choose your adventure: data-driven storytelling

Post on 16-Jan-2017






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Data-Driven Storytelling

By WealthEngine



While you’ve been on missions like this many times before,

the landscape is changing dramatically. There is an evolution

taking place at this very moment, transforming traditional creative-

driven CMOs and their analytics-motivated counter-parts into more

hybrid roles. Hiring decisions are being driven by the need to fill

the gaps with practitioners who can evolve with ever-changing

requirements. With the rise of data as a strategic asset more

marketers are realizing that creative storytelling is not enough and

that data ultimately help shape the trajectory of these stories.


Storytelling isn’t dead, it’s more alive than ever and the stories

you tell have the power to be audience specific, dynamic (based on

feedback) and available anytime, anywhere. This new data-driven

approach to storytelling requires data and analytics to inform seg-

mentation, real-time insights to create a dynamic plot as you learn

more about your customers through their journey and a multi-

channel approach to engage your customers wherever they are.

You’ve been assigned a not-so-secret mission to lead your

team toward data-driven marketing success beyond your

wildest dreams. In order to achieve your mission, it’s up to

you to take your target audiences on a new kind of buyer’s

journey, where you inspire them to take action so you can

be responsible for their “Happily Ever After”.


The buyer’s journey is now a “Choose Your Adventure” story,

and it’s up to you, the marketer, to offer the right kind of

choices to the right kind of buyers.


For more than two decades, WealthEngine has provided

wealth intelligence solutions to help fundraising, marketing

and business development professionals create strategies for

extending their reach and building their prospect pipeline. WE

identifies your best buyers, donors or investors and gives you the

insights you need to understand what drives their decisions using

predictive analytics.

When you use data modeling to understand and segement

your audience, you are able to activate your best prospects, saving

time previously wasted on those who don’t fit your ideal buyer


You lead marketing at a non profit organization. Learn how to incorporate data- driven storytelling to engage prospects and donors. GO TO PAGE 3 You lead a B2C marketing team. Learn how to incorporate data-driven storytelling into strategies for customer acquisition and retention. GO TO PAGE 4


WealthEngine’s “Choose Your Adventure” is designed

to empower you to make the right choices based on the

information you learn about buyers before, during and after

the story to most effectively and efficiently move buyers

through the marketing funnel from engagement to conversion.


If you’re ready to take the lead in data-driven storytelling as a non profit marketer, GO TO PAGE 5

The Nonprofit Marketer’s Adventure

Storytelling has long been the nonprofit fundraiser’s best

friend. Stirring audience empathy and making emotional

connections is critical to moving donors and prospects toward

taking the actions that make an impact.

As a marketing leader with a nonprofit, you’re on a year-round

adventure to drive funding and influence for your cause.

Telling your organization’s story is one major tactic that

supports your fundraising and relationship building strategies.

A cohesive, compelling story works across all communication

channels and is easily shared.


WE helps fundraisers to tell better stories by identifying

and predicting who will give, when they will give and

how much they can give so you can:







The B2C Marketer’s Adventure

Emotional connection sells. As a B2C marketer, you use story-

telling to engage consumers in a way that drives sales.

You are continuously challenged to identify new markets,

acquire new customers, increase ROI, grow wallet share from

current customers and predict the impact of price changes.

Many marketers are using segmentation to reach their

customers in a more personalized way but not all of them are

segmenting for wealth scores.



If you’re ready to take the lead in data-driven storytelling as a B2C marketer, GO TO PAGE 5


The PlotIf the first part of your adventure as a data-driven storyteller

is to best understand the goals your company or organization is

trying to achieve, then clearly, the next step is to develop your

plan for achieving them.

This brings you to the next part of your adventure, the plot,

where your tactics support these goals and the magic starts to


How do you make it magical? Your marketing team knows

how you want the story to end and your customer expects a

happily ever after. When you have the right customer behavior

aligned with the right corporate goals, your plot will begin to

dynamically unfold. Now, you can improvise rather than working

from a script, allowing for a more compelling experience for your


The best stories have a cast of characters who drive the plot

forward. The same can be said for the best marketing campaigns.

