chongqing handbook

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All essential information you need to know about Chongqing.


Chongqing HandbookAll essential information you need to know about Chongqing

Presented by Chongqing Expat Club

Copyright 2008. All Rights Reserved.

Table of Contents














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Copyright 2008. All Rights Reserved. Chongqing Expat Club



Chongqing is the economic hub of southwest China and the fourth Municipality in

China (after Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin).

Chongqing is situated in the east of southwest China, about 2,500km up the Yangtze River

from Shanghai. Under its jurisdiction there are 40 districts, cities and counties. It covers an

area of 82,000 square kilometres with a total population of 31 million. An estimated 6

million people live in urban Chongqing city.

Downtown Chongqing lies at the point where the Yangtze River and the Jialing River merge.

Known as the Mountain City, the whole city is built against a backdrop of hills and rivers,

characterized by zig-zagging roads and overlapping houses. It is also known as one of the

four Furnace Cities for its hot summers and the Foggy City for its misty winters.


Chongqing has five major business and shopping precincts - the oldest and most important

being Jiefangbei situated within what remains of the Old Walled City. Shapingba, Yangjiaping,

Guanyinqiao and Nanping complete the picture with large Walking Malls, Shopping Plazas,

Hotels and Business and Trade Centres. In each of these centres you’ll find restaurants, bars

and boutiques, cinemas and many other attractions some unique to each.

1. The focal point of Jiefengbei 解放碑 is the cross shaped Walking Mall which radiates from

the Liberation Monument. The area has been the site of a massive modern makeover in

recent years and boasts a plethora of new and huge Shopping Malls, International Hotels

and Business Towers and high rise apartment blocks.

2. Shapingba 沙坪坝 with its massive Three Gorges Square 三峡广场 San Xia Guang Chang

at its centre is the second most popular business and shopping hub and home to several

of the city’s oldest middle schools and universities.

3. Yangjiaping 杨家坪 completes the triangle with one of the largest round-abouts that

encompasses much of the shopping precincts. Yangjiaping is home to several important

colleges and universities as well as the city zoo.

4. Guanyinqiao 观音桥 in Jiangbei District is the only large centre on the north side of the

city and includes Yang Guang Cheng or Sunshine City with the massive Paradise Walk

Shopping Mall 北城天街 Bei Cheng Tian Jie and the Golden Resources Hotel 金源大酒店 and

the Underground Entertainment Mall ‘Sleepless City’ 金源不夜城 amongst its attractions.

5. Nanping 南坪 as its name suggest is on the south bank of the Yangtze River and is a vital

southern transport, trade and business centre with much the same to offer as all the

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other hubs with the edition of Underwater World and several large Trade and Exhibition



Chongqing has a diverse and comprehensive transport system which includes some

interesting modes of transport found in very few of China’s major cities. A visit here should

include a ride by cable car across either the Yangtze or Jialing rivers.

TAXI 出租车

Flag fall Y5 (Y1.20 per km) is the cheapest of any major city of this size.

The distinctive ‘bee’ yellow of the regular Chongqing taxi is a rather appropriate colour as

they work hard to move people around the city. Beware of the swarms that hover around

bus stops or stations, especially after dark looking for multiple long distance fares which

don’t require using the meter. Chongqing’s taxi fleet is gradually being updated with the

introduction of the new Suzuki this year, which offers a very smooth and comfortable ride.

More recently a larger White Taxi was introduced to service the Airport and can most likely be

found around major International Hotels.

Tips: Taxis will often be hard to find from about 3.00pm until 5.00pm which is when they are

returning to base to refuel for a change of shift and unless you are going where they are

headed you may have to wait for some time and fight for your turn.

BUS 公交车

Three grades of buses service the city and prices range from Y1 to Y3 for across town routes.

The smaller 700 buses and some of the small 800 buses run as late as midnight.

The cheaper buses tend to be very crowded mornings and evenings as people commute to

work but are less so at noon and later in the evenings. Frequently updated city maps, Y5

from street stalls, have most bus routes clearly marked.

IC Cards can now be used on the majority of bus routes. Cards which offer discounted fares

can be purchased for Y20 non-refundable deposit from IC Card booths/sales centres that are

located at larger bus stops and interchanges.


Motorbikes are an ideal mode of transport for this city of narrow windy streets that often

choke with traffic jams. Fares are negotiable for one or two passengers.

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The Qinggui or Light Rail is a combination of above ground monorail and underground metro

system that will one day in the future alleviate much of the road congestion caused by buses

and taxis.

This first line runs partway along the Jialing River and has become a popular sightseeing ride

for both locals and tourists. Running from Jiaochangkou on the peninsular to Xinshancun

in the western suburbs, this line covers tourist attractions such as the Peoples Great Hall,

Three Gorges Museum, the new Olympic Sports Centre at Yuanjiagang and the Zoo at


New lines currently under construction will run across town from the airport in the north to

Nanping in the south crossing both the big rivers. Another is scheduled for Shapingba

District. In all 7 lines are planned in the years ahead.

The service is clean, efficient, punctual and uses a swipe card fare system with a maximum

fare is Y5


Two pairs of Cable Car cross each of the Rivers that carve up the city and are an excellent way

to get a bird’s eye view of them both.

Yangtze River Cable Car - Y2 each way

This is located on Xin Hua Road opposite the bus stop not far from the Metropolitan Plaza and

up the hill from the Carrefour. Southbank terminal is in Nanan District just above Nanbin

Road at Long Men Hao Docks. It’s a short walk up the hill to Shangxinjie with buses to

Nanshan Park or down the hill to Nanbin Lu.

Tip: some maps are unclear as to the street entrance of the Jiefangbei terminal

Jialing River Cable Car - Y2 each way

This is located on Cang Bai Road across from Hongyadong with the northern terminal in

Jinagbei Cheng where there is very little to see as this section of the city is currently being

redeveloped to house a new entertainment complex.

BRT 快速公交车

Bus Rapid Transit is a new express bus service initiative of the Central Government for

several major cities in China. The first and rather limited route through Daping opened in

January 2008 and the buses are distinguished by bright orange on white paint work.

Line 801 Shapingba to Jiangbei opened recently.

Line 888 Shapingba to Yuanjiagang due to open soon (Shapingba Zhan Xi Lu to YiKe YiYuan)

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Two ferry services cross the river from Chaotianmen to Nanbin Road in Nanan District.

Please refer city map.


Chongqing is home to one of the longest escalators in Asia. Located in Lianglukou on the

corner of Chang Jiang Yi Road it descends to the Train and Bus stations at Caiyuanba saving

pedestrians a long climb up or down the stairs.


