christy whitman’s interview with john assaraf · john assaraf john assaraf is a serial...

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The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman’s

intervieW WithJohn


The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

Having it all is not about striving for perfection, or about living our lives according to someone else’s standards

or expectations (we’ve done that for far too long).

It’s not about working ourselves to a state of exhaustion, spreading ourselves too thin, or trading inner peace and

contentment for outer trinkets of success.

Been there. Done that too.

Having it all simply means having access to all of yourself, in any moment you choose it, and in every

aspect of life that is important to you.

Go here to learn exactly how you too, can “Have it All”’

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

4 Questions with Christy whitmAn

C: I would like to ask you how do you define having your all in your life?

John Assaraf: it is anything that I want to trade my life for. And what I believe is that every day trading my life for the people that I associate with, the people

I invite into my home, the clients I work with, my help and all of that stuff that’s what it is. So my entire environment is it, I like to make my environment as beautiful and as amazing as possible on the inside and on the outside.

C: What’s the core belief that you hold to be true either about yourself or the universe for you to really experience your

life where you are really having it all?

John Assaraf: I think the first and most profound lesson I learned when I was 19 years old by my first mentor was a wonderful philanthropist a brilliant

businessman, kind gentle loving father and husband, he showed me that first and foremost it was possible. He was the first example for me as wow you can be a kind loving human being you can make money and be a philanthropist and could balance and go home for dinner at night and take your family on trips and doing nice things for others and up until that time in my life, my family lived with the severe lack mentality that you couldn’t have it all that you had to work like a dog to make it forward. You couldn’t take care of your health or you had to rip off this person to get ahead or do things that weren’t legal or moral in the school that I went to. So I had a totally different perspective of life until I met this gentleman Alan Brown and when I saw him as a living example of that possibility, that transformed my whole understanding and because of him I focused my whole life on having great relationships, having wealth and not just financial wealth but wealth in my health, my companies and my charities and things that I wanted to do in my life and that’s what I strive towards every week every day every month to have that in my life and I know it’s possible.

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

C: So when you’re in that state, in that present moment and you really feel like you do have it all, can you just describe

what it is of that essence of how you feel?

John Assaraf: this past weekend I was sitting on a lounge chair at a friend’s house by their pool it was beautiful and sunny and I was observing the wind blowing

pretty significantly and these big beautiful trees but just swaying back and forth. And there was no resistance on the trees part. There was absolute calmness as much as it was windy, I was just observing the trees in the trees were just flowing and going with whatever the wind was doing. The wind would pick up and the wind would slow down. The trees were moving and being pliable and sending and being in a state strange enough for me to say this but in a state of surrendering where they just allowed whatever was happening to be. As I was observing that I just saw how every moment is perfect even when the wind is blowing and if there is a storm, it is perfect if you take the time to just observe and realize that there are no accidents in your life and there are no accidents in nature. For me, that family is just surrender, allow and get out of that momentary dysfunction or chaos and not focus on that but just be energy and allow it. That’s what it feels like. Allowing which for me is another word of just surrender to it.

C: What is one tip so others can feel that essence in their lives?

John Assaraf: there are a couple of things that I do daily. One of which is as soon as I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do while I am still in bed is ask

myself: what am most grateful for in my life right now? So I asked myself and my health and my relationships in my career with my children and my family what am I most grateful for? Would get into that emotion of gratitude. That is number one. Number two is I meditate every day so I take anywhere between 5 and 25 minutes and it really just get centered whether it’s in my office or in my chair over there or at home in my gym or wherever I am, I take some time just to remember that I am not my physical body. My experiences are not who I am. And I really get connected every day with the spiritual essence of who I am and how I am connected to everyone and everything from the Big Bang forward and maybe even beyond that. So that allows me to

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

remember on a daily basis as my ritual and my practice to operate from a higher order of thinking and being. Using my mental faculties in my body as instruments to navigate through the physical and spiritual world. That is what I do every day.

John assarafJohn Assaraf is a serial entrepreneur, brain researcher, and CEO of PraxisNow, a brain-research company that creates some of the most powerful evidence-based brain retraining tools and programs in the world. A relentless explorer of consciousness and human behavior, John’s passion is discovering and teaching people how to release the mental blockages that hold them back from achieving their fullest potential.

Thousands of companies, entrepreneurs and individuals worldwide are currently using PraxisNow programs to develop unstoppable confidence, certainty and the personal power needed for achieving their goals and vision.

In the last 25 years, John has grown 5 multi-million dollar companies in real estate, Internet software, brain research and life and business coaching and consulting. He’s the author of 2 New York Times best-selling books, Having It All and The Answer.

John has appeared on almost every major TV program such Larry King Live, Anderson Cooper 360 and The Ellen Degeneres Show, and was featured in the blockbuster movie and book “The Secret” and in the special documentary “Quest for Success” with the Dali Lama and Sir Richard Branson.

Today, John researches, writes and lectures extensively around the world on the neuroscience of success and achieving maximum performance.

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

Right at this moment, no matter how you are feeling, no matter how in debt you might be, no matter how old you are or how much you weigh, and no matter what the condition of your relationships might be, you have the power to re-create yourself and your life exactly the way you desire it to be – and quite frankly, the way you deserve it to be.

Regardless of how big a gap exists between what you want and what you currently have, within you is the ability to effortlessly and joyfully bridge that gap in virtually every aspect of your life.

You can have it all, how you define it, how you want it. You do have the power to create it.

Go here to learn exactly how you can start having it all today!

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