If you don’t understand your customers, they won’t understand

your story.



“Brand promotion must begin by inviting people to actively participate in ways people find personally meaningful. Participation comes in many different forms. People will self-select the form of participation that best fits their needs – and they’ll challenge brands to take that feedback and act accordingly.”

- Nedra Klein Weidrich, President & Founder, Weinreich Communications

If you’re ready to attack Analytics, GO TO PAGE 7 If you’re ready to strike Segmentation, GO TO PAGE 8 If you’re ready to mingle with Metrics, GO TO PAGE 10 If you’re ready to go straight to the Adventure, GO TO PAGE 12

Key characters in your data-driven adventure’s plot:

— Analytics: The story the data tells us

— Segmentation: Helps identify what story the

customer/prospect wants to hear.

— Metrics: Determine which stories are best--and

context for how they’re told.


AnalyticsAnalytics are the stories your data tells you.

“Marketing analytics...measure business metrics like traffic, leads, and sales, and which events (both on and off your website) influence whether leads become customers. Marketing analytics includes data not only from your website, but also from other sources like email, social media, and even offline events. Marketing analytics are also usually people-centric, featuring the prospect, lead, or customer as the unit of focus.”

- Mike Volpe, Former Chief Marketing Officer, Hubspot

Analytics are at the heart of data-driven storytelling. They

help marketers craft more effective stories based on information

gleaned about the audience.

On your adventure, analytics are the characters that give you

marketing insight for what paths your prospects, customers and

donors are taking on the buyer journeys you’ve created for them,

providing intelligence to show which actions are most likely to lead

to conversion.

By gaining a firm understanding of how your targets behave

in the journey you create for them, you can begin customizing

stories that lead to most likely desired outcomes. In addition,

you can create predictive models that drive targets with

characteristics similar to ideal buyers toward stories most likely

to achieve desired outcomes.

If you’re ready to go straight to your adventure, GO TO PAGE 12 If you’re ready to strike Segmentation, GO TO PAGE 8 If you’re ready to mingle with Metrics, GO TO PAGE 10


Segmentation Segmentation helps categorize your audience into user

personas based on the attributes discovered via analytics.

At its core, segmentation is exactly what it sounds like, taking

a large audience and breaking it out based on specific traits and

characteristics. For marketers, these traits and characteristics are

usually pre-defined based on buyer and prospect personas. These

personas serve as guides to ensure you tell the right kind of story

to the most desireable members of a target audience.



Segmentation plays a critical role in helping you achieve your

overarching goals and objectives. Your adventure as a marketer

revolves around your target list--the list of who you want to take

on the buyer’s journey--so you’ll need as much precision and

detail in segmentation as possible.

“Just because somebody has given $25 to one organization doesn’t mean that they are the best person to talk to when raising money for another organization. But, if you know that somebody has a net worth of $100M, there is a good chance they will be somewhat philanthropic. And, if they have any affinity at all toward your cause, there is a good chance they will give something that would be significant for your organization. Therefore, by including data about a person’s wealth and their past donation history and interests, WealthEngine can developer highly predictive scores and models for our clients.”

- Leo Scott, Chief Technology Officer, WealthEngine

WealthEngine aims to increase the revenue of its clients by

connecting them with the customers most likely to donate, buy or

invest. WE combine proprietary, public and third-party sources of

data to build detailed profiles of affluent individuals who are likely

prospects to contribute to nonprofits, purchase luxury products

or invest in financial services. Ultra-segmented audiences can be

identified and targeted using wealth, demographic, lifestyle and

personal attributes across a database of more than 210 million

people in the U.S.

If you’re ready to attack Analytics, GO BACK TO PAGE 7 If you’re ready to mingle with Metrics, GO TO PAGE 10 If you’re ready to go on your Adventure, GO TO PAGE 12


Metrics Metrics determine which stories are resonating best, and

more importantly, also show what’s working, and conversely,

what’s not working for you.

Measuring a story and a channel’s effectiveness in engaging

an audience segment takes the mystery out of what led (and will

most likely lead again) to certain outcomes.

