class 7 - optical character...

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CLASS 7 The Class 7 book deals with some advanced input and output devices, some advanced topics in MS

Excel 2013, creating animations in Flash, advanced features of QBASIC, HTML—the language of

the web, knowing about computer viruses and using the Internet for searching information and


Chapter 1: Computer Fundamentals


This chapter aims at providing the knowledge of various advanced input and output devices. After

reading this chapter, the students will learn about

the working and uses of some advanced input devices such as barcode reader, OCR, OMR,

MICR, magnetic strip, smart card and touch screen

the working and uses of some advanced output devices such as plotter and LCD projector

the various types of software

the various types of computer languages


Explain to the students that the input devices also include barcode reader, OCR, OMR, MICR,

magnetic strip, smart card and touch screen, and the output devices include LCD projector and

plotter. The students must be familiar with some of these devices such as smart card and touch

screen. Start the discussion by asking about the devices with which they are already familiar.

The devices like barcode reader, MICR, OCR and OMR are new for the students and moreover,

these devices cannot be provided in a computer lab. Tell them about the places where these devices

are widely used. For example, a barcode reader is widely used in shopping malls, touch screens in

ATMs, MICR in banks, OMR in checking the answers of objective-type tests, LCD projector for

showing presentations to a large number of target audience, etc.

The magnetic strip can be explained by showing them the debit and credit cards, if possible. Optical

character reader can be compared with a scanner. The scanner is used to scan images whereas the

OCR is used to scan the text. It makes the process of data entry fast.

Also discuss with them the importance and need of a software. Tell them that the hardware devices

they have learnt so far cannot work without the software. Explain the two types of software, namely,

system software and application software. The system software is further classified into four types,

operating system, device drivers, language translators and system utilities.

On the other hand, the application software are divided into various categories according to the

functions they perform. For example, word processor is used to compose, format, edit and print

electronic documents. Image editor is used to capture, create and edit images. In the same way,

other application software can also be explained.

Also tell the students that to interact with a computer, you need a special language that a computer

can understand. The computer languages are divided into two categories, namely, low-level

languages and high-level languages. Tell them that a computer cannot understand the program

written in high-level language. Thus, it has to be converted into a low-level language so that a

computer can understand. This translation is done by the translators. The translators can be


explained by comparing it with a human translator. Suppose a person who knows only French wants

to communicate with a person knowing only English. A translator or an interpreter is a mediator

who knows both French and English who can help both to communicate with each other.


Ask them to visit different places such as shopping malls, banks, metro stations, etc., and observe

the use of the various advanced input and output devices.


1. Tick () the correct option.

a. (i) b. (iv) c. (iii)

d. (iii) e. (ii)

2. Fill in the blanks.

a. Optical Character Recognition b. plotter

c. magnetic strip d. LCD projector

e. application software f. software

g. image editor h. mnemonics

3. State true or false.

a. False b. False c. False

d. True e. True f. True

g. False h. True

4. Answer the questions.

a. OCR: Optical Character Recognition is the process of providing text as input to a computer

by means of a document reader. The OCR system makes the data entry fast and efficient.

OMR: Optical Mark Recognition is the technique of recognising a pre-specified mark

made by a pencil or pen on a paper. Generally, this technology is used to read answer sheets

of objective-type tests.

Magnetic strip: It is a special type of strip which is used to store data. The data on the

magnetic strip is stored magnetically and the data once stored cannot be changed. A

magnetic strip is generally used with a plastic card. The strip is placed at the back of the


b. Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) refers to the technique of recognising special

magnetic codes. These codes are printed using a special font which consists of numerals 0

to 9 and some special characters. A special ink which contains magnetised particles of iron

oxide is used to print the codes.

MICR is widely used in banks. The banking industry prefers MICR because it gives extra

security against forgeries. If a document has been forged, for example, if a counterfeit

cheque is produced using a colour photocopying machine, the magnetic-ink line will either

not respond to magnetic fields or will produce an incorrect code when scanned.

c. There are two types of plotters, namely, drum plotter and flatbed plotter.

Drum plotter: This plotter is used to produce continuous output such as plotting an

earthquake activity or for long graphic output structures such as tall building structures.

