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Effective Marketing Strategies for CITIZEN Medical Devices Business

Leverage of marketing & technology to achieve maximum results

Island Gate © 2016CITIZEN Marketing 2016

Island Gate © 2016Updated Techniques

Use marketing & technology to achieve maximum sales results

The competitive landscape for business nowadays has changed dramatically, and also changed the way your customer’s finds the products they need, this is why you need to adapt to the new technologies.

There are 3 drivers of change:

• Search

• Social

• Mobile

These 3 factors impact greatly the business nowadays and how the consumers want to do business with you.

Island Gate © 2016Search, Social & Mobile

Search is easier than ever

Search is accessible from multiple devices and it has become the predominant way to find information, products and businesses. Is no longer the yellow pages or magazines, information is everywhere.

92% of consumers prefer online search

Customers have more confidence in the information found online than they do in anything said by a salesclerk or other source. So information is every time more searched online and the results are trusted more.

When it comes from a sales person directly it feels like it is sold to us or advertised.

Social driver is related to connecting and sharing opinions with ease

Connecting and sharing with other has never been easier. Now opinions are highly visible. Search engines pay attention to these opinions, this is why they try to capture that information more often to be sure that it will

be incorporated in the search.

70% of consumers consult reviews or ratings BEFORE purchasing

Social has a huge impact in how people make buying decisions, and this should impact majorly in how to do business.

Consumers are the publishers

Content about your business is NOT created by you. Is easier for people to create and share how people feel and experience your product. So the content is not created by you anymore, is the consumers who create them.

Mobile became the biggest game-changer

Mobile search gives immediate gratification with what people are looking for, since the access to information is at the reach of our hands.

You MUST be present because competitors are already there

Mobile is changing people’s buying behavior so you have to be present there in order to have a bigger market share than your competitors.

1 in 7 searches are now mobile

Mobile searches have QUADRUPLED in the last year according to Google. So is easier than ever for consumers to quickly research and compare various products and services.

Island Gate © 2016Search, Social & Mobile

Build a strategy to develop Search, Social & Mobile

The companies that found a way to optimize the way they work with these 3 factors are crushing the companies that don’t.

So the big question for you is how do you strategically work with these 3 big drivers of change to make sure you come out on top?

Develop a marketing plan

Now more than ever you need to have a marketing plan that works. Within the busy days is difficult to find time to design a plan but the best way is to simplify the challenge and clarify the approach.

Use the 4 keys of marketing systems

To maximize the impact you have to concentrate in the 4 keys of marketing Systems: Reputation, Reach, Resell & Referral.

Island Gate © 2016Reputation, Reach, Resell & Referral

The 4 Rs of Marketing

Each one of these KEY marketing systems can give 25% growth, and combining them and maximizing the 4 keys can lead to a 100% business growth or more.


Reputation is what people think about your business & products.It is now more important than ever because it has never been easier for people to share what they feel about the product online, and that information can spread easily nowadays.


Reach is making sure that you are getting in touch with more of your qualified customers every single day.If you want to grow your business you need to get more of your targeted prospects to know who you are, because if they don’t know who you are they can’t buy from you.


Resell is making sure that we maximize the lifetime value of every customer that we get by continuing to resell them our products.

Also to UPSELL them by making them buy more expensive products, and to CROSS SELL them by making them buy other complimentary products.


Referral is very valuable nowadays. A positive word of mouth is good to have but is not enough. There’s always many ways to grow our referrals if we are proactive and thoughtful about our approach.

It is needed to give a fantastic customer experience so the referrals will say positive things about the CITIZEN products. At the same time, this enhances back the reputation of your business.

Island Gate © 2016REPUTATION

Specific Strategies & Tactics to maximize the 4 Rs

Reputation is the foundation of Marketing

It is easier than ever for consumers to find feedback of other customers to help them make a decision about who to buy from. Is no longer enough to do good work & have good products along with customer service. You must

proactively develop and market your reputation online.

There are all kind of sites that rate businesses, and there are all kinds of ways for people to review products and find what other people think.

Assure the online content

You should strategically make sure that you are getting content online that is supportive and positive about CITIZEN in your region, so when the consumers do a search they find good content about CITIZEN and your company.

Online feedback is highly valuable

70% of the consumers say that the feedback they find online is the No 2 factor in making a decision about which brand to buy.