“Measurement is what makes marketing a science, rather than a superstition. For many business owners, marketing is a superfluous expense—something to spend money on only when the budget is flexible enough to accommodate it. This is because the return on investment on marketing is, in many cases, unpredictable. Your ad could be a resounding hit, flooding you with thousands of new interested customers, or it could be a seeming dud, wasting your time and money. Solid metrics give you the insight to overcome this hurdle of unpredictability.”

Jayson DeMers, Contributor, Forbes

The types of specific metrics you’ll measure on your

adventure are defined by the kind of buyer journeys you create.

In a standard inbound marketing campaign, metrics would

include things like email opens, click thrus, landing page hits, and

content downloads. In a social media-driven campaign, metrics

would include things like shares and retweets, comments, likes

and favorites.



Essentially, for every buyer journey, there are key points

where decisions can be made. It’s imperative to have tools in

place to measure how buyers behave at those decision points.

There are a wide variety of tools available for measurement -

from basic tools like Google Analytics, to far more specific

subscription-based tools like Clicky Analytics, KissMetrics,

ChartBeat, MixPanel, and more. At WealthEngine, our software

solution is designed to work with your existing metrics platform.

“The United States is a big country, and it has surprises everywhere. There are surprises in Memphis, Tennessee, and in Columbus, Ohio. We used to think the wealth was on the coasts, New York and Los Angeles. WealthEngine has helped us realize that it’s not just here or there – it’s hidden everywhere. And how would we know about these people in Columbus, or Memphis, without WealthEngine? Now we know how to find them.”

Alberto Milani, Chief Executive Officer, Buccellati

If you’re ready to attack Analytics, GO BACK TO PAGE 7 If you’re ready to strike Segmentation, GO BACK TO PAGE 8 If you’re ready to go on your Adventure, GO TO PAGE 12


The AdventureOnce you’ve defined and designed your adventure’s Plot by

effectively learning from and building stories developed through

Analytics, Segmentation and Metrics, you’ll be ready to go on your

Adventure--and take your target audience on their customized,

personalized “buyer’s journey”.

Again, this is not one-sided storytelling. Today’s buyer

journeys must be a dialogue across all channels and devices to

create an emotional connection to your campaigns.

The conversation needs to rise above meaningless chatter...

it needs to educate, solve a problem or inspire your customer to

reach their aspirations.

Consumers share a brand’s content because they find it

valuable to themselves and peers. If continual value is consistently

provided, it leads to continual sharing, and both the brand and

consumer benefit.


Brands must evolve from a transactional relationship to

a dynamic one, where consumers and brands continually

exchange value. For example, when a brand obtains data

from a consumer, such as an email address, it becomes the

responsibility of that brand to reciprocate and provide value

in exchange for the data received – and more importantly,

that value must go beyond promoting the next purchase.


The buyer journeys you create will be driven through three

core channels, including:

— Earned Media

— Paid Media

— Owned Media

If you want to activate Earned Media, GO TO PAGE 14 If you want to propel Paid Media, GO TO PAGE 15 If you want to orchestrate Owned Media, GO TO PAGE 16 If you’re ready to cut to the Happy Ending, GO TO PAGE 17









Earned Media The three core components of earned media are public

relations, influencers and social media. These components

work together, and often with paid and owned media driving the

storywheel of audience engagement. The stories you seed through

these channels are designed to gain audience advocacy, build

brand recognition and inspire desired actions. Based on definition

alone, as the customer-driven channel, it’s the proving ground for


Earned media empowers audience members to take part in

their journey’s story by offering personal contributions, staking

claim in your brand as part of their identity through sharing the

information, and having direct interactions with members of your

online and offline community.

If you want to propel Paid Media, GO TO PAGE 15 If you want to orchestrate Owned Media, GO TO PAGE 16 If you’re ready to cut to the Happy Ending, GO TO PAGE 17

How powerful is earned media in conveying stories?

— Forty-eight percent of individuals identified as

prospect researchers in WealthEngine’s survey use

social media at least daily for their work.

