chapter 27 the post war boom. readjustment after the war gi bill goes in to effect housing crisis...

Post on 20-Dec-2015






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Chapter 27

The Post War Boom

Readjustment after the war GI Bill goes in to effect Housing crisis Redefining the family Economic adjustment in post war


People begin moving to the suburbs

The 1950’s and the American Dream

Business began to change Conglomerates

A major corporation that owns several businesses that are not related

AT&T Xerox General Electric Proctor and Gamble R.J. Reynolds General Foods

Franchise A business that

sets up several stores selling the same products in different locations

McDonalds was one of the first

McDonald brothers sold the franchise rights to ray Kroc

The Baby Boom

The Baby Boom Era Advances in Medicine

Dr Jonas Salk – Polio Vaccine Dr. Benjamin Spock – Common Sense Book of

Baby and Child Care

Toy sales – $1.25 Billion 10 Million new Elementary school

children – In California, A new school opened every 7 days

Women’s roles Women began to work outside the

home They were bored with the stereotypical

female role The Feminine Mystique – Book

describing the problem with stay at home moms

1960 – 40% of women with children ages 6 to 17 worked outside the home.

Consumerism – Buying of material goods.

Planned Obsolescence Items were built with a shelf life

and designed to tear up after a short time period do the consumer would need to buy more.

People began buying items on credit – The Diner’s Club issued the first credit card in 1950 and the first American Express card in 1958

Advertising Boomed 1950 - $6 Billion in Advertising 1955 - $ 9 Billion in advertising Television became the medium of

choice 1941 – 1 minute of TV time cost $9 1960 - $ 1.6 Billion spent on TV ads

alone 2001 – 30 seconds of airtime during

the Super bowl cost $2.2 Million

Mass Media 1948 – 9% of American Homes had

access to TV 1950 – 50% of American Homes

had TV 1960 – 90% of homes had

Television, Approximately 45 Million FCC Federal Communications

Commission TV Dinners

Rock “N” Roll


Social Unrest Persists 1946: Truman created a

President’s Commission on Civil Rights

April 15, 1947: Jackie Robinson breaks color barrier in MLB.

July 1948: Truman issues executive order for integration in military, etc…

Election of 1948 Dixiecrats nominate

Strom Thurman for president (protest candidate)

Republican candidate: Thomas Dewey

Truman wins in upset

Truman’s economic program: Fair Deal

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