chemistry in a kitchen - feedback 1

Post on 21-Feb-2017






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Chemistry in a kitchenFEEDBACK

class 3. A (9 years old pupils)ZŠ a MŠ Kosmonautů 15 from Ostrava, Czechia

Teaching: An effective key to self-learning This project is funded by European Union.

Some details about the project

Project „Teaching: an effective key to self-learning is funded by European Union. Six European school cooperate in a three-year project. Pupils from Italy, Ireland, Belgium, Bulgaria, Spain, and Czech Republic prepare a lesson on Math, Science, History, Europe, Music or Sport and teach pupils from elementary school during their international meetings. Pupils also learn more about science and math and prepare different presentations

Some details about the lesson

On Thursday 14 April 2016 came six pupils who prepared their lesson for international meeting of the Erasmus+ project in Ireland to class 3. A in primary school Kosmonautů 15. Five pupils from class 7. A presented their chemistry experiments to 13 pupils from class 3. A. during their English lesson. Pupils were speaking in both languages, English and Czech.

Description of the lesson1) Introduction of the team (English)2) Motivation – two girls act out the story about Magic pot

(English)3) Science show 1 – two pupils show and explain experiment

with baking soda, flour and vinegar (English)4) Experiment 1 – pupils are divided into 4 teams and do the

experiment, older pupils supervise (English and Czech) 5) Science show 2 – two pupils show and explain experiment

with baking soda, washing detergent and vinegar (English)6) Experiment 2 – pupils are divided into 3 teams and do the

experiment, older pupils supervise (English and Czech)7) Conclusion – class answer questions and learn about acid,

base, and carbon dioxide (Czech)8) Cleaning up

Qualitative feedback – letters A week later we got letters from class 3. A, all pupils enjoyed the lesson. Eleven pupils wrote more about their feelings and less about the experiments, two pupils concentrated on description of the experiments. Words describing the lesson: super (1), the best (1), fun (4), enjoyed (7), repeat (2), want to do at home (2), come again (3), nice „teachers“ (2), brave (1)Story about Magic pot: nice (1)Experiment 1: fun (1), better then next experiment (1), enjoyed (1)Experiment 2: fun (1), the best (1), enjoyed (2)„Teachers“: Adam was the best (2), all were best (1)Work in groups: I enjoyed (2)Suggestions for another lesson: use colours (1), basket (1)Negative feedback : None

Feedback from class 3. A

Feedback from class 3. A

Feedback from class 3. A

Feedback from class 3. A

Feedback from class 3. A

Feedback from class 3. A

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