chaos in carpathia warbands

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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lists of warbands for the game



Tom Weiss Chaos in Carpathia houserules Part 1:


These Scenarios and Campaign systems are meant to be used with

“Tom Weiss Chaos in Carpathia houserules Part 2: Scenarios and

Campaign System”

You can download both parts at


You’ll need a copy of “Chaos in Carpathia” by Four-Color-Figures (2007) to use these

houserules. A copy of “Chaos in Cairo” by the same publisher is also a useful addition as a

few traits used in these houserules are taken from these rules. You can find both rulesets as

hardcopy or .pdf versions in various online shops.

This supplement for Chaos in Carpathia isn’t an on official addition to the game but just a

selection of house rules our gaming group is using. The idea behind these rules is to offer

gamers a bigger choice of warbands as well as a set of working scenarios and a simple

campaign system.

For further information on these rules and Gothic Horror gaming in general please visit:

My special thanks for their direct or indirect help go to the following people.

Scott Pyle for inventing the goalsystem and especially the Chaos in Carpathia rules.

Andy Cooper of Westwind for producing the most impressing Gothic Horror miniature range.

Steve Lawrence for the awesome Vampire Wars background which insired much of this


The Berlin gaming group who helped out with playtesting and willingly followed any of my

sometimes sudden rules changes. (Lars (Opa Wuttke), Christian (Widor), Christian

(Battlefield), Veit (8’8), Oliver (Don Voss), Gero (Strand), Christian (Battlefield).

Last but not least Battlefield Berlin for letting us use their fantastic terrain for our games.

Version of December 20th


Carpathia Rules Changes


The playtesting of the alternative warbands made a few changes of the basic game rules

necessary. I’ve tried to keep these changes as few as possible.

These lists are build around 350GBP Warbands.

1. Spotting models to charge them (replaces the spotting rules at page 10)

If a character wants to charge a model that is not in LOS it has to pass a TN3 Mnd plus Sharp

Senses test.

This test is raised from TN2 in the rules to TN3 to make it more difficult to charge characters you can’t

see. This affects mainly combat specialists who already have quite good Mnd + Sharp Senses abilities

and who’s appearance out of nowhere should be limited. The more terrain you have the more difficult it

is to get a line of shooting, allowing easy charges against anybody puts the game too much into favour of

fast and hard hitting combat characters.

2. Spotting hidden characters (replaces hiding rules at page 12)

To shoot at a hidden character in LOS you need a opposed Mnd vs Agl roll as in the rules.

To charge a hidden character you need to pass a TN3 Mnd test first. If this test is passed you

can perform the charge but don’t get the +2D charge bonus. To get the +2D charge bonus you

have to win a need a opposed Mnd vs Agl roll as above in addition to the check to spot the

hidden character.

If any test fails you can still perform any other action.

Note you still get a bonus for hiding in cover as per the original rules.


Karl is hidden behind a building. The werewolf is moving around the other side of the

building. He decides to sniff out if some prey is available and tests TN3 Mnd + Sharp Senses

to spot Karl. He rolls his dice and succeeds; now he’s aware of Karl but he still isn’t sure

where exactly his victim is positioned. To see if its senses are superior to Karl’s agility both

make a opposed test and Karl wins the contest. The Werewolf decides to go for the charge

and moves on, as he’s not aware of Karl’s exact position he looses the charge bonus but blood

lust and confidence in it’s abilities still drive the monster towards the poor human.

3. The rule of DN6 Regardless of bonuses and special abilities the maximum DN you can get in combat is DN6.

Everything above DN6 is lost.


Klaus takes a shot against the werewolf using his modern rifle and silver bullets. Marksman

he is he score with 6 goals vs. 3 goals defence. His DN is 6 (base modern rifle) +1 for silver

+1 for a perfect hit. Total is DN8 but only DN6 is applied as it is the maximum you can get

out of an attack.

The reason behind this rule is to keep extreme damage at bay. A DN6 hit is enough to take most

characters out of action, everything above DN6 is overkill. Whilst the above sample is in favour of the

werewolf, a charge by a creature like this usually inflicts a DN7 hit resulting in 4 vitality loss to

characters with a DR Pool of 5. To give characters a chance of luck or fate to survive any hit does

increase the fun and excitement of the game.

