chapter couple of · grumman‘s f4f...

Post on 22-Aug-2021






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CHAPTER DIRECTORS:  Jim & Kathie McClintock (412)527‐5951    

ASSISTANT DIRECTORS:  Phil & Suzanne Whaley (405)‐698‐7202 

CHAPTER TREASURER:  Sharon Golanka (724)938‐7876 

WEBMASTER:     Len Rovenski (724)730‐7506 

NEWSLETTER:     Jim McClintock 

ROAD CAPTAINS:    Tom Durdevich, Phil Whaley, Len Rovenski 

CARDS AND GOODIES:  Joanie Lindsay 
























PAGE 13: BIRTHDAYS/ANNIVERSARIES                       





Some random thoughts in no particular order…

2021? – A couple of months ago Kathie and I were feeling pretty guilty about not keeping the Chapter’s activity running at a high level. Because of family issues, we were not able to participate the way we thought we should. So much so that we felt the Chapter would be better served if we stepped down. Well, since then two things were brought to our attention. First, there’s a pandemic going on that has put a damper on everything, and second, no one else jumped up to say they thought they could do a better job. So, given the above, we have decided to continue on as Chapter Directors. Further, all other staff members have also indicated a willingness to continue in 2021. For better or worse, we’re here to stay for a while longer.

Recently some questions have been raised about the future of the Chapter. Will the Chapter continue to exist? Are other chapters having similar issues? Why have some members decided not to renew their GWRRA memberships? What’s the Chapter going to look like once we figure out this pesky virus and get back to normal?

Let me respond in this manner. Chapter E has been around for decades with the soul objective of providing a structure to meet friends and have fun. Given the current situation regarding the pandemic, it’s difficult, if not impossible, to meet that objective, but at some point, we will get back to being successful. Other chapters are having the same issues. Just like you, I hear about all of the stuff other chapters are doing. Well, some chapters are more active than Chapter E, but just as many are doing less. In the past, we’ve had up to 40 people attend an event or Gathering, whereas now, if ten people show up, we’re declaring it a success. That’s just they way it is. Participation is being dictated by factors out of our control. Before the shut-down in March, we had over eighty activities on the calendar, participation was increasing and the Chapter was active, as it had always been. I see no reason that we cannot return to that level of participation when the pandemic is over. We already have the 2021 calendar of events prepared. All we have to do is change the dates on the 2020 calendar and we’re ready to have at it.

Every month, the District sends me a list of active GWRRA members, including a summary of new members and those members who have decided not to continue with GWRRA. Peoples interests, their family situation or health may change with the ultimate outcome being that GWRRA just doesn’t fit anymore. It’s going to happen and that’s all right. Any member, active or former, is always welcome to join us if the


situation arises. Remember, whether you’re an active member of GWRRA or not, you’re always welcome. And, although no one knows it, we have actually added four new couples to our roster since March.

So where does that leave us. What will Chapter E look like when we get back to our new normal. Well, I don’t know for sure, but the objective will still be the same, meet friends and have fun.

To keep things going, we have scheduled a Polar Bear Ride on January 1 and Gatherings for January and February. Details of these events are itemized in a later section of this newsletter. Hopefully, we will be able to add a couple of dinner rides in coming months as well.

COVID – I will be grateful for the time when every discussion doesn’t include the virus. I’m sure you share our total frustration in the virus and the negative impact it has had upon our lives. As of this writing, the infections are on the rise again. Until there is a significant change, we encourage everyone to minimize their exposure and just be safe.

Gathering – We did have a Gathering in November. It was held at Eagles Landing II. Those in attendance felt the facility, food and service were very good, so we are going to schedule future Gatherings at this facility.

We have scheduled a Gathering for Sunday, January 3, and Sunday, February 7. The Gathering will begin at 10:00AM. Breakfast from the menu is available, with serving beginning at 9:30AM. The only issue is that we will have limited seating in their banquet room, so it is critical we are able to provide an accurate count of those attending. If you plan on attending, please email or call us so we can get you on the list.

Dinner Rides –There was a dinner ride to Denny’s in Smithton on November 10th. There were a handful of attendees, and everyone had a good time. It’s always nice to just chat over a meal.