This elevator is located beside the Chongqing Daily Newspaper on the corner on Xin Hua

Road at Chuqimen beside the Chuqimen stairs. Lower access is from Jiefang Xi Road.


This is a 24 hour service from the Airport to Shangqingsi on Meizhuanxiao Street very close

to the CAAC office.

From Shangqingsi the service departs every thirty minutes on the hour and half hour and

picks up at the CAAC office in Haiguan and the Yutong Hotel opposite Jiazhou California


From the airport the service leaves when full and drops off at all three locations.


1. Night Lights

By night Chongqing looks like a giant fairyland. The entire city is lit up by a sea of coloured

lights reflecting in the waters of the Yangtze and Jialing rivers. There are several vantage

points for observing this mountain city by both day and night: the Red Star Pavilion 红星亭

Hong Xing Ting in the Pi Pa Shan Park 枇杷山公园 Pi Pa Shan Gong Yuan and the Kan Sheng

Pavilion 瞰胜楼 Kan Sheng Lou in Goose Neck Park 鹅岭公园 E Ling Gong Yuan in Yuzhong

District 渝中区 Yuzhong Qu but the favourite is One Tree Hill 一棵树 Yi Ke Shu on South

Mountain 南山 Nan Shan.

2. Pipa Shan Park 枇杷山公园 Pi Pa Shan Gong Yuan

Pipa Shan Park, with an elevation of 345 metres is situated on Mount Pipa, lies in the centre

of Chongqing and commands a magnificent view of the city proper. Once a private garden

owned by Wang Lingji, the chairman of the Sichuan Government from 1911 to 1949, it was

Copyright 2008. All Rights Reserved. Chongqing Expat Club


confiscated after liberation in 1949 and extended into a park by the People's Government.

Location - Yuzhong District 渝中区

Zhong Shan Er Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 重庆市渝中区中山二路

3. Goose Neck Park 鹅岭公园 E Ling Gong Yuan

Located on the ridge of Mount Eling in the Yuzhong District, the park is so named because its

topography resembles a goose neck. Mount Eling in central Chongqing is an ideal spot with

a commanding view of Chongqing Port, where the Yangtze and Jialing rivers join forces.

The park is less than two kilometers from either river with one flowing on the left, and the

other on the right and is one of the premier spots for enjoying the night lights of Chongqing.

Location - Yuzhong District 渝中区

Chang Jiang Yi Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 重庆市渝中区长江一路

4. One Tree Hill 一棵树 Yi Ke Shu

This scenic lookout located in the middle of South Mountain 南山 Nan Shan offers a

panoramic view of the Yuzhong peninsular of Chongqing and the Yangtze River. When night

falls, it is one of the most popular sightseeing destinations in Chongqing and provides an

unforgettable experience of how beautiful Chongqing night view can be.

Location – Nanan District 南岸区

Mount Nan Shan, Nanan District, Chongqing 重庆市南岸区南山

5. Red Cliff Cave 洪崖洞 Hong Ya Dong

Constructed using the style of traditional local buildings, this comprehensive resort style

complex has something for everyone. Overlooking the Jialing River, it features hotel

accommodation, a theatre, ancient-looking restaurants, cafes, bars, art galleries, crafts and

local foods. Spread over 13 levels it flows down the steep southern bank of the Jialing River

just beneath the Cable Car and is serviced by both elevators and escalators with parking in

the basement and access from both the upper and lower levels.

Location - Yuzhong District 渝中区

Upper level: Cangbai Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 重庆渝中区沧白路

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Lower level: 88 Jiabin Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 重庆渝中区嘉滨路 88 号

6. The Guild Hall 湖广会馆 Hu Guang Hui Guan

This grand building complex was first built in 1759 during the Qing Dynasty under the regime

of Emperor Qianlong and was extended around 100 years later. The Guild Halls were

originally built for the immigrants who moved here from Hunan, Hubei, Guangdong and

Guangxi Provinces. At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty the

population in Sichuan had declined dramatically and the rulers of that time ordered people

living in the Hu and Guang areas to move here to cultivate the fertile land. This was called the

Huguang Filling of Sichuan Movement. Historic records and artifacts of that period are on

display and local operas are regularly held here.

Dong Shui Men is located just outside and is one of the most intact of the city’s old gates.

Location - Yuzhong District 渝中区

4 Dong Shui Men Zheng Street, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 重庆市渝中区东水门正街 4 号

7. Chao Tian Men 朝天门

Located at the very tip of Yuzhong peninsular, overlooking the confluence of the Yangtze and

Jialing rivers, Chao Tian Men faces the east, looking downstream towards Nanjing, once the

capital of the Middle Kingdom. In 1891, Chao Tian Men was opened as a foreign trading port,

but in 1927 the old city gate was pulled down to make way for the construction of the dock.

Today the Chao Tian Men Passenger Transportation Dock and the recently built Chao Tian

Men Square are ideal places to view the ever changing river scene and the variety of water

craft that ply the rivers today.

Location - Yuzhong District 渝中区

Chao Tian Men, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 重庆市渝中区朝天门

8. Arhat Temple 罗汉寺 Luo Han Si

Built around 1,000 years ago, Luo Han Si is one of the major Buddhist Temples in the region.

At its peak this temple was home to 70 monks. Nowadays this number has dropped

considerably but nonetheless the temple is still popular with local worshippers. The temple's

most notable feature is its entrance flanked by rock carvings, many of which have survived

the ravages of time, the Cultural Revolution and pollution.

Location - Yuzhong District 渝中区

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7 Luo Han Si Street, Min Zu Road, Yuzhong District, 重庆市渝中区民族路罗汉寺街 7 号

9. The Great Hall of the People 人民大礼堂 Ren Min Da Li Tang

The Great Hall of the People consists of the Hall, the North and South Wings, and covers an

area of 25,000 square meters. The Hall is constructed along a central axis, and the north and

south wings are symmetrically arranged on the flanks. The Great Hall was completed in April

1954 and is one of the landmarks of Chongqing architecture. Covering an area of 18500

square meters, this five-story rotunda is 65m high and 46m in diameter, spacious enough to

seat over 4200 people and slightly reminiscent of the Temple of Heaven in Beijing. In 1997,

when Chongqing was designated as a municipality directly under the central government, a

modern square was built in front of the Hall where you’ll see locals dancing every evening.

