chapter 19 (sec. 2 & 3) european nationalism. i. growth of nationalism a. congress of vienna...

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Chapter 19 (Sec. 2 & 3) European Nationalism

I. Growth of Nationalism A. Congress of Vienna 1814 - 1815 *settle political & territorial issues after Napoleons defeat

4 Great Powers: Britain, Russia, Prussia, & Austria

Provisions of Congress of Vienna:1. Legitimacy *restore monarchs2. Balance of Power *keep one country from dominating 3. Conservatism *obedience to authority4. Intervention *armies to stop revolutions5. Concert of Europe *negotiations to avoid war

B. Leaders of Congress of Vienna Prince Klemens von Metternich “Coachman of Europe” *President of Congress “I was a rock of order!” became known as Metternich System 1815 -1845

Lord Casteragh British Foreign Minister King Frederick William II Prussia

Czar Alexander I of Russia “This belongs to me!” Poland *annexed Russia & Prussia

Charles Talleyrand French Foreign Minister

XYZ Affair Talleyrand French Minister*wanted bribes from U.S. Diplomats $250,000 John Adams US President

The XYZ affair - Refusing the Paris Monster

The XYZ affair - Maiden America ravaged by the French

II. Forces of Change: A. Liberalism people should be as free as possible from gov. restraint protect civil liberties (natural rights of man) suffrage right to vote abolition of slavery B. Nationalism unifying force Germany & Italy separation of nation - break up Austrian Empire C. Revolution Belgium independence from Dutch Republic 1815 Poland & Italy failed France 1848

III. France after Napoleon A. Louis XVIII 1814 - 1824 *appointed King by Congress of Vienna (exile 23 years) “Sire, you are King of France.” “Have I ever ceased to be!” Louis XVIII tried to increase kings power

B. Charles X 1824 – 1830 (younger brother Louis XVIII) *last of Bourbon Kings of France tried to restore absolute royal authority

July Revolution 1830 “Les Trios Glorieuses” ( 3 glorious days) *riots streets of Paris *Charles X forced to abdicate

C. Louis Phillippe “Citizen King” 1830 – 1848 *Bourgeoisie Monarch 1st king to dress like middle class poor king: censorship – labor unions outlawed

The Revolution of 1848 *riot in streets of Paris 10,000 killed

Paris, February 1848   

Louis Blanc *leader of Socialist Party “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”

D. Second Republic of France (formed 1848)

universal male suffrage *all adult men right to vote

Louis Napoleon 1848 – 1870 *elected President of France Dec. 10, 1848 popular vote 97% yes champion of democracy – appeal of Nap. name military coup Dec. 2, 1851

Napoleon III “Emperor of the French” 1851 *proclaimed Second Empire “The empire is peace.” Nap. III Accomplishments of Nap. III industrial revolution colonial power

Les Miserables *author Victor Hugo banished for novel portrayed problems of post Napoleonic France

Wars of Nap. III1. The Crimean War 1854 – 1856 *France & Britain vs. Russia Czar Nicholas I invaded Balkan & Crimean Peninsulas Russia defeated

Battle of Balaclava 1854 Charge of the Light Brigade “Valley of Death” British cavalry suicide attack on Russian artillery

The charge of the Light Brigade at the Battle of Balaklava, Crimean War, Oct. 25, 1854.

Half a league, half a league,Half a league onward,All in the valley of Death   Rode the six hundred."Forward, the Light Brigade!Charge for the guns!" he said:Into the valley of Death   Rode the six hundred. "Forward, the Light Brigade!"Was there a man dismayed?Not tho' the soldiers knew   Someone had blundered:Theirs not to make reply,Theirs not to reason why,Theirs but to do and die:Into the valley of Death   Rode the six hundred.

Florence Nightingale “The Lady with a Lamp” 1854 *leader British nurses International Red Cross founded 1864

2. Franco-Prussian War July 19, 1870 Nap. III declared war on Prussia

Battle of Sedan *Nap. III taken POW.

Napoleon III having a conversation with Bismarck  after his defeat and capture at Sedan.

Prussian Army laid siege to Paris (4 months) fall of Second Empire

1870 : Siege of Paris Franco-Prussian War

E. The Commune of Paris *Socialist gov. of France 1870 – 1875

Civil War: Socialist gov. vs. National Assembly “Bloody Week” May 1871 National Assemblies Army killed 20,000 Socialists

F. The Third Republic (founded 1875)

Panama Canal Scandal 1890 Ferdinand de Lesseps *embezzled millions $$

The Dreyfus Affair 1895 Alfred Dreyfus * French officer sold military secrets Germans - Franco-Prussian War

The degradation of Alfred Dreyfus

January 5, 1895.The mob cried Death to the Jews!

