circular migration and human development assignment sample

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Circular Migration and Human Development

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Circular Migration and Human Development

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Table of Contents



Circular Migration .....................................................................................................................4

Data on Circular Migration........................................................................................................9

Policy Intervention and Circular Migration...............................................................................9

Conclusion ...............................................................................................................................12


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The present paper deals with the concept of circular migration for human

development. It will include both the cases, i.e. where is happens naturally and where

government introduces some policies to promote it. This paper will focus on various aspects

and concepts of circular migration, and at the end wind up with the conclusion that circular

migration has both pros and cons depending upon the situations and the constraints in which

it happens. But above all, the concept of circular motion depends on the choice of an

individual that whether he wants to migrate or not.

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Circular migration is a three way win solution benefiting the origin countries,

destination countries and migrants workers, and has helped to develop the benefits for the

labour migration. Although the concept of circular migration is not very new, but in recent

times it has got lot of attention particularly in the countries such as Indonesia, India and

China (OECD, 2008).

Circular migration occurs when migrants from one country moves to the other

country. And it gaining popularity so as: to meet the labour requirement in the destination

country without permanent settlement; promoting development in the origin and destination

country; to retain and attract skills and creations; for drifting ‘brain drain’ and to stop

irregular migration. Presently, both The Global Forum on Migration and Development and

the European Commission are trying to encourage the concept of circular migration. Circular

migration occurs only when both the origin and destination countries are benefited from it

(Wickramasekara, 2011).

In the present study, we will argue that, from the perspective of an individual, the

concept of circular migration is neither good nor bad. Rather, the advantage depends on the

path chosen by the individual. Nowadays governments have come up with some policies

regarding circular migration that provides an opportunity to an individual to hold the

nationality of more than one country and the requirement s of permanent settlement.

In this study, we will review the work of three scholars, who have done research in

the field of circular migration for human development. The first research report is on Circular

Migration and Human Development by Kathleen Newland, the second research report is on

Migration and Human Development in India by Priya Deshingkar and Shaheen Akter, and the

third research paper is on International Migration and Human Development by Ahmet


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migration laws and faulty legislation. From their study, they were able to highlight the issue

of child labour. They also concentrated on the non-economic parameters that can impact the

migration on human development. And lastly they concluded that poverty is the main that

leads to migration of people from one place to another (Deshingkar and Akter, 2009).

Ahmet Icduygu, in his research report International Migration and Human

Development, focused on the issue that, in most of the countries, people have negative

perception about immigration or even emigration. He discovered that because of unstable

political and economic conditions of the destined countries, people do not find the concept of

circular migration very attractive. On the other hand, he also feels that circular migration and

global integration provide tremendous opportunity for the human growth. Moreover, to

further explain the advantages and disadvantages of circular migration, he took the case of

Turkey because firstly, Turkey provides multi migration opportunity; secondly, the process

immigration and emigration explains various stages of migration cycle; and thirdly, to

highlight the different migration issues associated with the Turkey-EU membership process

(Icduygu, 2009).

Circular Migration

Most of the time, international migration is taken in a negative way and found very

complex and problematic at government levels and in the opinion of the general public

(Fargues et al. 2004). Although, the concept of circular migration has some negative

implication, still it is getting very popular in recent years, as it contributes in the growth of

both the origin countries and destination countries. Further, it is believed that global

integration and circular migration provides a tremendous growth potential for the progress of

human being (Massey 1988, Castles & Wise 2008, Castles & Miller 1997,). In addition,

global migration is readily accepted by the international organisations and the academic

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institutions as it is considered as one of the main growth drivers for the development of the

social and economic condition.

Earlier the studies in this field used to focus on the consequences of the international

migration on a particular society and development of the country. But now days, studies are

focusing more on analyzing the individual level, so as to evaluate, how circular migration has

helped in human development (Castles & Wise 2008, de Haas 2003). Human development

can be defined as the changes in the lifestyle of the people due to change in social, cultural,

political and economical environment.

In this research we will discuss, is the circular migration good or bad from an

individual perspective. Circular migration is considered to be a boon for an individual if it is

done by choice and not by imposing it on the individuals. There are many external constraints

that can act as hurdle in the path of international migration, e.g. Sovereign government have

the rights to decide whether an immigrant of other nation can enter or not in their state. Most

of the government has framed policies regarding migration which helps an individual to

decide whether he can go for circular migration or not, further, policies about admission and

stay and permission to keep different nationalities are also exists.

In addition to external constrains, internal constraints do exists, e.g. Russia and China,

does not allow people to change the place of their resident. This rule is officially

implemented in the case of Chine, while in the case of Russia it is unofficial. In many multi-

cultural and multi-lingual countries, such as India, Canada, Ethiopia and Belgium, culture and

language proves to hurdle for internal migration.