Location - Yuzhong District 渝中区

175 Ren Min Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 重庆市渝中区人民路 175 号

10. Red Crag Village 红岩村 Hong Yan Cun

Site of the Chongqing Office of CPC Eighth Route Army and CPC South Bureau during the

Anti-Japanese War period, this small family farm was once the home of Rao Guamo who

dedicated it to the Communist cause. For more than 8 years it was the National Headquarters

of the Communist Party. Rao Guamo’s thatched roof cottage has been restored as a museum

along side a small school, the command headquarters and other buildings, the largest of

which is a museum dedicated to the war effort. Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and many other

prominent Communist leaders also found respite here from the stress of leadership and

struggle, finding time to enjoy the gardens, do some farming, write poetry and prose and

even fall in love. Rao Guamo died in 1960 and is buried on the site of her former home.

Entrance free

Location – Shapingba District 沙坪坝区

13 Hong Yan Cun, Hua Long Qiao, Shapingba District 重庆市沙坪坝区化龙桥红岩村 13 号

11. Stillwell Museum and Flying Tigers Memorial 史迪威博物馆 Si Di Wei Bo Wu Guan

Major Joseph Stillwell was the American Commander and Advisor to the Chinese during the

war with Japan and his former home is now a museum. Entrance Fee Y5

Across the street is the memorial to General Chenault’s Flying Tigers, the American Airmen

who flew supplies into China, across the notorious ‘Hump’ of the Himalaya Mountains during

the worst of the war years. Entrance free

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Location - Yuzhong District 渝中区

63 Jialingxin Road, Liziba, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 重庆渝中区李子坝嘉陵新路 63 号

12. Three Gorges Museum 三峡博物馆 San Xia Bo Wu Guan

The museum includes a hall displaying the wonders of the Three Gorges’, her natural beauty,

her people and history including cultural relics recently unearthed in the region. It is not only

the largest monographic museum, but also a public undertaking of the preservation,

education, and scientific research of cultural relics and the natural environment of Three

Gorges and Chongqing Municipality. A 360 degree cinema of the Three Gorges shows the

natural and social scenery of the Three Gorges prior to the construction of the dam project.

Location - Yuzhong District 渝中区

236 Renmin Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 重庆市渝中区人民路 236 号

13. Martyrs' Mausoleum 烈士墓 Lie Shi Mu

The former headquarters, radio station and prison of the Bureau of Investigation and

Statistics of the Military Council (a colossal secret service of KMT, the Chinese Nationalist

Party) at the foot of the Gele Mountain in Shapingba District have become a mausoleum for

those who died a martyr's death here in China's dark days. In the dying years of World War

II it was the site of the "Sino-US Institute for Cooperation in Special Technology".

Location - Shapingba District 沙坪坝区

Lie Shi Mu, Shapingba District, Chongqing 重庆市沙坪坝区烈士墓

14. Ci Qi Kou 瓷器口

Ci Qi Kou has been an important commercial port for the shipment of porcelain since the Ming

Dynasty. Perched on the south bank of the Jialing River in Shapingba District, this ancient

town with a history of more than 1,000 years was built in 998AD during the reign of Emperor

Xiangping of the North Song Dynasty. Her narrow stone streets and stairways lined with

traditional tile and timber homes are often crowded these days. Streets are lined with

colourful arts and crafts, galleries and bars, teahouses and opera, temples and fortune tellers,

food and fashion. On Friday afternoons retired Opera singers still entertain for the cost of a

cup of tea on the theatre stage of the Jialing School Compound.

Location – Shapingba District 沙坪坝区

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Ci Qi Kou, Shapingba District, Chongqing 重庆市沙坪坝区磁器口

15. Lao Jun Dong Temple 老君洞 Lao Jun Dong

Lao Jun Dong Temple is a large Taoist Temple built on the side of the mountain in the Nan

Shan Scenic Area. Originally a Buddhist Temple it changed to a Taoist Temple in 1851.

Climbing up to the Temple is long and steep, but worth it. The theatres once again are active

with daily performances of the famous and mysterious Face Changing Sichuan Opera.

Location – Nanan District 南岸区

South Mountain Nan Shan, Nanan District, Chongqing 重庆市南岸区南山

16. South Mountain Park 南山公园 Nan Shan Gong Yuan

South Mountain Park is home to Chongqing’s Botanical Gardens, an amalgamation of several

gardens including the Camellia, Bonsai and Cherry Blossom Gardens. The mountain top

parkland is known for its flowers and shrubs and includes Huangshan, Daishan, Yuanshan,

Wangshan, and Jiangshan, an area of more than 400 hectares. During the Anti-Japanese

War important KMT Government officials and foreign envoys built villas here in the relative

safety of this heavily wooded mountain overlooking the Yangtze River.

Location - Nanan District 南岸区

South Mountain Nan Shan, Nanan District, Chongqing 重庆市南岸区南山

17. Foreigner Street 洋人街 Yang Ren Jie

A remarkable blend of east and western culture, this site evokes some sense of nostalgia and

refreshment for visitors from home and abroad. A stroll through the area will take you

through a Japanese village, a Korean neighborhood and a European riverside walk with horse

drawn carriages. A cluster of residences epitomize Chinese traditional architectural style and

even what appears to be a reminiscent of the Communist Revolution complete with song and

dance reenactments. Creatively revised classical slogans are pretty amusing yet equally

enlightening. Crooked houses and world record breaking restroom are very impressive as

well. Several shops, restaurants and bars are operated by expats drawing many more to the

familiar sights, sounds and flavours of home.

Location - Nanan District 南岸区

Dan Zi Shi, Nanan District, Chongqing 重庆市南岸区弹子石

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18. Chongqing Zoo 重庆动物园 Chongqing Dong Wu Yuan

Chongqing zoo is a must see for foreign tourists. Included in the animals here are the elusive

and endangered Giant Pandas and many other animals in a very natural and spacious


Location – Jiulongpo District 九龙坡区

1 Xi Jiao Yi Cun, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing 重庆市九龙坡区西郊一村 1 号

19. Ba Yu Culture Village 巴渝民俗文化村 Ba Yu Min Su Wen Hua Cun

The museum displays 1,000 different types of Chinese folk handicraft, costumes and

decorations as well as other household articles. There is also an Ancient Temple, the Kwan

Yin displaying the religious beliefs and prayer rituals of the Ancient Ba people.

Location – Yubei District 渝北区

Lianglu Town, Yubei District, Chongqing 重庆市渝北区两路镇

20. Mount Jinyun 缙云山 Jinyun Shan

Mount Jinyun is a national level nature reserve located in Beibei District, just 55km from the

centre of Chongqing. It offers beautiful mountain scenery with abundance of flora and fauna

and a cool climate. The famous Northern Hot Springs are located at the foot of the mountain.