Flatbed plotter: This plotter is used in designing ships, aircraft, buildings, etc.

d. A Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) projector is a device which is used for displaying

presentations created on a computer. It is generally used when the target audience is large

in number and the computer monitor cannot be used to show the presentation. For

displaying a presentation, the LCD projector is connected to a computer which runs the

presentation and the projector projects the image on a flat surface like a screen, board, etc.


e. System software refers to a set of programs that are designed to control the operations of a

computer system. It also controls the operations of other types of software that a computer

runs. The system software can be categorised into operating systems, device drivers,

language translators, and system utilities.

f. The application software is a set of programs designed to perform a specific task.

Application software are of various types. The most commonly used application software

are word processor, electronic spreadsheet, image editor, Database Management System

(DBMS), presentation software, and desktop publishing software.

g. A computer understands only the language of 0s and 1s. However, writing programs in

such a language is very difficult. Therefore, many computer languages have been

developed that are similar to natural languages like English, which are easier for

programmers to use. Computer languages are divided into two categories, namely, low-

level languages and high-level languages.

h. The difference between different types of language translators is as follows.

Compiler: It reads the whole program and translates the complete program at once into a

series of machine language instructions. Once compiled, the program (machine code)

normally gets saved automatically and can be executed directly.

Interpreter: It reads one statement of a program at a time, translates it into the machine

language, and executes it immediately. It continues to read, translate, and execute the

statements one by one until it reaches the end of the program. Therefore, it is slower than

a compiler.

Assembler: It translates a program written in the assembly language into the machine

language. It recognises the mnemonics used in the assembly language and substitutes the

required machine code for each instruction.

Chapter 2: Formulas and Functions in MS Excel


In this chapter, you will learn how to use various formulae and functions in Excel to perform

mathematical calculations. After reading this chapter, the students will be able to

use the formula in Excel to perform the various mathematical operations

use the various types of functions available in Excel

understand the different types of errors that can be encountered while entering formulae and

functions in Excel

print a worksheet in Excel


Begin the discussion with an overview of all the basic concepts of Excel that have been discussed

in the earlier classes. Discuss all the operations that can be performed in a worksheet learnt in

previous class.

Explain the significance of Formula bar. Elaborate its importance to the students. It can also be

used to edit the data of the active cell. Formulas in Excel are used for performing calculations.

Discuss the various calculations that can be performed in Excel. Also, discuss with them the steps

for entering, editing, copying and pasting a formula in a cell.

Excel also provides some built-in formulas known as functions. Discuss with them the various

types of functions such as SUM, PRODUCT, AVERAGE, etc. Tell them that there are two ways


of performing calculations in Excel, either by using formula or by using the function. For example,

the sum of the cells B3 to B7 can be calculated either by entering the formula =B3+B4+B5+B6+B7

or by entering the function =SUM(B3:B7). Help the students to use the functions to perform various

mathematical calculations.

Teach them the alternate methods of entering the function using the Formulas tab or the Insert

Function button on the Formula Bar in Excel. Also explain the AutoSum feature and the types of

errors that can be encountered while entering formulae and functions in Excel. Conclude the chapter

by demonstrating the steps for printing the Excel worksheets. Encourage the students to use the

shortcuts to perform different tasks frequently; this will help them carry out the tasks quicker.


Ask the students to create a spreadsheet with these entries.






HRA Total Salary Incentive Salary after


Himanshu $4,000.00

Nidhi $3,000.00

Mini S. $4,500.00

Archana $3,500.00

Nandita $3,800.00

Ask them to calculate HRA, Total Salary, Incentive and Salary after incentive using these formulas.

HRA = 5% * Basic

Total Salary = HRA + Basic

Incentive = 50% of Total Salary

Salary after incentive = Total Salary + Incentive


1. Tick () the correct option.

a. (iii) b. (i) c. (ii)

d. (ii) e. (i)

2. Fill in the blanks.

a. formula b. PRODUCT c. $

d. relative e. =D$2+$C3 f. function name, argument

g. #REF!

3. State true or false.

a. True b. True c. False

d. True e. True f. True

g. False

4. Answer the questions.

a. To move the data from one cell to another cell, follow these steps.

1. Click the cell from where the data is to be moved.

2. Click the Cut button in the Clipboard group on the Home tab.

3. Now click the cell where the data is to be pasted.

4. Click the Paste button in the Clipboard group.

b. i. =C3+C4+D3+D4

ii. =$A$1+$A$2+D3+D4


iii. = C3+$A4+D$1+$B4

c. The components of a function are as follows.

Function name: This is the name of the function that is used for calculations.

