chap. 2 transplantation 1600-1685 - rose state college

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Chap. 2 Transplantation 1600-1685Chapter 2 Transplantation
North America is Europe’s “Western Frontier”
1583; 1587. 1st and 2nd English Roanoke settlements fail. 1607-25. Ordeal of the Virginia Company. 1608. French King Henri II establishes New France colony (Canada) at Quebec. 1620-27. Pilgrims arrive, struggle, survive- thrive. 1630. Puritan Massachusetts becomes the most successful of British Colonies. 1663. King Charles II creates the hated Proprietary Colonies. Vast tracts of New York, Pennsylvania, Jersey and Carolina, are given to the King’s most loyal supporters in the Civil War. 17th century English and Dutch
Settlements in North America
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French North America New France 1608. Quebec 1642. Montreal The French settlement boundary is 200 miles from British New England, separated by the relatively low-lying Adirondack mountain range.
Unlike the English, French New World settlements are tightly controlled by kings Henry IV (1553-1610) and his son Louis XIII (1601-1643)
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British North America
Not until after 1781, when the Revolutionary War ended, did any of the 13 North American British colonies send settlers to live permanently more than 50 miles from the Atlantic coast.
Georgia 1730
Before 1700, 90% of the British population lived in Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Charleston
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English Settlements around the Chesapeake 1607-1680
1607.Virginia 1630. Maryland 1680. Delaware (Delaware is carved from the extreme southern part of Pennsylvania)
Before 1680 all British colonies depended on shipping goods to England to survive economically.
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VIRGINIA CO., LTD. 1607-1625
The Virginia CompanyThe Virginia Company was a private Joint Stock Company with a Royal Charter.
Jamestown is the first permanent English settlement to survive in the New World.
1607-1619. Main objective: find gold, silver, do something to get rich (never happens). 1619. Riches not evident, the company decides to entice reluctant English settlers to come to the colony for 50 acres of land for each paid passage to America. These grants are called “Headrights.”
The first three ships that founded Jamestown, Va (L-R), Susan Constant,
Godspeed and Discovery.
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Captain John Smith Detested for his harsh discipline, his fellow colonists plotted his death even
though he kept the Virginia colony from starving-winter of 1608-09
Born Willoughby, England, Smith became a soldier of fortune and lived a very eventful life of 51 years. Self-made; literate, abrasive, intelligent, tough, and lucky. 3rd President of the Virginia Co. Council at Jamestown, he ruled as Governor Sept. 10, 1608-Sept 10, 1609. Captured by Powhatan, Pocahontas saved his life. He named New England on 2nd
voyage to North America.
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Powhatan Chief Opechancanough
(opy-can-can-oh) c1544 - 1644 Powhatan’s older brother was
kidnapped by the Spanish in 1561 and taken to Spain. He was forced to become a Jesuit priest. He secretly hated all Europeans and killed his mentors when they returned him to Virginia.
Very tall and powerfully built, he lived to be 100 years old.
1622, 1640. He twice ordered devastating attacks on settlers
1644. He died a captive of the Jamestown authorities.1608. Opechancanough (He Whose Soul
Is White) confronts Capt. John Smith
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Virginia’s Ordeal 1607-1630 Between 1607 and 1622, at least
5,000 English settlers arrived in Virginia (90% died).
Before 1621, almost all settlers were men except for a dozen high ranking wives and their female servants.
162. About 150 young women from English orphanages and poor houses were brought to Jamestown and sold at auction for 150 lbs of tobacco.
After the Powhatan assault of 1622, only 400 survived to see New Year’s Day 1623 (March 1).
Not until 1630 did the Virginia population stabilize and grow on its own.
Jamestown about 1630 The James River flows around the
settlement which is built directly in a swamp.
James River
James River
Founding of New England
1620. 102 Pilgrims establish the Plymouth Plantation. 1624. New Amsterdam is founded by Dutch fishermen who settled on the south tip of Manhattan Island. 1630. Thousands of Puritans on dozens of ships establish Boston and the Massachusetts Bay Colony. 1636. Banished religious rebels established Rhode Island. 1636. Puritans created Connecticut and founded Harvard College in Boston. Massachusetts's Royal charter gave it Maine and all land west of its borders to the Pacific Ocean.
Long Island
New Netherlands
Sandy Hook
New England Plymouth Plantation Massachusetts Bay Colony
1620. Mayflower with 102 Pilgrims settle Plymouth Plantation, 1629-41: 20,100 Puritans in 198 ships reach New England. John Winthrop of Boston is named first governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony.
John Winthrop 1588-1640
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Proprietary Colonies 1660-1680 Vast estates are granted to eight noblemen by Charles II
Ashley Cooper; Edward Hyde; William Berkeley got Carolina (Southern Plantation-North and South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee and everything west. Prince James Stuart took East & West Jersey (New Jersey-Delaware). Maryland was given to Lord Calvert.
