cii ap annual report 2011

Post on 10-Feb-2017






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FosteringEconomic Growth




Confederation of Indian IndustrySince 1895

Annual Report 2010 -11


Chairman's Message

AP Annual Day 2009-10

Major Events

Economic Affairs & Policy Advocacy


Sectoral Initiatives

Development Initiatives

International Delegations

Networking with Government

Vijayawada Zone

Visakhapatnam Zone


Young Indians (Yi)

Specialised Services

The Team 2010-11

CII in Media




























Dear Member,

It is my proud privilege of being the Chairman of CIIAndhra Pradesh during 2010-11. 2010, whichwas considered as a year of economic recovery,turned out to be stirring, unforgettable, gratifyingand also challenging and learning, which I willcherish throughout my life.

Friends, when I took charge as the Chairman of CIIAndhra Pradesh, the world was in a recoveryphase. However, I am happy to note that Indiacontinued to be on it’s growth track, thanks to itsvibrant domestic market. The Year 2010 has seenthe advanced economies experiencing a gradualrecovery. But it has also been witness toconsiderable volatility on account of diversedevelopments, prominent amongst them beingthe sovereign debt crisis in the euro zone,concerns about the fiscal trajectory in the US, thesharp increase in commodity prices – food andenergy – and the rising tide of inflation in emergingcountries.

I think the principal challenge for India, especiallyin the short to medium term, is inflationmanagement. It is critical that supply bottlenecksacross the board, whether it be food, energy,other raw materials and intermediates beaggressively tackled, in order to permit theeconomy to grow at a pace consistent with strongunderlying domestic demand, without puttingexcessive pressure on prices.

Andhra Pradesh 2010, if we see in retrospect, andI personally think, was a year of CAUTION,ACTIVITY AND SPECULATION! Though industrialproduction is happening, the investor confidenceis not high, we need to work together in thisimportant aspect.

CII Andhra Pradesh, during this period, I think, hasshown a respectable performance, given thechallenges in hand, and has taken timely action foraddressing various issues confronting theindustry.

The Theme for 2010-2011 for CII SouthernRegion is “Economic Well Being for ALL & Agendafor Business”, which actually takes forward ournational agenda of India@75 (To see the countryas a developed nation by 2022) – Business forLivelihood. CII has based its focus, in juxtapositionwith the Government’s target to achieve 9 percentgrowth by 2012 (11th Five Year Plan) through

Inclusive growth technique. Based on these, CIIAndhra Pradesh worked with the theme“FOSTERING INCLUSIVE ECONOMIC GROWTHTHROUGH PARTNERSHIPS” for the Year 2010-2011.

For 2010-2011, the Focus areas for CII AndhraPradesh were – Brand Building of AndhraPradesh, Tier-II & Tier-III cities, Non-MigratoryJobs, Agriculture, Economic excellence,Infrastructure, Manufacturing, Healthcare andEducation.

CII Andhra Pradesh spearheaded its activities in aMEDIC way i.e., Membership Engagement,Development Initiatives, Inclusiveness andCompetitiveness.

In order to sustain the Brand Equity of the stateand to increase awareness for the need to speed-up development activities, CII Andhra Pradeshorganized meetings with Members of Parliamentand updating them about the need for districtdevelopment. The Session was attended by 22Members of Parliament from Andhra Pradeshacross party lines and our recommendationspertaining to development were well taken.

In response to our meetings with Political leader’sat all party interactive sessions on industrialdevelopment, a Taskforce on IndustrialDevelopment was created by the Government ofAndhra Pradesh, with strong involvement of CIIAndhra Pradesh. Moreover, to mitigate anydisturbance due to the demands for separatestate, Government of Andhra Pradesh,established a Taskforce on Industrial Securityheaded by a DGP. I welcome such measureswhich will strengthen the Government - Industryrelations.

In fact, CII has organized programmes forGovernment of Andhra Pradesh delegation to theEast Asian countries to attract greaterinvestments into the state and sustain the brandequity. We also had the State Governmentparticipate at other CII flagship initiatives likeSUMINFRA, Pravasi Bharatiya Divas and VibrantGujarat.

CII Andhra Pradesh recommended to theGovernment of Andhra Pradesh the need to forma special council consisting of both theGovernment and Industry members to enhancecompetitiveness especially in the manufacturing

Chairman's Message









sector. In response, the Chief Minister had formeda Chief Minister Advisory Council for industrialpromotion in the state. I am happy to note that theState Government included most of ourrecommendations in the Andhra PradeshIndustrial and Investment Promotion Policy 2010-2015.

CII Andhra Pradesh initiated a very importantinitiative to enhance rural employment andemployability by focusing on creating moreindustrial jobs in the non-urban areas and ensureskill development for rural youth. I am sure mysuccessor would take this task forward.

In 2010-2011, we have touched upon almost allthe sectors of importance to inclusive economicgrowth - Infrastructure, Manufacturing,Agriculture, Education & Skill Development,Healthcare, increased zonal activities, besidesothers. Our Major conferences were – Man’Exe2010, Skill Development Conclave, CSR-CSOBridge, Conference on Roads, Conference onNatural Gas, Conference on Healthcare,Conference on Environment Technologies and HRConclave.

We also felt the importance of updating theindustry on various developments under taxationand accounting practices. Hence we organizedsessions and interactive meetings on Goods andServices Taxes, Direct Taxes Code, andInternational Financial Reporting Standards. Wealso organized interactive sessions with variouscommissioners from Pollution Control Board,Commercial Taxes, Income Tax, Customs &Central Excise, Labour and commissioner ofindustries.

I am also extremely happy to share with you thatwe had around 30 business delegations fromdifferent countries coming to Andhra Pradeshrepresenting various sectors of the economy. Infact, it is good to note that we had six businessdelegations visiting Vizag and three toVijayawada. Many of the delegations are from thedeveloping countries in Africa, Latin America andAsia besides, Europe and North America.

I am happy to note that our zonal activities arepicking up. The major events like Round Tablesession on PCPIR in Vizag and Conference on ITare high points for this year. In fact, PCPIR areaneeds more focus in the initial phase. Given theareas and sector covered the planning must bemeticulously undertaken. Vijayawada too hasseen increase in activities and the Conference onGreen Buildings was a maiden success. I mustappreciate the zonal leadership in this regard.Industry also has responded and our membershiphas grown remarkably in the zones this year. I amhappy to note that the Zonal annual meetings atVizag and Vijayawada were successfullyorganized and we received an overwhelmingresponse.

With such achievements, I think, we have moved astep forward towards fostering inclusiveeconomic growth by strengthening Government-Industry-Society partnership.

While I proudly look back at CII’s achievementsduring the year, I realize that none of these wouldhave been possible without the active support ofthe Government of Andhra Pradesh. We haveorganized many of our events in partnership withthe Government of Andhra Pradesh, such asConference on Manufacturing Excellence, HealthConference, Skills Conclave, and the Conferenceon Natural Gas. I am also happy to note that theGovernment of Andhra Pradesh participated insome of the CII’s Flagship events like PravasiBharatiya Divas & Summit on Infrastructure.

I am immensely delighted by the way in which CIIAndhra Pradesh has established a very healthyand positive rapport with the Government ofAndhra Pradesh in promoting growth anddevelopment of business in the State. Togetherwe could create several forums to promote overallIndustrial development and skill development inthe State of Andhra Pradesh. The number of highprofile Ministerial level delegations that wereceived last year is a testimony to this. CII AndhraPradesh shares a common vision of taking AndhraPradesh to leadership position in HumanDevelopment Indices.

While demitting my office, I profoundly thank eachand everyone associated with me in making mytenure as Chairman CII Andhra Pradesh, one ofthe most significant and an exciting phase of mycareer. I am happy that my value addition as aChairman of CII AP was well received by myindustry colleagues. I have enjoyed every bit of mytenure and I am extremely happy to share thesemoments with you all.

I am deeply honoured to have worked with Mr. KrisGopalakrishnan, Chairman, CII Southern Region,Mr. T T Ashok, Deputy Chairman, CII SouthernRegion, Mr. Jaydev Galla, Vice Chairman, CIIAndhra Pradesh, Zonal Chairmen and ViceChairmen from Vijayawada and Visakhapatnamand all Past Chairmen, CII Andhra Pradesh StateCouncil, Panel Convenors and their members andlast but not the least Government of AndhraPradesh and Media.

I would also like to extend my warm appreciationand boundless thanks to the entire CII Secretariatfor making my Chairmanship the mostcherishable part of my life. This achievementwould not have been possible but for theircontinued support.

I am confident that the year 2011 will see CIIAndhra Pradesh play a more pivotal role in theprogress of the state and confident that this yearwill be more of activity and less of speculation!

Finally I do hope our CII Andhra Pradesh will havean own permanent premises.

Best regards,

Chairman, CII - Andhra PradeshShakti Sagar









AP Annual Day 2009-10

CII Andhra Pradesh organized a Session on Sustaining Inclusive Growth in aChallenging Economy coinciding with Annual Meeting.

The Session addressed by His Excellency Shri E S L Narasimhan, Hon’bleGovernor of Andhra Pradesh; Smt. D K Aruna, Hon’ble Minister for SmallScale Industries, Sugar, Khadi & Village Industries, Printing & Stationary,Govt. of Andhra Pradesh; Mr. Y Harish Chandra Prasad, Chairman - CIIAndhra Pradesh; Mr. C R Swaminathan, Chairman - CII Southern Regionand Mr. Shakti Sagar, Vice Chairman - CII Andhra Pradesh; Prof. AjitRangnekar, Dean - Indian School of Business (ISB); Mr. Shakti Sagar, ViceChairman, CII – Andhra Pradesh.

During the session, His Excellency Shri E S L Narasimhan, Hon’bleGovernor of Andhra Pradesh unveiled the CII – TATA Docomo Cricket Cup2010 and also released Samvriddhi - a compendium of CSR Best practicesof select corporates based in Andhra Pradesh.

Later the session was followed by an Panel Discussion on ‘SustainingInclusive Growth in a Challenging Economy’ where in signature statementswere made by Mr. Busi Sam Bob, IAS., Principal Secretary to Govt.,Industries & Commerce Dept., Government of Andhra Pradesh; Dr. B V RMohan Reddy, Chairman & Managing Director - Infotech EnterprisesLimited; Dr. Krishna Ella, Co-Founder - Bharat Biotech Intl Limited; Mr. KiranKumar Grandhi, Chairman - GMR Airports; Mr. Srini Raju, Chairman -Peepul Capital; Mr. D Suresh Babu, Managing Director - SureshProductions Pvt. Ltd.; Mr. Prakash Challa, Managing Director - SSPDLLimited; Dr. Habib Ghatala, Dean, Apollo Institute of HealthcareManagement.

Mr. Y Harish Chandra Prasad, Chairman, CII – Andhra Pradesh gave thewelcome remarks, Mr. Vasanth Kumar, Senior Journalist – TV5 conductedthe session and Mr. Vikram Doshi, Executive Director – KPMG summed upthe panel discussion key take away.

13 March, 2010:CII Andhra Pradesh Annual Day & Public Session on

Sustaining Inclusive Growth in a Challenging Economy









Major Events

20 March 2010:Skills Development Conclave 2010

14-16 May 2010: Auto Show South 2010

CII Andhra Pradesh, in association withGovernment of Andhra Pradesh, organized SkillDevelopment Conclave 2010 on 20 March 2010in Hyderabad. The objective of the conclave wasto focus on how educational / vocational traininginstitutions can improve partnership working withdevelopment agencies & industry to driveinnovation and enterprise for economic growth.The major sessions were leveraging technologyfor quality and scale in Skill Development, Sectoralmanpower demand in major sectors for the year2010 and the role of private sector in harnessingSkills Projects.

The conclave was addressed by Mr. RudolfStrahm, Former Swiss Price Regulator, FederalDepartment of Economic Affairs, Government ofSwitzerland, Mr. Bhanwarlal, IAS, PrincipalSecretary, Labour & Employment, Government ofAndhra Pradesh, Mr. Pradeep Dhobale, Pastchairman, CII Andhra Pradesh & Chief Executive,ITC-PSPD Ltd., Mr. S Venkatesh, President, NIIT,Mr. MN Rao, Tata Business Support Services andmany more distinguished speakers

The 1st Auto Show South 2010, organized byConfederation of Indian Industry (CII) and Societyof Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) wassuccessfully held between 14 – 16 May 2010 atHitex Exhibition Centre, Hyderabad.

Auto Show South 2010 - Hyderabad - the firstRegional Auto Show received encouragingresponse from the industry with the presence ofmajor automobile manufacturers along withaccessories showcasing the new gadgets andtechnologies. Auto Show South 2010 spreadacross 15,000 sqmtrs was the first such event inthe country organized by organizers of Auto Exposeries of shows in India. The event was alsosuppor ted by Transpor t Depar tment ,Government of Andhra Pradesh besidesAutomot ive Component ManufacturersAssociation (ACMA), Federation of AutomobileDealers Association of India (FADA).

The curtain raiser of Auto Show South on 13thMay which was the Media & Goodwill Day wasspecially dedicated to Media & select NGOs.Around 75 physically challenged people visitedthe show in a conducted tour and witnessed thelatest car display at Goodwill Day, organised withthe Media meet on the first day of the show.

Whi le the show was inaugurated byShri Dr K. Rosaiah, Chief Minister, AndhraPradesh, Government of India; Mr. Akash Passey,Member, Executive Council, Society of IndianAutomobile Manufactures (SIAM), Ms. ShobanaKamineni, Past Chairman, CII - AP & DirectorApollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd, and Mr. Y HarishChandra Prasad, Immediate Past Chairman, CIIAndhra Pradesh, Mr Virendra Gupta, SeniorDirector & Head Trade Fairs, CII joined theinaugural ceremony on 14th May 2010.

A special interactive session was organised withthe industry top officials where the Hon'ble ChiefMinister met the captains of automobile industryand ensured them maximum support to establishmore automotive units in the State of AndhraPradesh.

Some of the major participants at Auto ShowSouth 2010 included Toyota Kirloskar Motors,TATA Motors, Honda Cars, General Motors,Mahindra & Mahindra, Skoda Automobiles,Hyundai Cars, FIAT Automobiles, HondaScooters & Motorcycles, TVS Motors, YamahaIndia along with companies in Accessories andTyres.

Auto Show South 2010 recorded attendance ofover 42,000 visitors. In addition; the eventgenerated over 22000 enquiries number of instantorders were also booked by dealers.

CII Andhra Pradesh in association withGovernment of Andhra Pradesh had organizedthe 7th edition of Leadership Series onManufacturing Excellence - Man’Exe 2010 with

18 August 2010: ManufacturingExcellence-Man'Exe 2010









Major Events

the theme “Andhra Pradesh’s emerging growthengine - the way forward” on 18 August, 2010 atHotel ITC Kakatiya, Hyderabad.

The conference discussed on various aspects ofmanufacturing sector and highlighted the need fordeveloping the right infrastructure to boostmanufacturing sector in the state. The technicalsessions also broadly deliberated on SkillDevelopment in manufacturing sector, GreenSustainability, Safety and projecting themanufacturing sector as the emerging growthengine going forward in the state.

The Conference was inaugurated by Mr. KannaLakshmi Narayana, Hon’ble Minister for MajorIndustries, Government of Andhra Pradesh andDr. V Sumantran, Executive Vice Chairman,Hinduja Automotive & Board of Director - AshokLeyland delivered the Keynote Address during theInaugural Session.

Mr. M P S Murthy, Director, Indo-German Instituteof Advance Technology and Mr. ChakrawarthyKondapalli, Director & Head - Capgemini GlobalCenter of Excellence for Manufacturing.

The seventh edition of HR Conclave wasorganized with theme to explore the role of HRprofessionals in developing the Talent foremerging India. Mr. J N Amrolia, Chairman,Taskforce on HR & IR, CII-SR mentioned there isneed for more active involvement of Private sectorparticipation in the higher education andvocational education as the gap between demandand supply of skilled manpower in various sectorsis increasing.

The conference deliberated that with theadvancements in technology has changed thenature of work in corporate sector and thetalented workforce chooses more autonomy andfreedom to do their work and HR fraternity need toalign themselves with this change.

Other eminent speakers who addressed theconference were Mr. A S Murthy, Chief Technology

20 August 2010HR Conclave - Talent Building for

emerging India

Officer, Mahindra Satyam, Mr. Shakti Sagar,Chairman CII - Andhra Pradesh, Mr. DebashisBasu, Convenor - HR Panel, CII AP & ManagingDirector, Voith Turbo, Dr Indira J Parikh,Chairperson, FLAME, Mr. C Mahalingam,Mr. C Mahalingam, Executive Vice President &Chief People Officer, Symphony Services,Prof. S Ram Narayan, Professor, Indian School ofBusiness, Mr. PNSV Narasimham, Global Head-Leadership Development, Cognizant TechnologySolutions, Mr. E Balaji, CEO, Mafoi Randstad.

CII Andhra Pradesh, in association with IT & CDepartment, Government of Andhra Pradesh,organized a conference on Cyber Security withthe theme “Emerging Cyber threats andChallenges”.

Speaking at the Inaugural, Mr A K Khan, IPS,Commissioner of Police, Government of AndhraPradesh, in his special address, pointed out thatCyber terrorism is affecting the country in generaland particularly, Hyderabad. He expressedconcern about the increasing Cyber crimes andlack of people awareness on Cyber threats in thecountry.

In her Keynote address, Ms. Ratna Prabha, IAS,Pr incipal Secretary, IT&C Department,Government of Andhra Pradesh shared thegovernment initiatives in e-governance. Sheurged the industry to be liberal in laying

25 August 2010:Conference on Cyber Security

“Emerging Cyber Threats & Challenges”









Major Events

parameters for recruiting IT graduates. She alsopointed out that Industry and government canwork together in creating awareness about Cyberthreats.

