charlotte bronte[1][1]

Post on 18-Dec-2014



Health & Medicine



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By Emily Mourraille, Mariah Moncayo, Cynthia Mendez,

and Stephanie Oracion

When did Jane start living at Gateshead?Jane moved to Gateshead when Jane was 6 months old. She also

was there when Mr. Reed was still alive, but he died before she was of decent age. She really was mistreated, and we all could see why her personality developed the way it did. But her imagination is as good as any other’s, and her life really was a bit boring.

What was the relationship between Bessie and Jane?

Bessie was strict to her and seemed to act mean towards Jane like all the other people at Gateshead but was the nicest to her, and began to get along with her just before Jane left to Lowood. Maybe also Bessie was mean just to fit in; to get along with all the other house staff, but when they got to know each other they liked each other. Bessie was sort of like a really strict mother who Jane looked up, and Jane really liked her a lot.

Why was curly hair prohibited at Lowood?Mr. Brocklehurst didn’t want the girls to conform to the ways of

the world; he wanted them to grow up as refined women who were religious and handy/nifty. If he existed in our time, almost anybody would hate him because of his laws and strict ways… Just reading the book made us want to argue with him.

Did the middle class have houses or did they just live in their master’s house?

Some people lived at their master’s house, but some people moved out once they got married and had a small cottage. That’s all. They were just mediocre or simple.

Helen and many other people died of typhus, what was typhus?

Typhus was a fever that had no protection against it at the time. We guess that it was just one of the many things that plagued the people because of their poor hygiene and unsanitary-ness.

Why did Bessie come to see Jane?Bessie came to visit Jane before she left in case it was the last

time she saw her, and to inform her on the unfortunate events afflicted upon her relatives.

  If Bessie didn’t like Jane too much then why did she

name her kid after Jane? It could have been because Bessie began to like Jane right before

Jane left to Lowood and had respect for Jane for all that she has gone through or because she just liked the name Jane and it was common.

Who was Robert?Robert was the old porter, the coach driver… He eventually ended

up marrying Bessie and moving out with her into the country or somewhere like that.

Why did Mr. Rochester marry Bertha in the first place?Mr. Rochester married Bertha because he knew that he

would not get money from his father and he was encouraged to marry a wealthy woman so that once married all the money would be in the husband’s name. The book also said that Bertha was really pretty and cute and appealed to Mr. Rochester’s senses. He was tricked into marrying her and only found out about her craziness after he married her.

Why didn’t Mr. Rochester just divorce Mrs. Rochester?Divorces were very uncommon and very expensive and

of course would be very public. Although Mr. Rochester could not get a divorce from Bertha because at that time Bertha was sane and willing to marry him, so because Mr. Rochester married willingly he could not divorces until Bertha died.

Were people allowed to marry cousins in the Victorian times?

Yes, people were allowed to marry cousins. Although Mr. Rivers just wanted Jane because he denied himself love and wanted a girl fit for a missionary work.

If Jane were to live in the 21st century, how much money would she have inherited if she kept it all?

Jane inherited 20,000 pounds which would have equaled to $ 2,000,000. But since she split it with her newfound family, she only ended up with 5,000 pounds total, equalling $50,000.

Working class women were expected to work, usually in mills or mines or factories

they worked long hours and were subject to hard conditions

Fortunate women would get jobs as maids or governesses

they were expected to work long hours, give birth to many children, and accomplish normal household chores

the industrial revolution led to a high increase in birth rates

women would give birth then go back to work the next day

Bryant & May was a match factory [1888]

women worked 14 hours a day, and got paid less than 5 shillings a week

their pay would be lowered by fines that would be passed out daily

these fines include: talking, going to the bathroom without permission, and being late. Being late was worth half of a day's pay.

their hours: six thirty AM [eight AM in winter] to six PM

women would develop harsh forms of bone cancer because of the materials in the matches they were making

They were exposed to harmful phosphorus, which caused the bone cancer

Women and girls would sometimes dress in boy's clothes and do men's work

Sometimes they were in danger of being raped because of being in such a place and because of their uniform

Women would lose their strenth and may sometimes be beaten by men because of their inadequateness

Cholera: results in severe dehydration and death; caused by a bacterium called Vibrio Cholerae, which causes harsh diarrhea through a toxin it releases; leads to excessive water release in the intestines; exposed to unsanitary conditions that held the bacteri; diarrhea deprives the body of essential fluids and electrolytes; giving the victim fluids through the mouth or through the vein by using an intravenous device

Typhoid Fever: caused by the bacteria Salmonella Typhi, which multiplies and spreads in the bloodstream once ingested through food or drink; more common in places where handwashing is not too common and where hygiene is not a big deal; bacteria can only survive in humans; travels through bloodstream and intestinal tract; received by another if they consume foods or drinks that have been handled by person who is shedding S. Typhi; symptoms: sustained fever of 103°-104° F, stomach pains, headaches, the feeling of being weak, and loss of appetite

Typhus Fever: Rickettsia typhi and Rickettsia prowazekii; because of poor hygiene and constant exposure to cold weather; Lice and flying squirrels; treated with antibiotics and/or an IV depending on the type, and symptoms include: myalgia, high fever, rashes, nausea, vomiting, coughs, abdominal and/or joint pain, and more.

