city danville, virginia

Post on 24-Mar-2022






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City of Danville, VirginiaPO Box 3300 427 Patton Street, Rm 304

Danville, VA 24543 Danville, VA 24541

J. Gary Via, CPPO Phone: ( 434) 799- 6528

Director of Purchasing Fax: ( 434) 799- 5102

e- mail: e- mail: purchasingAdanvilleva. gov

February 24, 2020

IFB 19- 20- 084

Upgrade of Schoolfield Substation"

Addendum No. 1

Please note the following Questions/ Responses:

The answers to the questions are in bold italicizes print below. Attached is the

missing clouded/ marked drawing for the ground grid referenced in question # 4.

There is a discrepancy in the bid bond amount. Bid bond is 5%.1) Will the company that is responsible for scraping the two ( 2) power transformers

be disassembling the units at their current location in the yard, or will the unitsneed to be relocated to an area near the gate where the scraping company willdisassemble and then remove from the site? If the transformers are to be

relocated to an area near the gate, who is responsible for moving them from theircurrent location to the new location near the gate? We are accepting quotesfor the removal of the transformers from their current locations. The quotes

must also include the removal of the old metalclad and its contents as well

as the SF6 breakers and the foundations removal. If interested, please

provide quote.

2) Who is responsible for pumping out, testing and disposing of the oil from the two2) power transformers that are to be scrapped? Whoever wins the

transformer removal bid will also be responsible pumping, testing andremoval of the oil.

3) Page 50 of the Labor and Material Specifications and Bid Documents for the

Upgrade of Schoolfield Substation document reads, " The Owner shall furnish and

install eight (8) feeder exit runs of 1000kcmil AL 15kV URD cable includingterminations to the 15kV overhead distribution circuits as shown on the drawings.

The feeders will be installed from the low side steel structures through the UGduct and manholes to the existing circuit poles and structures." However under

Installation Group M on page 54 there is a sentence that reads, " the Contractor

shall install the exit feeder power cable and terminations for the circuit exits."

What, if any, responsibility does the Contractor associated with this particular bidhave regarding the 15kV feeder exits? None.

4) The clouded/ marked drawing that indicates the part of the ground grid that needsto completed appears to be missing from the bid package. Can you please sendus this drawing? Clouded/marked drawing for the ground grid is attached.

5) Can you please confirm who will be responsible for removing and disposing ofthe existing 12kV metalclad switchgear? Must be included in quote for

transformer removal.

6) Are the existing circuit breakers mentioned under Removal Group C on page 52oil filled or gas? We' ve heard they are SF6. Can you please confirm? Yes, theyare SF6.

7) Is there any detail on the remaining trench that is to be installed? Trenchingis required over to the high side breakers and the City has the trendway.

8) Who is responsible for supplying the cable? On the drawings and in multiple

places in the scope of work document it states that the Owner will be providing allthe power and control cable, including the connectors. However on page 53under Group M there is a sentence that reads, " Contractor shall furnish and

install the power and control cables according to the specifications as indicatedon the drawings and schedules." Can you please confirm who is responsible for

supply the cable and the connectors/ terminals? The City will provide thecontrol cable and connectors.

9) On page 53 under Group L there is a sentence that reads, " The Contractor shall

furnish and install three- phase VT junction boxes and single- phase VT junctionboxes for the 7. 2kV VTs as shown in the drawings." However on drawing 16845-BM01 it indicates that the junction boxes, including the internals, are supplied bythe Owner. Can you please confirm who will be responsible for supplying thejunction boxes and their internals? VTs are in the cabinet. They need to beterminated.

10) Can you provide us the outline drawing for the transformers that are to beremoved? We would really like to know the dimensions. 11' 3" x 9' 2" x13' x8" and9' 1" x8' 11" x13' 10".

11) Can we possibly get an oil sample from each of the transformers that are to beremoved? We' d be glad to collect it ourselves, we of course would just need your

permission to access the yard. Yes, we can provide access.

12) Could we possibly give you a price for disassembling the transformers andremoving them from the site or are you already committed to others for thisscope of work? Yes, based on the requirements listed in question # 1.

13) Is there a date for when the relay settings will be available? They are currentlyavailable.

14) As far as required tests, are the following sufficient:14a) RTS with documentation

14b) High light of drawing14c) Functional test of all electrical equipment

Per bid document:

1. Testing and commissioning of the new low side power circuitbreakers ( 8 — 1200A 15kV feeder breakers). Provide documentation

of tests performed and results.

2. Testing the CT' s, PT's and station Service transformers. Provide

documentation of test performed and results.

3. For relaying, testing of all point-to-point wiring to ensurecontinuity. SEL-RTS Relay Tests with documentation of testsperformed and results.

4. Testing and commissioning of the completed station including themain power transformers, high side breakers, CT's, PT's, testingoutputs for all high side equipment, uploading relay setting intorelays, testing set points and a complete functional checkout of allstation controls and relays. Provide documentation of tests

performed and results.

All other specifications remain the same.

fr•C---- . 4J. ary Via, Director of Purchasing

Company Name: Signature:

Address: Signature:



City State Zip Code

Date: e- mail address:

Phone No: Fax No:

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