Ms. Renu Challu, Managing Director, State Bankof Hyderabad, in her special address, elaboratedon the need for the customers awareness inprotecting their personal data. “Comprehensiverisk assessment of data is required to protect fromCyber threats”, she said.

Mr. Shakti Sagar, Chairman, CII Andhra Pradesh,delivered the opening remarks & Mr. AshokReddy, Chairman - Internal Security Task Force,CII Andhra Pradesh & President Global HumanResources & Corporate Affairs, InfotechEnterprises Ltd., delivered the concludingremarks at the session.

CII Andhra Pradesh in association withGovernment of Andhra Pradesh had organizedthe second edit ion of Conference onInfrastructure Development – Road Sector: ANation’s Growth Engine on 25 September, 2010at Hyderabad.

The conference deliberated on the variouschallenges & Opportunities in the Road Sector,highlighting the important of PPPs in the sectoralong with the policy initiatives required to boost aconducive growth environment for the country.The technical sessions broadly deliberated on thestate specific issues and the required impetusfrom the government and the industry to boost thesector.

The Conference was inaugurated by Mrs. ArunaKumari Galla, Hon’ble Minister for Roads &Buildings, Government of Andhra Pradesh andMr. Rajiv Yadav, IAS., Member (Admin) NationalHighways Authority of India (NHAI) delivered theKeynote Address during the Inaugural Session.

25 September, 2010: Conference onInfrastructure Development – Roads

The other key eminent speakers who addressedthe conference were Mr. Shakti Sagar, Chairman -CII Andhra Pradesh; Mr. J P Nayak, Whole-TimeDirector & President (Operations) - Larsen &Toubro Limited, Ms. D Lakshmi Parthasarathy,IAS., Principal Secretary - Transport, Roads &Buildings Department, Government of AndhraPradesh, Mr. Jayadev Galla, Vice Chairman – CIIAndhra Pradesh; Mr. T R Rao, Sr. Vice President –In f ras t ructure Pro ject Adv isory, SREIInfrastructure Finance Limited.

The flagship event of CII Andhra Pradesh,HealthCon 2010 was organised on 17thNovember 2010 at Hyderabad. Dr. P V Ramesh,Principal Secretary, Health, Medical and FamilyWelfare, Govt of Andhra Pradesh delivered theKeynote Address. He insisted on the need to setup an exclusive SEZ on the lines of pharma SEZs.He further emphasised on primary healthcare inrural as well as urban areas. He also stated thatthe number of medical seats was doubled to havemore medical professionals and expressed hisconcern over the quality of health professionals.

Earlier, Mr. Shakti Sagar, Chairman, CII AndhraPradesh gave the opening remarks and Dr. VarmaVegesna, Convener, Healthcare Panel, CII AndhraPradesh delivered a special address.

As part of the country-wide promotion of the 5thedition of Vibrant Gujarat 2011, a roadshow wasorganized on 05 December, 2010 at Hyderabad.

Hon’ble Chief Minister of Gujarat, Mr. NarendraModi addressed the industry members whoattended the session in a large number.

Mr. Shakti Sagar, Chairman – CII Andhra Pradeshwelcomed the Chief Minister of Gujarat and histeam comprising of Mr. A K Joti, IAS., ChiefSecretary - Government of Gujarat; Mr. M Sahu,IAS., Principal Secretary (I&M) Government ofGujarat; Mr. B B Swain, IAS., IndustriesCommissioner, Government of Gujarat;Mr. Mukesh Kumar, Managing Director iNDEXTb.

17 November 2010: HealthCon 2010

05 December, 2010:Vibrant Gujarat - Roadshow









Major Events

The Interactive Session was a lively with activeparticipation of many a CEOs. Later, the sessionfollowed by one to one meetings with potentialinvestors with key Gujarat officials.

CII Andhra Pradesh in association with Council forAdvancement of people’s Action and RuralTechnology (CAPART) organised a conference on“CSR-CSO Bridge: Moving the Growth StoryForward through Inclusive Partnerships” on 16December 2010 at Hyderabad

The objective of this initiative was to establish abridge to strengthen the existing links betweenindustry and voluntary organizations for sustainedinclusive growth. The event also included AHAAT- an exposition wherein NGOs fromSouthern India, displayed a shelf of projects andproducts like handlooms / handicrafts/ Organicfood etc.

The conference inaugural session was addressedby Mr. Mohammed Haleem Khan, DirectorGeneral, CAPART, Mr. Rana Som, Chairman &Managing Director, NMDC, Mr. Vijaya Bhaskar,Liquidator, Ministry of Corporate Affairs,Mr. Pradipta Kumar Mohapatra, Chairman, Sub-Committee on Inclusiveness & Affirmative Actionand Past Chairman CII-SR and Mr. Shakti Sagar,Chairman, CII Andhra Pradesh.

16 December 2010: CSR-CSO Bridge

22 December, 2010:Conference on Natural Gas

CII Andhra Pradesh in association withGovernment of Andhra Pradesh had organized itsfourth edition of Conference on Natural Gas withthe theme “Andhra Pradesh: Hub of Natural Gasin India” on 22 December, 2010 at Hotel The Park,Hyderabad.

The conference discussed on various aspects ofNatural Gas industry and related activitieshighlighting the industrial gas demand, regulatoryissues, HR demand and projected the state ofAndhra Pradesh as the Hub of Natural Gas in Indiain the coming future. The technical sessionsbroadly deliberated on the Industry Outlook andGas User Industry Perspective, Regulatory Issues& Andhra Pradesh State Government Role andPanel Discussion on Andhra Pradesh - Hub ofNatural Gas in India.

The Conference was inaugurated by Mr. N KiranKumar Reddy, Hon’ble Chief Minister,Government of Andhra Pradesh, andMr. L Mansingh, Chairman, Petroleum and NaturalGas Regulatory Board, Government of India;Mr. Busi Sam Bob, IAS., Principal Secretary,Indus t r i es & Commerce Depar tment ,Government of Andhra Pradesh delivered theKeynote & Special Address respectively duringthe Inaugural Session.

The other key eminent speakers who addressedthe conference were Mr. R Suresh, Senior VicePresident - Gas Business, Reliance IndustriesLimited; Mr. Vinayak Chatterjee, Chairman –Feedback Ventures; Mr. Shakti Sagar, Chairman,CII – Andhra Pradesh; Mr. Jayadev Galla, ViceChairman – CII Andhra Pradesh; Mr. Y HarishChandra Prasad, Immediate Past Chairman, CII –Andhra Pradesh & Chairman - Malaxmi InfraVentures (I) Pvt Ltd;









Economic Affairs & Policy Advocacy

29 June 2010: Round Table DiscussionOn Access Code Issues

21 July 2010 : Workshop On RecentLitigation Issues In Service Taxes

CII Andhra Pradesh, in association with Petroleum& Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB)organized a Round Table Discussion on AccessCode Issues on 29th June 2010 in Rajahmundry.T h e p ro g r a m m e w a s a d d re s s e d b yMr. L Mansingh, Chairman, PNGRB, Mr. B SNegi, Member (Technical), PNGRB, Mr. Vamsi

Maddimsett i , Associate Director, E&Y;Mr. Y Harish Chandra Prasad, Immediate PastChairman, CII Andhra Pradesh, besides others.There was a panel discussion on Access CodeIssues, where perspectives from PNGRB, GAIL,GVK, GMR, and Reliance & MSME’s were shared.The objective of Access Code was to promotedevelopment of a competitive gas market byestablishing uniform principles for owners andusers of gas pipelines to allow transparent andnon-discriminatory access to the gas pipelinesand CGD networks. This session was organizedto facil itate the regulators, producers,transporters & consumers of gas to interact andresolve the interrelated issues.

Workshop On Recent Litigation Issues In ServiceTaxes was organized by CII Andhra Pradesh withthe support of Ernst & Young as knowledgepartners on 21 July 2010. Mr. B Shankar, SeniorAdvisor, Ernst & Young spearheaded theworkshop and dealt upon the recent litigationissues pertaining to services taxes. Mr. Shankarand his team also deliberated on sectoral aspectsrelated to services taxes. The workshop was alsoaddressed by Mr. M R Vikram, Convenor, CII AP &

Partner, M Anandam & Co who gave the welcomeaddress where he del iberated on theamendments to finance bill 2010 and also talkedabout the 8 new services which were notified to betaxed with effect from 1st July 2010. Theworkshop was attended by 50 delegates.

Seminar On Transfer Pricing – Learning &Unlearning From Real Time Transfer PricingLitigations was organized by CII Andhra Pradeshin association with Grant Thornton on 28 July2010 in Hyderabad. The senior professionals fromGrant Thornton consisted of Ms. Karishma RPhatarphekar, partner & Practice Leader,Ms. Fatema Hunaid, Client Service Director at

Grant Thornton and Mr. Sanath Ramakrishna,Partner, Walker Chandiok & Co. They focused onthe recent transfer pricing litigation issues and theco-related landmark judicial pronouncements andnexus between Transfer Pricing and PermanentEstablishment Issues. The session was also

28 July 2010: Seminar on TransferPricing – Learning & Unlearning FromReal Time Transfer Pricing Litigations









Economic Affairs & Policy Advocacy

addressed by Mr. Sampath Raghunathan, SeniorAdvisor, Taxation, Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd.The seminar also had industry perspectives fromVenkat Korada, Financial Controller, ADP Pvt.Ltd., and Mr. Simhachal Mohanty, AssociateDirector, Taxation, DRL; they shared theperspectives of pharma & IT&ITES sectors,respectively.

Confederation of Indian Industry, Andhra PradeshState Council organized an Interactive Sessionwith The Hon’ble Members of Parliament fromAndhra Pradesh at A.P Bhavan, New Delhi to

discuss about the economic development andcertain key issues for intervention in AndhraPradesh. 21 Members of Parliament representingfrom various political parties had participated inthis session.

CII Andhra Pradesh organized a Round TableSession on ‘conducive Environment For Industrial

26 August 2010: Interactive SessionWith The Hon’ble Members of

Parliament From Andhra Pradesh

03 September 2010: RoundtableSession on Conducive Environment for

Industrial Growth in Andhra Pradesh

Growth In Andhra Pradesh on 03 September2010 in Hyderabad. The purpose was to interactwith the representatives of different politicalparties in Andhra Pradesh on various issuespertaining to industrial growth in the State. CIIAndhra Pradesh is striving to build consensus oncontentious economic, political and social issues.CII believes that an economy built on consensus isan economy headed for success. CII engages indialogue with various stakeholders such as MPs,Political parties, Bureaucrats, and NGOs onissues which have an impact on society in generaland industry in particular.

CII Andhra Pradesh organized a ROUND TABLESESSION ON EXPORTS on 26 October 2010 inHyderabad. The purpose was to have greaterinteraction between the Government and theIndustry focusing on different aspects of exports.Mr. P N Rao, Commissioner, Customs, CentralExcise and Service Taxes, Government of Indiaand Mr. Shiva Kumar, Chief General Manager,State Bank of India shared their perspectives onForeign Trade policy and Banking, respectively.We also had perspectives from Joint Director

General of Foreign Trade, CONCOR, EXIM Bank,and ECGC. There was a good interactionbetween the industry members and theGovernment officials and discussed on variousissues.

CII Andhra Pradesh Organized an InteractiveSession With Mr. K Madhusudana Rao, IAS,

26 October 2010:Round Table Session on Exports

03 November 2010: Interactive Sessionwith Mr. K Madhusudana Rao, IAS,Member Secretary, Andhra Pradesh

Pollution Control Board









Economic Affairs & Policy Advocacy

Member Secretary, Andhra Pradesh PollutionControl Board on 03 November 2010. Membersraised many issues related to environment andpollution clearance. Issues related to Recycling ofwastes, III GO, Power Projects, Diesel AdditiveFuel, use of treated water, municipal solid waste,Patancheru effluent treatment plants, Air pollution,

Ground Water levels, besides others. TheMember Secretary responded to most of theissues and also assured to take few issuesforward. Mr. Y Harish Chandra Prasad, PastChairman, CII Andhra Pradesh & Chairman,Malaxmi Infra Ventures India Pvt. Ltd. delivered thewelcome remarks where he thanked the MemberSecretary for helping in lifting the moratorium onPatancheru/Bollaram industrial cluster.

CII Andhra Pradesh organized an InteractiveSession With Mr. Satish Chanda, IAS,Commissioner, Commercial Taxes, Govt. ofAndhra Pradesh on 19 November 2010. TheCommissioner made an elaborate presentation

19 November 2010: Interactive Sessionwith Mr. Satish Chanda, IAS,

Commissioner, Commercial Taxes,Govt. of Andhra Pradesh

on initiatives by the department which coversreview of goods classified to bring certainty in taxincidence, advanced ruling system from thebenefit of trade, parity in tax incidence for similargoods, continuous dialogue with industry,information dissemination for transparency inadministration and e-payment mode, besidesothers. Commissioners and f ive JointCommissioners to interact with the members ofIndustry. Mr. Shakti Sagar, Chairman, CII APdelivered the welcome address and Mr. Vikram,Convener, CII AP Finance and Taxation panelclosed the session with vote of thanks.

CII Andhra Pradesh in association with GrantThornton, as the Knowledge Partner organised aone-day Conference on IFRS - Paradigm Shift inAccounting Practices on 26 November 2010. Theconference discussed about the increasedawareness and understanding of the current stateof IFRS transition in India and the relatedchallenges. The conference also elaborated on

the IFRS roadmap and the related clarificationsissued by Ministry of Corporate Affairs, practicalchallenges on first time use of IFRS in India,potential challenges and solutions in theconvergence process and knowledge sharing onpractical application of IFRS.

An Interactive Session with Mr. A K Basu, IRS,Chief Commissioner of Income Tax – I,

26 November 2010 :Conference on IFRS - Paradigm Shift in

Accounting Practices

11 January 2011: Interactive SessionWith Mr. A K Basu, IRS, Chief

Commissioner of Income Tax – I,Government of India









Economic Affairs & Policy Advocacy

Government of India, Hyderabad. Also presentwere Mr. Mukesh Kumar, Director General –Income Tax Investigation, Mr. H Srinivasulu,Commissioner – II, and Mr. Bhaskar Reddy,Commissioner – III. Mr. Vivek Mallya, Partner, PwCmade a detailed presentation on Direct TaxesCode covering various aspects of the bill andanalyzed its impacts and issues. The InteractiveSession had a long discussion covering variousissues related to Agri Income, Compliance,retirement benefits, Transfer Pricing, advance tax,withholding tax, EEE, GAAR, besides variousother issues.

CII Andhra Pradesh organized a CFO's Forum on“transforming While Performing", on 21 January2011, Hyderabad. There was a panel discussionwho shared their perspectives and coveredvarious sectors like Manufacturing, IT& ITES,Logistics, Healthcare, and Education sectors. Itwas highlighted that the importance of continuousinnovation, delivery excellence and businesstransformation focused on long term growth andvalue. The panelists also pointed out that thesuccess of a transformation lies in not justtransforming at the top but throughout theorganization. The forum also clearly emphasizedthe need to focus on – and invest in – those areasof the business that deliver the most value. The

21 January 2011: CFO's Forum on"Transforming While Performing"

panel speakers also pointed out that the presentday CFO's are better poised than anyone else inthe organization to impact change because theyhave visibility across the internal and externalecosystem like no one else. As the ValueIntegrator, the CFO plays a pivotal role intransforming the organization to create value.

CII Andhra Pradesh organized an InteractiveSession With The Political Parties Deliberating onThe Strategies For Industrial Growth, in thecontext of post Sri Krishna CommitteeRecommendations. It was felt that the dialoguewith the political parties is important to clear theambiguity prevailing in the state. The political partyleaders have given assurance for ensuringconducive conditions for industrial growth but atthe same time they also expressed their

limitations. The political leaders expressed theirparty views on various issues concerning theindustrial growth. Some of the issues touchedupon are – power, employment, ski l ldevelopment, land acquisition to the industry, andcorruption.

28 February 2011, Hon’ble Finance Minister,Mr. Pranab Mukherjee presented the Budget inthe parliament, which was observed by the CIIState Council Members. 15 council memberswere present during the televiewing session. 07Media channels covered the event on live andtook the first hand opinions from the CII APCouncil Members. After the budget presentation,the CII members welcomed the budget andpointed out that many of the CII recommendationswere considered, however, the membersrepresenting Tourism, Biotech and Pharma,Education and IT&ITES expressed their

23 January 2011: Interactive SessionWith The Political Parties Deliberatingon The Strategies for Industrial Growth

28 February 2011:Union Budget Televiewing Session









Economic Affairs & Policy Advocacy

dissatisfaction on the budget. The membersrepresenting Agriculture and Infrastructurewelcomed the budget.

CII Andhra Pradesh organized the Post budgetanalysis on 04 March 2011, involving the financeprofessionals from Grant Thornton – Mr. SanathRamakrishna & Ms. Amrita Mitra, who made adetailed analysis of the implications of direct taxesand indirect taxes on the industry. We also hadChief Commissioners from Income Tax Mr. A KBasu & Mr. S C Jaini and also Mr. Mukesh Kumar,Director General of Income Tax Investigations,sharing their perspectives on direct taxes.

