chess openings: alekhine's defense

Post on 16-Aug-2014






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Alekhine's Defense was first used by Alexander Alekhine in 1921 in a Budapest tournament. It is usually classed among hypermodern openings that try to attack the center with pieces after letting White establish one, under the logic that such a pawn center is actually a weakness. Popularity of Alekhine's Defense has fluctuated through the years and at present is not great. This should not be confused with several variations named after Alekhine in other openings.


Category Semi Open Game Opening Move Sequence 1 e4 Nf6 ECO Codes B02 and B05 Alekhine's Defense was first used by Alexander Alekhine in 1921 in a Budapest tournament. It is usually classed among hypermodern openings that try to attack the center with pieces after letting White establish one, under the logic that such a pawn center is actually a weakness. Popularity of Alekhine's Defense has fluctuated through the years and at present is not great. This should not be confused with several variations named after Alekhine in other openings. Alekhine's Defense falls under the category of Semi-open Game openings that begin with 1 e4 without 1 ... e5. Alekhine's Defense has the ECO codes B02 to B05.

Moves and Variations1 e4 Nf6 This is usually followed by 2 e5 Nd5 Most variations then include 3 d4 which results on several variations depending on Black's reply. 3 ... d6, 4 c4 Nb6, 5 f4 leads to Four Pawns Attack and 3 ...d6, 4 c4 Nb6, 5 exd6, to Exchange Variation. However the most popular is the Modern Variation (3 ... d6, 4 Nf3). Rarer variations are 3...b5 (O'Sullivan's Gambit) and 3 ...d6, 4 Bc4 (Balogh Variation). Modern Variation Aim is to gain a permanent small advantage in space instead of launching an attack. Black reply 4 ... Bg4, (with 5 Be2 Bxf3), 4 ... g6, (intending Bg7 fianchetto), 4 ...dxe5 (Larsen Variation leads to 5 Nxe5 Nd7, 6 Nxf7!?) and 4...c6 (which is similar to Hedgehog Defense with strong defense). In most of these variations move Bg4 later on transforms the game to variations starting 4 ... Bg4. Four Pawns Attack Four Pawns Attack gives white more attacking options. White will establish a formidable center by gaining time attacking the Knight but must make use of it before Black destroys it. Black must be on the look out for attacks from center. The main reason why this dynamic variation is not popular is because it has been extensively studied and Black players who are aware of the analysis can successfully defend. The play will usually continue 5 ... dxe5, 6 fxe5 Nc6, 7 Be3 Bf5, 8 Nc3 e6, 9 Nf3. Alternative that can be tried is 5 ... g5!? (Planinc Variation) aiming at 6 fxg5? dxe5. Exchange Variation This aims at gaining a small space advantage as in Modern variation. Black can choose between 5 ... exd6, or 5 ... cxd6. And later play ... g6, ... Bg7, with ...

Bg4 to take advantage of weaker center. Two Pawns Attack (or Lasker Attack) This variation does not contain the 3 d4 move and continues 3 c4 Nb6, 4 c5. White is more attacking here but has a weakness at d5. It offers good strategic play. Two Knights Variation Another option for White without 3 d4, Two Knights Variation involves 3 Nc3. White prefers quick development at the cost of doubled pawns after 3 ... Nxc3 (3 ... e6 is another possibility here) 4.dxc3. In fact as in French Defense doubled pawns will not be a great weakness for White. This variation however is very passive in character. Other deviations White can change the second move as well. 2 Nc3 transforms to Vienna Game after 2 ...e5, or Pirc Defense after 2 ...d6 but Black can select 2 ... d5 for more aggressive play. White can reply to 2 ...d5 with 3 e5. Black can then play 3 ... d4, 3...Nfd7, 3...Ne4!?, or 3...Ng8. 2 d3 is rare because it blocks the development of f1 Bishop. If the bishop is then fianchettoed the game resembles King's Indian Attack.

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