— Eighty-five percent use social media for finding

details related to employment, education, relatives

and marital status.

— Sixty-two percent are using it to identify interests,

causes or missions for which the prospect may have

an affinity.

And that’s just on social media alone.


Paid Media Paid Media gives marketers more control over where and how

often their messages, offers and content are amplified.

Different paid media channels work for different companies

and organizations. As a result, smart marketers know they cannot

take a one-size-fits-all approach.

Paid media works best when marketers start test campaigns with

tools in place to measure effectively. Further investment is made in

those campaigns with the highest conversion rates.

However, testing comes with a cost and modeling your

existing customers to target more precisely can decrease your

overall cost per conversion. This is where we can help.

The core components of this part of the adventure include:

— Paid Per Click Campaigns

— Social Media Advertising

— Distributed Content

— Sponsored Content

If you want to revisit Earned Media, GO BACK TO PAGE 14 If you want to orchestrate Owned Media, GO TO PAGE 16 If you’re ready to cut to the Happy Ending, GO TO PAGE 17


Owned Media Owned Media includes the channels controlled and created

by your company or organization.

The core components of this part of the adventure include:

— Website and Content

— Emails/Newsletters

— Promotion Codes

— Corporate/Employee Voice

— Social Media Amplification

Owned media gives you full control of where and how you seed

stories, plus it gives you the power to track metrics throughout

the buyer journey. For most companies, the goal of their earned

and paid media is to ultimately take the prospect on a journey

leading them from third-party media and platforms to ones the

company owns. Providing opportunities to opt-in for further

engagement across owned media is crucial to nurturing the

relationship -- leading to further engagement and conversions.

If you want to revisit Earned Media, GO BACK TO PAGE 14 If you want to revisit Paid Media, GO BACK TO PAGE 15 If you’re ready to cut to the Happy Ending, GO TO PAGE 17


We’ve shared some of our story and we’d love to help you

tell yours Even though you have lots of customers or donors,

the reality is...everyone of them wants to feel like the main

character in your story.

You can accomplish this by segmenting your audience and

customizing the messages and experiences you provide for

them. Small changes - from the way you ask them to take action

to the way you say thank you - can make a big difference.

It’s this differentiation that leads to major results. READY






Google Analytics

“Get the data you need to make intelligent marketing and business decisions with Google Analytics. Available for websites, apps, and enterprise businesses.”


“Chartbeat measures and monetizes attention for publishers, brands, and agencies. Together, we’re working to build a better web, where quality rules the day.”


“Giving you the knowledge you need to make better decisions. Kissmetrics is a revolutionary person-based analytics platform for your whole team.”


“Mixpanel is the most advanced analytics platform in the world for mobile & web.”


“Marketo’s powerful marketing automation software helps marketers master the art & science of digital marketing to engage customers and prospects.”


“Clicky Web Analytics is simply the best way to monitor, analyze, and react to your blog or web site’s traffic in real time.”


“Enhance your social media management with Hootsuite, the leading social media dashboard.”


WE predicts who are your best buyers, donors or investors and gives you the insights you need to understand what drives their decisions.


“Triblio provides software that enables marketers to personalize multi-channel campaigns.”


“Provides on-demand customer relationship management (CRM) software services to help companies with global customer communication.”

Bonus Toolkit Analytics, Segmentation & Metrics

Ready to continue your Adventure? We’ve curated a list of our favorite

tools for you to consider bringing along with you on your journey.


“Improve your content marketing with data-driven insights.”

Help A Reporter Out (HARO)

“Help A Reporter connects news sources with journalists looking for their expertise.”


“PitchEngine makes it easy to create beautiful, engaging stories about your brand in minutes.”


“Edgar is a social media scheduling tool like no other.”


“Outbrain is the world’s largest and most trusted content discovery platform.”


“Taboola recommends editorial and sponsored content across many of the world’s most highly-trafficked sites”

Bonus Toolkit Paid, Earned and Owned Media

Ready to continue your Adventure? We’ve curated a list of our favorite

tools for you to consider bringing along with you on your journey.

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