city screen

Post on 18-Jul-2015






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Amplifying the city-screen: encounters with contemporary

mobile audio practice

Auricle: Sound Cultures of the Future

September 2010

Sarah Barns

encounters with mobile audio�

new domains for sound practice

Not so new…

Jeremy Hight – Narrative Archaeology (2004)

Telefon Hirmondo – Budapest 1901

Hildegaard Westerkamp – A Walk Through the City (1981)

encounters with mobile audio�

Urban sociologists – cultures of ‘social deafness’

Immersed in a private soundscape, engaged in another interactive scene, you do not have to be in the city as a shared perceptual or social space – Fran Tonkiss

A “radical auditory re-prioritisation of forms of urban experience” which enables listeners to experience an environment through privatised, mediated fantasies. – Michael Bull

encounters with mobile audio�

Amplifying spatial excursions – ‘MSG for the senses’

Betsy Biggs – ‘cinematic experiences for real life’

Toby Butler – ‘Memory-scapes’ extend the space of the oral history recording from outside the museum context and into a specific place – audio walks for people who don’t do audio walks

homing in on the street’s archive Experiencing a contemporary space

through its auditory past

Martin Place, VP Day 1945

Martin Place 2008 Martin Place 1945

ABC Sydney Sidetracks

Copy goes here for each slide ………………………………………. Copy goes here for each slide ………………………………………. put some more copy to ewxplain the slide here

learning to get lost

“Not to find oneself in a city may well be uninteresting and banal. It requires ignorance – nothing more. But to lose oneself in a city – as one loses oneself in a forest – that calls for quite a different schooling”.

Walter Benjamin Illuminations

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