church of st. philip the apostle - st philip ·...

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Church of St. Philip the Apostle est. 1898 Diocese of Charlotte

P.O. Box 882 525 Camden Drive

Statesville, North Carolina 28677

Office/Fax Phone (704) 872-2579 Rectory Phone (704) 681-4860



Rev. Fr. Thomas J. Kessler, Pastor

Rev. Mr. Charles Brantley, Deacon Ms. Regina McCollum, Secretary

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Kermes, Food Closet

Mrs. Mary Brown, Faith Formation Director Mrs. Norma Echevarria, Faith Formation

Mrs. Raquel Swierczewski, R.C.I.A Mrs. Anita Lund, Youth Director

Marriage - Baptism Call the church office. Marriages, call at least 6 months in advance. Reconciliation

Pastoral Council Meetings are 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. September thru May except National Holidays.

Religious Education Children, grades 1-Confirmation, are required to attend religious education classes. Call the office to register your children. Adult classes also available. Parish Registration We welcome new parishioners to the parish and we ask them to register as soon as possible. Parish registration is important and necessary. Also, if you move away from the Parish please notify the office. Thank you.

Come and See

Saturday, Sept 15th 5:00 p.m. In Thanksgiving

Sunday, Sept 16th 8:00 a.m. Kenny Brahler † by Jesse & Amanda Brooks

10:30 a.m. Stanley & Caroline Wienckowski † by Sadowski Family

12:30 p.m. For children and grandchildren of Castro Family by Luz

Castro Monday, Sept 17th 9:00 a.m. Simon Kadingo, Jr. † by Joe & Ann Kadingo Wednesday, Sept 19th 6:00 p.m. Beatrice Trent † by Maryann Rhodes

Thursday, Sept 20th 9:00 a.m. Martha Wall † by Carol Micalizzi Friday, Sept 21st 9:00 a.m. Margaret Overby † by Russell & Marge Haas

Saturday, Sept 22nd 5:00 p.m. Nancy Pekarek by M/M Herman Pekarek

Sunday, Sept 23rd 8:00 a.m. Paul Dessert † by Norman & Jeannine Dessert 10:30 a.m. Anne & Larry Martini † by Stickle Family

12:30 p.m. Luis Humberto Cabra Merchan † by Humberto Cabra

READERS Sept 22 5:00 p.m. Jim Kermes Sept 23 8:00 a.m. Daniel Chambers 10:30 a.m. Ken Byers EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION

Sept 22 5:00 p.m. M. Rhodes (H), P. Daly, A. Eisele, B. Haneline, B. McGinn Sept 23 8:00 a.m. R. Swierczewski (H), J. Archibald, C. DiFulvio 10:30 a.m. T. Bradford (HM), L. Hardig (HA), L. Ortiz (HC), S. McMurry, J. Rafoals, K. Parker, A. Sadowski ALTAR SERVER Sept 22 5:00 p.m. Kailey L., Reagan L. Sept 23 8:00 a.m. Emily S., Jasmine D. 10:30 a.m. Mary K., Alyssa J. Happy Birthday 9/16/2018-9/22/2018 9/16 Amanda Brooks, Nathalia Gregorio, Joe Stallings 9/17 Jacob Carlin, Jonathan Posso Carmen, Maria Rijas, Michelle Rosenblum 9/18 Jesse Grubbs, Lisa Hardig, Eliette Seme 9/19 Jaqueline Brown, Andrea Faw, Carlos Gaspar, Maria Guerrero 9/20 James Bumgarner, Anaberica Estrada, Louise Klvana, Judith Hernandez, Felix Wilfredo Suclupe, Cynthia Vanderveer 9/21 Jose Cabrera Torres, Anthony Meluch, Donovan Ramirez Peralta, Jocelyn Rivera Hernandez 9/22 Heather Bradford, Luis Castillo Jimenez, Philip Helderlein, Ken Onley Happy Anniversary 9/16/2018-9/22/2018 9/16 Howard & Carole Stewart, Jose & Claudia Limon 9/17 Paul & April Cotton, Wilson & Teresa Mejia 9/21 William & Maria Stanley