Warband Lists Special Rules

Female Victim Special The female victim is the wife/ daughter/ fiancée of one of the main characters of a Monster

Hunter or Gypsy Warband. She always attracts the interest of any evil warbands (Vampires,

Nosferatu, Mad Doctor, Werewolves) who have to kidnap her. Good warbands don’t kidnap

female victims of course.

The female victim should be attached to a guarding character. Any character is allowed to

guard her unless he’s the cheapest character in the warband based on the total GBP cost.

Aminal characters of course don’t count.

As long as the female victim is within 6” of her guarding character she is relatively safe. She

is moved together with her guard by the player of the main character’s warband and can be

placed anywhere within 6” of the guarding character after his or her activation is complete.

The female victim can’t be attacked as long as she is with her guarding character unless he’s

pinned in close combat, i.e. not free to leave close combat.

The evil warband can capture the female victim by charging her. To capture her just move

into base contact and declare the attack, no dice are rolled the kidnapping is automatic. It’s no

possible to capture her back during a game.

If the guarding character dies the female victim gets a standard activation, she can move up to

10” each turn but can’t do anything else.

Master of Evil Special A Vampire Lord, Loup Garou and Nosteratu Master are so called “Masters of Evil”. These

characters are subject to special victory condition according to the scenario rules.


New Traits:

Pet Animal: A Pet Animal can be purchased as equipment for a character who acts as its master. The

animal has a standard profile but can't activate independed. Instead it's activated together with

its master either before or after the master has completed his own activation. It doesn't have a

move value but instead can end its move anywhere within 6" of the master figure. If the

master figure dies the pat animal must make an immediate move of up to 10" into or towards

the nearest cover. It does move, charge and fight like any other character. It's subject to a free

strike when moving out of close combat.

A masterless Pet Animal can be taken over by another member of the same warband with a

TN2 Mnd or Resove check. This is a free action. When taken over in this way the pet animal

moves 10" towards its new master at the end of the turn after all characters have completed

their activations until it is within control range of the new master.

They don’t count into victory conditions.

Keep to base:

A pet animal can stay in base contact with it’s master. If it does so it moves at the same time

as the master figure does and both count as being in close combat regardless who’s base is

actually in contact with the enemy. An attacking model can always decide to strike the animal

or the master figure and in case of radius attacks both roll for damage as if they would be

independed characters.

Sniff out:

Pet Animals with the sniff out trait can do Mnd and Sharp Senses checks to detect hidden

characters or scenario objectives for their master figure.

Holy Symbol and True Faith:

Add this to the existing rules for True Faith.

Any model with the True Faith Trait automatically owns a Holy Symbol.

A Vampire model who wants to charge a character with the True Faith trait that is not yet

locked in close combat must stop at 2” range and win a opposed Resolve + Iron Will roll. If

the Vampire wins the roll it can move on, if the True Faith character wins the roll the

Vampire is forced to stop and can’t move closer than 2” towards his intended target character.

If the Vampire has any movement left he still carry on moving in any direction and even into

close combat with another model. Note as the opposed roll is made during the charge the

Vampire can’t decide a different kind of action when he fails the roll.

If the Priest beats the Vampire by 3+ goals the Vampire looses 1 Vit. If the Vampire beats the

Priest by 3+ goals the Holy Symbol bursts into flame and is useless for the remainder of the




New Weapon List (replaces the weapons in the rulesbook) Name Special DN Cost ER Enc Slow

Close Combat

Battleaxe -1D Close Combat Attack 6 5 2

Club No charge bonus 4 2 1

Knife 4 3 1

Makeshift Club -1D CC Defence 3 free 1

Spear +1D CC Def vs charging foes, Extra Reach 1”

4 5 2

Sword +1D CC Def 5 8 1

Throwing Knife Can be thrown using Combat Attack trait. Can be thrown after a charge move.

3 4 3” 1

Wooden Stake DN+3 by beating a vampires defence by 3+ goals

3/6* 2 1

Torch As in the rules 3 2 1

Ranged Combat

Crossbow Slow, Quiet 5 10 12” 2 x

Pistol Archaic Slow 5 7 10” 2 x

Pistol light* If the owner doesn’t move he can shoot twice. Roll to hit once only.

4 8 8” 1

Pistol Heavy* 5 10 10” 2

Musket Slow 5 11 12” 2 x

Modern Rifle* 6 16 15” 2

Blunderbuss Radius short 2”, long 1”. DN 5 at short range. Slow

5/4 10 10” 2 x

Sawed of Blunderbuss

Fires only at short range, +2D to hit, 2” Radius

4 5 6” 2 x

Holy Water Special see below 6 6 3” 1

Weapons marked with an * can’t be purchased by henchmen.

