chapter 8 the ancient greeks review

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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Chapter 8: The Ancient Greeks Review

The mountain ranges in Greek geography encouraged a spirit of independence among

its early peoples.

Frequent wars between city-states was one result of the independent spirit of the early


People who lived in Crete influenced early civilization in Greece.

Only male citizens was allowed to vote in Greek city-states?

Early Greek civilization was brought to an end by the Dorians.

In ancient Greece, people were ranked according to their social and legal status.

Spartan women was a group of ancient Greek women that had greater freedom.

Trade with Greek colonies in Asia Minor brought the first coins to ancient Greece.

The assembly was a government body that best illustrates the principles and practice of

direct democracy in ancient Athens.

Wealthy people benefited most from the oligarchies that governed many ancient Greek


A woman’s most important role in Spartan society was to produce and raise strong

boys to be soldiers.

The council of elders held the most power in Sparta’s government.

The government in Sparta differ from government in Athens because Sparta’s citizens

had a smaller voice in their government.

The type of government in which the “best” people inherited the right to rule a Greek

city-state was called an aristocracy.

In the epic poem the Iliad, the poet Homer told the story of a long war the early Greeks

waged against Troy.

Colonization brought the greatest change to a city-state’s merchants because they grew

rich from trade.

The roles and rights of women in Sparta differ from the roles and rights of women in

most other Greek city-states because Spartan women could sell their property.

The ancient Greek form of government in which one leader ruled with the people’s

support was called tyranny.

The form of government that we know today as democracy first arose in ancient Greece

in the city-states of Athens.

In Sparta, ordinary citizens had most of their important decisions made for them.

In the mid 400s B.C., Athens created citizen juries, which put legal decisions in the

hands of the people.

The idea of citizenship, or a membership in a community, was developed in Athens and

gave individuals rights and responsibilities.

The demand for more products to export led to a growth in agriculture did NOT

describe how the development of trade affected the economy of ancient Greece.

A Greek ship sailing from Athens to Rhodes would travel in a southeastern direction.

Greek women could sell property is NOT a correct statement about the role and rights

of women in the Greek city-states. (*Remember that only women in Sparta can do so, not

all of the Greek city-states, in general.)

Using coins led to an economic revolution in the Greek city-states because coins of

uniform size and value made trade easier across the region.

The rise of a merchant class was part of what other aspect of the expansion of the Greek

city-states the establishment of colonies.

Many of the Greek city-states developed sea trade as part of their economies. Sparta

never become a sea power because the center of Sparta was too far inland.

The Athenians’ “addiction to innovation” have prepared them for the peak era of the

Greek empire, known as the Hellenistic Period by being open to change, the Athenians

were willing to try new ideas, ones that led to greatness.

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