Location – Beibei District 北碚区

Beibei District, Chongqing 重庆市北碚区

21. Golden Knife Gorge 金刀峡 Jin Dao Xia

This beautiful valley in the Hua Ying Mountains, through which runs a small stream hides

another stunning and narrow gorge where a timber boardwalk crisscrosses the stream at

regular intervals. A small dam midway through the walk has created a small lake and

boatmen pole flat bottomed boatloads of passengers through the narrow mouth of the gorge

where it opens slightly before closing in again keeping out the sunlight. Wispy waterfalls

tumble into the valley from high overhead adding to its mysterious atmosphere. Entrance


Location – Beibei District 北碚区

Beibei District, Chongqing 重庆市北碚区

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22. Dazu Grottoes 大足石刻 Da Zu Shi Ke

The Dazu Grottoes in the county of the same name is best known for the stone carvings of

Baodingshan and Beishan mountains, which are fine example of grotto sculpture in China’s

Tang and Song dynasties. The centuries old sculptures chiseled from the red sandstone cliff

faces now have World Heritage listing to ensure the preservation of these unique religious

relics. Ingenious measures are being undertaken to prevent the further erosion of many of

the carvings.

Location – Dazu County 大足县

Dazu County, Chongqing 重庆市大足县

23. Golden Buddha Mountain 金佛山 Jin Fo Shan

The Mount Jin Fo Nature Reserve is situated amidst lush mountains where thirty percent of

the reserve is still covered in virgin forest. Most impressive of all are the flora and fauna

here including over 6000 species of plants and 500 varieties of wild animals. This is also a

popular destination in winter when the park lies beneath a blanket of snow.

Location – Nanchuan District 南川区

Nanchuan District, Chongqing 重庆市南川区

24. Si Mian Mountain 四面山 Si Mian Shan

Si Mian Shan, literally meaning Four Faces Mountain, is well known for its abundant flora and

fauna and gorgeous lakes and waterfalls. It’s an ideal summer or weekend resort offering

special local food and sometimes wildlife on the menu.

Location – Jiangjin County 江津县

Jiangjin County, Chongqing 重庆市江津县

25. Zhongshan Ancient Village 中山古镇 Zhongshan Gu Zhen

Zhongshan is still very much a ‘living’ village about 30 kms north of Si Mian Shan and an ideal

place to spend the day or the weekend exploring the more traditional Chinese lifestyle. This

village was once an important trading port on the small river which barely flows these days.

Its single long and narrow street is lined with shops selling age-old crafts, food and drinks,

antiques, dried herbs and medicines. Restaurants and guesthouses cater for a growing

numbers of visitors.

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Location – Jiangjin County 江津县

Jiangjin County, Chongqing 重庆市江津县

26. Chongqing Safari Park 重庆野生动物园 Chongqing Ye Sheng Dong Wu Yuan

The largest National Ecological Tourist Park in China. It is home to more than 30,000 wild

animals of some 430 species from 14 countries around the world. There are both protected

and rare and endangered species on display such as the white tiger.

Location – Yongchuan City 永川市

Yongchuan City, Chongqing 重庆市永川市

27. Hibiscus Cave 芙蓉洞 Fu Rong Dong

Fu Rong Cave is located above the Fu Rong River in Wulong County. The main part of the

cave is 2,700 metres in length and 3.7 square metres in area. The Splendid Cave is the

most impressive. Nearly 30 varieties of stalactites can be found growing, chiseled by nature

into every manner of exotic imagery. Entrance Y70

Location – Wulong County 武隆县

Wulong County, Chongqing 重庆市武隆县

28. Three Natural Stone Bridges Geopark 天坑三桥 Tian Keng San Qiao

This spectacular Geopark showcases some of China’s not so typical Karst formations:

beautiful gorges, three natural stone bridges, massive sink holes, fissure caves, flying

waterfalls, wet limestone flows and an underground stream system that intermittently

disappears over the course of 19 kms. This region easily rivals the Three Gorges but rarely

gets a mention. Situated 30 mins drive from Wulong City near Xian Nu Shan Nature

Reserve it is one of two areas with access to the public. The smaller but equally beautiful

section of the park offering similarly spectacular hiking and scenery is Shui Long xia.

Entrance to each park Y50

Location – Wulong County 武隆县

Wulong County, Chongqing 重庆市武隆县

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29. Fishing City 钓鱼城 Diao Yu Cheng

Established in 1242 Diao Yu Cheng is a fortified compound covering 2.5 sq kms in the Diao Yu

Mountains on the southern shore of the Jialing River. It overlooks the junction of two

tributaries of the Jialing just outside Heyang Town in Hechuan County. In 1258 the Mongols

launched a three-way attack on the Song Dynasty, and in February the next year Diao Yu

City found itself besieged. The Song army mounted a valiant counterattack that lasted for 36

years and made worldwide military history by withstanding such a strong enemy with such a

weak force. This prompted some European historians to laud Diao Yu Cheng as the "Mecca

of the East" and "Where God broke his whip". The ruins of the ancient battlefield of Diao Yu

Cheng are well preserved.

Location – Hechuan County 合川县

Hechuan CCounty, Chongqing 重庆市合川县

30. Ghost City 丰都鬼城 Fengdu

Fengdu was called Pingdu in ancient times. It is the so-called "Abode of Ghosts": "The dead

come to Fengdu and the devils go to hell" according to the superstitious legend. Though

Fengdu is surrounded by myths, it is a quiet and majestic site. From the Temple at the peak

of Pingdu Mountain now called Ming Mountain, there’s a wonderful panorama of the Yangtze

River and the new Fengdu City on the opposite bank.

Location – Fengdu County 丰都县

Fengdu County, Chongqing 重庆市丰都县

31. Three Gorges 三峡 San Xia

Sailing down the Yangtze River from Chongqing to Yichang allows visitors to see up close, the

spectacular scenery of the Three Gorges along with its splendid cultural heritage and fabled

local folklore. The cruise, which combines sightseeing with scientific, artistic and folklore

exploration, is an international quality tourist program. The 193-km-long Three Gorges,

consisting of the majestic Qutang Xia, statuesque Wu Xia and ferocious Xiling Xia, is one of

the world's major canyons. The major historic attractions include Fengdu Mountain, Baidi

City, Shibao Village, Zhang Fei's Temple, Qu Yuan's Temple, and the Three Gorges Dam.