04 March 2011:Interactive Session on Union Budget

2011-2012 & Post Budget Review

We also had Mr. P N Rao & Mr. B B Prasad,Commissioners, Customs, Central Excise andServices Tax, sharing their perspective on IndirectTaxation. Apart from them we also had many othercommissioners and Additional Commissionersfrom Income Tax and Customs departmentsrespectively. Mr. M R Vikram, Convenor, CII APFinance and Taxation Panel & Partner,M Anandam & Co gave a theme address,suggesting it as technology driven budget.Mr. M K Patodia, Past Chairman, CII AP & MD,GTN Engineering (India) Ltd., and Mr. C MuraliKrishna, Co Convenor, CII AP Finance & Taxationpanel & Group CFO, Amara Raja Group ofCompanies gave the welcome address andconcluding remarks, respectively.










‘Total Quality Management (TQM) Forum forOrganizational Excellence’ was constituted by CIIAndhra Pradesh since 2009 to spread themessage of Organisation Excellence throughQuality.

The core objectives of the Forum are:To help the industry in general and its Membersin particular to design and implement businessexcellence models, appropriate to its size andnature

To build capability to carry-out self diagnosis ofits business and identify solutions.

Prioritize the improvement initiatives

To provide necessary inputs on theapproaches, methodologies, tools and

techniques of such improvements specific tothe organization.

This is accomplished through creating a platformof Business Executives from various companies toinformally discuss and exchange ideas, views andexperiences in building Excellence.

The Forum meets every month and deliberates onvarious topics under the above framework. Thediscussions include presentations by renownedexperts in the field, case studies from expertorganizations and plant visits, besides others. TheTopics covered under TQM Forum in 2010-11includes Training & Skill Development, MaynardOperat ion Sequence Technique, LeanManufacturing, Emerging Technologies in WasteMinimisation and Inventory control. During theyear six meetings were organized.

TQM Forum for Organizational Excellence

A Session on “Customer Management” with Mr.Jyotin Sachdev, President, Shared Expectationswas organised on 23 February 2011 at ISB,Hyderabad.

Mr. Jyotin Sachdev is an accomplishedmanagement professional with demonstratedexperience in a wide range of business services tocorporate and small businesses. His expertise incompetitive market assessments to createstrategic business solutions earned him a BellLaboratories President Award for Innovation andTechnical Excellence. He has also served as anExecutive Recruiter and HR liaison for BellLaboratories and AT&T.

He spoke on providing practical, affordableguidance to grow a business, retain customers,gain new markets, manage critical resources,explore new opportunities and manage the

bottom line. His Voice of the Customer businessmodel has been successfully deployed in linkingcustomer expectations to business processes.

The session was well attended by Yi members,corporates, institutions, industry associations andmanagement students.

23 February 2011:Session On “Customer Management”










HR Training Sessions

CII Andhra Pradesh has organized a series ofHR Training Sessions with an objective todisseminate HRD knowledge and skills amongHRD professionals and practitioners, and shareinformation and experiences relating to HRD.

5 Training Sessions on Building a HighPerformance Work Culture, Recruitment - TheArt & Science of Right Hiring, HR Mentoring &developing the Next Gen leaders, HR Audits -Know your HR function strengths & weaknessand Developing HR Competency frameworkwere organised under the series.

These Sessions were addressed byMr. K Pradeep Kumar, Head-HRD, ITW India,Mr. K J A Swarup, Dy. General Manager – HR,ITC- PSPD, Mr. Ramakrishna Momidi, VicePresident – HR, Deloitte Consulting India Pvt.

Ltd, Mr. Naresh Jhangiani, Sr. Vice President,VenSat Tech Services Pvt Ltd., Mr. RamchanderMaddela, JGM- HR, NCC InfrastructureHoldings Limited, Mr. Gurinderpal Singh, Co-Founder & Vice President, 21 Century TalentHunt; Ms. Uma Rao Ganduri, GM – LeadershipDevelopment, IBM, Mr. Haridas Nair, Head –HR, Usha International, Mr. Vikram Bector,Chief Learning Officer, Deloitte; Dr. KiranmaiDutt Pendyala; Head-Human Resources, AMDIndia, Mr. Satyanarayana Vinjamoori, Head –HR, ADP Pvt. Ltd; Mr. G R Reddy, ChiefFacilitator, Husys Consulting Pvt. Ltd, Prof.Senthil Kumar, Faculty- HRM, IBS Hyderabad,Ms. Uma Devaguptapu, Chief HR Officer, ITWIndia, Mr. Suresh Anubolu, Director – HumanResources, CA India Technologies and Ms.Lekha Sishta, Talent Strategist.









Sectoral Initiatives

04 May 2010: Developers Meet on WindPower: Generation Based Incentive

03 August 2010: Round Table Meetingon Tourism with Dr. Geeta Reddy,

Minister for Tourism, Government ofAndhra Pradesh

17 September, 2010: Seminar onEmerging Technologies in Food

Processing Industry

CII Andhra Pradesh organized Developers Meeton Wind Power: Generation Based Incentive on 4May, 2010. The main objective of this meet was todiscuss the Generation Based Incentive (GBI)Scheme and its implementation process. Thisscheme aims to give a boost to projectsdeveloped by IPPs and FDIs.

Mr. Deepak Gupta, IAS, Secretary, MNRE;Mr. Debashish Majumdar, Chairman & ManagingDirector, IREDA; Mr. Dilip Nigam, Director, MNRE;Mr. Sutirtha Bhattacharya, Principal Secretary,Energy, Government of Andhra Pradesh haveaddress this important Meet, besides others.

CII Andhra Pradesh organized a Round TableMeeting with Dr. J Geeta Reddy, Hon’ble TourismMinister, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh on 3 August2010. Mr. Shakti Sagar, Chairman, CII – APintroduced the Task Force to the Minister andexplained its role towards the development oftourism in the state. Mr D V Manohar, Chairman,Task Force on Tourism represented the issues andsuggestions to the Government, on behalf of theTask Force. The Minister assured that theGovernment is committed to develop theinfrastructure to attract more tourism activities inthe state and appealed CII to join them in theirefforts.

A Seminar on Emerging Technologies in FoodProcessing Industry was organized to createawareness and help industry to adopt newtechnologies and upgrade their existing productsand processes to enable them to introduce newvalue added products.

The objective of this seminar was to understandthe policy initiatives and interventions required toachieve a quantum increase in the growth of thefood processing industry; understand theemerging trends in the food processing sector;deliberate on key issues like infrastructure,finance, quality certification and packaging andSupply Chain Management; to discuss the R & Drequirements and some of the promisingtechnologies now available in Food Processing.

The objective of this Round Table Meeting withDr. P V Ramesh, IAS, Principal Secretary – Health,Govt. of AP, was to bring policy makers,healthcare and related industry together to meet

and exchange ideas/views relating to PrimaryHealthcare and to ensure the best possiblesolutions.

CII Andhra Pradesh organised a Roadshow on theCII’s Flagship Event – International Mining &Machinery Exhibition (IMME 2010), which isscheduled to be held from 10-13 November 2010at Kolkata.

The key objective of the Roadshow was to createmore awareness among the CII Members and theindustry in general about IMME 2010. Mr. Shakti

30 September 2010: Round TableMeeting on Healthcare Reforms in AP

07 October, 2010: IMME Roadshow









Sectoral Initiatives

Sagar, Chairman, CII Andhra Pradesh made adetailed presentation on the key objectives of theEvent, which are - to showcase latesttechnologies for the sector, provide an idealplatform for joint ventures, collaborations andtechnology transfer; create a forum to exploreinvestment opportunities in the Indian Miningsector; provide networking opportunities with keyinternational players in the sector.

IMME is Asia’s largest event for the Mining sectorand has the largest ever outdoor display of latestmachineries and equipment for the sector.

Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) AndhraPradesh organised an Interactive Session withRear Admiral S Kulshrestha, Directorate Generalof Naval Armament Inspection (DGNAI), IndianNavy at CII – Sohrabji Godrej Green BusinessCentre, Hyderabad. Mr. Ramesh Datla, Chairman,CII National MSME Council, Past Chairman, CII –Andhra Pradesh gave the opening remarks,appreciated the efforts of Indian Navy to reach tothe vendors directly. He was optimistic that theinteractions will boost the confidence in the SMEsto cater to the needs of the Navy.

Rear Admiral S Kulshrestha, DGNAI, IntegratedHQ of MoD (Navy), during the interaction briefedon the specific requirements of Naval Armamentsand associated areas. He presented the Navy’sefforts in bridging the gap towards development,production and manufacture of naval armamentsand the expectations of the Indian Navy from theindustry.

23rd Andhra Pradesh State Level Quality CircleCompetition was organised on 23rd November2010 at CII – Sohrabji Godrej Green Business

03 November 2010: Interactive Sessionwith Rear Admiral S Kulshrestha

Directorate General of Naval ArmamentInspection (DGNAI), Indian Navy

23 November 2010: 23rd AndhraPradesh State Level Quality Circle


Centre, Hyderabad. 10 Quality Circles teamsparticipated in this 23rd version of QCCompetitions.

The winners were Trivarna Quality Circle from BEL,Hyderabad (1st Place), PUL 03 M from BHEL,Hyderabad (2nd Place) and Dynamite fromAmararaja Power Systems Ltd., Tirupati (3rdPlace). The winning teams would represent thestate in the Regional QC Competitions.

Mr. V S Venkatraman, Convener, ManufacturingPanel, CII Andhra Pradesh & VP-Operation,Mahindra & Mahindra, gave away the certificatesof participation to all the teams.

A one day workshop on “LEAN manufacturing”was organized with the objective to helporganizations achieve superior quality, higherproductivity, perfect delivery performance, overallcustomer satisfaction and enterprise excellenceall with lower cost.

Mr. Babu Rao, Convenor – MSME Panel gave theopening remarks. Mr. Kurien Mathew(Retired GM,HAL) and Mr. B Subramanian (RetiredSr. Manager, BHEL) were the distinguishedfaculty. Participants from various Manufacturingorganizations attended the workshop.

CII Andhra Pradesh organised a Conference onEnvironment Friendly Technologies: Opportunities& Challenges Ahead on 28 December 2010 atHyderabad. The objective of the conference is toidentify the critical cost effective technologies tomanufacture the different products inenvironmentally friendly manner. The conference

also deliberated upon subjects such as cleanproduction technologies, sustainable greenbuildings, water treatment technologies, industrialand hazardous waste management andbiomedical waste management.

16 December 2010:Workshop on LEAN

28 December 2010: Conference onEnvironment Friendly Technologies:Opportunities & Challenges Ahead









Sectoral Initiatives

19 January 2011:Design Sensitization Seminar

24 January 2011:Round Table Meeting with Mr. Karikal

Valaven, IAS, Commissioner ofIndustries, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh

CII – Andhra Pradesh in association with Ministryof MSME, Govt. of India and National Institute ofDesign (NID) organized the Design SensitizationSeminar on 19 January 2011 in Hyderabad. TheSeminar aimed to create a platform for MSMEun i t s to improve the manu fac tu r i ngcompetitiveness. The Seminar focused on theElectronics sector from the importance of designperspective.

Mr. Ravishankar, Sr. Faculty, NID Bangalore;Mr. Sandeep, Creative Head, 17dnorth andMr. Kiran Nalluri, Founder, Pitta Pacific were thedistinguished faculty. They presented variousdesign models and also shared few case studieswhich showcased the impact of design on day today activities. Participants from various electronicmanufacturing companies attended the seminar.

CII Andhra Pradesh organized a Round TableMeeting with Mr. Karikal Valaven, IAS.,Commissioner of Industries, Government ofAndhra Pradesh, The objective of this RoundTable Meeting was to bring policy makers and

MSME Industry together to meet and exchangeideas / views relating to issues faced by MSMEIndustry and to ensure the best possible solutions.

11 February 2011:Workshop on Balanced Scorecard

03 March 2011: CEOs Breakfast Meeting

A One day Workshop on balanced scorecard wasorganised on 11 February. The Workshop aimedat helping organizations to understand and adoptBalanced Scorecard as a framework to improveboth strategic performance and operationalresults.

Mr. Ravi Parthasarathy, CEO & Director, PeoplePlus Consultants was the key faculty for theWorkshop. Also Mr. V S Venkataraman, Convener,Manufacturing Panel, CII Andhra Pradesh & VP –Operations, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.Mr. Shanker, MD, Technip India and Mr. Hari Babu,MD, Anu’s Laboratories Ltd. in their briefp roceed ings , shared exper iences onimplementing Balanced Scorecard in theirrespective organizations.”

CII Andhra Pradesh organized a CEO breakfastsession on 3 March, 2011 in Hyderabad toexchange valuable views on the issues of growthof Industry in Southern India for the next decade.

Mr. Prashanth Vasu, Associate Partner, McKinseyand his team made a detailed presentation on thesectoral growth potential in South India andrequested members to share their views on thesame.

Members shared their views on variousdisproportionate sectors and sunrise sectors inAndhra Pradesh.

Members felt that IT, Biotechnology andPharmaceuticals are the potential sectors inAndhra Pradesh while the focus should also begiven to Agriculture, Power (Alternative Energy),Manufacturing, Tourism & Hospitality, Retail etc.









Development Initiatives

trained in welding and 27 youth were trained assewing machine operators at Indo GermanInstitute of Advanced Technology (IGIAT). Majorityof the trained youth have been placed withindustry.

CII Andhra Pradesh is partnering with Voith Turboin initiating training for specially abled people inmanufacturing sector. The training is organised atVoith Turbo Ltd. for a period of 3 months.

Skill DevelopmentUnder HPCL Swavlambhan, CII has trained 312youth in various vocational skills in AndhraPradesh. Among them 262 youth were trained inBasic IT, AC & Refrigeration mechanism andMotor Vehicle Mechanism skills at MahindraSatyam Foundation, Lakshya Foundation andHEH Nizam & Aladin Technical Institute inHyderabad. In Visakhapatnam 23 youth were

Regional EconomicDevelopment Sessions

28 March 2010: CXO Advice

CII Andhra Pradesh has initiated a series ofSessions on Regional Economic Development atTirupati, Visakhapatnam, Vijayawada, Khammamand Warangal. The objective of these regionalsessions is to understand and deliberate on theneed for industrial development and employmentgeneration in the rural and backward areas.

Stakeholders from Industry, Government,Farmers, Educational Institutions and districtofficials participated in these sessions.

Based on these discussions CII is working on apolicy level recommendation for the governmentto support the industrialization in rural areas.

CII Andhra Pradesh and IIM A Alumni Associationorganized CXO Advice (Chief Experience Officer)on 28 March 2010 at SV University; Tirupati. Thisis a career guidance program for MBAs was wellattended by more than 1600 students fromChittoor, Cuddapah and Nellore Districts.

The session was addressed by Mr. PradeepDhobale, Past Chairman, CII AP & ChiefExecutive, ITC-PSPD, Mr N Prabhakar Rao, ViceChancellor, SVU, Mr. K Raghavendra Rao,Managing Director, Orchid Chemicals &Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Mr. Amit Tiwari, Head-HR,Bharti Airtel (AP Circle), Mr. M S Manohar, V.P-HR,









Development Initiatives

Karvy Global Services, Mr. Judhajit Das, Senior-VP-HR, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Ltd.,Mr. T Muralidharan, CMD, TMI Network.

CII Andhra Pradesh along with CII-ITC Centre ofExcellence for Sustainable Development, hasorganised a one day Waste ManagementWorkshop.

The workshop discussed on finding sustainablesolutions to the challenges of Waste Managementand also discussed the best practices andinnovations in this field.

Both, Industry and Government representativesaddressed the Workshop.

CII is in association with Ministry of RuralDevelopment, Government of India has organizedan interactive session on PURA on 29 April 2010in Hyderabad. The objective of the Session was tosensitize and appraise corporate sector about the

opportunities that exist in this partnership and theGovernment support, which will be available forsuch projects.

28 April 2010:Waste Management Workshop

29 April, 2010: Interactive Session onImplementation of PURA (Provision of

Urban Amenities in Rural Areas)Scheme in PPP Framework

The session was addressed by Dr ArvindMayaram, Additional Secretary, Ministry of RuralDevelopment, Government of India andMr. Mathew C Kannumkal, Director General, NIRDaddressed the participants.

CII member companies celebrated the WorldEnvironment Day by planting Bamboo at thecompanies. More than 2500 seedlings of Bambooare planted by TCS, Bharat Biotech InternationalLtd., ASCI, Tata Business Support Services, Usha

Internat ional , Glendale Academy. Theorganizations celebrated World Environment Dayin a big way where all employees participated inBamboo Plantation drive actively. CII APTDC isworking on promotion of bamboo plantation andsupported this initiative. CII Young Indian chapterparticipated in this initiative actively.

CII Andhra Pradesh organized a CSR bestpractices learning session to GMR Varalakshmi

05 June 2010: CII Members celebrateWorld Environment Day through

Bamboo Plantation

10 June 2010: CSR Best PracticesLearning Mission to GMR Varalaskhmi










Development Initiatives

Foundation on 10 June 2010. GMR VaralakshmiFoundation (GMRVF) is the Corporate SocialResponsibility arm of the GMR Group. The CSRPanel members visited the Skills Training Center ofGMRVF in Shamshabad and have appreciatedthe GMR Group’s initiatives.

CII Andhra Pradesh, in association with USConsulate General, Hyderabad organized asession on Corporate Citizenship & the role ofbusiness in society on 14 July 2010 in Hyderabad.The chief guest of the session was Dr. BradleyGoogins, PhD, Associate Professor, Organization

Studies Department, Carroll School ofManagement, Boston College. The session wasalso addressed by Mr. M R Vikram, Convenor, CIIAP Finance & Taxation Panel & Partner,M Anandam & Co, Dr. V Raghunathan, CEO, GMRVaralakshmi Foundation, Ms. Suchitra Ella,Convenor, CII AP CSR panel & Joint ManagingDirector, Bharat Biotech International Ltd.,Mr. Joga Rao, Vice President, ITC Ltd. – PSPD &Mr. Issac Thamburaj, Plant Manager, MRF.