Holy Water:

Holy Water does only work against models with the Vampire trait. It’s a one use

weapon so each potion you purchase can be used for one attack only. It can be

thrown or used in close combat. If it hits it has a 2” radius inflicting DN6 hits.

Vampire models can’t use their DR Pool rerolls if hit by holy water.

A warband can’t purchase more than 3 potions of holy water in addition to it’s basic

equipment given in the warband lists. A player suing holy water must tell a Vampire

player which models carry Holy Water because Vampires usually sense its



The Monster Hunters

Monster Hunters To set up a hunter warband first choose a nationality. Then choose one of the leader characters and the other members of the warband according to the following table. Fate of the good: A Monster Hunter Warband who is fighting an evil warband (Nosferatu, Vampires, Werewolves) starts the battle with a pool of 3 Fate dice that can be used at any time with any member of the warband in the same way any character can use his Fate Dice. Female Victim: Monster Hunters can use the Female Victim rules with any Leader, Slayer, Hunter or Expedition Member character if they fight an evil warband. New Traits: Guide: At the beginning of the game, after all models have been set up, any warband with a guide may make a free move action with one of its models. Pathfinder: Ignores difficult ground in woodland terrain. Special Equipment: Each warband has a number of specialized items available to hunt down dark creatures. These are well stored in the warbands stronghold and can be divided amongst it members before the battle begins. “Silver” can be used for any weapon, weapons must still be purchased as usual. It’s a free update for weapons.


American French Hungarian

Professor; Adv. Scholar; Holy Man

2 1 1

Slayer 0 1 2

Hunter 2 1 0

Expedition Member

4 4 4

Hunting Dog 1 2 3

Labor Gang 0 1 0

Polizei 1 0 1

Beaters 1 1 1 Old Woodsman

1 1 1

British Vampire Hunters -British Vampire Hunters are known for their expert shooting skills, they can give any one character +1D Crack Shot up to a max of 3D. -The British are also known to arrive late. Before the first initiative is decided roll a D6, if the result is 1-3 the British warband is late and looses the first initiative automatically. -British Hunters have a stash of the following special weapons available: 3x Silver, 1x Wolf’s Bane, 2x Holy Water, 2x Stakes. Silver can be applied to any weapons of choice before the game starts and all items can be given to any member of the warband before the game starts. Henchmen are not allowed to use these items. French Hunters -The French hunters enjoy the good food and especially the garlic. A Vampire must pass TN2 Res goal roll to charge a French hunter. If he fails he can’t charge but can do anything else he likes for the turn. -French Hunters have a stash of the following special weapons available: 3x Silver, 2x Wolf’s Bane, 2x Holy Water, 2x Stakes. Silver can be applied to any weapons of choice before the game starts and all items can be given to any member of the warband before the game starts. Henchmen are not allowed to use these items. Hungarian Hunters -The Hungarians are expert hunters, if the warband has hunting dogs these can be handled by any character (not henchmen group or special characters) of the warband. -Hungarian Hunters have a stash of the following special weapons available: 3x Silver, 3x Wolf’s Bane, 2x Holy Water, 2x Stakes. Silver can be applied to any weapons of choice before the game starts and all items can be given to any member of the warband before the game starts. Henchmen are not allowed to use these items. American Hunters -Use the same troop choice as british hunters. -Most Americans are well used to pistols, one model in the warband can be given one use of the free trait “shootist”. This model can purchase two pistols at the cost of the more expensive one plus 2GBP. See rulesbook page 38 on how the trait works. -American Hunters have a stash of the following special weapons available: 3x Silver, 3x Wolf’s Bane, 2x Holy Water, 1 Holy Symbol, 2x Stakes. Silver can be applied to any weapons of choice before the game starts and all items can be given to any member of the warband before the game starts. Henchmen are not allowed to use these items.


