christmas around the world book

Post on 06-Apr-2018






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  • 8/3/2019 Christmas Around the World Book


    Christmas around the World

    Christmas around the World

  • 8/3/2019 Christmas Around the World Book


    Christmas in FranceJoyeux Noel

    On Christmas Eve, children leave their shoes by the fireplace to be filled withgifts from Pere Noel. In the morning they also find that sweets, fruit, nuts andsmall toys have been hung on the tree. Nearly every French home atChristmastime displays a Nativity scene orcrche,which serves as the focus for the Christmascelebration. Le reveillon is a very late supper heldafter midnight mass on Christmas Eve. The menufor the meal variesaccording to regional culinary tradition. In France it

    is a time for the whole family to come together atChristmas time to holiday and worship.

    Christmas in FranceJoyeux Noel

    On Christmas Eve, children leave their shoes by the fireplace to be filled withgifts from Pere Noel. In the morning they also find that sweets, fruit, nuts andsmall toys have been hung on the tree. Nearly every French home atChristmastime displays a Nativity scene orcrche,which serves as the focus for the Christmascelebration. Le reveillon is a very late supper heldafter midnight mass on Christmas Eve. The menufor the meal variesaccording to regional culinary tradition. In France it

    is a time for the whole family to come together atChristmas time to holiday and worship.

  • 8/3/2019 Christmas Around the World Book


    Christmas in GermanyFroehliche Weihnachten

    Christmas preparations often begin on the eve of December 6th. People oftenset aside special evenings for baking spiced cakes and cookies, and making gifts

    and decorations. Little dolls of fruit are traditional Christmas toys. Children leaveletters on their windowsills forChristkind, a winged figure dressed in white robesand a golden crown who distributes gifts.. Germans make beautiful gingerbreadhouses and cookies. In Germany the traditionalvisitor is the Christkind who is the Christ Child'smessenger. She is a beautiful fair-haired girl witha shining crown of candles who visits each housewith a basket of presents

    Christmas in GermanyFroehliche WeihnachtenChristmas preparations often begin on the eve of December 6th. People oftenset aside special evenings for baking spiced cakes and cookies, and making giftsand decorations. Little dolls of fruit are traditional Christmas toys. Children leaveletters on their windowsills forChristkind, a winged figure dressed in white robesand a golden crown who distributes gifts.. Germans make beautiful gingerbread

    houses and cookies. In Germany the traditionalvisitor is the Christkind who is the Christ Child'smessenger. She is a beautiful fair-haired girl witha shining crown of candles who visits each housewith a basket of presents

  • 8/3/2019 Christmas Around the World Book


    Christmas in Africa (Kwanzaa)-Een Plesierige Kerfees

    On December 26th African Americans celebrate with Kwanzaa , a holiday thatoriginated at the time of the civil rights movement in the 1960's and is in

    commemoration of African heritage. Created as aritual for harvest time and using the language Swahili,Kwanzaa lasts a week during which participants gatherwith family and friends to exchange gifts and to lighta series of black, red and green candles whichsymbolize the seven basic values of the AfricanAmericans family life that is unity, self-determination,collective work and responsibility, cooperativeeconomics, purpose, creativity and faith.

    Christmas in Africa (Kwanzaa)-Een Plesierige Kerfees

    On December 26th African Americans celebrate with Kwanzaa , a holiday thatoriginated at the time of the civil rights movement in the 1960's and is incommemoration of African heritage. Created as aritual for harvest time and using the language Swahili,

    Kwanzaa lasts a week during which participants gatherwith family and friends to exchange gifts and to lighta series of black, red and green candles whichsymbolize the seven basic values of the AfricanAmericans family life that is unity, self-determination,collective work and responsibility, cooperativeeconomics, purpose, creativity and faith.

  • 8/3/2019 Christmas Around the World Book



    Jewish people celebrate Hanukkah, or the festival of lights. For eightnights, Hanukkah is celebrated with prayer,the lighting of the menorah, and food. Amenorah has nine candles, a candle for

    every night, plus a helper candle. Childrenplay games, like spin the dreidel, singsongs, and exchange gifts. Potato

    pancakes, known as latkes in Yiddish, are

    traditionally associated with Hanukkah.


    Jewish people celebrate Hanukkah, or the festival of lights. For eightnights, Hanukkah is celebrated with prayer,the lighting of the menorah, and food. Amenorah has nine candles, a candle for

    every night, plus a helper candle. Childrenplay games, like spin the dreidel, singsongs, and exchange gifts. Potato

    pancakes, known as latkes in Yiddish, aretraditionally associated with Hanukkah.

  • 8/3/2019 Christmas Around the World Book


    Christmas in Mexico-Feliz Navidad

    Mexicans share many traditions with the Spanish. Their main Christmas celebrationis called La Posada, which is a religious procession that reenacts the search forshelter by Joseph and Mary before the birth of Jesus. The poinsettia , are knownas "Noche Buenas" (literally the good nights),whichhas a brilliant red star-shaped bloom. It is believedthat a young boy walking to the church to see thenativity scene showing the birth of Jesus had realizedon the way that he had no gift to offer the Christchild so he gathered up some plain green branches ashe walked in he was laughed at but upon placing thebranches near the manger they started to bloom abright red poinsettia flower on each branch.