Location – Fengjie County 奉节县

Fengjie County, Chongqing 重庆市奉节县

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32. Lesser Three Gorges 小三峡 Xiao San Xia

The Daning River is the longest Yangtze tributary, which rises in the southern side of the

Daba Mountains flowing south for 250kms before emptying itself into the Yangtze at the

western entrance to Wu Xia. The Lesser Three Gorges on the Daning River stretching for

50kms through the Longmen, Bawu and Dicui Gorges in the lower reaches of the river, is

billed amongst China’s best scenic attractions thanks to its massive mountains, turbulent

rapids and peaceful waters, exotic rock imagery and the serenity of her mist shrouded

elegant peaks.

Location – Wushan County 巫山县

Wushan County, Chongqing 重庆市巫山县


1. Deyi World 得意世界 De Yi Shi Jie

Located at Jiao Chang Kou, 5 minutes stroll from Jiefangbei, Deyi World is a comprehensive

recreation centre with Karaoke clubs, pubs, clubs, bars, teahouses, cafes, restaurants and

foot massage parlours. It is also a major location for home decoration, kitchenware and

building materials suppliers.

Location – Yuzhong District 渝中区

Jiaochangkou, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 重庆市渝中区较场口

2. Cotton Club 棉花俱乐部 Mian Hua Ju Le Bu

Only a short stroll from Deyi World, Cotton Club is one of the most popular nightlife

destinations for Chongqing expatriates with a nice environment and great music.

Location – Yuzhong District 渝中区

LG Floor, Meili, Jiao Chang Kou, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 重庆市渝中区较场口美力 LG 层

3. Soho Bar 苏荷酒吧 Su He Jiu Ba

One of the most popular disco bars for young locals.

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Location – Yuzhong District 渝中区

Deyi World, Jiao Chang Kou, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 重庆市渝中区较场口得意世界

4. True Love Club 真爱俱乐部 Zhen Ai Ju Le Bu

Featuring live music, mostly Chinese, a bouncing dance floor and matchmaking games

arranged by friendly staff, this is a unique place to relax and make friends.

Location – Yuzhong District 渝中区

Deyi World, Jiao Chang Kou, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 重庆市渝中区较场口得意世界

5. 88 Club 88 吧 Ba Ba Ba

A new popular disco bar in the downtown, it is a direct competitor of the highly successful

Soho bar. Ancient European style design. Very special atmosphere.

Location – Yuzhong District 渝中区

2F, 260 Ba Yi Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 重庆市渝中区八一路 260 号 2 楼

6. Golden Resources Sleepless City 金源不夜城 Jin Yuan Bu Ye Cheng

A colorful entertainment complex decorated in western-style in the centre of Jiangbei. It

has night clubs, saunas, gym, swimming pool, double-decker disco club, supermarket,

boutique shops and a food court.

Location – Jiangbei District 江北区

Underground Pedestrian Walk, Guan Yin Qiao, Jiangbei District, Chongqing


7. 823 Bar 823 酒吧 Ba Er San Jiu Ba

A disco bar popular with young students.

Location – Shapingba District 沙坪坝区

Three Gorges Square, Shapingba District, Chongqing 重庆市沙坪坝区三峡广场

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8. Dee Dee's Bar

Dee Dee's Bar is and has been a hang out for expats in Chongqing for pushing 10 years.

Location – Nanan District 南岸区

86 Nanping Xin Street, Nanan District, Chongqing 重庆市南岸区南坪新街 86 号


1. Howard Johnson ITC Plaza Hotel 国贸豪生大酒店 Guo Mao Hao Sheng Da Jiu Dian

Location – Yuzhong District 渝中区

66 Qing Nian Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 重庆市渝中区青年路 66 号

2. Golden Resources Hotel 金源大饭店 Jin Yuan Da Fan Dian

Location – Jiangbei District 江北区

1 Er Zhi Road of Jian Xin Bei Road, Jiangbei District 重庆市江北区建新北路二支路 1 号

3. JW Marriott Hotel 万豪大酒店 Wan Hao Da Jiu dian

Location – Yuzhong District 渝中区

77 Qing Nian Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 重庆市渝中区青年路 77 号

4. Harbour Plaza 海逸大酒店 Hai Yi Da Jiu Dian

Location – Yuzhong District 渝中区

Wu Yi Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 重庆市渝中区五一路

5. Hilton Hotel 希尔顿酒店 XI Er Dun Jiu Dian

Location – Yuzhong District 渝中区

139 Zhong Shan San Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 重庆市渝中区中山三路 139 号

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6. Carlton Hotel 南方君临酒店 Nan Fang Jun Lin Jiu Dian

Location – Gaoxin District 高新区

259 Ke Yuan Si Road, Gaoxin District, Chongqing 重庆市高新区科园四路 259 号

7. Yangtze Holiday Inn 扬子江假日酒店 Yang Zi Jiang Jia Ri Jiu Dian

Location – Nanan District 南岸区

87 Nanping Xin Street, Nanan District, Chongqing 中国重庆南坪新街 87 号

8. Kinglead Hotel 劲力酒店 Jin Li Jiu Dian

Location –Gaoxin District 高新区

9 Ke Yuan Er Road, Gaoxin District, Chongqing 重庆市高新区科园二路 9 号

9. Wanyou Conifer Hotel 万友康年大酒店 Wan You Kang Nian Da Jiu Dian

Location – Yuzhong District 渝中区

77 Chang Jiang Er Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 重庆渝中区长江二路 77 号

10. Sofitel Forebase Hotel 申基索菲特大酒店 Shen Ji Suo Fei Te Da Jiu Dian

Location – Jiulongpo District 九龙坡区

137 Ke Yuan Er Street, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing 重庆九龙坡区科园二路 137 号

11. Intercontinental Hotel 洲际酒店 Zhou Ji Jiu Dian

Location – Yuzhong District 渝中区

101 Min Zu Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 重庆市渝中区民族路 101 号

12. East Garden Hotel 东方花苑酒店 Dong Fang Hua Yuan Jiu Dian

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Location – Yuzhong District 渝中区