We had a ride schedule for K-Vays in Irwin on December 9th, but K-Vays is currently closed. Actually, when we recently drove by it looks like it has close permanently.

There were some questions about our annual buffet luncheon at Oakhurst. Because of Covid, Oakhurst is not serving their buffet and has limited seating, so we have postponed this event.

Due to the current surge and the Holiday season being upon us, we have elected to hold off scheduling any dinner rides for the month of December. Hopefully, the new year will allow us to get back on schedule, but who knows.

2020 Mileage Awards – Each year, the Chapter honors the five members with the top mileage for the year. Along with this recognition, the top five members are entered into a drawing for membership dues for one year. So, be sure to submit your mileage to Sharon and Ed at Mileage should be submitted by December 15. The drawing will be held at the January Gathering.

Couple of the Year – Every year, the Chapter has the option of selecting a couple for the Couple of the Year (COY). Selection criteria is simple. The couple chosen must love to ride and must be fun to be around. Although there are many couples who meet the criteria, given the limited number of events this year, we have elected to postpone the selection of our COY until next year. Participation Pins – Every year, the Chapter recognizes those members who have attended a significant number of scheduled Chapter events. If we use the same criteria for selection that we used last year, we wouldn’t be recognizing anyone. So given that we have canceled just about every event since the middle of March, we have adjusted the criteria such that if you made it to two events this year, you will be the lucky recipient of the 2020 Event Participation Pin. It is certainly an esteemed honor to receive one, so we hope you have made the cut. What’s Happening – Since our calendar of events has been rather skimpy over the past few months, it’s difficult to keep current on what’s been happening to everyone. Although you may not think so, we are wondering what you have been doing. So, why don’t you pick up the phone, dash off an email or tap out a text message and touch base with another member. I’m sure they’d love to hear from you, as would we.

Have a Happy, Healthy and Safe Holiday Season

Jim & Kathie McClintock Chapter Directors   



As I sit here writing this, I’m listening to the weather forecast on TV and I’m not too excited about seeing snow coming. But, it’s that time of year. We have had a fairly good fall season this year. Suzanne and I were out doing our last-minute Christmas shopping and I was passed by six or seven motorcycles out for maybe a final ride of the season.

Our November Gathering was a success. We met at Eagle’s Landing in Rostraver, PA. we weren’t quite sure what to expect as this was the first time having our Gathering there. The back room was all set up for us and the Management and staff bent over backwards seeing to our every need. There was 10 people at our Gathering and everyone wants to have our Gathering there. We ordered off the menu and the menu has a nice variety of breakfast items. I personally look forward to the next Gathering.

One item that came out of our Gathering was our 2nd annual Polar Bear ride will be January 1st. Meet for breakfast at Denny’s at the Smithton exit on Interstate 70 at 10:00. The ride will be planned at breakfast. We had 6 bikes there last year and I hope we can beat that this year.

Suzanne and I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.








Old Aviator- An old marine pilot sat down at the Starbucks, still wearing his old USMC flight jacket and ordered a cup of coffee. As he sat sipping his coffee, a young woman sat down next to him. She turned to the pilot and asked, “Are you a real pilot? He replied “Well I spent my whole life flying planes, the Stearman Model 75, then the Grumman‘s F4F Wildcat in World War II. Later, banshees and courgars in the Korean conflict. I’ve taught more than 200 people to fly and give them hundreds of rides. So yes, I guess I am a pilot. And what are you?” She said “I am a lesbian I spend my whole day thinking about naked women. When I shower I think about them. When I watch TV I think about them. Everything makes me think of naked women.” The two sat there sipping in silence. A little while later a young man sat down on the other side of the old pilot next and asked, “Are you a real pilot?” He replied thoughtfully, “I always thought I was, but as it turns out, I am also a lesbian.” Talking Frog- At my age I only have one hobby - fishing. I was fishing the other day and I heard a deep voice say “Pick me up.” Looking around I could not see another person. I heard it again “Pick me up.” I spotted a frog and picked him up. He said “Kiss me and I will become a beautiful young woman.” As I put the frog in my pocket, I heard him ask “Aren’t you interested in having a beautiful young woman.”


