christmas 2014 powerpoint

Post on 19-Jul-2015






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Merry Christmas 2014

From Craig & Melissa

Merry Christmas to One and All!

2014 was blessed year indeed. Melissa and I celebrated our

five-year anniversary over Labor Day weekend. If I were to

add it all up, we have had over 2000 dates so far. Just

getting started.

If you want pictures from our year, visit my Facebook and

“friend” me for continuous updates.

Our lives, and a billion other’s lives are an even more open

book these days.

A Year of Partnering!

Graham and Nicol now happily married! Nicol started

working at Wesse Langley Wesse Architects in June,

specializing in affordable housing and university projects,

and loves every minute of it. Graham continues to teach

building science courses and consult on various sustainable

building projects.

When they are not planning adventures to exotic island

nations or perfecting their pad Thai recipe, all of their time

is devoted to looking for a multi-family building they can

call home. With Graham in energy efficiency and Nicol in

architecture, their home will no doubt be a stop on the Green

Built Home Tour one day!

Best wedding of the year!

A Year of Additions

Katie and David are thrilled to have just welcomed the newest

addition to their family, Griffin John Wilson, born December

16, 2014. He joins big sister Winnie and of course their Boston

Terrier, Boots.

David is enjoying his role as an account executive with a

sponsorship advertising platform called Pear and Katie is loving

every minute of motherhood. They are finally adjusted from

"city life" and happily settled in Cary, IL.

A Year of Additions

Griffin John Wilson 9 lbs. 1 oz. 22.1” long!

Katie, David, Winnie, Me and Courtney

A Year of “Education”

Courtney continues to spend her days as a special

education teacher at the University of Chicago

Charter School in Woodlawn. At the end of this

school year, she my continue in the education

field, break out into business, or surprise us all

with something entirely new. That’s Courtney.

She is happily settled into a Lincoln Park

apartment of her own, shared with Bevo her pet

ferret. She continues to be the one-and-only talent

who will carve out her unique space in this world.

A Year of Education…

Head West young man!

Gavin is the still managing editor for, contributing

articles to other publications as well.

Check out for more.

He’s a year into Portland, Oregon

living now, amongst the trees and

such. Like last year, he’s going to ski

the Birkebeiner again.

Portland will never be the same!

Monkey business as usual.

My recruiting business had good year as did my team of 7.

Dating for Life is a good “evergreen” book, and a nice

methodology for building sustainable relationships.

I’m shopping RIO, a romance suspense novel, for agents to

launch the book by 2016, before the Summer Olympics


Stay tuned.

A Year of Creativity!

Melissa’s writing and publishing business is flourishing. She

released 3 Masters Mash-Ups, From Shakespeare to Stephen

King; and History Miss Stories. Coming up, Shy Town

Girls – best described as Sex in the City for Chicago. Shy

Town Girls – IVY, the second in a series just released this


Like me, however, she truly enjoys being a grandparent.

Creative Partners!

Melissa and her sibs, Cari and Greg, joined

Uncle Harv and Aunt Bonnie for a

Mediterranean Cruise of a lifetime.



God fills our lives with love. I wish you a Christmas

filled with JOY and a New Year embracing the

unique possibilities this crazy world brings us each

and every day.

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