Argument(s): This is the value that a function uses to perform calculation. The argument

can be a number, range, text, formula, or a cell reference. Arguments appear to the right

side of the function name and are enclosed in parentheses.

d. i. SUM

ii. MAX

iii. NOW

e. The SUM function is one of the most commonly used functions. To make this function more

accessible, Excel provides AutoSum feature which can be used to quickly add the values of

cells or a range of cells. The AutoSum feature does not require us to specify any function


f. Some of the common types of errors that can occur in a worksheet are as follows.

######: This error occurs when the result is too long to fit in the selected cell.

#DIV/0!: This error occurs when a number is divided by zero.

#REF!: This error occurs when the cell reference mentioned in the formula is invalid.

#VALUE!: This error occurs when any wrong operands or arguments are used within a


#Name?: This error occurs when an incorrect name of the function or an incorrect text

is specified.

g. To print the selected part of the worksheet, follow these steps.

1. Click the File tab and then click the Print option from the Backstage view that appears.

The various printing-related options and the preview of the active worksheet are


2. In the Copies box, enter the number of copies that you want to print.

3. In the Printer section, select the desired printer.

4. In the Settings section, click the first drop-down list box and select Print Selection option.

5. Click the Portrait Orientation drop-down list box in the Settings section and choose either

Portrait Orientation or Landscape Orientation.

6. Click the Print button to start the printing.

Chapter 3: Sorting and Filtering in MS Excel


This chapter discusses some advanced features of MS Excel. After reading this chapter, the students

will be able to

sort the data in different ways in Excel

filter the data to display only the selected data satisfying certain criteria

format the selected data satisfying certain conditions


Explain to the students the concept of sorting and filtering. The sorting helps in arranging the data

in the worksheet in ascending or descending order. Demonstrate how the data in a worksheet can

be sorted in ascending or descending order using Sort A to Z and Sort Z to A options under the Sort

& Filter button present in the Editing group on the Home tab. Also show them that data can be

sorted by using Sort dialog box.


On the other hand, filtering enables to display the data in the worksheet according to some specified

condition. For example, to display only those students who had got marks greater than 75, filtering

can be used. Discuss the steps to filter the data according to the specified condition.

Demonstrate how selected data can be formatted satisfying certain condition. Show them the

various ways in which the data can be formatted based on specified conditions such as Highlight

Cells Rules, Top/Bottom Rules, Data Bars, Color Scales and Icon Sets. Encourage the students to

use shortcut keys whenever possible.


Ask the students to enter data comprising marks in five subjects of five students and perform these


Sort the data on the basis of different fields

Filter data in different ways by specifying different conditions

Format the selected data satisfying certain conditions. For example, let them try formatting the

data using Color scales, Data Bars and Icon sets.


1. Tick () the correct option.

a. (ii) b. (iii) c. (i)

d. (iv) e. (iii)

2. Fill in the blanks.

a. ascending b. conditional

c. Filtering d. Data Bars

3. State true or false.

a. False b. False c. True

d. True e. True

4. Answer the questions.

a. Sorting is one of the key features of Microsoft Excel. This feature arranges the data either in

the ascending order or in the descending order, according to the requirement. In the ascending

order, the list is arranged in an ‘alphanumerical’ manner (from 0 to 9, or A to Z manner). In

the descending order, the list is arranged in the reverse order (from Z to A or 9 to 0 manner).

b. You can sort data either by using Sort A to Z or Sort Z to A option under Sort & Filter button

present in Editing group on the Home tab. Alternatively, you can sort the data using the Sort

dialog box, which can be displayed by clicking the Custom Sort option under Sort & Filter

button present in Editing group on the Home tab.

c. To filter the data, follow these steps.

1. Click any cell within the range of data to be filtered in the worksheet.

2. Click the Sort & Filter button in the Editing group on the Home tab.

3. Click Filter option from the list displayed. This displays the drop-down controls next to

the first cell of each column.

4. Click the drop-down control of any column to filter the data of that particular column.

d. Custom filtering enables you to specify the criteria to filter the data in the worksheet.

e. The various ways in which you can apply conditional formatting are as follows.

Highlight Cells Rules

Top/Bottom Rules

Data Bars


Color Scales

Icon Sets

f. Suppose you want to highlight the marks of students who have scored more than 85 marks

using Highlight Cells Rules. For this, follow these steps.

1. Select the range of cells for which the formatting is to be applied.

2. Click the Conditional Formatting button present in the Styles group on the Home tab,

point to Highlight Cells Rules and then click Greater Than option from the list displayed.

The Greater Than dialog box appears.

3. Enter the marks for which the criterion is to be specified, that is, enter 85 in the box.

4. Click the arrow next to the drop-down list box and select the desired format for the cells

satisfying the criterion.