I told him “At my age I would rather have a talking frog!” Doctor news- After much nagging by his wife a man finally goes to the doctor to get his physical and blood drawn. The doctor advises he will get back to him with the results. After several days of his wife nagging him, he finally calls his doctor. Doctor- Well I have good news and bad news. Which do you want first? Patient - Let me have the good news. Doctor - You only have two days to live. Patient - What? How could anyone say that was good news? What is the bad news? Doctor- I have been trying to reach you since yesterday.


With the cold weather moving in I think that most of us have started to prepare the wings for winter storage.

Something you should consider doing before putting the wing away for the season is a T-CLOCK inspection.

TIRES: Your tires may need to be replaced. Now would be the time to start this project rather than waiting for the spring riding season to start.

CLUTCH: Check the clutch and brake reservoirs. Are they low in fluid or has the fluid turned a very dark color? If they have you should change both the clutch and brake fluid now.

LUBRICANTS: How long has it been since you changed your anti-freeze. Remember your anti-freeze has been working hard to keep your engine cool and to lubricate your water pump. MAKE SURE you use the proper anti-freeze when changing, as not all types of anti-freeze will work in your Wing.

OIL: You may wait until spring to change your oil but I personally do not think it is a good idea to leave the old oil in the engine over the winter because it contains acids as well as old oil has a tendency to turn to sludge as it sets and the dirt sinks to the bottom of the engine case.

CABLES & CONTROLS: You should check your throttle and choke cables for smooth operation. Make sure the throttle returns with a snap and to an idle when released. The choke, if equipped, also needs to work smoothly and to return to the open position.

KICKSTAND: Does your kickstand have free movement and a good spring to pull it up? Look at the switches and check the operation with the switch on. Check the center stand’s return spring for smooth operation.

In addition to the T-Clock inspection, you should check the battery terminals and make sure they are clean and the water level in the battery is at the proper level.

If you are not going to run your motorcycle at least once a month during storage, you should put the battery tender on to keep the level of charge up to the maximum level.

Last but not least you should clean up the wing, wax it and cover it for the winter storage season to protect it from dust.

If you take the above precautions, you should be ready to go in the spring and have an enjoyable riding season having done your preparation during the winter season while the bike is being stored.

Ride Safe and Ride Proud

Chuck & Evelyn Stone PA District Educators




Wow we were able to have Officer Conference during October and November! No it was not our tradtional Officer Conference; we had Zoom Meetings. Thank you to all the Chapter Officers who attended a session. A huge thank you goes out to our PA District Team; they participated in 5 sessions! In our book, this is a huge commitment to GWRRA and our District.

As we turn the calendar to December we start looking forward to many things especially, Christmas and all of the festivities the season brings. We are wishing for everyone of you good health and a great 2021 riding season.

Then we begin to focus on turning the page to January 2021. Many are hoping 2021 will be a year of change and there will be changes.

Chapters may be contiuing with the same officers or there may be a change in leadership or maybe they are looking for a special person to fill an office. You are most likely that special person; if your Chapter or the PA District is looking for a position to be filled, step forward and volunteer for the position. You will be glad you did!

Continuing with changes for 2021, we will be stepping aside as your District Directors. These past three years as your District Director have been a rewarding and FUN filled time in our lives. We want to thank you for all of your support during this adventure for us.

There are too many individuals to name in this newsletter to thank. A special thanks goes out to our Team for their support and to our mentors for your guidence and support. Thank you to everyone who is or has been an officer during our time as District Director. We could not have accomplished what we have without everyones support during our term.

When we were introduced as your new District Directors at the 2017 rally in State College, we promise that we would find a new location each year for our PA District Rally. We have accomplished this; 2018 Uniontown, 2019 York, 2020 Altoona and 2021 Cranberry Township.

We were committed to give you, the members, an opportunity to increase your motorcycle safety and safety in all walks of life. Due to wonderful volunteers, we have GWRRA TRC and MFA instructors in Pennsylvania. And you have been given the option to take these courses at the PA District Rally or to set up at time for your Chapter.

We made ourselves a pledge to get out and attend as many GWRRA events and Chapter Gatherings as possible. We wanted you to be able to know us! We have met so many nice people during our term as your District Director and so many friends.