7 out of 10 who read reviews share them with friends, family & colleagues.

The reality is that everyone is out there talking, and the question is who is talking about you and what are they saying. Today an unhappy customer will tell thousands of their “closest strangers” on the internet about their

negative experience.

Reviews are now at the center of search

90% of online consumers trust recommendations from people they know. 70% of online consumers trust unknown users.While only 14% of online consumers trust advertising.

Your goal is to have a 5 star reputation at your business

How you do that? First is to deliver a 5 star product and after service, CITIZEN assures the quality and performance of the products, and after it is needed to contribute to the conversation in a meaningful way.

As is not possible to control what people say, it is needed to make sure you‘re adding enough good content to the conversation that is taking place online to ensure that the ratio of positive to negative is in your favor.

Take ownership of the online profiles

Build your presence in all of the key directories and networks, as Google+local, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc.You need to make sure you have a company presence where you need to have it, taken control of that presence, and to make sure that the information on these sites is complete and accurate.

Your company is already online

You may not even realize it but you have a company listing in all of these sites already, they already created listings of almost all businesses out there. You need to take control because the information might be wrong or


You might be getting bad reviews from customers and don’t even know it, not even having a chance to respond to that, so you have to take ownership of these profiles to make sure you can control the message that is on them.

Publish your own story of your business

You have to make your own news, post on good & positive subjects that will help your clients and prospects, and add social media sharing buttons so the people can spread the good word about your business.

You can, for example make educational videos of how to use CITIZEN products and post them on YouTube. Any video stands about 50 times better chance of appearing on the first page of results than any given text page in the


This is because usually people who makes search online are more willing to watch a video than to read, so search engines puts them in first place of the search results. Is relevant to the people who is searching.

Build a review collection system

You need to be proactive and methodical in the process of collecting positive referrals, and make sure that they are getting published online. Reviews on a site can boost the sales 20%.

People who read good reviews are more likely to buy your product than a brand with no reviews. So you need to capture the positive feelings of the customers and make sure that they are getting shared online.

Island Gate © 2016REACH

After building reputation you need to REACH out your customers

Once you have that positive reputation you want to make sure that you are reaching out to as many prospects as you possibly can to let them know about the good word of CITIZEN products and services.

If you are not reaching out to more prospects every day then the chances of growing your business in long term are very slim to none.

Reach via MOBILE

Mobile searches have QUADRUPLED in the last year according to Google, plus 1 in 7 searches are made through mobile. The average user spends around 2 hours a day on their mobile phone.

1 in 3 mobile searches are local

Reaching people via mobile is very important, particularly if your business is local in nature because 1 in 3 mobile searches are local in nature, people looking for products and services around them.

Develop a mobile friendly website

Is very important also to have a site which is adapted to mobile use, since 6 in 10 prospects are willing to leave the website if it’s not mobile friendly,and 52% of the users say that a bad mobile experience makes them much less likely to engage with a business.

Make it an easy and relevant experience

Your mobile friendly website should be easy to find and the information on it will be easily accessed. You should make it as easy as possible for the prospects to consume information about your business on their mobile phone.

New addiction = Mobile connection

Consumers don’t want to be disconnected from their phones. This “addiction” gives you a chance to stay connected to consumers wherever they go. So you have the opportunity to REACH your audience without making them step out of

their daily routine.

Reach via Social Media

There are all kinds of ways to reach the targeted customers, there is direct mail, radio advertising, TV advertising, sponsoring local events, etc.

But social media had grown hugely in the last years, 712% since 2005 and growing bigger every day. 66% of adult internet users access social media while in 2005 was only 8%.

Use Facebook as a business growth tool

In Facebook there are more than 1 billion users throughout the world, so chances are that no matter who your target audience is, you can reach them on Facebook.

Island Gate © 2016FACEBOOK Ads

6 reasons to advertise on Facebook

1. Reach

A massive number of people use Facebook, so you can reach a huge number of every group of consumers out there.At the same time, Facebook and social media give you multiple ways to engage with these customers, so surely you will find an effective way to reach them through Facebook.

2. Precision Targeting

Facebook advertising interface lets you target people in many ways: by location, by ZIP codes & area codes, by age or birthday, by type of education and level,

also based on the connections they have, based on their demographic information, their interests, or even by their relationship status. So it is possible to be extremely precise in the way you target people in Facebook.