5. Click OK to apply the settings.

Chapter 4: Creating Charts in MS Excel


This chapter discusses about the charts—one of the most important feature of Excel. After reading

this chapter, the students will be able to

understand the various components of a chart and types of charts

insert various types of charts in a worksheet


Explain to the students that a chart is a graphic representation of data in the worksheet. It increases

the readability and understandability of data. A chart can also be used to compare a series of data

over different time spans. Discuss with them how difficult it is to analyse data represented in the

form of rows and columns and how easy it is to analyse data represented in the form of charts.

Give a first-hand demonstration on inserting a chart in a spreadsheet. Discuss various types of built-

in charts available in Excel along with their specific purpose. Show them the various components

of charts. Demonstrate how the different properties of these components can changed using the

various options available on Layout tab. Explain them how chart can be moved from one sheet to

another or can be inserted as a separate sheet containing only chart. Also, show them how one can

change the type, layout and style of the already inserted chart.


Ask the students to create a worksheet containing the following data.

Name English Math Computer

Ajay 78 80 78

Rajat 67 84 85

Sanah 80 90 89

Amit 78 89 88

Ria 56 76 67

Ask them to create different types of charts based on this data on a separate or same worksheet.

Let them change the various properties of charts using Layout tab.

Ask them to try changing the type, layout and style of the chart created by them.



1. Tick () the correct option.

a. (iv) b. (i) c. (ii)

d. (i) e. (iii)

2. Fill in the blanks.

a. Data table b. value c. Line

d. Quick Layout e. Legend f. Chart Styles

3. State true or false.

a. False b. False c. True

d. True e. True

4. Answer the questions.

a. A chart is a graphical representation of data in the worksheet. It increases the readability and

understandability of data. A chart can also be used to compare a series of data over different

time spans. The five elements of a chart are axis, data series, chart title, plot area, and data


b. The five types of charts are Column chart, Line chart, Pie chart, Bar chart, and Area chart.

c. To change the style of the chart, follow these steps.

1. Select the chart whose style you want to change.

2. Click the Design tab and then click the More button in the Chart Styles group. A list of

various chart styles appears.

3. Select the desired style from the list.

d. To move a chart on a separate worksheet, follows these steps.

1. Select the chart.

2. Click the Design tab and then click the Move Chart button present in the Location group.

The Move Chart dialog box appears.

3. Click New sheet option to move the chart on a separate sheet.

4. Click OK.

e. To add elements to a chart, follow these steps

1. Select the chart to which you want to add the elements. As you select, three buttons,

namely, Chart Elements, Chart Styles, and Chart Filters appear next to the chart.

2. Click the Chart Elements button. A list of different chart elements with each having a

check box beside it appears.

3. Select the check box beside the element you want to add to the chart. The element with

its default options is added to the chart.

Chapter 5: More on Flash


This chapter aims at further developing and enhancing the student’s creativity in using Adobe

Flash. Students have already learnt the basic tools of Flash. This chapter discusses some advanced

tools in Flash. It also discusses the various features of Flash which are required to create animations.

After reading this chapter, the students will be able to

use some advanced tools of Flash

understand the concept of layers, frames and symbols in Flash

understand the use of Timeline and how it is used in creating animations

create two types of animations, namely, frame-by-frame animations and tweened animation



Ask the students to create a Flash document using their creativity and the features of Flash discussed

in the previous class. This will help the students recall all the features they have already learnt.

Now explain and demonstrate the usage of some advanced tools such as Pen Tool, Eyedropper

Tool, Gradient Transform Tool and Free Transform Tool in enhancing the graphics created in


Discuss with them the use of Timeline in Flash and how it is used in creating animations. Explain

the concept of layers and frames. The concept of layers can be explained by taking an example of

transparent sheets stacked on the top of one another. Demonstrate them how one can insert a new

layer, delete an existing layer, rename a layer and change the order of layers. Show them how to

insert and delete frames and keyframes in the Timeline. Explain the significance of symbols and

library in Flash.

Discuss the two ways of creating an animation, namely, frame-by-frame animation and tweened

animation. Take an example of creating an animation in which the ball moves from left to right on

the screen. Demonstrate them how such an animation can be created using frame-by-frame

animation and tweened animation. Explain them that tweened animation can be of two types,

namely, motion tweening and shape tweening. Tell them that the animation created for a moving

ball is motion tweening. Show them how shape tweening can be created by taking an example

where one digit say 6 transforms to another digit say 9. Also, demonstrate to them how we can

move an object on a predetermined path using the motion guide.


