charles dyer's transcript of his 2nd trial held of january 23, 2012

Post on 08-May-2015






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This is the actual court transcript of Charles Dyer's 2nd trial. This is the conversation that took place within the judges chambers before the trials started. This conversation is between Judge Enos, the District Attorney Carrie Hicks, and Charles criminal defense attorney Albert Hoch. You will learn how Judge Enos withheld Charles witnesses and evidence that should be allowed into the trial. The main responsibility of a Judge during a "trial by jury" is to make sure ALL witnesses and evidence is presented during the trial by both sides. This is critical to protect the accused rights of his due process. When a judge holds back evidence or witnesses from being presented during a trial, this is a direct violation of due process and should be brought up in the appeal if the accused is convicted. This only purpose of an appeal is to correct any violations that occurred during the trial. This is how an innocent person wins on his appeal, is to show the appeal judges how the trial judge did not follow his rules of his court. The appeal judges are required by law to correct the errors of the judge (court). This is how convictions are reversed. When you review Charles Dyer's appeal he has turned in, he has not put any of his propositions against the Judge (court) This is why Charles Dyer's appeal has been denied. This is the critical information Deborah Swan was trying to share with Charles during the time he was preparing his appeal. Charles Dyer did not listen to the information and drafted his entire appeal around his attorney for "ineffective assistance off council" and "prosecutorial misconduct." These are issues that should be handled during the actual trial and pre trial, when the prosecutor violates and does not follow his rules of his position. This is critical for the appeal process. The ONLY issues that are allowed to be ruled (corrected) by the appeal judges, are the issues that were put on "record" during trial and pre trials.If there is not any actual record made pre trial and during the actual trial, then you cannot bring it in on an appeal. The appeal judges are not allowed to correct any proposition in an appeal, unless there is an actual record that was preserved. This is why is critical for an attorney to OBJECT to all violations that occur during the trial. This is how you preserve and create a record to use if the innocent is convicted. This is why Charles Dyer's attorney Albert Hoch made ZERO objections during his trial. If Albert Hoch would of objected to the violations that were happening during the trial, then Charles appeal he turned in would of been accepted.


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