church urban fund presentation 2012

Post on 25-Dec-2014






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An introduction to the work of the Church Urban Fund and how you can get involved.


The Poorest in England• No hope, or self worth• Escaping violence • Broken families and people• Damaged children• Homeless/sleeping rough• Addicts/abused • Lonely/isolated, losing the will to live• Malnourished/hungry • Trapped by circumstances beyond their control

“Poverty isn’t something that just happens in faraway places– it’s a fact of too many people’s lives on our own doorsteps.

When people suffer from material poverty and deprivation they don’t just suffer the lack of a few things, they lack a sense of confidence, they lack a sense of having a stake in society around them. They feel that they’ve fallen off the edge and that they’re dispensable.”Dr. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of CanterburyJuly 2009


Our Gospel ImperativeJesus said: I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.

I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me. Matthew 25v5-6 and v40

Church Urban Fund’s Mission

• To transform the lives of the poorest and most marginalised in England

• We do this through Christians called to work in local communities

How are lives transformed?• By the power of Jesus working in people responding

passionately to their calling

• By sacrificial living/long term commitment to the poorest

• By empowering the poorest to help themselves

David’s story • David’s life went downhill when he split from his wife• Then he lost his son in a car crash • He became depressed • Then homeless and alone in London• David was introduced to Rudi at Streetlytes• He was invited to an evening drop in at a hostel• Rudi helped David turn his life around• Now David helps other homeless people get back on

their feet

One body, many parts • We are all made in the image of God• No one chooses to be in poverty • Everyone has value• Everyone can contribute to society• God did not make spare or worthless people• If one part of the body suffers, the whole body


Together...• We share responsibility for each other • We are made whole by our relationships with others• We can transform lives

The Vision Church Urban Fund wants:• To see every church, in every community tackling

poverty together• So that all Christians in England are giving:

- time and money- action and prayer

Rudi Richardson, Streetlytes UK• Rudi was born in prison to a prostitute mother• He suffered with addictions for 32 years and was

homeless for seven years.• His life spiralled out of control• Then, Rudi had a life changing experience of God• He was called to serve similar people to him• He set up Streetlytes UK• Church Urban Fund were first supporters and funders• Streetlytes now run a series of drop ins for the homeless

Rudi is a Christian Community Hero and he needs your support

Other community heroes...• Mohinder Kaur helps asylum seekers and

refugees mend their broken lives • Christine Wyard helps people overcome

unemployment and learning disabilities• Julie-Anne Wanless helps struggling parents

give children a better start • Andy Barratt helps disadvantaged youth get

their lives back on track

Why Christian Community Heroes Need Your Support

• Urgent need and significantly reduced income

• 25% facing closure/reduced services

• 60% expect their situation to worsen

• 50% trying to increase services for growing need

CUF Research on 150 projects – September 2011

As a church...• Use our range of seasonal reflections, talks and

prayers at • Hold a Poverty Sunday service• Start a collection box network• Hold a fundraising event for Church Urban Fund• Book a speaker• Share our films • Remember the work of CUF in your prayers

As an individual…Sponsor a Christian Community Hero

Monthly gifts can help people in need. For example sponsor Rudi to help more homeless people:• £5 a month can buy 5 pairs of thermal socks• £10 a month can buy one sleeping bag• £25 a month will buy imperishable food supplies• £50 a month will pay for 35 hygiene packs

(toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shower gel, flannel)

Together We can love our neighbours

We can transform the lives of the poorest and most marginalised in England

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