civil war review. people to know: jefferson davis-president of the confederacy abraham...

Post on 12-Jan-2016






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Civil War ReviewCivil War Review

People to Know:People to Know:

Jefferson Davis-President of the Confederacy

Abraham Lincoln-President of the Union

Commanders in the Civil War

Ulysses. S. Grant- Commander of the Union Army.

Robert E. Lee- Commander of the Confederate Army.

Who was Dred Scott?◦ Slave who sued for his freedom◦ Case went to Supreme Court◦ Declared that he is not a citizen and that slaves

are property

Who did Robert E. Lee surrender to at Appomattox?-Ulysses. S. Grant

Who wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin? Harriet Beecher Stowe

Who earned a national reputation after debating Stephen Douglas when running for Illinois senator? Abraham Lincoln

John Brown: Led a raid on the arsenal at Harper’s Ferry

Whose 1850 compromise delayed the Civil War for 10 years? Henry Clay

Things to Know:Things to Know:

What was an important factor in growing cotton in the 1800s? Slave Labor

Which section of the country had few factories and why? South; they were primarily an agricultural economy.

What was the purpose of the 13th amendment?◦ Free the slaves

What was the purpose of the 14th amendment?◦ Grant rights of citizenship to freed slaves

What did the 15th amendment do?◦ Gave black males the right to vote

“Government of the people, by the people and for the people” refers to what type of government?◦ Democracy

Three disadvantages of the South◦ 1. Few factories◦ 2. Less population◦ 3. Few railroads

Three advantages of the South◦ 1. Fighting on home ground◦ 2. Better generals◦ 3. Fighting for their way of life

What is a primary source?◦ First hand account

Ex: Autobiography, document, or recording.

What is a secondary source?◦ Second hand account

Ex: textbooks, encyclopedias and websites

How did Uncle Tom’s Cabin make Northerners feel? ◦ That slavery was evil and should be abolished

Why did the south have more slaves?◦ Plantations depended on slave labor

What famous speech did Abraham Lincoln make in 1863?◦ Gettysburg Address

How did Lincoln want to treat the south after the war?◦ With Kindness

Lincolngett.jpc-courtesy of lincoln memorial

List the major crops in the South:◦ Cotton, Rice, Tobacco, and Sugar

What kind of labor did the North rely on?◦ Free labor or wage labor

Sojourner Truth believed women should have what?◦ Equal rights

What did more soldiers during the Civil War die of?◦Disease

In the Dred Scott Decision, the Supreme Court said slaves were Property.

One factor that led to the agricultural economy of the South was the warm climate.

Why were women’s rights reformers upset about the 15th amendment?◦Women still did not have the right to vote

The Union gained control of the Miss. River after what battle?◦Battle of Vicksburg

Two strategies of the North during the War:◦1. Capture the capital - Richmond, VA◦2. Capture the Miss. River to split the

ConfederacyTwo strategies of the South during the

war:◦1.Fight a defensive war and capture

Washington D.C◦2. Win recognition as an independent country

Who had more railroads?◦North

What incident marked the beginning of the Civil War?◦Firing on Fort Sumter

Who made a famous “march to the sea”?◦General William Sherman (using “total war”)

What battle lasted three days and was the last time Lee took his army North?◦Battle of Gettysburg

What battle split the Confederacy?◦Battle of Vicksburg

What slaves did the Emancipation Proclamation free?◦Only those in the rebelling states

Where did General Robert E. Lee surrender?

◦Appomattox Courthouse, VA

When was the Civil War over?◦April 9, 1865

Who shot Abraham Lincoln?◦John Wilkes Booth

When was Lincoln shot?◦April 14, 1865 United States Library of Congress


What was the rebuilding of the South after the war called?


The Freedman’s Bureau was created14th and 15th amendments passedMartial law established in Southern states

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