    Christmas in Mexico-Feliz NavidadMexicans share many traditions with the Spanish. Their main Christmas celebrationis called La Posada, which is a religious procession that reenacts the search forshelter by Joseph and Mary before the birth of Jesus. The poinsettia , are knownas "Noche Buenas" (literally the good nights),whichhas a brilliant red star-shaped bloom. It is believedthat a young boy walking to the church to see thenativity scene showing the birth of Jesus had realizedon the way that he had no gift to offer the Christchild so he gathered up some plain green branches ashe walked in he was laughed at but upon placing thebranches near the manger they started to bloom abright red poinsettia flower on each branch.

  • 8/3/2019 Christmas Around the World Book


    Christmas in Italy-Buone Feste Natalizie

    The Christmas season in Italy goes for three weeks, starting 8 days before Christmasknown as the Novena. During this period, children go from house to house recitingChristmas poems and singing. In Italy the children wait untilEpiphany, January 6, for their presents. According totradition, the presents are delivered by a kind ugly witchcalled Befana on a broomstick. It was said that she was toldby the three kings that the baby Jesus was born, she wasbusy and delayed visiting the baby. She missed the Star losther way and has been flying around ever since, leavingpresents at every house with children in case he is there. She

    slides down chimneys, and fills stockings and shoes with goodthings for good children and it is said leaves coal for childrenwho are not so good.

    Christmas in Italy-Buone Feste NatalizieThe Christmas season in Italy goes for three weeks, starting 8 days before Christmasknown as the Novena. During this period, children go from house to house recitingChristmas poems and singing. In Italy the children wait untilEpiphany, January 6, for their presents. According totradition, the presents are delivered by a kind ugly witchcalled Befana on a broomstick. It was said that she was toldby the three kings that the baby Jesus was born, she wasbusy and delayed visiting the baby. She missed the Star losther way and has been flying around ever since, leavingpresents at every house with children in case he is there. Sheslides down chimneys, and fills stockings and shoes with goodthings for good children and it is said leaves coal for childrenwho are not so good.

  • 8/3/2019 Christmas Around the World Book


    Christmas in Sweden-God Jul

    Christmas begins in Sweden with the Saint Lucia ceremony. Before dawn on themorning of 13 December, the youngest daughter from each family puts on a

    white robe with a red sash. She wears a crown of evergreens with tall-lightedcandles attached to it. She wakes her parents, andserves them with coffee and Lucia buns. Christmastrees are usually found in Swedish homes two daysbefore Christmas. Decoration may include candles,apples, Swedish flags, small gnomes wearing redtasseled caps, straw ornaments. The houses may filledwith red tulips and smell like pepparkakor, which is aheart-star, or goat-shaped gingerbread biscuit.

    Christmas in Sweden-

    God JulChristmas begins in Sweden with the Saint Lucia ceremony. Before dawn on themorning of 13 December, the youngest daughter from each family puts on awhite robe with a red sash. She wears a crown of evergreens with tall-lightedcandles attached to it. She wakes her parents, andserves them with coffee and Lucia buns. Christmastrees are usually found in Swedish homes two daysbefore Christmas. Decoration may include candles,apples, Swedish flags, small gnomes wearing redtasseled caps, straw ornaments. The houses may filledwith red tulips and smell like pepparkakor, which is aheart-star, or goat-shaped gingerbread biscuit.

  • 8/3/2019 Christmas Around the World Book


    Christmas in Holland-Zalig Kerstfeast

    St Nicholas arrives early in Holland with his gifts, in November. He is dressed inBishop's robes and journeys in a boat with his helper who is called Black Peterand who wears Spanish clothes. It is said that the pair live mostof the year preparing lists of presents and writing every child'sbehavior in a very large book. Many people go to Amsterdamdocks to greet him. He mounts a snow horse and rides throughthe streets in a great parade, amid many festivities. December5th is Sinterklaas Eve and presents are given and received. AllDutch children know that Sinterklaas lived in Spain, where hespends his time recording the behavior of all the children in hislittle red book, while Piet stocks up on the presents.

    Christmas in Holland-Zalig KerstfeastSt Nicholas arrives early in Holland with his gifts, in November. He is dressed inBishop's robes and journeys in a boat with his helper who is called Black Peterand who wears Spanish clothes. It is said that the pair live mostof the year preparing lists of presents and writing every child'sbehavior in a very large book. Many people go to Amsterdam

    docks to greet him. He mounts a snow horse and rides throughthe streets in a great parade, amid many festivities. December5th is Sinterklaas Eve and presents are given and received. AllDutch children know that Sinterklaas lived in Spain, where hespends his time recording the behavior of all the children in hislittle red book, while Piet stocks up on the presents.

  • 8/3/2019 Christmas Around the World Book


    Christmas in America-Merry Christmas

    The majority of Americans celebrate Christmas withthe exchange of gifts and greetings and with family

    visits. For many, the day begins on Christmas Eve withthe Midnight Mass. American homes are decoratedwith holly, mistletoe and branches of trees, most have aChristmas tree hung with electric lights, tinsel, andstrings of popcorn and candy canes. Santa Clausecome on December 25th with his sleigh and reindeer todeliver presents to boys and girls who were good thatyear. Many Americans hang stockings by the fireplaceand leave milk and cookies out for Santa.

    Christmas in America-Merry Christmas

    The majority of Americans celebrate Christmas withthe exchange of gifts and greetings and with familyvisits. For many, the day begins on Christmas Eve withthe Midnight Mass. American homes are decorated

    with holly, mistletoe and branches of trees, most have aChristmas tree hung with electric lights, tinsel, andstrings of popcorn and candy canes. Santa Clausecome on December 25th with his sleigh and reindeer todeliver presents to boys and girls who were good thatyear. Many Americans hang stockings by the fireplaceand leave milk and cookies out for Santa.

  • 8/3/2019 Christmas Around the World Book


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