CII- Andhra Pradesh organized a CEO SpeakSession on emerging career opportunities in ITSector at Kakatiya Institute of Technology andScience in Warangal. The objective of this sessionwas to offer career guidance on opportunitiesavailable in IT Industry targeted at the final year

14 July 2010: Session on CorporateCitizenship & The Role of Business in


26 July 2010: CEO Speak Session atKakatiya Institute of Technology &

Science, Warangal

engineering students of KITS. The session wasaddressed by Mr. V Rajanna, Regional Head, TataConsultancy Services.

CII Andhra Pradesh organised a CEO’s roundtablesession with Smt. D Prandeswari, Union Ministerof State for Human Resource Development on 08September 2010. On the ocassion of WorldLiteracy Day the minister spoke about theimportance of Primary, Higher and VocationalEducation and appealed to the industry to cameforward for PPP models for the education sector.

The sess ion was also addressed bySmt. Chandana Khan, IAS, Principal Secretary –Primary Education, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh,

08 September 2010: CEO’s roundtablewith Smt. D Purandeswari, Union

Minister of State for Human ResourceDevelopment, GoI









Development Initiatives

Mr. Shakti Sagar, Chairman, CII Andhra Pradesh &Managing Di rector, ADP Pr ivate Ltd;Mr. Jagmohan Singh Raju IAS, Joint Secretary &Director General, National Literacy Mission,Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India, Mrs. ShobanaKamineni Past Chairperson CII (Southern Region)& Executive Director Apollo Group of Hospitalsand Dr. Joy Desmukh Ranadive, Global Head –CSR, Tata Consultancy Services

Industry Institute Interaction Panel of CII AndhraPradesh organised a CXO Speak Session withDr. TSK Murthy, Vice President Wipro at RBVRRCollege.

Dr. Murthy addressed the students onLeadership. The objective of this session was tobridge the gap between Industry & Institutes andhelp the students to prepare themselves to facethe industry.

CII, Andhra Pradesh organised an InteractiveSession with Mr. D Sreenivasulu, IAS, Secretary,Department of Labour & Employment,Government of Andhra Pradesh on 13 October2010 at Hyderabad.

The main objective of this interactive session was

06 October 2010: CXO Speak Sessionwith Dr. TSK Murthy at RBVRR College

13 October 2010: Interactive Sessionwith Secretary, Department of Labour &Employment, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh

be to bring policy makers and industry together tomeet and exchange ideas / views regarding issuesand concerns of the industry relating to Labour.

CII Andhra Pradesh signed MoUs with fivecolleges to develop College Excellence Cluster inHyderabad. These five colleges are - Dr. B V Raju

Institute of Technology, Sreenidhi Institute ofScience & Technology, Kakatiya Institute ofTechnology & Science, Vasavi College ofEngineering and TRR College of Engineering.

Under the cluster project CII will try to enhance thecapabilities of the colleges by organizing CEOSpeak Sessions, CXO Speak Sessions, FacultyDevelopment Programmes and Faculty Missionprogrammes during the year with the collegeswhich has registered under the cluster.

The objective of the cluster is to share best

13 December 2010: Launch of CollegeExcellence Cluster in Hyderabad









Development Initiatives

practices and benchmark themselves and toengage with industry in a meaningful manner.

CII Andhra Pradesh, in association with TCS,organized a Faculty Development Programme onOracle Applications DBA at JNTU.

Mr. Niranjan Vummiti, faculty from TataConsultancy Services spearheaded theprogramme and shared the latest availableknowledge on Oracle application to the facultiesof five colleges consisting of Dr. B V Raju Instituteof Technology, Sreenidhi Institute of Science &Technology, Kakatiya Institute of Technology &Science, and Vasavi College of Engineering andTRR College of Engineering. Besides thesecolleges, the faculty from JNTU were alsoparticipated.

Mr. Vummiti covered various aspects of Oracleapplication like Components & Architecture ofOracle applications, database administration,Monitoring and Troubleshooting, Performancetuning, Patching, AD Administrative tool Kit,besides other technical topics.

27 Jan 2011: Faculty DevelopmentProgramme

05 February 2011:CII Lets Vote Green Rally

CII in association with Lets Vote organized aGreen Cycle Rally on 05 February 2011 atHyderabad.

Mr. A K Khan, Commissioner of Police,Hyderabad flagged off the rally.

The objective of the rally was to involve corporates& citizens in creating environmental awareness.Apart from promoting bicycle as a way to reduceozone and improve the air quality this Green Rallywas organized with a cause. After the rally about318 cycles were donated to the poor anddeserving schools students from the sponsorshipraised through this occasion.









International Delegations

30 March 2010 :Interactive Meeting with Officials of

Paris Development Agency

10 April 2010 : Luncheon Meeting withMs. Zilya Valeeva, Dy.Prime Ministerand Minister of Culture, Republic of


07 May 2010 : Interactive Session withthe Hon’ble Mr. Simon Crean, MP,

Australian Minister for Trade

CII Andhra Pradesh organized an InteractiveMeeting with the Senior Officials from ParisDevelopment Agency, who visited Hyderabad toshowcase the potential of Paris and promote Parisfor investments from Andhra Pradesh.

CII Andhra Pradesh organized a LuncheonMeeting with the visiting Tatarstan delegation ledby H.E. Ms. Zilya Valveea, Deputy Prime Minister,Tatarstan.

The objective of the meeting was to elaborate onthe investment opportunities in Tatarstan and toinvite Industry in Hyderabad to consider investingin Tatarstan.

CII Andhra Pradesh organized an InteractiveSession with Mr. Simon Crean, Trade Minister ofAustralia.

During the Session, Mr. Crean said that thereexists huge convergence of interests in India-Australia relationship that includes multilaterallevel relations, Doha Round of talks, commonapproach towards G-20, climate change, regionalrelationship in Asia and at APEC. The purpose ofhis visit to India and interactions with the Indianbusiness community was also to put moresubstance to the strategic relationship betweentwo countries.

The Session was also addressed by Mr. PeterVerghese, Australian High Commissioner to India;Mr. Shakti Sagar, Chairman, CII Andhra Pradeshand Mr. S Raghupathy, Senior Director & Head,CII-Shorabji Godrej Green Business

10 Member Group from Chinese University, HongKong visited Hyderabad to understand theeconomic and growth scenario of various sectoralindustry in Hyderabad. The Group visited, ICICIKnowledge Park, Bharat Biotech, TCS, CMC andCII GBC.

In response to a business delegation toBangladesh primarily to promote bilateral trade; avery high profile Ministerial Delegation fromBangladesh visited Hyderabad on the 25 May,2010.

In their short visit to Hyderabad they visitedInfotech, TATA Consultancy Services, CII GreenBusiness Centre and later Interacted with selectCII Members during the Roundtable Session.

The delegation was led by Architect YeafeshOsman, Hon’ble Minister of State – Science andInformation & Communication Technology, Govt.of Bangladesh and the other members of thedelegation comprised of H E Mr. Abul Kalam Azad,Hon’b le Min is ter for Communicat ion,Government of Bangladesh; Mr. Tariq AhmedKarim, H E High Commissioner of Bangladesh;Mr. Abdul Matlub Ahmed, President – IBCCI;Mr. Habibullah Neyamul Karim, President, BASIS;Mr. Forkan Bin Quasem, Secretary General,BASIS; Mr. Syed Almas Kabir, Treasurer, BASIS;Mr. Sheikh Kabir Ahmed, Director, BASIS andMr. Syed Almas Karim.

Mr. D V Manohar, Past Chairman - CII AndhraPradesh welcomed the members of thedelegation to the Interactive Roundtable sessionwhich was attended by industry members.

18-19 May 2010 : Visit of 10 Member StudyTour of Chinese University, Hong Kong

25 May, 2010: Roundtable InteractiveSession with High Level Ministerial

Delegation from Bangladesh









International Delegations

07 August 2010: Interactive Meetingwith Mr. Maekawa Yusuke, Chairman,

Miyoshi Chamber of Commerce, Japan

13 August 2010 : Interactive Meetingwith Ms. Mukta Tomar, Consul General- Designate, Indian Embassy, Chicago

CII Andhra Pradesh organised an InteractiveMeeting with Mr. Maekawa Yusuke, Chairman,

Miyoshi Chamber of Commerce, Japan. Theobjective of the meeting was to meet selectmembers of CII to discuss on the issues fordevelopment of Indo – Japan relationship.

CII Andhra Pradesh has organized a DinnerMeeting with Ms. Mukta Tomar, Consul General –Designate, Chicago on 13 August, 2010.

Ms. Mukta Tomar is a Senior Diplomat who hasserved in Indian Missions in different parts of theworld like New York, Paris, Bangladesh andMyanmar. As CG Chicago she would beresponsible for the States of Illinois, Indiana,Michigan, Wisconsin, South and North Dakota

and some others and towards the same effort, shevisited Hyderabad to understand from themembers of Andhra Pradesh on their issues.

Most of the senior members from the Councilattended the Meeting and interacted with Ms.Tomar on various Indo-US business relations.

Dr. BVR Mohan Reddy, Past Chairman, CIISouthern Region; Mr. Ramesh Datla, PastChairman, CII Andhra Pradesh, Immediate PastChairman, CII National Membership Council andChairman, CII National MSME Council joined themeeting besides others.

CII Andhra Pradesh organised an InteractiveSession with Mr. Jayant Nadiger, TradeCommissioner of Flanders, Belgium.

The objective of the Meeting was to understandthe economic and growth scenario in the State ofAndhra Pradesh and brief on the FlandersInvestment and Trade.

During the meeting, Mr. Nadiger mentioned thatFlanders Investment & Trade is a Flemish publicagency responsible for promoting exports ofFlemish Technology, products and services andrequested the AP Industry to explore the businessopportunities and joint venture collaborations.

Members from the Infrastructure, Manufacturingand Pharma joined the meeting.

CII Andhra Pradesh organised an InteractiveMeeting with Mr. Michael Kortbeek, Chairman,Chamber of Commerce, Mid Netherlands. Theobjective of the meeting was to discuss on the

19 August 2010: Meeting withMr. Jayant Nadiger, Trade

Commissioner of Flanders, Belgium

15 September 2010 :Interactive Meeting with Mr. Michael

Kortbeek, Chairman, Chamber ofCommerce, Mid Netherlands









International Delegations

cooperation possibilities and the issues fordevelopment of Indo – Netherlands relationship.Mr. Jan Poortman who is a Member of ExecutiveBoard of the Chamber of Commerce Gooi, Eemand Flevoland was also present.

CII Andhra Pradesh organised an InteractiveSession with Ms. Dharmi Magdani, CountryManager - India, Economic Development Board,Bahrain.

Ms. Dharmi Magdani made a detailedpresentation on the investment opportunities andthe advantages of setting up businesses inBahrain

The Session was also addressed by Mr. SrinivasaRao, Regional Representative, EXIM Bank,Hyderabad on funding opportunities. Mr. MaheshDesai, Convenor, CII AP EXIM Panel andManaging Director, Meera & Ceiko Pumps P Ltd.,chaired the Session.

CII Andhra Pradesh organized a Luncheonmeeting with the visiting Mayoral delegation fromBrisbane and Ipswich of QueenslandGovernment, Australia. Councilor CampbellNewman, Lord Mayor of Brisbane delivered a

29 September 2010 : InteractiveSession with Ms.Dharmi Magdani,

Country Manager - India, EDB, Bahrainon “Investment opportunities in


04 October 2010: Luncheon Meetingwith Queensland Government, Australia

special address. The Brisbane Counciloremphasized that Brisbane is the hot-spring ofinnovation in IT & Biotechnology sectors andhence a strong relationship with Hyderabad issought for. Councilor Paul Pisasale, Mayor ofIpswich also delivered a special address andpointed out that the delegation aimed to establishstrong relationship with India and to focus onEducation, Business and Job generation at large.The Councilor is also keen to establish tie-ups inAerospace, ICT and Construction industry. TheSession was also addressed by Mr. RodSolomons, Trade & Investment commissioner-South Asia, Queensland Government; Mr. GAnantha Ramu, IAS Commissioner of Industries,Government of Andhra Pradesh ; Mr. SRaghupathy, Senior Director & Head, CII-GBCbesides others.

CII Andhra Pradesh has organised a Session on“Investment Opportunities in Ethiopia”. Theobjective of the Session was to showcase thebusiness opportunities in Ethiopia for the APIndustries who would be interested to venture intoEthiopia. H.E Ms. Gennet Zewide, Ambassador ofEthiopia addressed the members and sharedvarious business opportunities available inEthiopia. Mr. Mehreteab Mulugeta, Minister

Counselor, Economic & Business, Embassy ofEthiopia made a detailed presentation on theopportunities in Ethiopia. The Session waschaired by Mr. M Babu Rao, Convenor, MSMEPanel, CII Andhra Pradesh.

Hon’ble Minister for Major Industries, Commerce& Export Promotion and Food Processing Mr.Kanna Lakshmi Narayana led a high level officialdelegation to Indonesia, Korea, Singapore & HongKong between 23 October – 03 November, 2010.

19 October 2010: Interactive Session onInvestment Opportunities in Ethiopia

25 October - 03 November, 2010 :Visit of Government of Andhra Pradesh

Delegation to Indonesia, Korea,Singapore & Hong Kong









International Delegations

Other Members in the delegation comprised ofMr. Ajay Mishra, IAS., Principal Secretary,Infrastructure & Investment Department,Government of Andhra Pradesh; Mr. JagdishChandra Sharma, IAS., Principal Secretary (FoodProcessing), Dept. of Industries & Commerce,Government of Andhra Pradesh; Mr. KarikalValaven, IAS., Commissioner of Industries -Government of Andhra Pradesh and Mr. VikasRaj, IAS., Managing Director - Andhra PradeshState Financial Corporation.

The delegation had fruitful interactions at Koreaand a Roadshow with select industries wasorganized at Korea and Singapore. The Hon’bleCommerce Minister of Singapore called on thevisiting Minister and had industrial bilateraldiscussion.

CII Andhra Pradesh coordinated one to onemeetings with Mr. S Fuji, Director General, Japan

External Trade Organisation during his visit toHyderabad. Mr. Fuji interacted with select CEOSfrom Pharma & IT Sectors besides meeting theSenior Government Officials in IndustriesDepartment, Government of Andhra Pradesh.

14-15 December 2010 :One to one Meetings with Mr. S Fuji,

Director General, Japan External TradeOrganisation

21 January 2011: Interactive Meetingwith Mr. Andy Scott, Director –

International and UK Operations,Confederation of British Industry (CBI)

25 February 2011: Seminar onInvestment Opportunities in France

CII Andhra Pradesh organized an InteractiveMeeting with Mr. Andy Scott, Director –International and UK Operations, Confederationof British Industry (CBI) and Mr. Marc Runacres,India Adviser, CBI, New Delhi on 21 January, 2011in Hyderabad. 15 CEOs from Hyderabad joinedthe meeting and shared their experience of doingbusiness with UK.

The discussion mainly was on the potential ofIndian and UK markets and how both thecountries can join together to leverage thispotential.

CII Andhra Pradesh organized a Seminar onInvestment Opportunities in France on 25February, 2011 in Hyderabad.

The objective of the Seminar was to attractinvestments into France from the Indiancompanies.

Mr. Guillaume page, Inward Investment Officerfrom Invest in France Agency addressed theSeminar and said that France is one of the mostopen, forward-looking and business-orientedcountries in the world. “Being the 2nd mostattractive country in Europe for FDI and the 5thmost powerful economy in the world, one will findin France the gateway to Europe”.

Mr. Lionel Petit, legal expert in French migrationlaws from Karl Waheed law office outlined the visabenefits extended by France under the new laws -how foreign investors and workers can gain entryto France.

Mr. D V Manohar, Past Chairman, CII AndhraPradesh & Chairman, Shri Shakti Resorts & HotelsLtd., chaired the Seminar.









Networking with Government









Vijayawada Zone

03 March 2010: Annual Meeting, CIIVijayawada Zone & Session on

MSME’s- Journey towards Excellence.

10 April 2010: Session on QualityConcepts for Business Excellence,


CII Andhra Pradesh - Vijayawada Zone organizedSession on MSMEs - Journey Towards Excellencecoinciding with its Third Annual Day SessionMeeting of CII Vijayawada Zone for the year 2009-10 on 3 March 2010 in Vijayawada.

The session was addressed by Mr. PeeyushKumar, IAS, Collector, Krishna Dist., Mr. Y HarishChandra Prasad, Past chairman, CII AP.

The sess ion was also addressed byDr. K Raghunath, Managing Director, AzimuthSoloar, Mr. A Sudhakar, General Manager, DistrictCentre, Vijayawada; Mr. T Ramakanth, DGM,Andhra Bank; Mr. Shakti Sagar, Vice Chairman,CII Andhra Pradesh; Mr. M V V Satyanarayana,Chairman, CII Vijayawada Zone & Mr. J S R KPrasad, Vice Chairman, CII Vijayawada Zone.

CII Andhra Pradesh – Vijayawada Zone organizeda session on “Quality Concepts for Business

Excellence” on 10 April 2010 in Vijayawada. TheSession was focused on the concepts of 5SManagement, kaizen QITs and Quality Circles andhow practice of these concepts at GrassrootLevels, Supervisory Level and Management Leveland would bring out team working on projectsconnected with Waste Management, ProcessImprovement, Process Cycle Reduction etc.