Smallpox: causes a rash on the skin; symptoms consist of diarrhea, pink rashes that become crusty, backaches, delirium, and more; took its place in young adults and children; can be spread by having a family member who has had it, ingesting another’s saliva droplets, and from bed sheets and clothing that has the virus in it; variety of results, some as serious as death

Tuberculosis: contagious bacterial infection that has potential to affect other organs, but mainly attacks the lungs; Mycobacterium tuberculosis; by inhaling air droplets from when a person has sneezed or cough; the elderly, infants, and people with weak immune systems; can lead to permanent lung damage, rashes, and changes in vision; include fatigue, fever, excessive coughing, weight loss; Modern medicine today now has skin tests that test whether or not one has tuberculosis

Born on April 26, 1816 3rd daughter of six, the fourth child was a boy, the rest girls The kids all made up stories about places from books they read and their

imaginations and that was the beginning of their writing careers Attended Clergy Daughter’s School at Cowan Bridge for two years 1824-

1825, stopped attending after her two older sisters contracted an illness and killed them

Attended another school: Miss Wooler’s Roe Head:: attended and then taught for 5 years

Tried being a governess for rich families [white and sedgewick families] but never enjoyed it

Was inspired to start own school, in order to raise funds, sold their writings, it was famous, never started up school, but kept on selling writings

First under pen names but then under their real names, achieved great success with Jane Eyre, got the opportunity to meet famous writers

Married a curate Rev. Arthur B. Nicholls, died because of complications while she was pregnant

During the industrial revolution in Victorian England, laws and custom for marriage were different from what we have today in the 21 century.

According to Jen Ziegenfuss, people normally would marry people from their same class. If a woman was entitled to get an inheritance she could only get the money if she was over the age of twenty one and was not married to anyone. If the wife were to inherited money, all the money would go to the husband. The husband would have complete control over the family’s money even after the wife dies the husband would have to decide what he wanted to do with the money because the wife was not allowed to have a will. Women would be encouraged to get married to they could have support in the husband because they were not well educated and needed a husband to start a family with. Once a woman was married everything she owned whether it was money or estate all positions belonged to the husband.

According to Rachael Hurvitz, people did not get divorces very often because to was tremendously expensive so many people just stayed it an unhappy relationship. Although people could only get divorced under certain circumstances such as a male can get a divorce if he claims his wife was guilty of adultery. Women can get divorced for that very reason, but the wife would have to prove the husband guilty of adultery.

Primogeniture was a custom during the Victorian Era. Primogeniture meant when the father of the family dies the eldest son would inherited all is money and his estate. The only time primogeniture did not occur was when the owner of left a will to the person they want to give their fortune to. Younger sons didn’t normally get any money or estate unless if the family was rich, then they would get very little depending on the owner. Younger sons did not expect to get money, so they were encouraged to marry wealthy women so they would get ownership to whatever the wife owns.

Steam Engine- Thomas Newcomen 1712; James Watt 1775

Seed Drill- Jethro Tull 1730 Flying Shuttle- 1733 Spinning Jenny- James Hargreaves 1764 Power Loom- Edmund Cartwright 1785 Telegraph- Samuel F.B. Morse 1836 Telephone- Alexander Graham Bell 1876 Diesel Engine- Rudolf Diesel 1892 First Successful Airplane- Wright Brothers 1903 Transmogrified the world irrevocably Jane Eyre lived during this time

Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. USA: Tom Doherty Associates, LLC, 1988. Print.

This book is a classic by Charlotte Bronte. It was the first of her works that was widely recognized, and once I read it, I could see why. I used this source in

comparing Bronte's life with Jane. It gave out much information concerning this.

"Children in Costume History 1800 to 1810 Fashions for Girls." Fashion History Costume Trends and Eras, Trends Victorians - Haute Couture. Web.

30 Nov. 2009. <>.

"Children of The 1800's." Our Ward Family Web Site. Web. 01 Dec. 2009. <>.

"Cholera." Google Health. Web. 14 Nov. 2009. <>.

This article contains much information about the disease of cholera. I used this article in the makings of my own article about illnesses.

Cody, David. "Charlotte Bronte: A Brief Biography." The Victorian Web: An Overview. Hartwick College. Web. 12 Nov. 2009.


This website was from Yale, so I believe that it is highly reliable. It gave me a short biography of Charlotte Bronte's life, and I used this is understanding how

her writing style came to be and just for knowledge on the subject of Charlotte Bronte herself. This also gave me loads of information that I could use

for one of the things I needed to write.

Disease Listing, Typhoid Fever, General Information | CDC Bacterial, Mycotic Diseases." Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention. Web. 14 Nov. 2009.


This website talks about typhoid fever. I used this in my article about physical illnesses in the Industrial Revolution.

"Early - 1800s." Oracle ThinkQuest Library. Web. 01 Dec. 2009.


Frick, Katie L. "Women's History Then & Now - Madness." Digital Writing and Research Lab. Web. 16 Nov.