Devils Island *prison colony coast - South America 1906 Dreyfus pardoned

V. Italian Unification 1859 – 1870 A. Congress of Vienna *divided Italy 9 states 1815 Austria controlled - Northern Italy Spanish Bourbons controlled - Southern Italy Pope controlled Papal States - Rome Pope Pius IX anti-unification – church lose power

B. Italian Unification Leaders: 1. Giuseppe Mazzini 1831 Young Italy *secret society *liberation & unification

Brotherhood of Italians??? (Mafia) originated in Sicily MAFIA “Mazzini authorizes theft, arson, & poisoning”

2. King Victor Emmanuel II *drive Austria out Northern Italy

3. Count Camillo Cavour Prime Minister of Sardinia *leader unification in North

Risorgimento (Resurgence) *movement for Italian unitynewspaper pro-unificationCigar *symbol of fight for independenceNapoleon III aid in driving Austria out of ItalyItalian aid during Crimean War

4. Giuseppe Garbaldi “Red Man” “George Washington of Italy” Goal: drive Spanish Bourbons out Southern Italy

Red Shirts *Army of 1000 volunteers Guerilla War “To Arms” *Garbaldi orders Red Shirts to attack Kingdom of Two Sicilies (Sicily & Naples) seized southern Italy 5 million Italians moved to USA

C. Kingdom of Italy 1870 Garbaldi & Cavour met at Naples – form new gov. “Italy is made. All is safe.” Count Cavour

Victor Emmanuel King of Italy 1870 Rome capital city

IV. German Unification A. German Confederation Congress of Vienna divided Germany *38 States

B. Obstacles to German Unity: 1. Austria *main obstacle 2. Religious differences North – Protestant / South - Catholic 3. Smaller states feared Prussia 4. Junkers *German aristocratic landowners

C. Prussian Leadership: Prussia *militaristic northern German state

militarism *glorification of military & war

King William I *wants united Germany 1861

D. Otto von Bismarck “Iron Chancellor” Prime Minister 1861 – 1890 united Germany under Prussian control “Blood & Iron” *warfare & military

“The great questions of the day will not be settled by speeches & majority decisions but by blood & iron.” Bismarck

Realpolitik *politics of reality take whatever political action he thought necessary

“Mad King Ludwig” of Bavaria declared insane by Bismarck 1886

Neuschwanstein (New Swans Castle) storybook castle

E. Prussian Wars 1. Danish Wars 1864 over Schleswig & Holstein - 2 German states King Christian IX of Denmark - annexed Schleswig Prussia wins – 3 months Prussia took Schleswig / Austria took Holstein

2. Seven Weeks War June 15, 1866 *drove Austria out of German Confederation dispute over Holstein

3. Franco-Prussian War July 19, 1870 dispute over throne of Spain

Ems Dispatch *telegram altered by Bismarck insulting Napoleon III & the French

Battle of Sedan *Prussians take Nap. III as POW. Germans destroyed French forces - laid siege to Paris

F. William I *became Kaiser Jan. 18, 1871 *crowned at Versailles Kaiser (Caesar) *Emperor of Germany

Second Reich (Empire) *new German EmpireBerlin *capital city

G. German Parliament: Bundesrat *upper house Reichstag *lower house power in hands of Kaiser & Chancellor

I. Kaiser William II 1888 *forced Bismarck to resign

Accomplishments of William II dev. Colonial Empire industrial power World War I “A place in the sun, among great world powers.” Kaiser William II

VI. England A. Queen Victoria Victorian Age 1837 – 1901 *longest reign English history *England became colonial power “Empress of India”

B. Prime Minister *real executive power monarchy more of figurehead 1. William Gladstone Prime Minister 1868 – 1874 Great Ministry social reforms in England Liberal Party democratic reforms & aid poor & working class

2. Benjamin Disraelie “Dizzy” Prime Minister 1874 -1880 *Conservative Party aristocratic traditions & democratic reforms Suez Canal *gain control from Egypt

C. British North American Act 1867 *Dominion of Canada established John MacDonald 1st Prime Minister of Canada

The British North America Act (1867) merged the Province of Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia to form the Dominion of Canada. The provinces of Ontario and Quebec replaced the former Province of Canada.

D. Irish Act of Union 1801 Irish Catholic - England Anglican

Irish Potato Famine 1845 – 1855 2 million migrate USA

VII. Austrian Empire

1. Francis Joseph “Bird of Misfortunes” Emperor of Austria 1848 – 1916 Hapsburg family

Compromise of 1867 *Dual Monarchy created Austria – Hungary new name of empire

Empire of Austria & Kingdom of Hungary Vienna *Austrian capital city Budapest *Hungarian capital

VIII. Ottoman Empire “Sick Man of Europe” A. Congress of Berlin *European nations reduced Ottoman power

B. Balkan States “Powder Keg of Europe” Greece, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, & Yugoslavia gained independence from Ottoman Empire

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