We have had so much FUN during our journey as your District Director!

To our successors Tim and Crystal Brakebill and their team, we wish you the best and to enjoy the ride.

We want you to keep in mind that FUN is essential!

Remember to always ride safe!

Harold and Diane Jackson Your PA District Directors





I was riding down Route 136 towards West Newton when I glanced at the side of the road, and there I see a three-legged chicken running beside me. First, I was shocked to see a three-legged chicken, but it was also amazing that the chicken was able to keep up. I sped up and the chick was keeping pace. Then, as quickly as chicken appeared, it

zoomed out in front of me and then turned down a long driveway.

Was I mistaken? Had I really seen a three-legged chicken running at forty+ miles-an-hour?

I turned down the driveway to see if I could confirm my observation. As I reach the end of the driveway, who is there to greet me, but Tom Durdevich. I knew he raised chickens, but…

I stopped the car and asked Tom if he had seen a three-legged chicken racing down the driveway at an unbelievable rate of speed. He confirmed the sighting and proceeded to tell me that he was responsible this speedy, feathered creature. Both he and Deb really like the dark meat, so he thought if he could breed a three-legged chicken, it would provide more dark meat per chicken. And after many tries, he was able to breed this three-legged chicken.

Well, how does this new hybrid taste? After a long pause, Tom offered, “Ya know, I really can’t say. I haven’t been able to catch one.”   


Wednesday, December 9th, 6:30PM [Cancelled] Dinner Ride K-Vays, Irwin Friday, January 1st, 10:00AM Polar Bear Ride Dennys’ Restaurant, Smithton Breakfast first, ride to follow Sunday, January 3rd, 10:00AM Monthly Gathering Eagles Landing II, Belle Vernon

Breakfast at 9:15 

 Sunday, February 7th, 10:00AM Monthly Gathering Eagles Landing II, Belle Vernon

Breakfast at 9:15 



 Just a reminder about the call-em-all and rides. The call-em-all will normally be sent out the day before the ride or function to give you the information regarding the ride details. Unless there are extenuating circumstances regarding a ride it might be a day or two earlier. When it is an outdoor function, the weather will be monitored closely up until the day before and even the day of, depending again, on the circumstances and if it has to be canceled or delayed. We don’t like to cancel rides/plans, but Safety is our #1 priority and if we feel it might be unsafe to continue with a ride, then it most likely will be cancelled. Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated.

If you are still having difficulty receiving, or hearing the call-em-all messages,

You can call: 877-565-8456 and have the last message played back.

If your birthday or anniversary was missed during the year, please email Jim so that the roster and newsletter can be updated.

Please submit articles, recipes’, for sale ads, or any other information for publishing by the 20th of the month so they can be inserted into the newsletter for publishing. Please also have articles in M.S. Word format, and pictures in low resolution jpeg format, as it is easier to incorporate them into the newsletter format and it will make wrestling them into the newsletter a little easier. (Thank you!)

In case you’re having trouble remembering what your fellow members look like, here’s a couple of pictures from our rides. How many names do you remember?





French Breakfast Puffs


1/3 cup shortening (Crisco is best)

1 cup sugar, divided

1 egg

1 ½ cups flour

1 ½ teaspoons baking powder

¼ teaspoon salt

¼ teaspoon nutmeg

½ cup milk

6 tablespoons melted butter

1 teaspoon cinnamon


Mix shortening, ½ cup sugar and egg thoroughly.

Shift together flour, baking powder, salt and nutmeg.

Stir milk alternately with flour mixture into shortening.

Fill greased muffin tins until 2/3 full.

Bake until lightly browned about 20 to 25 minutes in a 350-degree oven.

Combine remaining sugar and cinnamon, set aside.

Remove baked muffins from tins and immediately dip in melted butter, then in sugar-cinnamon mixture.

Serve hot. Makes 12 muffins.










More pictures to jog your memory 




LEN ROVENSKI    Dec 1st  

PAUL HLATKEY    Dec 6th 

JOAN LINDSEY    Dec 7th  

ED GOLANKA    Dec 9th  

CINDY ZELMORE    Dec 10th  

TOM DURDEVICH    Dec 17th  





Ken & Rose White  December 12  

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