plasma 32 antibodies 33 memory

34 memory 35 killer 36 lymphokines 37 first 38 same

39 Longer 40 slower 41 Shorter 42 faster 43 Smaller

44 Larger 45 shorter 46 longer 47 vaccine 48 specificity

49 immunological memory 50 attenuated 51 inactivated 52 proteins

53 primary 54 Memory 55 secondary 56 side effects 57 allergic reactions

58 plasma 59 transferred 60 recovers 61 placenta 62 breast-feeding

63 vaccination 64 injection 65 slow 66 fast 67 longer

68 shorter

Ch 26 Basic genetics


1 Heredity 2 variations 3 genetics 4 genes 5 genetic

6 protein 7 nucleotides 8 nucleotide 9 phosphate 10 sugar

11 nitrogenous base 12 Deoxyribose 13 Ribose 14 Adenine 15 Thymine

16 Cytosine 17 Guanine 18 Adenine 19 Uracil 20 T / thymine

21 Cytosine 22 Guanine 23 Two 24 double 25 One

26 single 27 opposite 28 double helix 29 T 30 hydrogen

31 G 32 complementary base pairing 33 gene 34 amino acid

35 genetic code 36 traits 37 proteins 38 alleles 39 gene locus

40 nucleotides 41 genetic 42 stable 43 replication 44 break

45 template 46 DNA polymerase 47 identical


1 monohybrid inheritance 2 3 3 1 4 monohybrid cross

5 Only one 6 reappeared 7 3 : 1 8 alleles 9 genotype

10 TT 11 tt 12 identical 13 homozygous 14 homozygotes

15 separate 16 one 17 Segregation 18 Tt 19 heterozygous

20 heterozygotes 21 hybrid 22 phenotype 23 dominant 24 recessive

25 four 26 3 : 1 27 dominant 28 recessive 29 dominant

30 Ff 31 Ff 32 cross 33 FF 34 Ff

35 Ff 36 ff 37 phenotypes 38 FF 39 Ff

40 Ff 41 ff 42 free 43 free 44 free

45 attached 46 not related 47 proportions 48 large 49 test cross

50 homozygous recessive 51 TT 52 tt 53 Tt

54 tall 55 Tt 56 tt 57 Tt 58 tt

59 tall 60 short 61 1 62 1

63 homozygous dominant 64 heterozygous 65 Dihybrid inheritance

66 Independent Assortment 67 a different 68 round 69 wrinkled

70 yellow 71 green 72 one 73 independently 74 four

75 16 76 Four


1 antigens 2 A 3 B 4 None 5 B

6 A 7 None 8 alleles 9 multiple alleles 10 Co-dominant

11 A 12 A 13 B 14 B 15 A and B

16 AB 17 None 18 O 19 ii 20 IAIB

21 IAi 22 IBi 23 A 24 B 25 1

26 1 27 sex chromosomes 28 autosomes 29 X 30 random

31 50% 32 sex-linked 33 X 34 XBXB 35 XBXb

36 XbXb 37 XBY 38 XbY 39 males 40 XbY

41 XBXB 42 XBXb 43 XBY 44 N 45 N

46 1 47 1 48 daughters 49 XBY 50 XBXb

51 XBXB 52 XBXb 53 XBY 54 XbY 55 N

56 N 57 N 58 CB 59 1 60 1

61 1 62 1 63 50% 64 50% 65 pedigrees

66 normal feet 67 a six-toed foot 68 heterozygous 69 dominant 70 a six-toed foot

71 Ff 72 Ff 73 FF 74 Ff 75 Ff

76 ff 77 six-toed foot 78 normal feet 79 3 80 1


1 continuous variation 2 discontinuous variation 3 intermediate

4 extremes 5 distinct 6 normal distribution 7 heredity 8 environment

9 Independent assortment 10 Crossing over 11 fertilization 12 Mutation

13 phenotypes 14 is not

Ch 27 Molecular genetics


1 genetic code 2 three 3 triplet code 4 64 5 degenerate

6 non-overlapping 7 universal 8 gene expression 9 transcription 10 translation

11 hydrogen bonds 12 messenger RNA 13 template strand 14 coding strand 15 template

16 RNA polymerase 17 mRNA 18 codon 19 template 20 coding

21 U 22 ribosome 23 transfer RNA 24 anticodon 25 amino acid

26 peptide 27 stop


1 gene mutations 2 chromosome mutations 3 base 4 deletion

5 insertion 6 substitution 7 inversion 8 reading frame 9 non-functional

10 triplet code 11 phenotype 12 substitution 13 A 14 valine

15 Deletion 16 Duplication 17 Inversion 18 Translocation 19 separate

20 three 21 spontaneous mutations 22 mutagens 23 induced mutations

24 Tar 25 Ultraviolet light 26 X-rays 27 Gamma rays 28 chemical

29 free radicals 30 protein 31 degenerate 32 alleles 33 inheritable

34 variations

Ch 28 Biotechnology


1 Biotechnology 2 genetic engineering 3 DNA 4 recombinant DNA technology

5 characteristic 6 recombinant DNA 7 Donor 8 Host 9 Vector

10 Plasmid 11 restriction enzyme 12 DNA ligase 13 gene therapy 14 productivity

15 nutritional 16 enzymes 17 hydrocarbons


1 DNA fingerprinting 2 DNA 3 variable regions 4 size 5 gel electrophoresis

6 DNA fingerprints 7 electric 8 negatively 9 positive 10 faster

11 forensic science 12 parentage tests 13 endangered species


1 genome 2 Human Genome Project 3 DNA sequencing 4 mapping

5 genetics 6 evolution

Ch 29 Evolution I


1 organic 2 inorganic


1 evolution 2 common ancestor 3 Fossils 4 Body fossils 5 existence

6 Trace fossils 7 activities 8 c, e, f 9 a, b, d 10 minerals

11 Earth 12 weathering 13 resin 14 amber 15 sequence

16 fossil record 17 lowest 18 earliest 19 pre-existing 20 complex

21 diversified 22 radioisotope dating 23 increased 24 longer 25 reduced

26 missing links 27 Soft 28 decay 29 incomplete 30 inaccessible

31 homologous 32 pentadactyl limbs 33 common ancestor 34 modified 35 c

36 b 37 a 38 d 39 flying 40 running

41 handling 42 swimming 43 phylogenetic 44 amino acid 45 mutations

46 more 47 gorilla 48 rhesus monkey 49 dog 50 chicken

51 frog 52 base 53 closer 54 agrees

Ch 30 Evolution II


1 Lamarckism 2 needs 3 well developed 4 degenerate 5 acquired

6 were not 7 natural selection 8 beaks 9 originated 10 adaptations

11 Darwinism 12 stable 13 competition 14 existence 15 variation

16 adapted 17 survival 18 fittest 19 favourable 20 breed

21 b, c, f 22 a, d, e 23 reproduce 24 white 25 black

26 camouflaged 27 black 28 black 29 polluted 30 genetic variations

31 non-resistant 32 resistant 33 increases 34 less 35 non-resistant

36 resistant 37 higher 38 increases 39 mutations 40 neo-Darwinism


1 speciation 2 isolated 3 interbreed 4 gene 5 Mutations

6 natural selection 7 selected 8 interbreed 9 species

10 Geographic isolation

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