Ask students to create an image of cup of a tea with hot vapours coming out of it. Ask them to

animate the vapours.

Ask students to create a simple cartoon and try animating its eyes.

Ask them to use shape tweening for converting a circle to a star.


1. Tick () the correct option.

a. (i) b. (iii) c. (iii)

d. (ii) e. (i)

2. Fill in the blanks.

a. Pen b. Eyedropper Tool c. playhead

d. objects e. instance f. Alpha

g. Frame-by-frame h. Shape

3. State true or false.

a. True b. False c. False

d. True e. True f. True

g. True h. False

4. Answer the questions.

a. To modify the radial gradient of an object, follow these steps.

1. Click the Gradient Transform Tool on the toolbox.

2. Click the area filled with radial gradient. An ellipse appears around the object.

3. Click the centre point of gradient fill and drag it to re-position the centre of a gradient.

4. Drag the width adjustment handle to either right or left to increase or decrease the width

of the gradient fill, respectively.


5. Drag the circular rotation handle in clockwise or anticlockwise direction to rotate the

gradient fill.

b. Frame is the smallest unit of a Flash movie (animation) and is represented as a small rectangle

on the right side of the Timeline window.

There are frames wherein changes in animation are defined. These frames are referred to as

keyframes (indicated by a black circle in Timeline). A keyframe indicates the start or end of

an action in the animation.

c. To insert a keyframe in the Timeline window, follow these steps.

1. Click the rectangle in the Timeline window where you want to insert a keyframe.

2. Click the Insert menu and point to Timeline. A submenu appears.

3. Click Keyframe to insert a keyframe.

d. Timeline is the area where the timing and sequencing of several graphics and other elements

of a Flash movie (animation) are defined. The entire content of a movie is organised in the

Timeline window in frames and layers.

e. You can imagine layers as a set of transparent sheets stacked on the top of one another to

form a complete image. With layers, you can work on the objects of one layer without

affecting the objects of the other layer. To delete a layer, select the layer to be deleted and

then click the Delete button at the bottom of the Timeline window.

f. To manage all the symbols that are used in a movie, Flash stores them in its library. In the

library, symbols can be added, duplicated, deleted, edited, and updated. You can also preview

a symbol in the library. Every document created in Flash has its own library where all new

as well as the symbols that are imported are organised. You can view the contents of a library

in the Library panel. To open the Library panel, press the F11 key.

g. To convert an existing drawing into a symbol, follow these steps.

1. Click the Selection Tool and then select the drawing object you want to convert to a


2. Click the Modify menu and then click Convert to Symbol. The Convert to Symbol dialog

box appears.

3. Type an appropriate name for the symbol in the Name text box.

4. Select the type of the symbol (Movie Clip, Button, or Graphic) from the Type drop-down


5. Click OK. The symbol is added to the library and the drawing object selected on the stage

becomes the instance of that symbol.

h. In frame-by-frame animation, the content of the stage changes in every frame. Each and every

frame needs to be manually animated to achieve the animation effect. In a tweened animation,

you need to animate just the first and the last keyframe—Flash automatically animates the

intermediate frames to produce the desired animation sequence.

i. Tweened animations can be classified in two types, namely, motion tweening and shape


Chapter 6: Advanced Features of QBASIC


This chapter introduces the concept of iterative statements and various types of loops used in

QBASIC. After reading this chapter, the students will be able to

use FOR…NEXT, WHILE…WEND and DO…LOOP in a program

use the various built-in string and mathematical functions available in QBASIC

add graphics and sound effects in QBASIC programs



Begin the chapter with a revision of various commands and conditional statements that have been

discussed in the previous class. Make a clear assessment of each student and then prepare the study

plan for the class accordingly.

Discuss the concept of looping, the most powerful part of any programming language. Explain the

use of FOR…NEXT, WHILE…WEND and DO…LOOP giving practical examples of each.

FOR…NEXT loop is used in the situations when the exact number of iterations is known in

advance. WHILE…WEND and DO…LOOP are used when the exact number of iterations is not

known. Discuss with the students that if the statements inside the loop have to be executed at least

once, irrespective of the value of the condition (true or false), the DO…LOOP is used.

Also, explain the concept of nesting of loops and abnormal termination of loop using the EXIT

command. QBASIC also provides some jump statements that are used to break the normal flow of

the program. Explain to them the working of GOTO statement.