Mr. J S R K Prasad, Chairman, CII VijayawadaZone & CEO, Better Castings Mr. R Srinivasan,Advisor & Sr. Faculty of Quality Circle Forum ofIndia, Hyderabad Chapter and Mr. Y V KrishnaMohan, Vice Chairman, CII Vijayawada Zone,addressed the gathering.

Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) AndhraPradesh organized a Roadshow on CII Initiatives &Press Meet, Members Meet on 05 May 2010. Theobjective of the Roadshow & Press Meet was tobrief the prospective members & Media on the CIIinitiatives, activities for the year 2010-11 & itsbenefits.

The Roadshow, Press Meet Members Meet wasaddressed by Mr. Shakti Sagar, Chairman, CIIAndhra Pradesh; Mr. Jayadev Galla, ViceChairman, CII Andhra Pradesh and ManagingDirector, Amara Raja Batteries Ltd.; Mr. J S R KPrasad, Chairman, CII Vijayawada Zone & ChiefExecutive Officer, Better Castings; Mr. Y V KrishnaMohan, Vice Chairman, CII Vijayawada Zone &Proprietor, Surya Engineering Works.

CII Vijayawada zone organized a session on‘Recent Litigation Trends in Service Tax’. The

05 May2010: Road show on CIIInitiatives, & Members Meet

07 June 2010:Recent Litigation Trends in Service Tax









Vijayawada Zone

session was address by Mr. B Shankar, SeniorAdvisor, Tax and Regulatory Services, Ernst &Young.

Confederation of Indian Industry, VijayawadaZone along with Indian Green Building Councilorganized Conference on “Green Buildings” atVijayawada on 22nd July 2010. Eminent speakersfrom Industry, Government & Institutions madepresentations at the Conference

Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) has maderapid strides in advancing the Green Buildingconcept in the country through the involvement ofstakeholders of the construction industry. Themovement has evoked tremendous responseamongst the various stakeholders., whichincludes, IT Parks, offices, factory buildings,banks, airport, convention centre, hotels,residential, educational institutions, hospitals andSEZs.

Mr. Kanna Lakshmi Narayana, Hon’ble Ministerfor Major Industries, Commerce & ExportPromotion, Food Processing, Government ofAndhra Pradesh was the Chief Guest andaddressed the gathering.

22 July 2010: Conference on GreenBuildings, Vijayawada

15 September 2010:Interactive Session with Mr. Syed

Mujtaba Andrabi, Economic Officer, USConsulate, Hyderabad

01 October 2010: Round Table Sessionon Industrial Growth in Vijayawada Zone

CII Vijayawada zone organized an InteractiveSession with Mr. Syed Mujtaba Andrabi,Economic Officer, US Consulate, Hyderabad toaddress on Indo-US Cooperation for MSMESector. Mr. Andrabi, emphasized that Indo-US

relations are expected to grow on a very promisingtrajectory both in the near future and over the longterm, with the focus on various global economicand political issues like SME cooperation, bilateraltrade agreements, climate change, besidesothers.

CII Vijayawada Zone organized a Round TableSession on Industrial Growth In Vijayawada Zone

consisting of the districts of Guntur, Prakasam,West Godavari and Krishna. CII has been involvedin dialogue with various Political parties forpromoting favorable conditions for industrialgrowth. This meeting is a-political meeting and thepurpose of such meeting was to initiate a healthydialogue on industrialization. The critical issuesdiscussed were on Land and Environment, whichare critical issues for both the polity and industryand a consensus was sought during this meeting.









Vijayawada Zone

06 - 08 October 2010:Manufacturing Mission to Chennai

A 33 member delegate mission visited RaneValves, WABCO-TVS, Sundaram Clayton, LucasTVS, Delphi TVS, Fenner( India) Pvt. Ltd. to learn

best practices in the manufacturing sector suchas, Application of TQM methods, TEI methods,5S, Lean manufacturing practices, TPM methods,Change Management techniques & HR initiatives.The visit included meetings with the topmanagement, presentations, discussions andvisits to key facilities for environment-friendlytechnologies for performance improvement,energy conservation, optimum utilization ofnatural resources and reduction in emmissions.

01 November, 2010: Session on CIIServices for Members, Vijayawada

Mr. J S R K Prasad, Chairman, CII VijayawadaZone & Chief Executive Officer, Better Castings,

welcomed the members, Mr. Sujith Haridas,Regional Director, CII-SR briefed the members onthe CII initiatives, CII value added services andinteracted with members. Mr. Y V Krishna Mohan,Vice Chairman, CII Vijayawada Zone & CEOSurya Engineering Works was also present at themeeting.

30 December 2010: Workshop on

Transportation & WarehouseManagement, Vijayawada

12 January 2011: Interactive Sessionwith Ms. Katherine Dhanani, ConsulGeneral, US Consulate, Vijayawada

This training program was designed to give aexposure to the challenges and best practices ofthe transportation and Warehousing Industry. Toidentify the various techniques and trends tohandle Transportation & Warehousing functions.The module is designed to give participants anunderstanding of the key functions of Warehouse,appreciation of the key characteristics ofWarehouse Management Systems and controlparameters in Warehouse operations.

Ms. Katherine Dhanani, Consul General, USConsulate mentioned that US is willing to enterinto the cities other then the metropolitan once,and strengthen the Indo-US trade relations.Vijayawada and Visakhapatnam are two suchimportant places.

Ms. Katherine also emphasised about TheTransformation of U.S.-India Relations – a topicthat directly acknowledges the immense progressmade in recent years to transform the way theUnited States and India work together.

Mr. J S R K Prasad, Chairman, CII Vijayawada









Vijayawada Zone

Zone & CEO, Better Castings, in his welcomeaddress talked about the strengths of theVijayawada zone focusing on Natural Gas, CrudeOil, Limestone, Cement, Sugar, Sugarcane,Paddy and Mango. He also showcasedVijayawada as the hub for educational services.

CII organized an interactive session Smt. ArunaKumari Galla, Hon’ble Minister for Mines &Geology, Government of Andhra Pradesh (In-charge Minister, Krishna District) on 18th January2010 in, Vijayawada. The objective of this Session

18 January 2011: Interactive Sessionwith Smt. Galla Aruna Kumari, Hon’bleMinister of Mines & Geology, Govt. ofAP (Incharge Minister Krishna Distrct)

was to discuss on the policy related issuespertaining to industry as well the economicdevelopmental issues.

CII Southern Region in association with ProjectManagement Institute (PMI) organized workshopon Project Management across the southernregion in tier two cities including one atVijayawada & Vizag.

04 February 2011: Project ManagementWorkshop, Vijayawada









Visakhapatnam Zone

02 March 2010:CII Vizag Annual Meeting

9th March 2010:Session on Sharing Safety

CII - Vizag Zonal Council marked its annual day on2nd March 2010. In the business session Capt.Sriram Ravi Chander, COO Visakha ContainerTerminal Pvt. Ltd was appointed as the Chairmanof CII Vizag Zone and Mr. RVS Raju, President,RHI Clasil Ltd., was appointed as the new vice-chairman of Vizag Zone.

The business session was following by a publicsession on ‘Developing MSMEs in the competitiveworld’. In the public session the need to appraiseMSMEs with all the latest technical know-how,government schemes & financial opportunities inorder strengthen them in the dynamic andcompetitive global market was put forth.

The session was addressed by Mr. HarishChandra Prasad, Chairman, CII Andhra Pradesh,Mr. K V Bhaskar, Chairman, CII Vizag Zone; Dr. V KKumar, Director, GITAM institute of InternationalBusiness; Mr. Anand Kumar, Manager, NSIC & Mr.K R Satyanarayana, Manager, SIDBI.

Confederation of Indian Industry – VisakhapatnamZone in association with Visakha ContainerTerminal Pvt. Ltd. organized a half day session on

“Sharing Safety”. The session was a part of weeklong celebration of the 39th National Safety Weekannounced by the National Safety Council of Indiafrom 4th – 10 March 2010.

Capt. Sriram Ravi Chander, shared the variousRelief and Rehabilitation initiatives undertaken byCII during the Tsunami and the recent floods inAndhra Pradesh.

Mr. Sambasiva Rao, IPS, Police CommissionerVisakhapatnam, who was the chief guest for thesession appealed to the industries to chalk outtheir safety plans and be prepared to face anyemergency situation.

Apart from this a workshop on ‘First Aid’ was alsoorganized for the students representatives fromvarious colleges and industries in the city. The FirstAid training was imparted by the Red CrossSociety of India – Visakhapatnam Chapter.

Confederation of Indian Industry extended a warmwelcome to Mr. Richard Hyde, British Deputy HighCommissioner for this two day visit to industriesand educational institutions in Visakhapatnam.

During the luncheon meeting the past chairmanand current chairman of CII Visakhapatnam alongwith Mr. Shyaman Rao, IAS, District Collectorinteracted with Mr. Richard Hyde to understandpotential partnerships to promote and improve bi-lateral trade relations. Capt. Sriram Ravi Chander,Chairman, CII Vizag Zone welcomed the DeputyHigh commissioner to the city of Destiny.

CII Visakhapatnam conducted a One day trainingworkshop on “Developing Next GenerationHuman Resource (HR) Leaders”. The workshopfocused on several key areas, which included

18-19 March 2010: Visit of BritishDeputy High Commissioner to Vizag

25 March 2010:Developing Next Generation HR Leaders









Visakhapatnam Zone

31 March 2010:Meeting with Ms. Alieen Crowe Nandi

27 April 2010:CII Visakhapatnam Members Meet

27 April 2010: Interactive session withMs. Ratna Prabha, IAS

Confederation of Indian Industry organized aninteractive meeting with Aileen Crowe Nandi,Principal Commercial Officer, South India, USCommercial Services on 31st March 2010. Themeting was in continuation of the visit made by theConsul General Mr. Cornelis Keur in February2010. The industry representatives deliberated onstrengthening the business and bilateral traderelations between the two countries. Apart fromsharing business opportunities, Ms. Nandiprovided necessary information for doingbusiness with the US. During the interaction theindustry members stressed upon the need formore technological transfer from US to India.

CII Visakhapatnam organized its membersmeeting on 27th April 2010. Mr. Jay Galla, Vice-Chairman, CII Andhra Pradesh appraised themembers about the services offered by CII andalso the agenda for the CII at National, State andZonal level for the year 2010-11 was also sharedwith the members.

The work plan of CII Andhra Pradesh waspresented to the members and feedback was alsosought from the members. Capt. Sriram RaviChander, Chairman, CII Vizag zone and Mr. K VBhaskar, immediate past-chairman were alsopresent during the meet.

CII Vizag Zone organized an interactive sessionwith Ms. Ratna Prabha, IAS, Principal Secretary,Dept. of IT & Communication, Govt. of AndhraPradesh on 27th April 2010. The objective of the

Understanding HR in the current businessscenario; Talent Acquisition; Talent Management;Performance Management; Tra in ing &Development; Workplace Ethics.

A galaxy of HR experts from leading corporateentities like Tata Consultancy Services, MahindraSatyam, HDFC-SLIC, Vizag Steel Plant and otheraddressed the gathering. The best practicesfollowed by leading corporate houses wereshared with the audience.

Capt. Sriram Ravi Chander, Chairman CIIVisakhapatnam and COO, VCTPL Mr. RVS Raju,Vice Chairman, CII Vizag Zone & President, RHIClasil Ltd.; Mr. Ravi Kumar, Vice President HR,VCTPL; Mr. K Satyanarayan, Sr. Manager, HR(South), HDFC SLIC; Mr. Srikant Surampudi,Head – HR, TCS; Dr. Mallikharjuna Rao, GeneralManager, Vizag Steel Plant; Mr. N S Rao, GeneralManager, Operations, Vizag, Steel Plant andSwami K Jayashankar from Vedanta Institute;addressed the gathering

The workshop was well attended by Senior andMid-level HR professionals from various industriesand academia.

CII – Yi Vizag in association with World WildlifeFund for Nature organized series of sensitizationprogramme on the occasion of the World EarthHour. The objective was to to stand up, to takeresponsibility, to get involved and lead the waytowards a sustainable future. Series of eventshave been planned to sensitize the public onGlobal events and take proactive steps to protectthe earth from further damage.

M r. B S r i d h a r, I A S , V i c e - c h a i r m a n ,Visakhapatnam Urban Development Authorityand Capt. Sriram Ravi Chander, Chairman, CIIVizag Zonal Council were present during theprogramme.

27 March 2010: Earth Hour









Visakhapatnam Zone

session was to facilitate an interaction betweenthe Government and IT industry.

Appraised the members on the governmentpolicies for promoting IT and ITES companies inthe state. The also addressed the queries raisedby the audience. Mr. Gopi Krishna, IPS, SpecialSecretary, Dept. of IT&C; Mr. Jay Galla, ViceChairman, CII Andhra Pradesh; Capt, Sriram RaviChander, Chairman, CII Vizag Zone & Mr. K VBhaskar, Immediate Past Chairman, CII Vizagzone were also present during the event.

CII Vizag organized a membership roadshow inKakinada to appraise the prospective memberson the services offered by CII. Mr. M Ravichandra,IAS, District Collector, East Godawari District wasthe chief guest for the programme. Capt. SriramRavi Chander, Chairman CII Vizag zone made thepresentation on ‘CII Advantage’. Mr. RVS Raju,Vice Chairman, CII Vizag zone was also presentduring the event.

CII Vizag zone organized a session on ‘RecentLitigation Trends in Service Tax’. The session wasaddressed by Mr. B Shankar, Senior Advisor, Tax

and Regulatory Services, Ernst & Young &Mr. Subrahmanyam, Manager, Ernst & Young.

CII Visakhapatnam in association with NewVentures India organized a roadshow on ‘NewVentures India’. New Ventures India (NVI) is a jointinitiative of CII-Sohrabji Godrej Green BusinessCentre, Hyderabad and World ResourcesInstitute, Washington DC. NVI aims to be thepremier business accelerator in the GreenBusiness Space.

30 April 2010: CII MembershipRoadshow in Kakinada

13 May 2010:Recent Litigation Trends in Service Tax

26th May 2010:Roadshow on New Venture India

The objective of this programme was to sensitizevarious stakeholders about green businessopportunities and what NVI is doing to assist thedevelopment and growth of green businesses byfaci l i tat ing frui t fu l interact ion betweenentrepreneurs, mentors, business advisors andpotential investors. The programme wasaddressed by Prof. Siva Rama Krishna, Dean &Principal, Gitam Institute of Management, GITAMand Mr. Stalin Murre, Executive, New VenturesIndia Ltd.

CII Vizag zone organized a one day programme on5s, Lean, Six Sigma and Theory of Constraints inKakinada. The objective of workshop was tocreate awareness on ‘5S’, Lean & Six SigmaMethodologies and give the participants aninsight on how these methodologies will beeffective if implemented in either a Manufacturingor Service organization and thereby enhance theprofitability. Mr. T M Venkatesan, Chairman &Mentor, FOCUS 5 was the faculty for the trainingprogramme.

The CII Yi Vizag chapter commenced its OneMillion Tree initiative on 5th June 2010. Thechapter members undertook a tree plantationactivity at Vignan Institute of InformationTechnology. More than 150 saplings were plantedon the occasion. Apart from this the members alsosowed seeds at the nursery at the collegecampus.

Members of Confederation of Indian Industryinteracted with Mr. Mikael Kullman, Counsellor -

28th May 2010: Programme onBusiness Process improvement through


5th June 2010: Marking WorldEnvironment Day

17th June 2010: Interactive meetingwith Mr. Mikael Kullman, Counsellor -

Swedish Embassy









Visakhapatnam Zone

30 July 2010: Workshop on Warehouseand Inventory Management.

5 August 2010: Round Table SessionPetroleum, Chemicals and

Petrochemical Investment Region(PCPIR)

CII Visakhapatnam organized a one dayworkshop on Warehouse and Inventorymanagement. The objective of the workshop wasto provide indiv iduals with a deeperunderstanding of the breadth of problems likely tobe encountered by modern warehouses and tooffer practical approaches to their solution.

Mr. R Chandramouli, Senior Consullor, CII Instituteof Logistics was the faculty for the programme.The program was attended by Capt. Sriram RaviChander, Chairman CII Vizag Zone; Mr. RVS Raju,Vice Chairman CII Vizag zone and other practicingprofessionals from the logistics sector.

CII Andhra Pradesh organized a round tablesession on Petroleum, Chemicals andPetrochemicals Investments Region (PCPIR)along with the Port of Antwerp on 5th August2010. The objective of the event was to appraisethe members about the recent development inPCPIR in Andhra Pradesh.

The industry members were address by Mr. B RMeena, IAS, Vice-chairman & MD, APIIC; H. EJean-Joel Schittecatte, Consul General forBelgium; Mr. V N Vishnu, IAS, Commissioner,Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation;Mr. M S Rao, Development Commissioner,Visakhapatnam Special Economic Zone; Mr. RajKhalid, India Representative, Port of Antwerp;Capt. Sriram Ravi Chander, Chairman, CII Vizag;Mr. RVS Raju, Vice Chairman, CII Vizag.

Environment, Climate Control and Energy andextended all possible support for the proposedcooperation between the city and the SwedishEmbassy in the areas of Solid WasteManagement, water and Sanitation and GoodGovernance.

Confederation of Indian Industry organized a oneday session on ‘Finance for MSMEs’ inVisakhapatnam, where in various banks andfinancial institutions participated and presentedtheir credit facility to the banks. The objective ofthis session was to link the MSME to the financialinstitution and to appraise them about the latestcredit schemes offered by various financialinstitutions.

