ch 4.2 ideas help start a revolution main idea tensions increase throughout the colonies until the...

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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Ch 4.2 Ideas Help Start a Revolution


Tensions increase throughout the colonies until the Continental Congress declares independence on July 4, 1776.


The United States was founded at this time.

Second Continental Congress

• May-June 1775 in Philadelphia debated• Loyalists

-Loyalties to the king-Reconciliation with British crown-Can’t win

• Patriots-Independence

• Colonial militia= Continental Army-George Washington appointed commander of the army

Battle of Bunker Hill

• June 17, 1775.

• Actually at Breed’s Hill, north of Boston.

• Bloodiest battle of the war.

• Over 1000 redcoats killed, patriot loss.

Olive Branch Petition

• Second Continental Congress, July 1775

• formal harmony between Britain and colonies.

• King George rejects it.

-stated colonies were rebels and urged Parliament to order naval blockade of American coast.

Declaring Independence (influences)

• English Magna Carta, 1215

-Can’t seize property, no taxation without representation, jury trial.

• English Bill of Rights, 1686

-constitutional monarchy

-representation through a parliament (Lower House)

John Locke• Enlightenment thinkers.

• Two Treatises of Government, 1690

-Natural rights to life, liberty, and property

-Social contract, agreement people consent to choose and obey a government that protected natural rights.

-If that government didn’t, that the people had a right to resist and overthrown that government.

Thomas Paine’s Common Sense, 1776

• Create a better society one free of tyranny, with equal social and economic opportunities for all.

• Importance of republican government.

-power is given to leaders, but power can be taken away.

Declaring Independence

• Congress

-Each colony is to form own gov.

-Committee to prepare a formal statement of separation.

-Thomas Jefferson chosen to write it.

Declaration of Independence, 1776 • “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all

men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights, that among them these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness;…”- “self-evident”, to be understood without proof- “all men are created equal”, free citizens are political equals

-did not include women, Native Americans, slaves

-cruel and injustice of slave trade-S. Carolina and Georgia, take it out or we

will not vote for it - “unalienable rights", could not be taken away

Loyalists and Patriots

• Groups divided: Quakers and African American on both sides.

• Native Americans support British.

-Colonists threaten their lands.

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