QBASIC also provides some built-in functions for string manipulation and for performing

mathematical calculations. Describe these functions to the students. Tell them that different shapes

such as line, square, circle can also be drawn in QBASIC. Graphics operations in QBASIC are done

using the SCREEN command. With the help of suitable examples, explain the use of graphics and

how they can enhance the output of the programs. Also, demonstrate the SOUND statement in

QBASIC to add sound effects to your program.


Write a QBASIC program to draw these figures. The program should also produce a beep sound.

i. ii.

i. CLS


CIRCLE (100, 100), 50, 9

LINE (100, 100) – (100, 20), 11

LINE (100, 100) – (100, 120), 11

LINE (100, 100) – (20, 100), 12

LINE (100, 100) – (120, 100), 12



ii. CLS


CIRCLE (100, 100), 100, 9

CIRCLE (100, 100), 80, 9

CIRCLE (100, 100), 60, 9


CIRCLE (100, 100), 40, 9

CIRCLE (100, 100), 20, 9




1. Tick () the correct option.

a. (iii) b. (i) c. (iv)

d. (ii) e. (i)

2. Fill in the blanks.

a. String functions b. FOR…NEXT c. EXIT

d. Jump e. Screen resolution

3. State true or false.

a. True b. False c. False

d. True e. False

4. Answer the questions.

a. (i) WHILE...WEND: The WHILE...WEND loop executes a set of instructions as long as a

given condition is true.

(ii) DO...LOOP: The DO...LOOP is another type of loop that repeats a block of instructions

while a condition is True or until a condition becomes True.

(iii) FOR...NEXT: The FOR...NEXT is used to repeatedly execute a statement or a block of

statements for the specified number of times.

b. Jump statements are used to break the normal flow of the program sequence. These

statements, when used, transfer the control to a specified line in the program. The two jump

statements used in QBASIC are GOTO and GOSUB statements.

c. String functions deal with the manipulation of text strings only. Some of the string functions

provided in QBASIC are given here.

LEN: The LEN function is used to find the length of the string.

LEFT$: The LEFT$ function extracts the specified number of characters from the left

side of a string.

RIGHT$: The RIGHT$ function extracts the specified number of characters from the

right side of a string.

MID$: The MID$ function extracts a specified number of characters from a string,

starting from a specified position.

d. In QBASIC, different screen modes are provided to change the screen resolution. The two

basic types of modes are text mode and graphics mode. The text mode allows you to display

only text on the screen, whereas the graphics mode allows you to display text as well as

graphics on the screen.

e. The LINE statement is used to draw a line from one point to another. It can also be used to

draw rectangular boxes. For example, consider this QBASIC program.



LINE (10, 10) - (100, 100), 10


The CIRCLE statement is used to draw a circle or an ellipse. This statement requires the

coordinates of the centre, the radius of the circle and the colour, if desired. For example,

consider this QBASIC program.




CIRCLE (100, 100), 50, 9



1. PRINT “Enter your name”

INPUT name$

FOR i = 1 TO 5

PRINT name$



2. PRINT “Table of 5 is”

FOR i = 1 TO 10

PRINT “5 * ” ; i ; “= ” ; 5 * i



3. PRINT “Odd numbers starting from 19”

FOR i = 19 TO 1 STEP –2




4. a. CLS


LINE (10, 10) – (150, 60), 10, B

LINE (10, 70) – (150, 120), 10, B

LINE (10, 130) – (150, 180), 10, B


b. CLS


CIRCLE (100, 100), 50

CIRCLE (100, 250), 50


Chapter 7: Introduction to HTML


This chapter introduces the language of the web, that is, HTML. It explains the structure, the tags

and the elements that make up the language. After reading this chapter, the students will be able to

understand the basics of HTML

create and view a simple HTML document

understand the structure of an HTML document


Begin the discussion with HTML (HyperText Markup Language), the publishing language of the

web. Discuss with the class why it is called ‘hypertext markup language’ by explaining the meaning

of the terms ‘hypertext’ and ‘markup’. HTML is used to create web pages linked with each other

by hyperlinks and consists of some special code called markup that specifies to the web browser

how parts of the web page are to be processed. This is the reason why it is called hypertext markup

language. Everything on the web is available in the form of HTML pages.


As with other languages, HTML is a language that has its own set of keywords and syntax. Discuss

the tools that are needed to create and view HTML files. Many third party tools like MS FrontPage

and Dreamweaver make HTML coding very easy but at this level, students should be discouraged

to use these software. Instead, they should be encouraged to use a text editor like Notepad to write

the source code for HTML. The students with the help of the teacher should use the browsers like

Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator to check whether the web page renders the same look

and feel in different browsers.