Mr. Krishna Rao, Director, Steel Exchange IndiaLtd; Mr. Rajandhra Prasad Rao, Chief Manager,Bank of India; Mr. Rahul Despande, Sr. Executive– Business Development SME, CRISIL SMErating; Mr. R Narotham Reddy, AGM, State Bankof India; Mr A V Bhaskaram, Sr. Manager SME,Bank of Baroda; Mr. Vijay Chowdhury, ChiefManager, ICICI bank Ltd; Mr. Rama PrasadSinha, Asst. General Manager, SIDBI andMr Anand Kumar, Manager, NSIC made thepresentation on credit facility by their respectiveorganization.

25 June 2010: Finance for MSMEs









Visakhapatnam Zone

15 August 2010:Independence Day Celebration

20 August 2010: Yi Tree Plantationprogramme

24 August 2010: Yi learning Event

26 August 2010:Launch of Yi Students net

28 August 2010: Talk on HeritageConservation by Mrs. Rani Sarma,

Convener, INTACH

The CII-Yi members marked the 64thIndependence Day by planting sapling at theIndira Gandhi Zoological Park. The Yi membersalong with the students of Sri Prakash VidyaNiketan planted around 500 sapling. Mr. RahulPandey, IFS, Zoo curator addressed the studentson the significance of the tree in conserving thenatural ecology. Mr. Shyam Kolluru, Chairman, YiVizag chapter along with other members was alsopresent during the plantation event.

The CII – Yi Vizag chapter planted 1000 sapling atSanketika Vidya Parishad Engineering Collegeunder the National Yi One Million Tree Initiative.The Yi members along with the other officebearers of Sanketika College and senior officialsfrom Hindustan Zinc Ltd participated in theplantation program.

The Yi vizag chapter members had a learningsession with Mr. Arun Pillai, Head, British TradeOffice. The objective of the session was toappraise the members about the possibleentrepreneurship opportunities in the UK and thespecial schemes offered by the UK governmentfor young entrepreneurs.

The CII – Young Indians launched their firstStudent net at Gayatri Vidya Parishad College forDegree and PG courses in Vizag, with a vision toinfluence, inspire and motivate students to worktogether for a better India. Yi Students nets havebeen formed across the country. Yi Students Netenvisions connecting students to the community,the country at large by working towards amovement for “Nation Building”. Prof.Rajaganapahti, Principal, GVP and Capt. SriramRavi Chander, Chairman, CII Vizag Zone were theguest of honour for the launch of Yi Student Net atGVP. Mr. Shyam Kolluru, Chair, Yi Vizag Chapterand Ms. Poonam Srinath, Co-chair, Yi Vizag werealso present and address the students during thelaunch.

One the occasion of Heritage Week celebration,the Yi Vizag chapter organized a talk on ‘Heritageconservation’ for the students on Gayatri Vidya

Praishad on 28th August 2010. Mrs. Rani Sarma,Convener, Indian National Trust for Art andCultural Heritage (INTACH) was the speaker forthe session.

The session was organized with an objective tosensitize the students on the importance ofpreserving the Natural, Build and Intangibleheritage.

CII Vizag Chapter organized a half day session onFoundation for Profitability for SMEs. The sessionwas organized at Visakha Small Scale IndustriesWelfare Association (VASSI), Auto Nagar.

The objective of the session was to appraise theparticipants on the current products available forSMEs to increase their profitability. Two majortopics namely; Managing the Cash-to-Cash CycleLeveraging Business Reporting; Business Valueof Investments in ICT – how to calculate theReturn on Investment, were covered during thesession.

Mr. Hariharasutran & Mr. Prudhvi from AffordableBusiness Solutions and Mr. RamakrishnaNarappareddy, President, VASSI addressed thesession.

Confederation of Indian Industry VisakhapatnamZone has organised an interactive meeting withDr. T. Subbarami Reddy, Member of Parliament(Rajya Sabha) appraise the industry / institutions /society on the steps taken by the Govt. of India forpromoting Science and Technology as well asprotecting and conserving the environment andforest in the country.

In his address to the youth he urged themparticipate in active politics and be a partner in

31 August 2010: Foundation forProfitability

4 September 2010:Interactive Session with

Dr. T Subbarami Reddy, MP, Rajya Sabha









Visakhapatnam Zone

zone and other members of the state council werepresent during the meeting.

The council members were addressed byMr. K Kuppurajan, ITS. The Joint Director Generalof Foreign Trade, Visakhapatnam; Ms. FaridaTampal, State Director, WWF and Mr. K S AKrishna, Additional Incharge, Pollution ControlBoard, Visakhapatnam.

Confederation of Industry Vizag zone organized aone day training workshop on Team Building andEffective Communication in Kakinada. Theobjective of the training workshop was to imbibe

the skills of team building and techniques foreffective communication within the team.

An interactive session on Service Tax wasorganized by Confederation of Indian Industry inassociation with the Office of Customs, Exciseand Service tax, Visakhapatnam to createawareness in the Industry on issues and matters

28th September 2010:Workshop on Team Building and

Effective Communication

7 October 2010:Interactive session on Service Tax

development. Capt. Sriram Ravi Chander,Chairman, CII Vizag zone, Mr. Shivkumar, PastChairman, CII Vizag Zone and industry captainfrom the region were present during the session.

After this interacting session CII Visakhapatnamalso submitted a memorandum to the MP seekinga World Class IT incubation centre in the city.

Confederation of Indian Industry organized aroadshow in Visakhapatnam to showcase theservices provided by CII to its members. Theobjective of the session was to sensitize the non-members on the benefits and advantages of

becoming a member of CII. The session wasaddressed by Mr. Shakti Sagar, Chairman CIIAndhra Pradesh. Capt. Sriram Ravi Chander,Chairman, CII Vizag zone and Mr. RVS Raju, ViceChairman, CII Vizag Zone were also presentduring the session.

The 4th Meeting of the CII Andhra Pradesh statecouncil was organized in Visakhapatnam.Mr. Shakti Sagar, Chairman, CII Andhra Pradesh,Capt. Sriram Ravi Chander, Chairman CII Vizag

21 September 2010:CII Membership Roadshow

22 September 2010: 4th Meeting of theCII Andhra Pradesh State Council









Visakhapatnam Zone

Head – Vizag, Mahindra Satyam; Dr. T SKrishnamurthy, Centre Head – Hyderabad, WiproDevelopment Centre;

Confederation of Indian Industry organized anexclusive CEO speak session for the studentsfrom various colleges in Visakhapatnam.Mr. S Gopalakrishnan, Chairman, CII Southern

Region; CEO & MD Infosys Technologies Ltd.,addressed the students. Nearly 1400 studentsfrom difference colleges of Visakhapatnamact i ve ly par t ic ipa ted in the sess ion .Mr. Gopalakrishnan also addressed the queriespertaining to career raised by the students.

One day workshop on developing leadership andcommunication skills was organized by CII on29th October 2010. The objective of theworkshop was to sensitize the participants on the

skills that are essential to become an effectiveleader.

22 October 2010: CEO Speak –Address by Mr. S Gopalakrishnan

29 October 2010: Workshop onDeveloping Leadership and

Communication Skills

relating to various policy and procedural issueswith specific reference to Service Tax. the ChiefCommissioner of Customs, Excise and ServiceTax Mr. Chandrahas Mathur, urged the industry tobe a partner in development by paying the servicetax and other taxes. He also asked the industry tomake use of the online facility to pay the servicetaxes to the Government.

Ms. R Shakuntala, IRS, Commissioner,Commissionerate II & Mr. M Ponnuswamy, IRS,Commissioner, Commissionerate – II were alsopresent during the session. A CD on FrequentlyAsked Question on Service Tax was also releasedon the occasion.

Members meeting with Mr. S Gopalakrishnan,Chairman, CII Southern Region was organized on21st October to appraise the members on variousinitiatives taken by CII in the Southern Region.

Mr. Shakti Sagar, Chairman, CII Andhra Pradesh;Mr. RVS Raju, Vice chairman, CII Vizag zone andMr. K V Bhaskar, Immediate Past Chairman, CIIVizag Zone were also present.

Confederation of Indian Industry organized a oneday Conference on IT Sector – Destination Vizag.The objective of the seminar was to promote Vizagas a favored IT investment destination. Theconference also aimed at understanding the gapswith regards to the infrastructure, policies andskills. The conference was addressed by Mr. SGopalakrishnan, Chairman, CII Southern Region;Mr. J Syamala Rao, IAS, District Collector,Visakhapatnam; Mr. Shakti Sagar, Chairman, CIIAndhra Pradesh; Mr. Shiv Kumar, Past Chairman,Vizag Zone; Mr. RVS Raju, Vice Chairman, CIIVizag zone; Mr. M P Dubey, Joint Director, STPIVizag; Mr. Raman Aramugam, Director(Operations), Kenexa; Mr. Ravi Eswarapu, Centre

21 October 2010: Members Meet

22 October 2010: Conference on ITSector - Destination Vizag









Visakhapatnam Zone

to its members and how they could leverage theCII platform to meet their business objectives.

Confederation of Indian Industry organized aRound Table Session on Regional EconomicDevelopment in Vizag with an objective was toseek inputs from industry and government tocreate Non-Migratory jobs in the rural areas andthereby reduce the burden on urban cities. Thesession was headed by Dr. Ramchandra Galla,Chairman of the ‘Taskforce on Non-MigratoryJobs’. Mr. V N Vishnu, IAS, Commissioner,Greater Visakha Municipal Corporation alsoparticipated and shared his views on urbanizationand the importance of creating local jobs.

The CII Young Indians on Visakhapatnam chapterorganized an interactive session on Police & You.Mr. J Purnachandra Rao, Commissioner of Police,Visakhapatnam addressed the audience and alsoappraised them on the difficult circumstances in

which the police functions. On this occasion the Yialso released a book on ‘101 things you wanted toknow about police but were too afraid to ask’. Thebook was released in the presence of the co-author Ms. Navaz Kotwal from CommonwealthHuman Rights Initiative.

Confederation of Indian Industry in associationwith Bureau of Energy Efficiency organized aWorkshop on Energy Efficiency - “AwarenessBuilding and Enhancing Competitiveness”. Theobjective of the workshop was to encourage theindustries to adopt energy efficient technologies.

18 November 2010: Session onRegional Economic Development

2 December 2010:Session on Police & You

3 December 2010:Workshop on Energy Efficiency

T h e s e s s i o n w a s c o n d u c t e d b yMr. T M Venkatesan, Chairman & Mentor Focus 5.

A five member business delegation from Swedenheaded by Mr. Micael Hagman, Special Adviser,Ministry for Foreign Affairs interacted with themembers of Confederation of Indian Industry toexplore the possibilities of private partnership inthe field of Solid Waste Management, Water &Sanitation and other areas.

The session was attended by Capt. Ravi Chander,Chairman, CII Vizag, Mr. RVS Raju, Vice-chairman, CII Vizag Zone and Mr. K V Bhaskar,Immediate Past Chairman, CII Vizag.

Confederat ion of Indian Industry (CI I )Visakhapatnam Zone is organizing an “Interactive

Session on CII Services for Members” on 12thNovember 2010 to appraise the members on thebenefits of being associated with CII. Mr. SujithHaridas, Regional Director, Southern Regiondemonstrated the various services offered by CII

3 November, 2010:Visit of Swedish Delegation

12 November 2010:Session on CII services for Members









Visakhapatnam Zone

Mr. H Y Dora, Director – Operations, EasternPower Distribution Company of Andhra PradeshLimited; Mr. Rajeev Yadav, Project Economist,BEE; Capt Sriram Ravi Chander, Chairman, CIIVizag Zone & Mr. R V S Raju, Vice-Chairman, CIIVizag Zone along with other speakers addressedthe audience. Vizag Steel Plant which was therecipient of ‘CII – GBC Energy Efficient Unit award2009’ presented their case study during thesession.

Members of Confederation of Indian Industry,Visakhapatnam Zone had an interactive meetingwith Mr. Shaun Wedick, Consul, Consulate ofCanada to explore and discuss possible tradeopportunities on 9th December 2010. Thismeeting was preceded by his visit to Vizag PortTrust, Visakha Container Terminal Pvt Ltd andLazarus hosp i ta l , wh ich gave h im acomprehensive overview about the potentialbusiness areas in Visakhapatnam.

He commended the proposed projects comingup in the PCPIR regions of Andhra Pradesh, whichwill give a considerable boost to the localeconomy. Mr. Shaun was accompanied with Mr.Vikram Jain, Trade Advisor, Canadian TradeOffice, Hyderabad. Capt. Sriram Ravi Chander,Chairman, CII Vizag zone extended all possiblesupport from CII to promote trade relationsbetween Vizag and Canada.

Confederation of Indian Industry (SouthernRegion) in association with Project ManagementInstitute (PMI) organized a Capacity Buildingworkshop on Project Management inVisakhapatnam.

9 December 2010: Interactive sessionwith Mr. Shaun Wedick, Consul,

Consulate of Canada

3 February 2011:Workshop on Project Management

Key Speakers at the Workshop included; Capt.Sriram Ravi Chander, Chairman, CII Vizag ZonalCouncil; Mr Jacob Varghese, Head-IT Vertical,PMI Dr G Sampath Kumar M.E. Ph.D, GeneralManager (South India), Nippon Koei India;Ms Sucheta Govind Dhere, Senior ProjectManager, Microsoft Consultancy Group.

The workshop acted as the perfect forum to linkproject management practitioners in thecorporate sector, academia and government andenabled all to come together and share andincrease knowledge, renew acquaintances.

Workshop on Leadership and Relationship wasorganized in Kakinada to impart leadership skillsto the participants from Industry. The importantskill of creating and maintaining healthyrelationship was stressed during the workshop.

T h e s e s s i o n w a s a d d r e s s e d b yMr. T M Venkatesan, Mentor, Focus 5.

11 February 2011: Workshop onLeadership and Relationship










The 32 corporate teams which participated in themonth long tournament were: Tata Docomo,GTN, Coca Cola, Wipro, ADP, GE Capital, Karvy,Dell, Dr. Reddy’s, Elico Limited, Bharat Biotech,Macrotech Group, SHV Energy Private Limited,State Bank of Hyderabad, Infotech EnterprisesLimited, Gati Limited, Magna Infotech, Hotel ITCKakatiya, CA, GVK Bio, Mahindra Satyam, ITWSignode, Polaris, Lanco Group, HICC, MonsterIndia, Tata Consultancy Services, Deloitte, IBM,Value Labs, Tech Point Solutions and NMDC.

The finals of the CII Andhra Pradesh – TATADocomo Cricket Cup 2010 was played at RajivGandhi International Stadium, Hyderabad, on 17April, 2010. Hon’ble Sports Minister, Govt. ofAndhra Pradesh, Mr. Komati Reddy VenkatReddy. Mr. G Vinod, President, HyderabadCricket Association (HCA); Mr Shakti Sagar,Chairman – CII Andrha Pradesh, Mr. Subbarao NV, CEO – South East, TATA Docomo were amongother dignitaries who graced the occasion.

Karvy clinched the CII-Andhra Pradesh-TataDocomo Cricket Cup 2010 by defeating Deloittewith an all-round performance.

The third edition of CII Cricket Cup – The CIIAndhra Pradesh – TATA Docomo Cricket Cup2010 was organized between 13 March – 17 April,2010 at various turf grounds in and aroundHyderabad.

TATA Docomo partnered with CII as the “Title &Cup Sponsor” this year.

The Cup was unveiled during the Andhra PradeshAnnual Day on 13 March, 2010 by His ExcellencyShri. E L S Narasimhan, Governor of AndhraPradesh in the presence of Smt. D K Aruna,Hon’ble Minister for MSME, Government ofAndhra Pradesh, Mr. Y Harish Chandra Prasad,Chairman, CII Andhra Pradesh, Mr. Shakti Sagar,Vice Chairman, CII Andhra Pradesh andMr. C R Swaminathan, Chairman – CII SouthernRegion and other dignitaries.

The tournament inaugural match was kickedstarted on 14 March, 2010 at GymkhanaGrounds, Hyderabad. TATA Docomo played the first match. Mr. Y HarishChandra Prasad, Immediate Past Chairman, CIIAndhra Pradesh and Mr. Shakti Sagar, Chairman,CII Andhra Pradesh were present on theoccasion.

13 March – 17 April, 2010 : Hyderabad









Young Indians

25 March 2010: Annual Day Celebrations

23 April 2010: Interactive Session withMr. Raghuram

Yi Hyderabad chapter celebrated its Annual Dayon the 25th of March 2010. Members of thechapter, students, teachers and also some of theCII members attended the annual day.

The session was addressed by Mr. Nirav Modi,Chapter Chair, Yi Hyderabad and Director,Fortune Ford, Mr. Y Harish Chandra Prasad,Chairman, CII Andhra Pradesh & ChairmanMalaxmi Infra Ventures India Pvt. Ltd., Mr. ShaktiSagar, Vice Chairman, CII Andhra Pradesh,Mr. Jayadev Galla, Managing Director, AmararajaBatteries Ltd & Mr. Rishabh Agarwal, Co-Chair, YiHyderabad

Mr. Raghuram, CEO, Mohan Foundation Ltdaddressed the Yi Members. He shared with themembers his experiences at Mohan Foundation.He spoke about the incidents which led to startingthis foundation and the challenges they facedinitially. Mohan foundation is the first and onlyorganization in the country which initiated organdonation. Daily 55 people receive organtransplant. They promote cadaveric organdonation. Mr. Raghuram also played a 10 minutemovie showcasing the plight of people who gotbenefitted by the organ donations. The memberswere moved by seeing how a 8 month old baby

donated his organs and gave a new lease of life toa young man. The members were very inspired bythe noble cause of this foundation and pledged todonate their organs to this foundation. Themembers showed their desire to take this initiativenationally and get all the chapters involved in thisnoble cause

05 June 2010: World Environment Daycelebrations

09 July 2010: VanamahotsavCelebrations @ Glendale Academy

The World Environment Day celebrations went offreally well at our Hyderabad Chapter. Wescreened the film “An Inconvenient Truth” for YIOngole Net students at CII office, Begumpet. Thestudents gained a lot of information andawareness about global warming.