3. Cost Control

You can advertise in Facebook according to the budget you are having and you can control how much to spend in each campaign.

The budgets for advertising in Facebook can be very low, and because of that better targeting you will get less wasted spend because you are doing a precision shot at the people you want to reach vs just doing a mass media

advertising which will reach to mixed audiences.

4. Cost efficiency

The precision targeting makes you have an incredible level of measurability of everything that you are doing. Everything in online advertising can be measured, which means that can be optimized.

Precision equals efficiency. Facebook measurability means you can analyze the results and keep driving down your cost per click so your word can get spread out with relevancy.

5. Simplicity

Facebook advertising is very simple to use. The user interface is very easy to set up and get going. Is even easier than Google AdWords and with absolutely no need of previous experience required.

6. Interests Targeting

Typically you can target people by demographic information, where they live, how old they are, how much is their income, etc. But advertising becomes much more powerful when you can reach people based on their interest.

Facebook is perfect for this because everybody post their interests, activities, what they like and what they don’t, etc. So now you can customize your advertising to really target that information which makes it more


Why Facebook Ads work so well?

Advertising is much more likely to perform better when you target smaller, specific groups of people.Facebook can display the Ads to the people who are most likely to be interested in CITIZEN products, so customizing the ads will make them more appealing to the audience you’re trying to reach.

Your audience is socially online, and if you are not reaching them via Social Media your COMPETITORS ARE and you are already losing market share.

Island Gate © 2016RESELL

Resell – Upsell – Cross Sell

As we mention before, when we refer to the RESELL step we are talking about reselling, up selling and cross selling.

It means everything you do to assure that once you get a customer, you are maximizing the lifetime value of that customer.


Resell is making sure that we maximize the lifetime value of every customer that we get by continuing to sell them again our products.


To Upsell the customers is to make them buy more expensive products from CITIZEN brand.


To Cross Sell is to make the customers buy other complimentary CITIZEN products.

Resell via mobile

87% of population have mobile phones. 73% say it’s their No. 1 most used technology device.25% of households have already changed their landlines for mobiles. Nowadays mobile had become a part of our culture.

How to resell via mobile?

You can resell via SMS & WhatsApp messages. 6.1 trillion text messages were sent/received in 2010 and keep growing constantly. SMS is capable of reaching 91% of the population.

The benefits of SMS are instant deliverability, flexible platform, Instant Opt-in and Opt-out, high open and conversion rates (reading them and take action on what they find), low effort to create.

Why to use SMS?

97% of all SMS marketing texts are open, 95-98% of text messages are read within minutes of receipt.Compared to emails 33% of email addresses change on a yearly basis, but people usually keep their cell number for lifetime.

Island Gate © 2016REFERRAL

Referral Systems

A referral system goal is getting the happy customers to say good things about CITIZEN products and your services. This is the easiest way to get new customers.

According to the New York Times, 65% of new business comes from referrals, and 41% of businesses count on referrals for over 80% of sales.

Proactively drive referrals instead of just hoping they come to you

First you need to understand that good customer service doesn’t always equate to referrals.83% of satisfied customers are willing to refer products and services, but only 29% actually do it.That is why you should be proactive about it. A word of mouth is just made by chance, instead a referral system is predictable, consistent and repeatable that you control.

Build an effective Referral System

A referral system is a methodical process that captures qualified prospects through your association with people.The way to generate referrals in a repeatable system is to ask for them. 91% of clients are willing to give a referral but they have never been asked.

Ask your customers to participate

Companies usually don’t take the time to ask to people to share their feelings with friends and family about their experience with their products and customer services.

You have to incorporate the message into referral cards, postcards, social media, your website, and make sure that your satisfied customers see them and see the opportunities to refer your business.

An example for this can be incorporating contests between the customers, coupons or other viral promotions in exchange of referrals.

Island Gate © 2016CITIZEN Marketing 2016

Develop your market efficiently

It is a proven fact that once the companies realize of these marketing strategies 90% find out that they aren’t growing like they should,and the gap between those companies who are implementing them and those who don’t is wideningThis makes the customers and prospects to choose the products who are more visible and with better marketing


You can grow faster

Every business have the chance to grow faster if they implement these strategies, regardless of the bad situation of the economy or the competitors they are facing.

Being strategic about your marketing in THE difference to create maximum growth at your


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