Explain the significance of the tags in HTML. Explain the elements and attributes. Though HTML

is not case-sensitive, the students should be encouraged to follow a standard convention throughout

the HTML document. This will improve the readability of the source code. Explain the use of

indentation of code and the benefit of a well-indented document.


Ask the students to design a web page on ‘Myself’. The web page should include the information

about their interests, hobbies, or any other information that they want to share with others.


1. Tick () the correct option.

a. (i) b. (ii) c. (iii)

d. (i) e. (iv)

2. Fill in the blanks.

a. Hypertext Markup Language b. BODY c. Attributes

d. .html,.htm e. WYSIWYG, text editor

3. State true or false.

a. True b. False c. False

d. True e. True

4. Answer the questions.

a. HTML comprises two major components, namely, hypertext and markup. Hypertext is the

text that enables you to organise information by connecting different pieces of information

together. Markup is the special code that specifies to the web browser how parts of the

document are to be processed. Two advantages of HTML are as follows.

It can be used with all kinds of browsers.

It does not require prior knowledge of any programming language.

b. An element is a fundamental component to create a web page. It indicates how a browser

should display the information in the web page. An element generally comprises a starting

tag (and its attributes), the content, and an ending tag.

c. Elements can be classified into two types, namely, container elements and empty elements.

Container element has a starting and an ending tag. For example, to make a certain section

of the text bold, the opening tag <B>is used and the ending tag </B> is used.

Empty element has only the opening tag and its attributes. Empty elements perform their

specific functions without affecting the rest of the document. For example, the horizontal

rule tag <HR> can be used directly and does not require any ending tag.

d. To create an HTML document using Notepad, follow these steps.

1. Open a Notepad document.

2. Type the desired HTML code.

3. To save the document, click the File menu and then click Save As.


4. Specify the location where you want to save the document from the left pane of the

dialog box, specify the name of the document in the File name text box and then click

Save. Note that an HTML document should always be saved with .htm or .html


e. Tags: They are used to describe how a web page should be displayed. They determine the

major structural components in a document such as headings, paragraphs, horizontal lines,


Attributes: They provide additional information about a tag such as alignment, font

colour, and size of the text. Attributes are defined in a tag after the tag name. Each attribute

has a name and a value. The value of the attribute is specified after the name of the attribute

and the equal to ‘=’ sign.

Element: It is a fundamental component to create a web page. It indicates how a browser

should display the information in the web page. An element generally comprises a starting

tag (and its attributes), the content, and an ending tag.

f. An HTML editor is a software application that facilitates the creation of HTML documents.

There are two types of HTML editors, namely, WYSIWYG and text editor.

WYSIWYG editor: It stands for What You see Is What You Get editor. It has an in-

built interface that allows you quickly design as well as preview your web pages. The

main advantage of WYSIWYG editor is that there is no need to have prior knowledge

of HTML tags—they are automatically generated. Few WYSIWYG editors existing in

the market are Microsoft FrontPage, FrontPage Express, Microsoft Expression, and

Adobe Dreamweaver.

Text editor: It allows you to manipulate the HTML tags directly. To use text editor,

we need to have knowledge of HTML tags. These editors do not generate any HTML

codes. Some examples of text editors are Notepad and WordPad.







Going green is easier than you think. There are little things you

can do everyday to help reduce greenhouse gases and make a less

harmful impact on the environment. Taking care of the Earth is not

just a responsibility -- It's a privilege. You may not be able to

reduce global warming, end pollution and save endangered species

single-handed, but by choosing to live an earth-friendly lifestyle

you can do a lot every day to help achieve those goals.

And by making wise choices about how you live, and the amount of

energy and natural resources you consume, you send a clear message

to businesses, politicians and government agencies that value you

as a customer, constituent and citizen.



Chapter 8: Basic HTML Elements



The previous chapter discussed the basics of HTML, such as creating, saving and viewing an

HTML document. This chapter discusses the various HTML elements. After reading this chapter,

the students will be able to

use various elements such as BODY, BREAK, PARAGRAPH, HORIZONTAL RULE,

COMMENT and HEADING elements for creating simple HTML document

use various elements for formatting the HTML document such as BOLD, UNDERLINE,

ITALIC, CENTER and FONT elements


Begin the discussion on the basic structure of HTML document learnt in previous chapter.

