♥christmas is the most celebrated holiday. this feast is connected with birth of jesus in...

Post on 11-Jan-2016






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♥ Christmas is the most celebrated holiday. This feast is connected with birth of Jesus in Jerusalem. In the morning of this day (or day before) people decorate christmas tree with candles, sweets, colour balls, various small figures, bells etc. People go to church on Christmas Eve and return to a traditional dinner.

♥ The main meal is served in the evening (it contains whafles with honey and small piece of garlic at the beginning, then comes sauerkraut soup, potato salad with fried fish ,sweets and fruit in the end, but families can eat something different, too).

♥ It is usually cut the apple through to see its healthy kernel - it symbolises the happyness in following year. After dinner they go to the Christmas tree where they find Christmas presents.

♥ The next day spend all families in the narrowest circle and the next day is visiting day. Christmas were celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ in origine, nowadays it turned into food festival when everyone get weight and become lazy. But it's still wonderful time that totally ends on 6th January - on Three Kings Day when Christams tree's decorations are put down.

♥ I get up in the morning. I have a breakfest. I sit to the TV. I´m going for a walk. I have a dinner in the evening. I then unwrapped gifts.

♥ Cokies

♥ fish

♥ potatoes salat

♥ bean Lentil Soup with plums

♥ wafer with honey and apple

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