From the pastor… Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Salvation by Grace with good works! Ephesians 2:8 & 9 says “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from you; it is the gift of God; it is not from works, so no one may boast”. We Catholics agree that salvation is from the Grace of God and not good works, however, read on camper. Last Sun-day and this Sunday, our 2nd reading is taken from the 2nd chapter of the Letter of James. Go to the Bible and read the section entitled “Faith and Works” James 2:14-26. Verse 26 says “Just as a body without a spirit is dead, so also faith with-out works is dead.” Those who have faith by God’s grace are required to put that faith into action – and that is where the good works come in to play a roll in our salvation. Further recom-mended reading is Matthew 25:31-46. In verse 41 & 42 Jesus says to those on his left, “Depart from me, you accursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink...” So, yes salvation is from Grace and not from good works, but good works are obviously a necessary byproduct of faith and grace. Next weekend is the Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. The readings at Mass will be taken from Wisdom 2:12,17-20; James 3:16- 4:3; Mark 9:30-37.

The Annual Priests’ Retirement Benefits Collection – will be taken up during the second collection this weekend. Registered parishioners should have recently received a letter in the mail from Bishop Peter J. Jugis and another letter from your pastor. Our assessment/goal this year is $14,211. Please be extra gener-ous with this collection. Any shortfall must come out of our general savings. This is a difficult time to be asking for finan-cial support for our retired clergy, however , these are not funds for priests who have been laicized because of their moral atrocities, but rather for retired priests who have given their lives in service of God and you, his Church. Many of these priests continue to provide assistance at daily & weekend Mass-es throughout the Diocese. Our Diocese does not have a retire-ment home for priests, so they are own their own and very much depend on this financial support. As always, thanks so much for your support. Thanks to all who worked and suppor ted our Forward W ith Christ Bingo fundraiser on Saturday evening (Sept. 15th) The Planning & Building Committee will meet this Monday, Sept. 17th at 7 p.m. The Catholic Daughters will have a bake sale after all the Masses this weekend.

The Knights of Columbus will have their Spaghetti Dinner this Sunday (9/16) from 4-6 p.m. in the Social Hall.

A brief update on the new Social Hall – presently the Plan-ning & Building Committee is meeting with the Architect and our General Contractor to prepare and present a more detailed budgeted proposal to the Diocese of Charlotte, so that we can continue to work on completing our final plans. While the economy is improving and building costs are rising, we will stay within the $2.5 million dollar goal. This price includes more than just a social hall, but also some necessary preparations for Phase II of our building project. We plan to raze the old rectory in January and begin building in February. Please pray for the success of this project. Thank you.

Mrs. Mary Brown: If you need to contact Mrs. Brown, Faith For -mation Director, please call or text 704-929-0152 or email her at or if you need to contact Mrs. Norma Echevarria please call the office at 704-872-2579 or email her at Faith Formation starts: Wednesday September 5th @ 6:30 for Wednesday students and Sun-day, Sept. 9 for Sunday students. Students must be registered by Sept. 23, 2018. Faith formation schedules are now available to pick up in the Faith Formation office. We are in need of teacher assistants for Wednesday Night Faith Formation. Please contact Mary Brown. All sacramental year students must have a copy of their Baptis-mal Certificates. All Confirmation students should also have a copy of their First Communion Certificates in their file. Please see Mary or Norma with any questions. All sacramental year students must attend Mass and see the table in the gathering space after Mass to get checked off. Please see Mary or Norma with questions.