Intrepid Leader (Mandatory, 49 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

3 3 3 4 5“ 4 4 3

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 2 Combat Evade x 1

Crack Shot x 2 Dodge

Iron Will x 1 Leader x 2 Scholar x 1

Expedition Leader (Mandatory, 54 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

3 3 3 4 5“ 4 4 3

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 1 Combat Evade x 1

Crack Shot x 1 Leader x 2 Resources Scholar x 2

Sharp Senses x 1

Proffessor (36 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

2 2 4 4 5“ 3 4 3

Special Traits Equipment

Dodge x 1 Crack Shot x 1 Iron Will x 2 Scholar x 3


Medi Pack

Adventurous Scholar (39 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

2 3 4 4 5“ 3 4 3

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Evade x 1 Crack Shot x 1 Gypsy’s Luck Iron Will x 1 Scholar x 2


Slayer (43 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

4 3 2 3 5“ 5 [1]* 3 3

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 3 Combat Evade x 1

Crack Shot x 2 Sharp Senses x 2

Solitary Tough

Hunter (40 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

3 3 2 3 5“ 4 [1]* 3 3

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 2 Combat Evade x 1

Crack Shot x 3 Sharp Senses x 1


Expedition Members (32 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

3 3 2 3 5“ 4 3 3

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 1 Crack Shot x 1

Expedition members can choose three different traits from the following list. No two expedition members in a warband can have the same traits. Combat Attack Crack Shot Combat Evade Dodge Sharp Senses Iron Will Extra Vitality (+1) Extra Fate (+1) True Faith and Holy Symbol (only one model in a warband can have True Faith)

Holy Man or Woman (44 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

2 3 3 4 5“ 3 4 3

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Evade x 1 [] Inspiration Iron Will x 2 Scholar x 1 True Faith

Holy Symbol


Hunting Dog (17 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

2 3 1 2 - 3 2 2

Special Traits Equipment

Animal Pet Animal Bite (DN4)

Combat Attack x 2 Combat Evade x1 Sharp Senses x 3

The Old Woodsman (38 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

3 3 3 4 5“ 4 4 3

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 1 Crack Shot x 2

Guide Pathfinder

Sharp Senses x 1

Labor Gang (26 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

3 2 2 3 5“ 3 3 Henchmen (5 members)

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 1 Combat Evade x 1

Pack Mule Sharp Senses x 1

Additional members can be purchased at 3 GBP each. Max 10.

East European Polizei (32 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

3 2 2 3 5“ 3 3 Henchmen (5 members)

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 1 Combat Evade x 1

Crack Shot x 2 Sharp Senses x 1

Additional members can be purchased at 5 GBP each. Max 10.


Beaters (29 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

3 2 2 3 5“ 3 3 Henchmen (5 members)

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 1 Combat Evade x 1

Crack Shot x 1 Sharp Senses x 1

Additional members can be purchased at 5 GBP each. Max 10.


Die heilige Bruderschaft

The Bruderschaft is well equipped for it’s eternal fight. A Warband and update up to three weapons to silver silver status and three models with holy water (one use each) for free. They don’t use wolfbane. Only one model in a Bruderschaft Warband can have the True Faith trait. Members of the Bruderschaft don’t use Lucky Charms. One additional model can get a Holy Symbol which enable it to hold back a charging Vampire. All other abilities of a Holy Symbol combined with True Faith don’t apply to this model. Only one model in a Bruderschaft Warband can have the True Faith trait. Members of the Bruderschaft don’t use Blackpowder weapons. They prefer Crossbows for ranged combat. Choose a Grossmeister or a Kardinal to lead your warband. You can’t include both.

Armour: 2 GBP The knights of the Bruderschaft use traditional metal body armour for protection against the attacks of their enemys. Armour must be shown on the model. It grants one reroll on any DR test. Großmeister, Rittmeister, Ordensbrüder and Ritterbrüder can use armour.

Grossmeister (Mandatory, 48 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

4 3 3 4 5“ 5 4 3

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 2 Combat Evade x 1

Iron Will x 1 [] Inspiration Leader x 2 Scholar x 1

Crack Shot x 1

Kardinal (Mandatory, 61 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

3 3 4 4 5“ 4 4 3

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 1 Combat Evade x 1

Iron Will x 3 [][]Inspiration Scholar x 2 Resources


Rittmeister (Max 1, 46 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

4 3 3 3 5“ 5 3 3

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 3 Combat Evade x 1

Crack Shot x 2 Iron Will x 1

[] Killing Strike

Ordensbruder (Max 3, 30 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

3 3 3 3 5“ 4 3 3

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 1 Crack Shot x 1

Iron Will x 1

An Ordensbruder can choose any three different of the following

traits. Only one trait may be raised to three levels. Combat Attack 3 GBP Crack Shot 3 GBP True Faith and Holy Symbol 5 GBP Combat Evade 3 GBP Iron Will 3 GBP Sharp Senses 2 GBP

Hunting Dog (Max 3, 17 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

2 3 1 2 - 3 2 2

Special Traits Equipment

Animal Pet Animal Bite (DN4)

Combat Attack x 2 Combat Evade x1 Sharp Senses x 3

To take over a masterless pet animal members of the Bruderschaft have to pas a TN1 Mnd or Res check.