55 Xue Tian Wan Zheng Street, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 重庆市渝中区学田湾正街 55 号

13. Chongqing Grand Hotel 重庆大酒店 Chongqing Da Jiu Dian

Location – Shapingba District 沙坪坝区

84 Xiao Long Kan Xin Street, Shapingba District, Chongqing 重庆市沙坪坝区小龙坎新街 84 号

14. Milky Way Hotel 银河大酒店 Yin He Da Jiu Dian

Location – Yuzhong District 渝中区

49 Da Tong Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 重庆市渝中区大同路 49 号

15. Days Hotel & Suites 凯斯大酒店 Kai Si Da Jiu Dian

Location – Bei Bu Xin District 北部新区

7 JinKai Avenue, Bei Bu Xin District, Chongqing 重庆市北部新区经开大道 7 号

16. Perfect Time Youth Hostel 纯真年代青年旅舍 Chun Zhen Nian Dai Qing Nian Lu She

Location – Shapingba District 沙坪坝区

2 Ci Qi Kou Zheng Street, Shapingba District, Chongqing 重庆市沙坪区磁器口正街二号

17. Yangtzeriver International Youth Hostel 扬子江国际青年旅舍 Yang Zi Jiang Guo Ji

Qing Nian Lu She

Location – Yuzhong District 渝中区

80 Changbin Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 重庆渝中区长滨路 80 号

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1. A Taste Of Singapore Restaurant & Cocktail Bar 新风味生活餐吧 Xin Feng Wei Sheng

Huo Can Ba

Serves up authentic Singaporean & South-East Asian Fare & has new dishes every month

reflecting the tastes from around the world.

Location – Shapingba District 沙坪坝区

No.2, 5F, CapitaRetail Building, Three Gorge Square, Shapingba District, Chongqing

重庆市沙坪坝区三峡广场嘉茂购物中心 5 楼 2 号

2. Waffei Belgian Waffle

Serves delicious Belgian waffle and standard Spaghetti Bolognese.

Location – Yuzhong District 渝中区

403-10, 4F, Red Cliff Cave, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 重庆市渝中区洪崖洞四楼 403-10

3. GOOD TASTE Teppanyaki Restaurant 尚品法式铁板烧 Shang Pin Fa Shi Tie Ban Shao

Serves French-style teppanyaki.

Location – Jiangbei District 江北区

B02, Golden Resources Sleepless City, Guan Yin Qiao, Jiangbei District, Chongqing 重庆市

江北区观音桥金源地下不夜城 B02 号

4. Chun Man Jiao Yuan Thai Restaurant 春满蕉园泰餐厅 Chun Man Jiao Yuan Tai Can Ting

Serves typical Thai food with entertaining music, song and dance.

Location – Yubei District 渝北区

Chongqing Club, Shui Jing Li Cheng, Long Hu, Yubei District, Chongqing


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5. Rain Forest Bar 热带雨林酒吧 Re Dai Yu Lin Jiu Ba

A western restaurant with steak and seafood grill as well as a popular bar for people to drink

beer, play pool, listen to music and make friends.

Location – Nanan District 南岸区

6699 Foreigner Street, Dan Zi Shi, Nanan District, Chongqing

重庆市南岸区弹子石洋人街 6699 号

6. Tian Lu Sushi 天绿寿司 Tian Lu Shou Si

Serves Japanese Sushi and other cuisine.

Location – Nanan District 南岸区

3D-07-1, Yuan Dan Shopping Centre, the Pedestrian Mall, Nanping, Nanan District,

Chongqing 重庆市南岸区南坪步行街元旦购物广场 3D-07-1 号

7. Han Gu Ji Ting Korean Barbecue 韩古吉亭炭火烤吧 Han Gu Ji Ting Tan Huo Kao Ba

Serves Korean Barbecue.

Location – Yubei District 渝北区

Opposite to New Century Supermarket, Long Hua Da Dao, Yubei District, Chongqing


8. Gu Bin Brazilian Barbecue 古宾巴西烤肉 Gu Bin Ba Xi Kao Rou

Serves Brazilian barbecue.

Location – Nanan District 南岸区

3F, Yuan Dan Shopping Centre, the Pedestrian Mall, Nanping, Nanan District, Chongqing 重

庆市南岸区南坪步行街元旦购物广场 3 楼

9. SOME Indian Restaurant 苏摩印度风味餐厅 Su Mo Yin Du Feng Wei Can Ting

Serves various Indian dishes.

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Location – Yuzhong District 渝中区

5-2 Zhong Hua Lane, Jiefangbei, Yuzhong District, Chongqing

重庆市渝中区解放碑中华巷 5 号附 2 号

10. CABRAL Brazil BBQ BAR 卡布罗尔巴西烤肉店 Ka Bu Luo Er Ba Xi Kao Rou Dian

Another Brazilian barbecue restaurant. where for just under 50Y, you can eat all like from the

buffet which contains a wide selection of meat, fish, noodle dishes, vegetables, salad, fruit

and soup. You can also have endless soft drinks.

Location – Jiulongpo District 九龙坡区

F-301 Bin Xin Shi Ji Cheng, Pedestrian Walk, Yangjiaping, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing

重庆市九龙坡区杨家坪步行街斌鑫世纪城 F-301

11. Ai Li Yu Ai De 阿里与艾德西餐厅 Ai Li Yu Ai De Xi Can Ting

This restaurant serves a great range of quality and value-for-money international dishes and

snacks from around the world and also serves the best thick shake south of the Yangtze


Location 1 – Yuzhong District 渝中区

Li Yang Department Store, Metropolitan Plaza, Jiefangbei, Yuzhong District, Chongqing


Location 2 – Jiangbei District 江北区

2F Far Eastern (Li Yang) Department Store, Paradise Walk, Yang Guan Cheng, Jiangbei

District, Chongqing 重庆市江北区阳光城北城天街立洋百货二楼

Location 3 – Shapingba District 沙坪坝区

3F Li Yang Department Store, Shapingba District, Chongqing 重庆市沙坪坝区立洋百货三楼

* Please note that many of these restaurants are chains and can be found in most

major locations around the city.

Copyright 2008. All Rights Reserved. Chongqing Expat Club



1. Metropolitan Plaza 大都会 Da Du Hui

Metropolitan Plaza is a huge shopping centre with a range of up-market department stores,

boutiques, restaurants, cinemas, an ice skating rink, tennis courts, a hotel, commercial

offices, residential apartments, and underground parking etc.

Location – Yuzhong District 渝中区

The Pedestrian Mall, Jiefangbei, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 重庆市渝中区解放碑步行街

2. Carrefour 家乐福 Jia Le Fu

Huge international supermarket chain store with a good range of dairy, breads and basic

international foodstuffs.