Similarly, the film was also screened at the Yi net atVijayawada.

Later in the day, we went to Glendale Academy forplantation of bamboo saplings. Ms. AnjumBabukhan along with her staff activelyparticipated in the plantation. Glendale hasplanted 250 bamboo saplings in their schoolcampus.

Vanamahotsav Celebrations for the year 2010were grandly celebrated at Glendale Academy.

On this occasion, a lot of competitions were heldfor students from all classes.

Students took green pledge to safeguard the treesand enhance more greenery in their areas.

Students of class I & II performed nature parade.Later on all the students marched in the locality,visited residents in the area and createdawareness about greenery and the importance ofplantation.









Young Indians

16-July 2010: YI Hyderabad MembersVisit to BMW & Ford Plantst at Chennai

20 August 2010:Interactive Session with Dr. VarmaVegesna, Md, Lazarus Hospitals

The BMW & Ford Plant visit was a huge success. Itwas a fantastic experience for the members ofHyderabad and Chennai chapters.

It was a life time experience visiting the plants ofthe two iconic brands in the automobile sector.The Plant managers of BMW & Ford gavepresentations of the brands’ startup initially inIndia and their growth and market leadership inthe subsequent years.

Later on, the members had a visit to the plant siteand had a good understanding of the making ofthe car from its inception to the final product.

Young Indians, Hyderabad Chapter had aninteractive session with Dr. Varma Vegesna, MD,Lazarus Hospitals. Lazarus hospitals will becomeIndia’s first green hospital once it gets certified byIGBC. Dr. Varma interacted with the members andexplained the whole concept behind starting thehospital and the various challenges they facedduring the course of time.

An expert from IGBC explained the membersabout the rating system and also the processinvolved in it. The hospital has been constructedaccording to the guidelines set by IGBC which isthe certifying body for Green Buildings in India.

Later on, Yi members toured the hospital to seethe state-of-the art facilities provided by thehospital.

02 August 2010:Visit to Life Spring Hospitals

24 September 2010: Blood DonationCamp at Yi Net, Ongole

24 September 2010: Learning sessionwith Mr. MK Patodia

Young Indians, Hyderabad Chapter paid a visit toLife Spring hospital to know more about LifespringHospitals, the state of the art medical facilities andthe nature of treatment given to the patients and

other best practices followed by Lifespring.Members also had an interactive session with theMs. Priya, Head - HR, Life Spring Hospitals. Sheexplained about the best practices followed at LifeSpring Hospitals.

Yi Hyderabad chapter’s Ongole Net studentsorganised a blood donation camp at Ongole on24th September 2010.

Ongole district collector Mr. Kanthilaal Dhandaiattended this camp. The students collected 163units of blood from this camp.

Yi Hyderabad chapter had organised aninteractive session with Mr. M K Patodia, Pastchairman CII AP, Chairman & MD GTN Industrieson 24th September 2010 at CII office.

Mr. Patodia shared his experiences about hisjourney from his initial days in GTN textiles andhow he lead GTN textiles to the pinnacle in thetextile sector.

GTN industries has been winning the BestExporter Award from Govt of India continuouslyfor 18 years.









Young Indians

Members also had a warm and healthy interactionwith Mr. Patodia about the challenges he facedand how he overcame those challenges to finallymake GTN textiles the top textile company inIndia.

The Yi Hyd chapter celebrated World Food Monthat Glendale Academy. Students of Gitanjali SrSchool & Glendale Academy attended this event.

Ms. Jyoti Chabria, a renowned Nutritionist was theguest speaker. She addressed the students abouteating good nutritional food and being healthy.She also answered questions posed by thestudents.

Later on, she gave away prizes to the winners ofthe Poster Making & Slogan Writing competition.

Yi Hyd chapter organised Heritage Walk on 24thOctober 2010 from Charminar to explore heritagesites around Charminar.

The local guide infused details of the rulers ofHyderabad region, their influence on the cultureand architecture. It was a huge learningexperience for the members who got a wonderful

29 October 2010: World Food MonthCelebrations

24 October 201: Heritage Walk

chance to inspect the architectural wonderscreated by the rulers of Hyderabad.

Yi Hyderabad chapter organized a session onEducation Forum “Young India: Empowering thefuture” with stakeholders of education at IndianSchool of Business. Around 300 peoplecomprising of Principals, teachers, academicians& parents from all the schools in and aroundHyderabad attended this event.

Mr.D Sridhar Babu, Minister for Higher Education,Government of Andhra Pradesh was the chiefguest for this session.

The Minister launched the Project Blackboardduring this occasion.

Ms. Bhairavi Jani, Chairperson, Young Indians, inher special address, mentioned about the YoungIndians’ (Yi) initiatives in bringing change in societythrough education. Yi has taken up Akashraprogramme to increase the learning capabilities ofchildren.

Earlier, Ms. Anjum Babukhan, Past Chair-Education, Yi Hyderabad delivered the welcomeaddress and Mr. Nirav Modi Co-Chair-Education,Yi National delivered the concluding remarks.

SSN Engineering College, Ongole has won the3rd prize in the Best Yi Nets category as well as3rd prize in the Best Teacher coordinator for YiNets for the year 2010.

16 October 2010: Education Forum &Launch of Project Black board

Yi National Summit February 2011









Specialized Services - APTDC

Andhra Pradesh TechnologyDevelopment & Promotion Centre

Andhra Pradesh Technology Development &Promotion Centre (APTDC) is incorporated as asociety. An apex Governing Council, chaired bythe Secretary of the Department of Science &Technology, Govt. of India and consisting ofmembers from Govt. of India, Govt. of AP, TIFACand CII guide monitor and control the operationsof the centre and lay down policy guidelines andresolve policy issues. An executive Committeechaired by the chairman/ chairperson of CIIAndhra Pradesh state and consisting of membersform CII and TIFAC guide and monitor the day-to-day activities of APTDC.

CII established this Centre in 1999 with thesupport of Govt. of AP, TIFAC (Under DST Govt. ofIndia).CII –APTDC is a Pioneer in the Country forestablishing Public Private Partnership forTechnology & Intellectual Property Services. KeyProjects handled have been in the area ofTechnology Commercialization of TechnologyRefinement and Marketing Assistance,Technology Commercialization Initiative inMunicipal Solid Waste Management, TechnologyInterventions for promoting Value added projectsin Bamboo, Technology Solutions for reuse ofGranite Slurry, Intellectual Property RightsProtection, Training/Awareness & OutreachPrograms in IPR.

Public Private Partnership - 2010

For Capacity Building Innovation,Technology & IPR:

Handing Over of Value AddedBamboo Products to the

Rural Entrepreneurs,APTEC, 9-10 December

Launch of IP CAP on 15th July Release of GITool Kit on 29th Nov

Launch of IP Protection Initiativewith Indian Police 31st August

JCB CII-APTDC Award for Excellenceon SolidWaste Management on 11th June

Policy Recommendations onMunicipal SolidWaste Management


GI Tool Kit:

JCB CII-APTDC Award for Excellence on Solid Waste Management:

This is the first of its kind course on various facets of Intellectual Property. The course is webenabled and comprises of a combination of distance learning and web classroom interactive traininglasting a total of 5 weeks.

A Ready Reckoner/ Guide to all the stakeholders of GI especially addressing the needs ofhundreds of association of weavers/ artisans/ Craftsman who intend to protect their traditional Product/Process through Geographical Indications.

The CII Taskforce on MSW hasorganized the first JCB-CII Award for Excellence in Solid Waste Management in Hyderabad. Theawards were given in the field of MSW for private and Government organizations for creating awarenessthat will spread across Urban local bodies and the Industry.









Specialized Services - APTDC

Technology Refinement and Marketing AssistanceCII-APTDC as its ongoing initiative under the TREMAP scheme of TIFAC is helping innovators tocommercialize their prototypes, link to the market and also assisting them in providing IPR support.

Multiple Micro Granulator Developedby Mr.Rajendra Prasad,Vizag

Mitra- A Personalised Moverby Mr. Subhav Sinha, New Delhi

Specialized Technology Interventionsfor Promoting Value Added Products in Bamboo & Granite

APTDC is partnering with IIT Delhi, for the project “Bambooas a Green Engineering Material in Rural Housing andAgricultural Structures for Sustainable Economic Growth”funded by National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP).

APTDC has innovated & patented a solution for using graniteslurry, carried out its developmental effort, and demonstratedthe production of the granite slurry blended cement basedfloor tiles / wall tiles / pavers blocks with an industry partnerAlonum constructions Pvt Ltd. 60% of the sand is replacedwith granite slurry thereby benefiting the industry,environment & society. This is Supported by BMTPC(Building Materials & Technology Promotion Council), Ministryof Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation, Govt. of India.

“WED” -World Environment Day with‘Go Green’ initiative was

celebrated by CII-APTDC &Yi on 5th June

Bamboo Plantation in PonguruVillage,Nellore District,AP

Structures with bamboo Arch atRural technology Park, NIRD, Hyderabad

Investigation of Existing Bamboo CivilStructures in India and documentation on

Bamboo Structural Joint and Element

Demonstration Unit of the GraniteSlurry blended cement based floor tiles &Pavers Blocks in IDA Bollarum, Hyderabad









Specialized Services - APTDC

Technology Consultancy ForMunicipal Solid Waste Management:

50 Tons/day Municipal Solid Waste to Compost Plantat Kalavoor near Alappuzha in Kerala has beenCommissioned and Inaugurated in 2010. The Planthas been taken on BOOT basis by APTDC. The plantis being operated successfully for over six monthsnow.

2050 Tons/day Municipal Solid Waste to RefuseDerived Fuel and 16 MW Power Plant at Timarpur andOkhla in New Delhi being promoted by m/s JindalUrban Infrastructure Ltd. APTDC is offering TechnicalAdvisory Services.

1000 Tons/day Municipal Solid Waste to RefuseDerived Fuel and 11 MW Power Plant in Hyderabadpromoted by m/s RDF Power Projects Ltd. APTDC isoffering Technical Advisory Services.

IP Protection & Services

APTDC Facilitates IPR Protection of MSME’s, Traditional Products & Process and Individual Innovators inIndia and Abroad for Patents, Design, Trademarks, Geographical Indications and Integrated Circuits.

APTDC has facilitated 25 Patent filings, 15 Trademarks filings and 10 GI Applications.

CII-APTDC in Collaboration with the Department of AP Handicrafts, Govt of AP has facilitated theregistration of Geographical Indications of Pembarthi metal crafts and Cheriyal Paintings.

A TM Application for the word and logo for DRR has been filed for Directorate of Rice Research (DRR)

APTDC has worked with MSME’s like Resil Chemicals, Varun Water systems, Annapurna Ear Canaland a few other companies to file for patents and Trademarks.

CBZ Chemicals/Helvetica has filled International PCT application over 6 countries.

Mr. Subhav Sinha a young innovator has filed a PCT application for his innovation on Personal Mover –Mitra -A battery operated moving vehicle for travelling.


Word Mark: - DRR Pembarthi Metal Craft Cheriyal Painting











414 19

Name of the IPR’s







GICopyrightsPatents Trademarks Designs













Name of the IPR’s


Sector wise IPR’s filed







Food & Agro













Specialized Services - GBC

CII-SohrabjiGodrej Green Business Centre

Received India Power Award 2010under Innovative Financing

Growth of Green Buildings in India

CII - Indian Green Building Council(IGBC) Green Townships (Pilot) Rating

System launched

CII- Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre is aunique and successful model of public-privatepartnership between the Government of AndhraPradesh, Pirojsha Godrej Foundation and theConfederation of Indian Industry (CII), withtechnical support of USAID.

The centre was awarded with the India PowerAward 2010 under innovative financing categoryby the Council of Power Utilities for ‘aiming tomobilize equity and debt investment to financeGreen products technology & services’.

Beginning with 20,000 Sq.ft of green buildingfootprint in 2003, today, (as on February 2011)955 green building projects amounting to over606 Million sq.ft are registered of which 135 arecertified and fully functional green buildings inIndia.

On 27 January 2011, Dr B S Yediyurappa,Hon'ble Chief Minister of Karnataka released the

CII-IGBC (Indian Green Building Council) GreenTownships (Pilot) Rating System at ‘Municipalika2011’ organised at Bengaluru.

IGBC Green Townships Rating System isdesigned to address the issues of urban sprawl,au tomob i l e dependency, soc i a l andenvironmental disconnect. This gives a uniqueopportunity to design townships and largedevelopments in facilitating a low carbon growthpath for India.

Township projects in India can register at

On 07 October 2010, MoU was inked betweenIGBC and GBCA (Green Building Council ofAustralia) for research collaboration for carbonoffset in building sector and the second MoU withUSGBC (US Green Building Council) for LEEDAgreement.

Two MoU’s inked at Green BuildingCongress 2010

DrV Krishnamurthy, Chairman, National ManufacturingCompetitiveness Council presenting the India Power Award

2010 for Innovative Financing to CII on11 November 2010 at New Delhi

Launch of CII-IGBC-GreenTownship (Pilot) Rating System byDr B SYediyurappa, Hon'ble Chief Minister of Karnataka on

27 January 2011 at Bengaluru

Exchange of MoU between Dr Prem C Jain, Chairman, IGBCand MrTony Arnel, Chair,WorldGBC on Research Collaborationfor Carbon Offsets in Building Sector between IGBC and GBCA

on 07 October 2010 at Green Building Congress 2010,Chennai .Also seen are: Mr PeterYuile, Deputy Chief Executive

Officer,AustralianTrade Commission, Mr ParasuRaman R,Founding Chair, IGBC, Mr Jamshyd N Godrej, Past President, CII& Chairman, CII- Godrej GBC, MrTT Ashok, Deputy Chairman,CII- Southern Region and Mr S Raghupathy, Senior Director &

Head, CII-Godrej GBC









Specialized Services - GBC


Green Technology Centre

CII-Code for Ecologically SustainableBusiness Growth (Mission on

Sustainable Growth)

Greenco (Pilot) Rating forcompanies, the first of its kind

in the world launched

Energy Audits

CII-IGBC, in order to meet the increasing demandfor qualified green professionals, who canfacilitate construction of green buildings in India,launched the online CII-IGBC (Indian GreenBuilding Council) Accredited Professional Exam.

Qualified professionals will receive a credential toparticipate in projects registered under the 'IGBCrating programmes. As on February 2011, 390professionals have cleared the exam.

Green Technology Centre housed in CII-GodrejGBC provides a unique platform to showcaseequipment, products & services in greenbusinesses which include energy, environment,water, green buildings and renewable energy. Ason date, over 30 Green products & technologiesare on display at the centre.

CII - Code for Ecologically Sustainable BusinessGrowth aims to seek top managementcommitment towards reducing the specificenergy consumption of energy, water and othernatural resources in their respective units. As onFebruary 2011, 449 companies have expressedtheir commitment to the CII-Code.

Greenco Pilot Rating for Companies the first of itskind in the world was launched by Mr SureshPrabhu, Chairman, Council on Energy,Environment and Water and Former Minister ofEnvironment and Power, Government of India on10 February 2011 at New Delhi.

Greenco Rating for Companies intends to rate thecompanies on the environmental friendliness oftheir activities & products and will adopt a cradle-to cradle approach for evaluating the entireactivities of the company, including the supplychain.

Companies can get registered for Greenco Ratingat

As on date, the Centre has conducted 1200energy audits facilitating an annual recurringsavings of INR 2100 Million.

Water Audits

Benefits achieved by the industry

Memorandum of Understanding inkedwith Water Industry Alliance, South


As on date, the Centre has conducted 45 wateraudits facilitating water saving of 4 Million m3/ yearwith an equivalent annual cost savings of INR 150Lakhs/year.

S. Reduction inNo Activity CO achieved

(Tons /Annum)

1 Energy Audits and 46,00,000Energy EfficiencyImprovement studies(1200 Energy Audits)

2 Implementation of 3,42,000CII Code by MSGSignatories(Since 2008 -09)

3 Green Buildings 5,40,000(125 green buildingscompleted)

Total 5.48 Million

On 06 September 2010, CII- Water Institute andWater Industry Alliance of South Australia inked aMoU at Chennai.

The MoU aims to work together in the areas ofwater management, recycling, transfer oftechnology and sharing of best practices.


Mr S Raghupathy, Senior Director & Head, CII-Godrej GBC andMr Joe Flynn, CEO,Water Industry Alliance inking MoU in the

presence of Hon Mike Rann CNZM MP, Premier of SouthAustralia, Mr PeterVarghese,Australian High Commissioner to

India, Mr A KTareen, SeniorTrade Commissioner – India,Government of South Australia and Mr N Kumar, Past

President, CII









Specialized Services - GBC

New Ventures India (NVI)

Smart Power for Environmentally SoundEconomic Development (SPEED -Phase I)

HRD Strategies for Indian RE Sector

As on date, New Ventures India (NVI) facilitatedinvestments to the tune of INR 122 Crores in 15green SMEs. New Ventures India is designed tomeet the needs of Indian entrepreneurs in thedomain of sustainability.

The Centre has implemented a project titled SmartPower for Environmentally-Sound EconomicDevelopment (SPEED), supported by RockefellerFoundation, USA.

The objective of this project was to catalyze thedelivery of clean fuels and electricity for economicdevelopment and poverty reduction apart fromproviding reliable power supply through use ofrenewable energy to telecom towers which act asthe anchor loads. CII Godrej GBC has partneredwith Desi Power, Bangalore and Clean Star, NewDelhi for implementing this project.