Ordensnonne (Max 2, 31 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

2 2 3 4 5“ 3 4 3

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Evade x 1 Iron Will x 1

Sharp Senses x 1 Unarmed Combat (DN4)

Scholar x 1

Each Ordensnonne can choose one of the following traits. Each Ordensnonne must choose a different trait. [] Inspiration 5 GBP True Faith and Holy Symbol 5 GBP Healer and Medical Bag 4 GBP


Ritterbrüder (Max 1, 36 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

3 2 2 3 5“ 3 3 Henchmen (5 members)

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 1 or x2 Crack Shot x 2 or x1

Iron Will x 1 Sharp Senses x 1

Additional Ritterbrüder can be purchased at 7 GBP each. Max 10.

Ritterbrüder can have either “combat attack x 1 and crack shot x 2” or “combat

attack x 2 and crack shot x 1”. The player chooses which combination he wants to

play before the games starts.

The Old Woodsman (Max 1) 53 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

3 3 3 4 5“ 4 4 3

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 1 Crack Shot x 2

Guide Pathfinder

Sharp Senses x 1



Forbidden Lore

(1 use)


Romanian Vampires Werewolves attacked by characters with the Vampire trait are not allowed to reroll

their DR. Attacks using Vampiric Might count as silver against Werewolves.

Vampire Lord (Mandatory, 70 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

4 4 4 5 6“ 5 [3]* 5 3

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 2 Combat Evade x 1

Claws (DN6) Sharp Senses x 1

Vampire [][] Vampiric Might

The Vampire Lord is a Master of Evil

Vampire (Max 2, 62 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

4 3 3 4 6“ 5 [3]* 4 3

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 2 Combat Evade x 1

Claws (DN5) Sharp Senses x 1

Vampire [] Vampiric Might

Vampire Models may choose from the following special traits. Romanian Vampires are allowed two different choices, Vampires are allowed two choices each. All Vampires must choose different combinations of traits. Terrifiying Aura +8 GBP (Romanian Vampire only) Wall-Crawler +5 GBP Mist Form +5 GBP Dodge +2 GBP (Romanian Vampire only) Shape of the Bat +4 GBP Shape of the Beast +5 GBP Extra Strength (+1) +6 GBP (Romanian Vampire only) Vampiric Might +5 GBP Sharp Senses (x1) +3GBP Iron Will (x1) +3 GBP

Acolyte Vampire (Max 3, 43 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

4 3 2 3 5“ 5 3 3

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 1 Claws (DN5)

Sharp Senses x 1 [] Vampiric Might


Cossack Hero (Max 1, 38 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

4 3 2 3 5“ 5 [1] 3 3

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 2 Crack Shot x 2

Tough Boss

“Boss” is a Cairo trait.

Cossack Guard (Max 2, 32 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

3 3 2 2 5“ 3 2 Henchmen (5 members)

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 2 Crack Shot x 1

Sharp Senses x 1

The Cossack Guard may add additional Cossacks up to 10 members for

5GBP each.

Hunchback Servant (Max 1, 24 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

3 2 2 3 5“ 4 [1] 3 3

Special Traits Equipment

Cowardly Pack Mule

Tough Dedicated

Dedicated to the Vampire Lord


Nosferatu Werewolves attacked by characters with the Vampire trait are not allowed to reroll

their DR. Attacks using Vampiric Might count as silves against Werewolves.

Master Nosferatu (Mandatory, 80 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

5 4 3 5 6“ 6 [3]* 5 3

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 2 Combat Evade x 2

Claws (DN6) Mesmerize []

Sharp Senses x 2 Vampire

[] Shape of the Beast Scholar x 1

Nosferatu don’t use weapons or equipment

The Master Nosferatu is a Master of Evil.

The Master Nosferatu can use his Res instead of Mnd for

Mesmerize attacks.

