civics live ccss 32011

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“Civics Live” Through Theater

California Council for the Social Studies, March 2011California State University San Marcos

Fran Chadwick, Ed..D.March 2011

Goals of the session

Gain knowledge regarding the benefits of using theatre to enhance learning

Learn effective methods for engaging students in theatre to enhance other core content areas such as civic education

Effective Theatre Instruction

“The arts transform the environment for learning.”

“This research provides compelling evidence that the arts can and do serve as champions of change in learning.”

Champions of Change – The Impact of the Arts on Learning

Theatre Standards

Artistic Perception

Creative Expression

Historical Cultural Context

Aesthetic Valuing

Connections, Relationships and Applications

Elements of Theatre

Character – The role played by an actor as he or she assumes another’s identity- physically, mentally, and emotionally

Dialogue – the words spoken by the actors in a drama

Music – The use of instruments or vocals in a performance

Theme - Central thought, idea, or significance of the action with which a play or story deals.

Plot – The “what happens” in the story.



Begin with the head – go down to the toes, stretch and rotate body parts, individually and together


Practicing for Articulation and Projection

I stepped in something yuckyAs I walked by the crick.

I grabbed a stick to scrape it off, the yuck stuck to my stick.I tried to pull it off the stick,The yuck stuck to my hand.I tried to wash it off – but itStuck to the washin’ pan.

I called my dog to pull me loose,The yuck stuck to his fur.He rubbed himself against the cat,The yuck got stuck to her.My friends and neighbors came to help-Now all of us are stuck,Which goes to show what happensWhen one person steps in yuck. Shel Silverstein

Theatre Games

Scaffold the learning:

This is a what?

Creating a sense of teamwork

Encourage creativity

Visors Down

Establishing “character”

Plot ~ The “what happens” in a story

Beginning: Involves the setting, the characters, and the problem they are facing;

Middle: Shows rising action and climax of the story;

End: Shows how the problem is resolved.

Feet Stories

Establish Beginning, Middle and End

“Tell” the story through movement focusing on the feet

“Plotted” Action

1.Establish the Plot of the event or story (beginning, middle and end).

2.Group students into three or four “Plot groups”.

3. Give students time to “retell” their part of the story through action and improvisational dialogue.

4. Present each part of the plot, one group at a time, “in the round”, as beats…one group presents and freezes, story continues with next group.

First Amendment to the Constitution

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of a religion, or prohibiting the establishment thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech; or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Tinker v. Des Moines

Present the case

Establish “plot” scenes

Create scenes in group

Present scenes

Important QuestionsCan Congress make laws to control what you say?

Is the need to keep everyone safe more important than your right to say whatever you want, whenever you want, and however you want?

Is it always clear when the government can and cannot limit our rights?

What is the Significance of Tinker v Des Moines?

Review the arguments of both sides in the case as presented to each court.

Study the protections of free speech and the limitations.

Use “Plot Actions” to present other cases involving free speech.

Given an outline, students create their own beginning, middle and end ~ following the study of key issues.

Remember Process over Product!

“Life beats down and crushes the soul and art reminds you that you have one.” – Stella Adler (b. 1902) American

actress, founded "Stella Adler Conservatory of Acting"


McCaslin, Nellie, Creative Drama in the Classroom and Beyond. Pearson Education, Inc.

Peterson and O’Connor, Helping Young People Discover the Creative Outlet of Theater. Back Stage Books

Cornett, The Arts as Meaning Makers Integrating Literature and the Arts Throughout the Curriculum.

Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Spolin, Viola. Theatre Games

Goldberg, Merryl. Arts and Learning. Longman.

The California Framework for Visual and Performing Arts, Pre-Kindergarten through Grade Twelve. Ca

California on My Honor: Civics Institute for Teachers 2011

San Francisco, 6/28-6/31, follow-up 10/28

San Diego, 7/12-7/15, follow-up 10/28



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