Location 1 – Yuzhong District 渝中区

New Chongqing plaza, Mian Hua Street, Xiao Shi Zi, Yuzhong District, Chongqing


Location 2 – Jiangbei District 江北区

2 Jin Guan Yin Square, Jian Xin Xi Road, Jiangbei District, Chongqing

重庆市江北区建新西路金观音广场 2 号

Location 3 – Jiulongpo District 九龙坡区

-1F, Bin Xin Shi Ji Cheng, the Pedestrian Mall, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing


Location 4 – Shapingba District 沙坪坝区

-2F, 3 Huayu Plaza, Shapingba District, Chongqing 重庆市沙坪坝区华宇广场三号负二楼

3. Wal-Mart 沃尔玛 Wo Er Ma

Huge international supermarket chain store.

Location 1 – Jiulongpo District 九龙坡区

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Jiulong Square, 2 Xi Jiao San Cun, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing

重庆市九龙坡区杨家坪西郊三村 2 号九龙广场

Location 2 – Nanan District 南岸区

60 Nanpingxi Road, Nanan District, Chongqing 重庆市南岸区南坪西路 60 号

Location 3 – Yubei District 渝北区

Long Hu Zi Du Cheng, 111 Long Shan Da Dao, Ranjiaba, Yubei District, Chongqing

重庆市渝北区冉家坝龙山大道 111 号龙湖紫都城

4. Yuan Dan Shopping Centre 元旦购物广场 Yuan Dan Gou Wu Guang Chang

A one-stop destination in Nanan District for shopping, entertainment, fashion and dining.

Location – Nanan District 南岸区

The Pedestrian Mall, Nanping, Nanan District, Chongqing 重庆市南岸区南坪步行街

5. New Century Department Store 新世纪百货 Xin Shi Ji Bai Huo

This long established department store and supermarket popular with local people offers a

reasonable range of basic international foodstuffs.

Location 1 – Yuzhong District 渝中区

The Pedestrian Mall, Jiefangbei, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 重庆市渝中区解放碑步行街

Location 2 – Jiangbei District 江北区

1 Jian Xin Bei Road, Jiangbei District, Chongqing 重庆市江北区建新北路 1 号

Location 3 – Shapingba District 沙坪坝区

9 Shuang Xiang Zi, Shapingba District, Chongqing 重庆市沙坪坝区双巷子 9 号

Location 4 – Nanan District 南岸区

The Pedestrian Mall, Nanping, Nanan District, Chongqing 重庆市南岸区南坪步行街

Location 5 – Jiulongpo District 九龙坡区

The Pedestrian Mall, Yangjiaping, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing 重庆市九龙坡区杨家坪步行街

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6. Paradise Walk Shopping Mall 北城天街购物广场 Bei Cheng Tian Jie Gou Wu Guang


Paradise Walk Shopping Mall is second only to Jiefangbei as a shopping destination, offering

a first class international one stop shopping experience in Jiangbei District. The Mall

features a rock climbing centre, gymnasium, a cinema complex, outdoor cafes, restaurants,

stores amd boutiques catering to all ages and many tastes.

Location – Jiangbei District 江北区

The Pedestrian Mall, Yang Guang Cheng, Jiangbei District, Chongqing


7. Metro Supermarket 麦德龙超市 Mai De Long Chao Shi

This huge supermarket has the biggest selection of western goods available. Shoppers are

required to have a membership card before purchasing goods.

Location – Nanan District 南岸区

101 Bai He Road, Nanping, Nanan District, Chongqing 重庆市南岸区南坪白鹤路 101 号

8. CBEST Department Store 重庆百货公司 Chongqing Bai Huo Gong Si

One of the oldest and most popular department stores and supermarket chains in


Location 1 – Yuzhong District 渝中区

116 Zourong Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 重庆市渝中区邹容路 116 号

Location 2 – Yuzhong District 渝中区

2 Minquan Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 重庆市渝中区民权路 2 号

Location 3 – Nanan District 南岸区

1 Nanping Zheng Street, Nanan District, Chongqing 重庆市南岸区南坪正街一号

Location 4 – Jiangbei District 江北区

The Pedestrian Mall, Guanyinqiao, Jiangbei District, Chongqing 重庆市江北区观音桥步行街

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Location 5 – Jiulongpo District 九龙坡区

The Pedestrian Mall, Yangjiaping, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing 重庆市九龙坡区杨家坪步行街

Location 6 – Shapingba District 沙坪坝区

77 Xiao Street, Shapingba District, Chongqing 重庆市沙坪坝区小街 77 号

9. Lotus Supermarket 易初莲花 Yi Chu Lian Hua

Huge international supermarket chain store.

Location 1 – Yubei District 渝北区

36 Xin Nan Road, Yubei District, Chongqing 重庆市渝北区新南路 36 号

Location 2 – Jiangbei District 江北区

6 Yang He Bei Road, Jiangbei District, Chongqing 重庆市江北区洋河北路 6 号


1. QSI International School 重庆 QSI 国际学校 Chongqing QSI Guo Ji Xue Xiao

QSI International School of Chongqing is a non-profit institution that opened in August 2006

offering a high quality education in English for students from 3 years of age through middle

school, 13 years of age.

Location – Shapingba District 沙坪坝区

Chong Da Xi Road, Chongqing University City, Shapingba District, Chongqing


2. Yew Chung International School 重庆耀中国际学校 Chongqing Yao Zhong Guo Ji Xue


YCIS Chongqing offers a unique education philosophy that integrates the best elements of

both Eastern and Western cultures.

Location – Bei Bu Xin District 北部新区

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2 Hu Xia Street, Yuan Yang Town, Bei Bu Xin District, Chongqing

重庆市北部新区鸳鸯镇湖霞街 2 号

3. Chongqing Institute of Technology 重庆工学院 Chongqing Gong Xue Yuan

Founded in 1940, Chongqing Institute of Technology (CQIT) has now become an important

institution of higher learning in Chongqing with engineering as its mainstay and covering

such fields as economics, management, science, arts and law.

Location – Jiulongpo District 九龙坡区

4 Xingsheng Road, Yangjiaping, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing

重庆市九龙坡区杨家坪兴胜路 4 号

4. Chongqing University 重庆大学 Chongqing Da Xue

Chongqing University is a nationally renowned university in China, directly under the State

Ministry of Education. It is one of the Big Two universities in Chongqing (the other is

Southwest University).

Location – Shapingba District 沙坪坝区

174 Sha Zheng Street, Shapingba District, Chongqing 重庆市沙坪坝区沙正街 174 号

5. Southwest University of Political Science and Law 西南政法大学 Xi Nan Zheng Fa Da


Key university of Political Science and Law in Southwest China

Location – Shapingba District 沙坪坝区

Lieshimu, Shapingba District, Chongqing 重庆市沙坪坝区烈士墓

6. Sichuan International Studies University 四川外语学院 Sichuan Wai Yu Xue Yuan

Sichuan International Studies University (SISU) is the only institution in southwest China

specialized in foreign language studies.