Nosferatu (Max 3, 58 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

3 4 3 4 5“ 4 [3]* 4 3

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 2 Combat Evade x 1

Claws (DN5) Sharp Senses x 1


Nosferatu don’t use weapons or


Nosferatu are allowed two choices. The Master Nosferatu is allowed one choice. Wall-Crawler +5 GBP Mist Form +3 GBP Shape of the Bat +4 GBP Shape of the Beast +5 GBP Sharp Claws (+1DN) +6 GBP Sharp Senses +3 GBP Vampiric Might +5 GBP

Ghoul (Max 4, 33 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

4 3 2 3 5“ 5 3 3

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 1 [] Vampiric Might

Ghouls are the victims of the Nosferatu in various states of change. They can still look very similar to humans at the beginning of the transformation or very ghoulish at the end. The can be represented with very different miniatures accordingly but should have a very pale skin in any case. Ghouls may choose two different traits from the following list: Combat Attack +2 GBP Combat Evade +2 GBP Tough +3 GBP Claws (DN5) +5 GBP Crack Shot +2 GBP


Giant Wolf (Max 2, 32 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

3 3 1 2 8“ 4 2 3

Special Traits Equipment

Animal Combat Attack x 2 Combat Evade x 1

Bite (DN 5) Sharp Senses x 2

Wolves may not use equipment of

any kind

Human Slaves (Max 1, 28 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

2 2 2 2 5“ 2 2 Henchmen (5 members)

Special Traits Equipment

The human slaves mob are native people who are under the influence of the Master Nosferatu. Use an ordinary villagers with mixed hand weapons.

Combat Attack x 1

Iron Will x 3

Mixed close combat

weapons (DN 4).

No other equipment allowed.

The player may add additional Slaves to the mob for +2 points each. The maximum size of the mob is 13 models.


Werwolf Pack Werewolf Specials: ”Phases of the Moon” is an optional rules and only to be used if both players agree or in special scenarios. Claws and Bites Werewolf attacks always count as silver. When a model with the werewolf traits fights another model with a werewolf trait the max DN6 limit is ignored. Traits Inmate Dedication Some Asylum Inmates are (literally) mad for Werewolves. They love their cute furry fellows so much and would do anything to help them to achieve their goals and save them from harm. Lucky for them that the Werewolves don’t care for Inmate blood at all and usually tread them as a nuisance. Inmates are dedicated towards any werewolf model. All rules of the “Dedicated” trait apply to Inmates. In addition they can try to absorb ranged attacks in the same way as close combat attacks. This doesn’t apply to radius attacks nor to aimed attacks.

Werewolf Pack Leader (Mandatory, 70 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

5 3 2 4 7“ 6 [3]* 4 4

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 3 Claws (DN 6)

[] Killing Strike Sharp Senses x 2

Werewolf Solitary

May not use equipment of any kind.

The Werewolf Pack Leader is a Master of Evil

Werewolf (Max 3, 58 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

4 3 2 3 7“ 5 [3]* 3 3

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 3 Claws (DN6)

[]Killing Strike Sharp Senses x 2

Werewolf Solitary

May not use equipment of any


Werewolf models may choose up to three of the following special traits at the listed additional cost. Every model must choose a unique combination of special traits. Each special trait may be taken no more than 2 times in a pack. (Sample: either one Werewolf can upgrade to Iron Will x2 or two Werewolves can upgrade to Iron Will x1 each). Killing Strike (one use) +4GBP Agl (+1D) +6GBP Speed Burst (one use) +4GBP Iron Will (+1D) +4 GBP Terrifying Aura +8 GBP (pack leader only) Sharp Senses (+1D) +4GBP Vitality (+1) +4GBP Dodge +5GBP


Escaped Asylum Inmate (Max 3, 36 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

4 2 2 4 5“ 5 4 3

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 2 Inhuman Strength

(DN5) Inmate Dedication

May not use equipment of any


Wolf Pack (Max 3, 45 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

3 3 1 2 8“ 3 2 Henchmen (5 members)

Special Traits Equipment

Animal Combat Attack x 2 Combat Evade x 1

Bite (DN5) Sharp Senses x 3

Additional wolves can be purchased at 6 GBP each. Max 10.

The Old Woodsman (Max 1, 58 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

3 3 3 4 5“ 4 4 3

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 1 Crack Shot x 1

Guide Pathfinder

Sharp Senses x 1 Scholar x 1



Forbidden Lore

(1 use)


Dr. Frankenstein’s Creations

Dr. Frankenstein (Mandatory, 95 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

2 3 4 4 5“ 3 4 3

Special Traits Equipment

Scholar x 3 Monster Control

Resources Dodge

Monster Resurrection Iron Will x 1

As a scientist Dr. Frankenstein doesn’t believe in Lucky Charms.