Collections last week Regular 5:00 p.m…..….…………....…...…………………..$2,818.00 8:00 a.m.......…..………………….……………..…...1,380.00 10:30 a.m…….….....…………………………….……2,888.85 12:30 p.m…..………...….......….....................................968.40 Total…….……..………………….............................$8,055.25 Food Closet Total.…………...........................................................$60.00 Forward With Christ Total……..….….……...……………………..…..$2,184.00 Spanish Food Fundraiser FWC Total…………………………………..….….…………$.00 Total to date…….……………...….……………$18,672.60

Collections Year to Date Last year This Year Regular $79,277.35…...….................$80,480.58 Forward With Christ ………................……..1,420,650.81 Food Closet 2,693.00.........…………........3,025.00 Thank you for returning some of God’s gift to you to His Church.

September 16, 2018



The annual Diocesan 25th & 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass will be celebrated on Sunday, November 4th at 2:30 p.m. at St. John Neumann Church in Charlotte with a reception to follow. Couples married 25 or 50 years will be honored at this Mass. Please call Regina in the parish office by September 28th at 704-872-2579 to

be included in this Anniversary Mass. Wednesday Night Bible Study will r esume on Monday Septem-ber 17th at 6:30 p.m.. Contact Ann McGuire with any questions at 980-829-3620.

At home.. Lillian Alvey, Anna Eisele Shingleton, David Eisele, Jessica Allison, Jessica Crosso, Andrew Gulley, Jackie Mejia, An-gela Moreno, Howard Stewart, Rick Stoup, Robinette Tilley, Alan Eisele, Joe Stallings, Arthur & Marion Weber, Frank Bollero, Joan Chiodo, Nelson LaClair..Statesville Manor - Brenda Kelley. Bryan Center ...Mar ion Kelly Culler .. Autumn Care-Bettye Byers..Please pray for the intentions on Our Prayer Tree. To place a name on the Prayer Tree, please sign the Prayer Book in the Lobby or e-mail; The Knights of Columbus will be holding their annual Spaghetti Dinner this Sunday, September 16 from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Tickets will be: adults $7.50, children 5 to 12 $5.00, children under 5 free. A family of four will be $20.00 and a family of six or more will be $30.00. Dinner will have Spaghetti with meat or plain sauce, bread, salad, desserts and drinks. We hope to see you there.

Sunday, Sept 16th CDA Bake Sale after Mass 9:00 a.m. Faith Formation 4:00 p.m. K of C Spaghetti Dinner Monday, Sept 17th 9:30 a.m. Holy Rosary 6:30 p.m. Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Book Group– see details below Wednesday, Sept 19th Thursday 18th– 9:00 a.m. CDA Sewing 11:15 a.m. Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Faith Formation Saturday, Sept 22nd 8:00 a.m. Food Closet Distribution Sunday, Sept 23rd 9:00 a.m. Faith Formation 1:30 p.m. Spanish Food The 2018 Gala & Auction to benefit the Forward with Christ Building Project has been scheduled for Saturday, October 13 at 6:30. The ticket price is $85.00/person. It will include a sit-down dinner, music and open bar. There will be both Silent & Live Auction items. The Gala & Auction committee has been hard at work planning a great evening. We will again auction several vacation destinations from the beach to the mountains, lots of sporting event tickets including Panther tickets and many other items along with a wine pull. Call Dawn McGinn to place your reservations 980-223-9400. Credit /Debit cards accepted. Call Dawn if you have a new item or a service to donate. 2018 Gala & Auction benefiting the Forward with Christ Building Project is looking for individuals or business sponsors. Recognition will be given in the program to the sponsors: $5,000.00 – Platinum (includes tickets for a table of 8) $1,000.00 - Gold $500.00 – Silver $250.00 – Bronze Under $250.00 – Friends of St. Philip the Apostle If you or your business would like to be a sponsor please call Dawn McGinn 980-223-9400. Book Group will meet September 17th at 7 p.m.. Book will be “Come Sundown” by Nora Roberts. ALL PARISHIONERS WEL-COMED! Call 704-871-0857 or 843-339-1956.

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