2009. <>.

I used this as an overview and quick understanding of madness in Victorian women, and treatment and conditions of

asylum patients.

Hurvitz, Rachael. "Women and Divorce in the Victorian Era." College of Liberal Arts and Sciences | The University of Florida. Web. 15 Nov. 2009.


This website gave information on divorces during the Victorian Era. It talks about what people can do to get a divorce and what kind of people can get a divorce.

"The History of the Telegraph - Samuel Morse." Inventors. Web. 18 Nov. 2009. <>. This

source was helpful in explaining the way the telegraph works.

"The History of the Telephone." Inventors. Web. 18 Nov. 2009. <>. This source was used to

explain the way the telephone operates.

"Industrial Revolution." Internet Modern History Sourcebook. Web. 18 Nov. 2009. <>. I used this

source helped me realize the immense way these inventions changed history.

"The Industrial Revolution Timeline." Timelines.Info - Graphical Timelines of World History. Web. 18 Nov. 2009.

<>. The Industrial Revolution Timeline was the

way I found out when the inventions were conceived and who created them.

"Inventors of the Industrial Revolution." Untitled Document. Web. 18 Nov. 2009. <>. This page was

useful in finding out more about the inventors of the transmogrifying creations.

Jones, Claire. "Discover Women and Madness." HerStoria magazine. Web. 16 Nov. 2009.


I used this as an insight into the feminization of madness in the Victorian age.

"Matchgirls Strike." Spartacus Educational - Home Page. Web. 17 Nov. 2009.


This website was about the Matchgirls Strike. I only took the information about the conditions of the factory, and I used this in

the making of an article about the role of women during this time.

Merriman, C. D. "Charlotte Bronte - Biography and Works." The Literature Network: Online classic literature, poems, and

quotes. Essays & Summaries. Web. 14 Nov. 2009. <>.

This is a website that gives you a detailed biography of Charlotte Bronte. I used this in writing my article.

"Mid -1850s." Oracle ThinkQuest Library. Web. 30 Nov. 2009. <>.

"Modern History Sourcebook: Women Miners in the English Coal Pits." FORDHAM.EDU. Web. 18 Nov. 2009.


This website gave out first-hand experiences from people who have witnessed the horrible position women and girls were put in. I used this in the

making of an article about the role of women during the Industrial Revolutin

"The Newcomen Steam Engine." Inventors. Web. 18 Nov. 2009.

<>. I used this website to

learn about the steam engine, how it worked, and why it was so great.

"Overview of the Industrial Revolution." Michigan State University. Web. 18 Nov. 2009.

<>. The overview allowed me to see an overview (obviously) of the Industrial Revolution.

Paddock, Lisa, and Carl Rollyson. The Brontes A to Z: The Essential Reference to Their Lives and Works. New York: Checkmark Books, 2003.


This book provides many pieces of information concerning the Bronte sisters and their works. I used this source to get more information on the life of

Charlotte Bronte herself.

"Pulmonary tuberculosis." Google Health. Web. 15 Nov. 2009.


In the Industrial Revolution, tubercolosis was one of the main diseases that produced a large number of deaths. This article explains

it in depth, and I needed it to write a paragraph.

"School in the 1800's and early 1900's - a letter from a student." DLTK's Printable Crafts for Kids. Web. 01 Dec. 2009.


"Smallpox." Google Health. Web. 15 Nov. 2009. <>.

Smallpox vaccines are no longer passed out anymore, since the virus has been eradicated. I have learned this from this website, and

I used it for an article on physical illnesses.

Teachman, Debra. Understanding Jane Eyre a student casebook to issues, sources, and historical documents . Westport, Conn:

Greenwood, 2001. Print.

I used this as a secondary source, since it has excerpts from case studies and research papers.

"Typhus: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia." National Library of Medicine - National Institutes of Health.

Web. 14 Nov. 2009. <>.

Typhus fever was something that afflicted many. This article talks about the general information about it,

treatments, prevention, and the like. I needed this to write a paragraph.

Understanding Jane Eyre: A Student Casebook to Issues, Sources, and Historical Documents. Contributors:

Debra Teachman - author. Publisher: Greenwood Press. Place of Publication: Westport, CT. Publication

Year: 2001. Page Number: 157, 158

This book talked about inheritance and marriage. It talks about the over view of marriage, and relates to the

book Jane Eyre. It talks about why Mr. Rochester could not get a divorce, and why he married Bertha

Rochester in the first place.

"Women and Children during the Industrial Revolution." - online lessons - GCSE study aids - Teachers

resources. Web. 18 Nov. 2009. <>.

This website gave out a bit of information concerning women during the Industrial Revolution. I used this in the making of an

article about the role of women during this time.

Ziegenfuss, Jen. "Marriage in the Victorian Era." College of Liberal Arts and Sciences | The University of Florida. Web. 15

Nov. 2009. <>.

This website gave basic information about divorces, the rules and customs of marriage and the courtship of marriage. It gave a

basic overview if how it would be like being a women and getting married.

"19th & 20th Century Fashion History: Children's Clothing." The Costume Gallery. Web. 01 Dec. 2009.


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