(Northern Plantation). Lord Culpeper was awarded the Northern Neck of Virginia. (Middle Plantation). King Charles II gave Pennsylvania to his favorite admiral, William Penn.
Lord Culpeper
Lord Calvert
William Penn
Lord Ashley
King Charles II gives most of British North America to eight men
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John Rolfe’s New Style Tobacco
1612. Virginia Company clerk Rolfe, husband of Pocahontas, genetically engineered a new variety of tobacco on his farm “Bermuda Hundred”combining West Indies & American tobacco plants.
Exported to England in 1613, Tobacco instantly becomes the most important North American cash crop.
1619-1775. Tobacco dominates trade between Virginia and England.
Tobacco Ordinaire "smoked pleasant,
Tobacco History
1497. Robert Pane, who accompanied Christopher Columbus on his second voyage in 1493, wrote the first report of tobacco use to appear in Europe. 1603. ENGLAND: Physicians complain to the king that tobacco is being used without prescription. • 1604. ENGLAND: King James I wrote "A Counterblaste to Tobacco" • 1604. ENGLAND: King James I increases import tobacco tax 4,000%. • 1606. SPAIN: King Philip Ill decrees that tobacco may only be grown only in specific locations - Cuba, Santo Domingo, Venezuela and Puerto Rico. Sale of Spanish tobacco to foreigners is punishable by death.
A flourishing 17th century business grew up around
tobacco, pipes, boxes, cigars, just like today
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Life in Colonial Virginia Virginia set the pattern for all Chesapeake Societies
Male dominated society (4 to 1) until the Revolution. Crude, more prone to personal violence than New England. Harsh, dirty, dull, few towns. Male death rate so high that Virginia women developed a powerful “Widowocracy.” Tobacco agriculture required such vast amounts of labor that slavery became viewed as the only answer.
“The Best York River Tobacco”
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Puritans Puritans They were true They were true Believers who wanted to Purify the English Believers who wanted to Purify the English Protestant (not Catholic) Anglican ChurchProtestant (not Catholic) Anglican Church
Most Puritans came from East Anglia, which was the most devout of the English Protestant sects.
NE’s ratio of Men and women was equal, and most brought children.
Religion was their primary purpose while land wealth and adventure were secondary. Stable and healthy, NE grew faster than any other American colony.
Women had equal legal and public rights, but were subservient in marriage.
East Anglia
Colonial New England Massachusetts Bay & Plymouth Plantation; Rhode Island; Connecticut; New Hampshire; territories: Maine, Vermont
Family and Puritan church dominated 1st 100 years. No idleness permitted. No individuals tolerated. The first Puritans went to great lengths to accommodate the Native Americans-but failed. By 1675 the burgeoning Puritan population of 75,000 and its irresistible expansion into Native American lands caused the terrible King Philips’ War.
Harvard-Trained Puritan Ministers 1636-1690
King Philip’s War Spring 1675- August 1676
1675. Metacom (son of Massassoit, chief of the Wampanoags who signed the Pilgrim treaty in 1621), ordered a Spring attack on Puritans living at Ft Pequod.
Metacomet changed his name to “Philip”, “King Philip to Puritans.
Nipmuck and Narragansett warriors attacked 52 of 90 New England towns, utterly destroying 12. Settlers abandoned 21 other towns that were never rebuilt. 1677. At war’s end, 10% of all adult white New England males were dead - for ten years the colony languished. The defeated Indians were sold into slavery.
King Philip fought like an Englishman using strategy,
tactics and firearms
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Dutch, Swedish, Dutch, Swedish, Danish ColoniesDanish Colonies 1625-64. Dutch East India Company established New Amsterdam and colony of New Netherlands primarily as a trading post for Dutch fishermen. 1634. Swedes and Danes settled along the Delaware River but had a relatively small population and were soon absorbed by the Dutch and the English.
1638. European Colonies
French North America
British North America
Virginia Co., Ltd. 1607-1625
Captain John Smith Detested for his harsh discipline, his fellow colonists plotted his death even though he
Powhatan ChiefOpechancanough (opy-can-can-oh) c1544 - 1644
Virginia’s Ordeal 1607-1630
Founding of New England
Proprietary Colonies 1660-1680Vast estates are granted to eight noblemen by Charles II
John Rolfe’s New Style Tobacco
Tobacco History
Life in Colonial VirginiaVirginia set the pattern for all Chesapeake Societies
Puritans They were true Believers who wanted to Purify the English Protestant (not Catholic) Anglican Church
Colonial New EnglandMassachusetts Bay & Plymouth Plantation; Rhode Island; Connecticut; New Hampshire; territories: Maine, V
King Philip’s War Spring 1675- August 1676
Dutch, Swedish, Danish Colonies

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