Location – Shapingba District 沙坪坝区

Lieshimu, Shapingba District, Chongqing 重庆市沙坪坝区烈士墓

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7. Sichuan Fine Arts Institute 四川美术学院 Sichuan Mei Shu Xue Yuan

Sichuan Fine Arts Institute is one of China's oldest Academy of Arts, founded 60 years ago,

and the only one of it’s kind in Southwest China.

Location – Jiulongpo District 九龙坡区

108 Huangjueping Zheng Street, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing 重庆市九龙坡区黄桷坪正街

108 号

8. Chongqing Medical University 重庆医科大学 Chongqing Yi Ke Da Xue

Currently, the university boasts 12 colleges, 8 departments and 32 specialty departments as

well as offering undergraduate studies.The university is host to 5 first-class affiliated

hospitals directly under it’s supervision.

Location – Yuzhong District 渝中区

1 Yi Xue Yuan Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 重庆市渝中区医学院路 1 号

9. Southwest University 西南大学 Xi Nan Da Xue

Southwest University (SWU) is a key comprehensive university in China, under the direct

administration of the Ministry of Education. It is one of the Big Two universities in Chongqing

(the other is Chongqing University)

Location – Beibei District 北碚区

2 Tiansheng Road, Beibei District, Chongqing 重庆市北碚区天生路 2 号


1. Southwest Hospital 西南医院

Location – Shapingba District 沙坪坝区

30 Gao Tan Yan Zheng Street, Shapingba District, Chongqing

重庆市沙坪坝区高滩岩正街 30 号

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2. Dental Hospital of Chongqing affiliated with Medical University 重医附属口腔医院

Location – Yuzhong District 渝中区

7 Shangqingsi Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 重庆市渝中区上清寺路 7 号

3. Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University 重医附二院

Location – Yuzhong District 渝中区

76 Lin Jiang Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 重庆市渝中区临江路 76 号

4. Daping Hospital 大坪医院

Location – Yuzhong District 渝中区

10 Chang Jiang Zhi Road, Daping, Yuzhong District, 重庆市渝中区大坪长江支路 10 号

5. Chongqing Third People's Hospital 重庆第三人民医院

Location – Yuzhong District 渝中区

104 Pi Pa Shan Zheng Street, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 重庆市渝中区枇杷山正街 104 号

6. Chongqing Modern Women Hospital 重庆现代女子医院

Location – Nanan District 南岸区

8-5 Nanping Dong Road, Nanan District, Chongqing 重庆市南岸区南坪东路 8-5 号

7. Jinshan International Hospital 金山国际医院

Location - Yubei Economic Development Zone 渝北经济开发区

39 Yuanyang Lake, Yubei Economic Development Zone, Chongqing

重庆市渝北经济开发区鸳鸯湖 39 号

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1. Consulate of Canada 加拿大领事馆

Location – Yuzhong District 渝中区

Suite 1705, Metropolitan Tower, 68 Zourong Rd., Yuzhong District, Chongqing

重庆市渝中区邹容路 68 号大都会商厦 1705 室

2. Consulate General of the Kingdom of Cambodia 柬埔寨总领事馆

Location – Jiangbei District 江北区

Suite 1902, Building A, 9 Yanghe Rd., Jiangbei District, Chongqing

重庆市江北区洋河路 9 号 A 栋 1902 室

3. The Royal Danish Consulate and Trade Commission of Denmark


Location – Yuzhong District 渝中区

Suite 3101, Metropolitan Tower, 68 Zourong Rd., Yuzhong District, Chongqing

重庆市渝中区邹容路 68 号大都会商厦 3101 室

4. British Consulate-General 英国总领事馆

Location – Yuzhong District 渝中区

Suite 2801, Metropolitan Tower, 68 Zourong Rd., Yuzhong District, Chongqing

重庆市渝中区邹容路 68 号大都会商厦 2801 室

5. Consulate-General of Japan 日本总领事馆

Location – Yuzhong District 渝中区

37F, Metropolitan Tower, 68 Zou Rong Rd., Yuzhong District, Chongqing

重庆市渝中区邹容路 68 号大都会商厦 37 楼

Copyright 2008. All Rights Reserved. Chongqing Expat Club



1. Ambulance 救护车 : 120

2. Fire 火警 : 119

3. Police 警察 : 110

4. Weather 气象 : 121

5. Phone number directory: 电话号码查询 : 114

6. Tourist Complaint Hotline 旅游投诉热线 : 023-63705525

7. Chongqing Exit-Entry Administration Bureau 重庆出入境管理局 : 023-63962043

8. Chongqing Municipal Government Tourism Bureau 重庆市旅游局 : 023-63712218


1. nǐ hǎo 你 好 Hello / How are you?

2. wǒ jiào Jim 我叫 Jim My name is Jim.

3. wǒ cóng měi guó lái 我从美国来 I am from the United States of America.

4. xiè xiè nǐ 谢谢你 Thank you.

5. bú kè qì 不客气 That’s alright.

6. duì bù qǐ 对不起 Sorry / excuse me

7. zài jiàn 再见 Good bye

8. wǎn ān 晚安 Good night

Copyright 2008. All Rights Reserved. Chongqing Expat Club


9. qǐng 请 Please

10. hǎo 好 Good

11. bù hǎo 不 好 Not good

12. xíng 行 Ok

13. bù xíng 不行 Not ok

14. duì 对 Correct

15. bú duì 不对 Not correct

16. shì mā 是吗 Really?

17. shì de 是的 Yes

18. zhè gè 这个 This

19. nà gè 那个 That

20. nǐ 你 You

21. wǒ 我 I / me

22. tā 他,她,它 He / she / him / her / it

23. qǐng dài wǒ qù wàn háo dà jǐu diàn 请带我去万豪大酒店 Please take me to

the Marriott Hotel.

Copyright 2008. All Rights Reserved. Chongqing Expat Club


24. qǐng wèn cè suǒ zài nǎ lǐ 请问厕所在哪里 Where is the toilet, please?

25. méi wèn tí 没问题 No problem

26. qǐng gěi wǒ yì bēi kā fēi 请给我一杯咖啡 Give me a cup of coffee, please.

27. wǒ yào zhè gè 我要这个 I want this one.

28. bú yào 不要 I don’t want it.

29. měi yǒu 没有 I have not.

30. zěn mē yàng 怎么样 How about … ?

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