The Monster (max 1, free)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

6 2 1 3 5“ 7 3 5

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 1 Fighting Frenzy

Death Grip (DN6) (counts as silver)

Killing Strike [][] Slow*

Petty Minded*

Can’t use equipment

Cat Monster (max 3, 35GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

3 4 1 4 7“ 4 2 4

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 3 Claws (DN 4)

(counts as silver) Wall Crawler

Slow* Petty Minded*

Can’t use equipment

Dog Monster (max 3, 35GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

4 3 1 3 5“ 5[1] 2 4

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 2 Bite (DN 5)

Slow* Petty Minded*


Can’t use equipment


Assistent (max 1,34 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

4 3 2 3 5“ 5 3 3

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 1 Crack Shot x 1

Monster Control Scholar x 1

The Mad Doctor can hire the following characters from the “Monster Hunters” army list -Expedition Member (0-3) -Slayer or Hunter (0-1) -Labour Gang or Beaters (0-1)

Frankenstein Warband Specials Two weapons in the Frankenstein Warband can be updated to silver status, this includes teeth or claws etc.. Two models can be equipped with Wolve’s Bane.

Frankenstein Traits Fighting Frenzy: For every turn in close combat after the first the Monster adds +1D to any close combat attack goal rolls. You need to keep track of turns in close combat. This bonus only counts for an ongoing fight.

Slow: Characters with this trait can’t use charge moves unless they end in base contact with an enemy model. See Monster Control trait. Petty Minded: Characters can’t use Fate and can’t solve scenario objectives.

They can’t perform complex special actions. See Monster Control trait. Monster Control: As long as a monster starts its activation within 12” of a character with the Monster Control the traits “Slow” and “Petty Minded” are cancelled for this activation. Monster Resurrection: A character with this trait can resurrect monsters that have failed their KO check. This is a free action. Only one resurrection action is allowed each turn. The model rolls a Mind and Scholar test, the TN is Vitality of the Monster that is to be resurrected he the action succeeds. Goals can be saved for the next turn. Resurrected Monsters start the turn after the resurrection with 0 Vitality.


The Gypsys

Gypsy Specials: Curse of the Beast: One Gypsy can be subject to the curse of the beast. The character has three uses of “Shape of the Beast” trait. He can’t perform complex actions when in beast form or use his weapons. He counts as having claws or bite (DN5). Traditional Weapons: Gypsys don’t use modern rifles, heavy or light pistols. Gypsies can use the “female victim” rules when fighting evil warbands. Gypsys have Wolfbane for three characters and two silver updates for any weapons of his choice for free. Traits: Beauty: A TN2 Res test is needed to shoot at a beautiful female character if she hasn’t attacked anybody this turn. The model gets +2D to Mesmerize tests also. These rules don’t apply to enemy female characters. Mesmerize: is a free action, otherwise as in the book.

Gypsy Leader (Mandatory, 60 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

3 3 3 4 5“ 4 5 3

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 2 Combat Evade x 2

Crack Shot x 2 Augury []

Knife Fighter Sharp Senses x 2

Iron Will x 1

Silver Knives

Silver Throwing


Gypsy Mentalist (max 1, 50 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

2 2 4 4 5“ 3 7 3

Special Traits Equipment

Gypsy’s Luck Scholar x 2 Augury [][]

Horrific Gaze [][] Iron Will x 1

Gypsy Knife Man (max 1, 48 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

3 3 2 4 5“ 4 4 3

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 3 Combat Evade x 2

Knife Fighter Sharp Senses x 1


Throwing Knives


Gypsys (32 GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

3 3 2 3 5“ 4 4 3

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 1 Crack Shot x 1

Expedition members can choose three different traits from the following list. No two expedition members in a warband can have the same traits. Combat Attack Crack Shot Combat Evade Dodge Sharp Senses Iron Will Extra Vitality (+1) Guide (max. 1 character in the warband) (see page 35 of the rulebook)

Gypsy Dancing Girl (max 1, 47GBP)

Str Agl Mnd Res Move DR Pool Fate Vitality

3 3 3 3 5“ 4 4 3

Special Traits Equipment

Combat Attack x 2 Combat Evade x 2

Knife Fighter Mesmerize [][]


Silver Knives

Silver Throwing



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