Mahbub ul Haq who innovated the concept of Human Development, defines it as

providing various choices to the people, in order to achieve proper development. According

to him, people have infinite choices and the changes with the change in time. As compared to

economy development, which focuses on the nation as a whole, human development

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Another factor that leads to the circular migration is lack of opportunities available to the

people. E.g. many people from the countries like, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Philippines and

some other countries are migration to the Gulf, in search of some kind of work, as they are

not able to fulfil basic requirements at the home country. Most of them are not allowed to

settle their permanently. Still people keep on emigrating, so as to make enough savings and

investments so that they can support themselves and their home. So in such situations, the

migration is not because of desire, rather, the migration is due to some compulsion or

regulation or both.

Migration Policy Institute (MPI) published a paper in 2007 regarding circular

migration, and defined it as continuous drifting of people towards the countries which are

considered as economic power for a long time duration. It emphasised that, the main factor

behind the circular migration is globalization. According to it, the shift between the origin

country and the destination country will be either permanent or temporary, but it will help in

transforming the lives of people and depending on their choice, they will be engaged with

both the countries.

Philippe Fargues of the European University Institute came up with six different

parameters which make the migration circular. His six criteria points include:





Managed, and

Respectful of the rights of migrants

According to him, all these criteria are to be fulfilled in order to maintain a proper

balance between the labour demands of one country with labour supply in other country. He

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felt that, other parameters such as brain drain, skill transfer and enhancing migrant’s skills

also results in circular migration (Fargues, 2008).

So overall it can be said that, circular migration includes four dimensions:

Temporal Dimension, i.e. duration

Development Dimension

Spatial Dimension, i.e. geography, and

Iterative Dimension, i.e. repetition

Data on Circular Migration

There is no data bank globally which maintains a record of people involved in the

circular migration. International migration is very complex term than it is assumed. There are

many few states which record the entry and exit information of the local people as well as

migrants. Australia and New Zealand are the countries, which follow the practice of

recording data regarding migration of people. According to Australian geographer Graeme

Hugo, there exist a high degree of circular migration between Australia and some of the

Asian-Pacific countries. It includes both kind of migration: non-permanent return migration

from Australia and non-permanent migration to Australia. By this study, Hugo concluded

that, there are many Australian supporting housing and families in both the countries.

Policy Intervention and Circular Migration

Although, most of the circular migration is because of ‘de facto’ circular migration,

still it can be influenced by some policy decisions. Here we are discussing two examples of

government policy.

The first case is about the US-Mexico. In the twentieth century, Mexico workers keep

on shuttling between US-Mexico borders, in the search of some kind of work. Because of

insufficient security, most of the people cross the border without permission. A report shows

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Circular migration is not a new concept. Although it offers many advantages such as

offers better lifestyle, some losses are also associated with it like, separation from family and

home community for long time duration. Further, circular migration has both pros and cons.

If it is imposed it is imposed on an individual, it can have negative impacts on the individual,

but if it is by desire of an individual, it can have positive impacts on the individual.

Kathleen Newland’s article, Circular Migration and Human Development, has helped

a lot in understanding the topic ’circular migration’. Further, it also provided an insight that

circular migration can be either good or bad for an individual’s perspective.

Article by Priya Deshingkar and Shaheen Akter (Migration and Human Development

in India) has helped to explore the gap between data on migration and significance of the

migration in the context of growth in Indian economy and livelihood strategies. It helped in

understanding the issue related to the poor working conditions of migrants.

Ahmet Icduygu’s International Migration and Human Development, helped in

understand the negative perception of people about the circular migration. It also discussed

that, how political and social environment of a country can impact the circular migration.

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Castles, S. and Miller, M. J. 1998. The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World. 2 nd ed. London.

Castles, S. and Wise, R. D. 2008. Migration and Development: Perspectives from the South . Geneva.

de Haas, H. 2003. Migration and Development in Southern Morocco: The Disparate Socio- Economic Impacts of Out-Migration on the Todgha Oasis Valley.

Fargues, P. et. al. 2004. International Migration in MENA: A Positive Sum Game: Conference Proceeding. The Mediterranean Program of the European University Institute. March 24-28. Florence.

Haq, M. U. 1995. Reflections on Human Development. Oxford University Press.

Massey, D. 1988. Economic Development and Migration in Comparative Perspective. Population and Development Review 14(3). pp. 383-413.

OECD. 2008. International Migration Outlook 2008. OECD Publishing.

Truong, T. and Gasper, D. 2011. Transnational Migration and Human Security: The Migration-Development-Security Nexus. Springer.


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Fargues, P. 2008. Circular Migration: Is it Relevant for the South and East of the

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Icduygu, A. 2009. International Migration and Human Development in Turkey. [Pdf].

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Newland, K. 2009. Circular Migration and Human Development.[Pdf]. Available through: [Accessed on 13 December 2012].


Vertovec, S. 2007. Circular Migration: the way forward in global policy?. [Pdf]. Available

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Wickramasekara, P. 2011. Circular Migration: A Triple Win or a Dead End?. Available

through: migration-a-triple-win-or-a-dead-end>. [Accessed on 13 December 2012].

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