The Centre, supported by Ministry of New andRenewable Energy (MNRE) has conducted astudy on the “Human Resource DevelopmentStrategies for Indian Renewable Energy Sector”.

Under this project, CII Godrej GBC has analyzedthe trends in the Indian Renewable energy sector,quantified the existing job opportunities,estimated the short term and long termmanpower requirements, and mapped the skillrequirements and evolved HRD strategies andpartnership models for addressing the skill gaps.

Events Organised1. Green Building Congress

2. Green Business Summit

3. Green Power

4. Waste Management Summit

5. Investor Forum

6. National Award for Excellence in WaterManagement

7. National Award for Excellence in EnergyManagement

8. Green Cementech

9. PaperTech

10. Conference on Green Datacenters

11. Conference on Green Homes

12. CII-Environmental Best Practices Award 2011

13. Water India 2011

Dr Gauri Singh, Joint Secretary, Ministry of New and.Renewable Energy, Government of India delivering the keynoteaddress at the SPEED workshop organised on 11 March 2010

at New Delhi.Also seen is Dr H N Sharan, President, DasagEnergy Engineering Limited, Dr David Jhirad, Special Advisor -

Energy & Climate Change,The Rockefeller Foundation, MrSagun Saxena, Founder, CleanStar and Mr S Raghupathy,

Senior Director & Head, CII Godrej GBC

Mr Shakti Sagar, Chairman, CII-Andhra Pradesh delivering thechief guest address on 29 January 2011 at the Award

Distribution function of first CII Environmental Best PracticesAward 2011 held at CII-Godrej GBC, Hyderabad . Also seen

are Mr S Raghupathy, Senior Director & Head, CII-Godrej GBC,Mr L S Ganapati, Chairman, CII Environmental Best PracticesAward 2011 and Mr K SVenkatagiri, Principal Counsellor, CII-

Godrej GBC

Mr R Karikal Valaven, IAS, Commissioner of Industries,Government of Andhra Pradesh delivering the special address

at the award distribution function of National Award forExcellence inWater Management 2010 held on 11 December

2010 at CII-Godrej GBC, Hyderabad









Specialized Services - GBC

Publications released1. Directory on Water Management2. Low carbon roadmap for Indian cement

industry3. Our Cup of Joy4. Best practices manual- pulp &paper- Vol-35. Water quality standards- essentials6. Cement formulae handbook 2.07. PPCP Guidebook on water8. Best Practices Manual in Indian Datacenters9. Environmental Best Practices Manual - ‘In

pursuit of Green Excellence’

Seen from L-R: Mr K S Kasi Viswanathan, Chairman, PaperTech2010 & Deputy Managing Director, Seshasayee Paper &

Boards Ltd, Mr M L Pachisia, President, Indian PaperManufacturers Association & Managing Director, Orient Paper& Industries, Mr K Madhusudana Rao, IAS, Member Secretary,

Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board and Mr PradeepDhobale, Chairman, Energy Efficiency Council, CII-SohrabjiGodrej Green Business Centre & Chief Executive, ITC Ltd

Paperboards & Specialty Papers Division at the release of theBest Practices Manual- Pulp & Paper Industry- Volume-3 at

PaperTech 2010held on 16 June 2010 at Hyderabad

Some of the key visitorsto the centre

Seen from L-R: Mr M A M R Muthiah,Vice- President, CementManufacturers Association, Mr G Anantha Ramu, IAS,Commissioner, Industries & Commerce Department,

Government of Andhra Pradesh, Mr DV Manohar, PastChairman, CII – Andhra Pradesh, Mr G Jayaraman, Chairman,

Green Cementech 2010 & Executive President, BirlaCorporation Ltd and Mr S Raghupathy, Senior Director &Head, CII – Godrej GBC at the release of the report - ‘Low

Carbon Roadmap for Indian Cement Industry’ at GreenCementech 2010 held on 13 May 2010 at Hyderabad

Seen from L-R: Mr S Raghupathy, Senior Director & Head, CII-Godrej GBC, Mr Ramesh Datla, Chairman, CII National

MSME Council, Dr PaavoVayrynen, Minister, ForeignTrade andDevelopment, Finland, Mr Shakti Sagar, Chairman, CII-AP, Ms

Terhi Hakala, the Ambassador of Finland and MrY HarishChandra Prasad, Immediate Past Chairman, CII-AP on 28

October 2010

Seen from L-R: Mr Jayadev Galla,Vice Chairman, CII AndhraPradesh & Managing Director,Amararaja Group, Shri JairamRamesh, Hon’ble Minister of State (Independent Charge),

Environment and Forests, Government of India, MrY HarishChandra Prasad, Immediate Past Chairman, CII-AP and Mr SSrinivas, Principal Counsellor, CII-Godrej GBC on 15 June 2010

Seen from L-R: Mr PeterVarghese,Australian HighCommissioner to India, Mr Shakti Sagar, Chairman, CII-Andhra Pradesh, The Hon. Simon Crean, MP,Australian

Minister forTrade and Mr S Raghupathy, Senior Director &Head, CII-Godrej GBC on 7 May 2010









Specialized Services - BYST

Global Entreprenuer Week

Online Discussion Forum :

09 November 2011: Mentors Meet

Global Entrepreneur week was celebrated inHyderabad between 15 -21 November 2010. Aspart of the celebration BYST Hyderabadorganized awareness generation programmes atMoosapet Industrial Area and KushaigudaIndustrial Area. A number of counseling sessionswas also organized as part of the celebrations.

BYST Hyderabad also organized a AwarenessGenerat ion program at Young Ind ianEntrepreneurs Conclave organised by YIE inHyderabad. The objective of the program was tosensitize participants about the importance ofentrepreneurship, requisite skills to become asuccessful entrepreneur and Business Planpreparation. Dr. Gopu Venkataswamy from JNTU,Mr. Vijay, a quality consultant, Ms. Uma, asuccessful entrepreneur, Mr. Surendra Nath,Mentor-BYST addressed the gathering.

Byst Hyderabad initiated an online discussionforum. As part of this initiative an email with anarticle on “Beyond collateral: how to increaseaccess to capital for young entrepreneurs” hadbeen sent to all stakeholders (mentors and partnerorganizations) for their experience sharing andrequesting them to post their views on the BYSTPortal.

One Partner Organisation representingGovernment, NIMSME, One BYST supportedentrepreneur, one Chartered Accountant, TwoPrivate partner organizations (M/s Roshan Vikasand M./s Lakshmi Purna Associates) threementors and a strategic committee member hadposted their views covering various aspects likeYouth Bulge, Cost of not Intervening, sustainabilityand ROI given in the article.

A Mentors Meet was organized with the strategicCommittee members & Chapter Chairs, mentors,GM-SDIBI, Dr. P. Chandra Shekhara, Director,National Institute of Agriculture ExtensionManagement.

Mr. Ramesh Datla, Strategic Chair, BYST whilewelcoming participants, appreciated the role ofmentors in the progress made by BYST infacilitating PPP loans which was started 3 yearsback and stressed the importance of propercounseling and mentoring to be provided to eachentrepreneur besides financial facilitation.

The session was also addressed by The GeneralManager – SIDBI and Dr. P. Chandra Shekhara,Director, National Institute of Agriculture ExtensionManagement (MANAGE).

Bharatiya Yuva Shakti Trust (BYST)Programme Highlights (March ’10 - Feb ‘11)

Awareness Generation &Out reach Programs

Particulars Achievement

People Outreached 1547

People Counseled & Sign-Posted 364

Entrepreneurs Supported 25

Employment Generated 177

BYST Hyderabad organized a number ofawareness generat ions and out reachprogrammes at Dr. Reddy’s Foundation, NationalAcademy of Construction, COWE, AP WomenFinance Corporation, Kushaiguda ElectronicsComplex, Central Institute of Plastic Engineeringand Technology (CIPET), Cherlapally and manymore.

These sessions were conducted with an objectiveto sensitize participants on BYST’s role inpromoting the entrepreneurship and inculcateentrepreneurial qualities among prospectiveentrepreneurs.









Specialized Services - BYST

shared the marketing strategies required inmanufacturing and service sectors. He alsodeliberated on change in customer tastes andrequirements and why branding is important in theexisting market environment. He stressed on themodalities involved in branding like creation,consolidation and protecting of brand and howdifferent approaches need to be followed fordifferent products/ services. Proper advertisingthrough media, exhibitions, selection of suitabledistribution channels for sales promotion werealso discussed in length during the programme.

A Training programme on Taxation and Accountswas organized with Mr. N Narasimha Rao, TaxConsultant & Lawyer with an objective to sensitizeentrepreneurs on taxation and accounts.

25 October 2010: Training Program onTaxation and Accounts

All the participants took the oath to spread themessage of promoting entrepreneurship andenterprises and to assist and motivate everydeserving person in becoming entrepreneur.

A Speed Networking event was organized with anobjective of sharing of ideas among each other is“importance of loan repayment and businessethics”. The session was addressed by BYSTMentors Mrs. Jayanthi Natarajan and Mr.Gangadhar

Mrs. Jayanti Natarajan and Mr. Gangadhar , BYSTmentors explained the participants about therelevance of business ethics in current industrialscenario and suggested that networking is notjust about handing out business cards tostrangers, but also about asking questions andlistening, so they can get to know each other andfind common Ground for business development.

A lively debate was observed among theparticipants with reference to business ethics.

Some of the important ideas shared on thesubject are:

On time execution of orders to gain customerconfidence. – Customer Relationship

Assessment of the capacity of the firm beforetaking up any assignment – StrategicManagement

Proper maintenance of books and ledgers –Best accounting Practices

Optimal resource utilisation with specificreference to machine, materials, employeesand finance - Best Management Practices

Building customer relationships rather thanaiming for huge profits should be the mainMantra for start-ups – Marketing Management

An Orirentaion programme for Entreprenuers onBranding & Marketing was with an objective tosensitize entrepreneurs on importance ofbranding & Marketing.

Mr. Mohan Das Kumta, Mentor, BYST elaboratedon India’s Industrial growth and potential industrialsectors along with latest statistical figures. He

November 2011:Speed Networking Event

Training Programmes Organised by BYST

25 August 2010: Orientation Programfor Entrepreneurs on Branding &










Specialized Services - BYST

Mr. Narasimha Rao was of the view that thedifference between successful and non –successful entrepreneurs depends upon theirfinancial discipline. He further suggested thatthere are mandate documents which makesentrepreneur excel in finance management. Heopined that if an entrepreneur wants to sustainand excel his business he needs to becomeprofessional with the financial transactions.Mr. Narasimha volunteered to support buddingentrepreneurs with their financial management.

Mrs. L V Venkatesan, Executive Vice President &Founding Trustee, BYSt visited Hyderabad during02 & 03 February 2011. During her visit she metwith Mrs. Rewnu Challu, Managing Director. StateBank of Hyderabad, SIDBI and BoB Officials. Shealso had a meeting with the stakeholders of BYST.

02 February 2011:Mrs. Lakshmi V. Venkatesan, Executive

Vice President & Founding Trustee,BYST's Visit to Hyderabad

The purpose of her visit was to develop strategicpartnership with SBH, review the status of bankpartnerships and strengthen the relations withBYST stake holders

Mr.G.Bhanu Murthy Eco-Preneur Receiving Letter of Appreciation from HRH Prince Charles









The Team 2010 - 11

Mr. Jayadev GallaVice Chairman-CII

Andhra Pradesh Convenor,Membership Panel & Chairman

Task Force on India@75 &Managing Director, Amara Raja

Batteries Ltd.

Mr. Anil Kumar EpurChairman-CII Andhra Pradesh

Task Force on Agriculture,Taskforce on Public Policy &

Director, VST Distribution Storage &Leasing Company Pvt. Ltd

Dr. N Ramachandra GallaChairman, CII Andhra PradeshTask Force on Non Migratory

Jobs & Chairman, Amara RajaBatteries Ltd.

Ms. Suchitra EllaConvenor-CII Andhra PradeshCSR Panel & Joint Managing

Director, Bharat BiotechInternational Ltd

Dr. B V R Mohan ReddyChairman - CII Andhra PradeshThe CEO Forum & Chairman &

Managing Director, InfotechEnterprises Ltd.

Mr. Mahesh K DesaiConvenor-CII Andhra Pradesh

EXIM Panel & Managing DirectorMeera & Ceiko Pumps Pvt.. Ltd

Mr. B Ashok ReddyChairman, CII Andhra Pradesh

Task Force on Internal Security &President (Corp. Affairs), Infotech

Enterprises Ltd.

Mr. M R VikramConvenor- CII Andhra Pradesh

Finance & Taxation Panel &Director M Anandam Consultancy

Service Pvt. Ltd.

Dr. Varma VegesnaConvenor-CII Andhra PradeshHealthcare Panel & ManagingDirector Lazarus Hospital Ltd.

Prof. Ajit RangnekarConvenor- CII Andhra PradeshIndustry -Institute Interaction

Panel & Dean, Indian School ofBusiness

Mr. D V ManoharChairman - CII Andhra Pradesh

Taskforce on Tourism &Chairman & Managing Director

Shri Shakti Resorts & Hotels Ltd.

Mr. Anil Kumar ChalamalasettyConvenor - CII Andhra Pradesh

Energy & Environment Panel &Chief Executive Officer

Greenko Energies Pvt. Ltd.









The Team 2010 - 11

Mr. A K MishraConvenor - CII Andhra Pradesh

Infrastructure Panel &ED & COO, Tata Projects Ltd.

Mr. Pradeep MittalConvenor - CII Andhra PradeshICT Panel & Managing Director

Magna Infotech (PP Ltd.

Mr. V S VenkatramanConvenor, CII Andhra Pradesh

Manufacturing CompetitivenessPanel & Chairman TQM Forum fororganizational Excellence & Vice

President, Mahindra &Mahindra Ltd.

Mr. M K PatodiaChairman - CII Andhra Pradesh

Task Force on Power & Chairman& Managing Director

GTN Exports Ltd.

Mr. Debashis BasuConvenor - CII Andhra Pradesh

HR, Affirmative Action, Skill Devp.& IER Panel & Managing Director

Voith Turbo Pvt. Ltd.

Mr. M Babu RaoConvenor - CII Andhra Pradesh

MSME Panel & ManagingDirector, GSB Forge Pvt. Ltd.

Mr. K Basi ReddyChairman, CII-Andhra Pradesh

Task Force on Media &Entertainment & Chairman &Managing Director, Digiquest

India Ltd.

Mr. Rishabh AgarwalChair- Yi Hyderabad Chapter &Director, Karan Woo Sin Ltd.

Capt. Sriram Ravi ChanderChairman - CII Vizag Zone &

Chief Operating OfficerVisakha Container Terminal


Mr. RVS RajuVice Chairman, CII Vizag Zone &

President RHI Clasil Limited

Mr. JSRK PrasadChairman - CII Vijayawada Zone &

Chief Executive OfficerBetter Castings

Mr. Y V Krishna MohanVice Chairman - CII VijayawadaZone & CEO Surya Engineering











CII in Media









CII in Media










27 May 2010: Members Meet withMr. S Gopalakrishnan, Chairman, CII

SR & Managing Director, InfosysTechnologies Ltd

Mr. S Gopalakrishnan, Chairman, CII SRand MD, Infosys Technologies Ltd., hada meeting with CII members on 27 May,2010. The objective of the meeting wasto update members on CII SouthernRegion initiatives and activities and tounderstand the issues of members.

Members raised couple of issuesrelated to educational system, issues ofMSMEs, Power crisis etc.

CII Andhra Pradesh Membership - Zone Wise







Membership - Andhra Pradesh

306 324359


2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11










in M




CII Andhra Pradesh Secretariat

Independence Day Celebrations

Confederation of Indian Industry# 1-11-252/9, Plot No.7, 'Regal House', Motilal Nehru Nagar, Begumpet, Hyderabad- 500 016

Tel: 040 - 2776 5964 / 66 / 67, Fax: 040 - 2776 6116E-mail:

Reach us via our Membership Helpline: 00-91-11-435-46244 / 00-91-99104 46244, CII Helpline Toll free No: 1800-103-1244

The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) works to create and sustain anenvironment conducive to the growth of industry in India, partnering industry andgovernment alike through advisory and consultative processes.

CII is a non-government, not-for-profit, industry led and industry managedorganisation, playing a proactive role in India's development process. Foundedover 113 years ago, it is India's premier business association, with a directmembership of over 7500 organisations from the private as well as publicsectors, including SMEs and MNCs, and an indirect membership of over 83,000companies from around 380 national and regional sectoral associations.

CII catalyses change by working closely with government on policy issues,enhancing efficiency, competitiveness and expanding business opportunities forindustry through a range of specialised services and global linkages. It alsoprovides a platform for sectoral consensus building and networking. Majoremphasis is laid on projecting a positive image of business, assisting industry toidentify and execute corporate citizenship programmes. Partnerships with over120 NGOs across the country carry forward our initiatives in integrated andinclusive development, which include health, education, livelihood, diversitymanagement, skill development and water, to name a few.

Complementing this vision, CII's theme "India@75: The Emerging Agenda",reflects its aspirational role to facilitate the acceleration in India's transformationinto an economically vital, technologically innovative, socially and ethically vibrantglobal leader by year 2022.

With 64 offices in India, 9 overseas in Australia, Austria, China, France, Germany,Japan, Singapore, UK, USA and institutional partnerships with 211 counterpartorganisations in 87 countries, CII serves as a reference point for Indian industryand the international business community.

Confederation of Indian IndustrySince 1895

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