Demonstrate to the students how BODY, PARAGRAPH and BREAK elements can be used to

create a basic HTML document containing text. Also show the usage of various attributes of these

elements for making the document more presentable.

Explain the usage of HORIZONTAL RULE along its various attributes in creating a horizontal line

across the web page. Show how HEADING element is used to logically organise a page into

separate sections with section headings for easier comprehension. Discuss with them that how

COMMENT element can be used to provide useful information about the HTML code to anyone

who views the code of the web page.

Demonstrate the use of BOLD, UNDERLINE, ITALIC, CENTER and FONT element in

formatting the various parts of web page in different ways to make it more attractive.


Ask students to prepare a web page that contains information about their school.

Ask them to use various elements along with their attributes for formatting the web page.

Encourage students to create a web page with consistent appearance and colour scheme. Tell

them that multiple colours may distract the viewer from reading the text.


1. Tick () the correct option.

a. (i) b. (iii) c. (iv)

d. (ii) e. (iv)

2. Fill in the blanks.

a. </HEAD> b. leftmargin c. bgcolor

d. six e. CENTER f. FONT

3. State true or false.

a. False b. True c. True

d. False e. False

4. Answer the questions.

a. Some of the attributes associated with the BODY element are:

Background: The background attribute is used to provide a background for the web


Bgcolor: The bgcolor (background color) attribute provides a coloured background to

the web page.

Text: The text attribute provides a colour to the text in the web page.


Leftmargin and Topmargin: The leftmargin attribute is used to determine the width of

the margin from the left edge of the web page. While the topmargin attribute is used to

set the width of the margin from the top of the web page.

b. There are six levels of headings in HTML that are represented by numbers within the tag.

Headings are displayed in a larger font and in bold.

The syntax of the HEADING element is


The six HEADING tags are <H1> to <H6>. Each level heading has different font size.

Heading 1 has the largest font, while heading 6 has the smallest font. A web page can contain

all the levels of headings.

c. BOLD, ITALIC, and UNDERLINE elements can be used when you want to highlight some

text by making it bold, italic, or underlined in the web page.

BOLD: This element specifies that the text enclosed in its starting and ending tags should

be displayed in bold. This element can be used between other elements while creating a

web page.

ITALIC: This element specifies that the enclosed text should be displayed in italics.

UNDERLINE: This element specifies that the enclosed text should be displayed as

underlined text.

For example, consider the following code in HTML.

This text is <B> displayed in bold </B> whereas this text is

<I> displayed in italic <I>.However, this is <B><I> bold and

italic </I></B>. This is an <U> example of underlined text</U>.

d. The CENTER element is used to align the text or an image in the centre of the web page.

This element can be used more than once in the web page. For example, consider the

following code in HTML.

<CENTER>This element is used to align text in the centre of

the browser window. </CENTER>

e. The align attribute of the PARAGRAPH element adjusts the positioning of the paragraph in

the web page according to the requirements. The value of the align attribute can be RIGHT,

LEFT, or CENTER. By default, the paragraphs are left aligned.


1. <HTML>


<TITLE> Delhi </TITLE>


<BODY bgcolor="Pink" TEXT="Blue">

<H1 ALIGN="Center"> Delhi-the Capital of India</H1>

<FONT FACE="Arial" Size="3">

Delhi, the capital of India, is one of the major tourist

attractions. Delhi is famous for its marvelous architecture and

vibrant shopping centres. Red fort, QutabMinar, India Gate,

Rajpath, LotusTemple, etc., are the pride of India. People from

various parts of the country migrate to Delhi because of numerous

facilities provided here.





2. <HTML>


<TITLE> Restaurant Menu </TITLE>



<H1 ALIGN="CENTER"><U>My Restaurant</U></H1>

<H4 ALIGN="CENTER"><I>Today's Menu</I></H4>


BREAKFAST <P ALIGN="CENTER">Sandwich, Omelette, Chocolate Milk

100/-</P>LUNCH <P ALIGN="CENTER"> South Indian Platter 150/-

</P> DINNER <P ALIGN="CENTER"> North Indian Platter 200/-</P>



Chapter 9: Computer Viruses


This chapter introduces the students to the malicious world of the computer virus. After reading

this chapter, the students will learn about the

various types of known viruses and their modes of operations

preventive measures one should take in order to save their computers from being attacked by

the virus

the other types of computer threats such as worms and Trojan horses


A computer virus is a program generally written in a low-level programming language that is

engineered with malicious intent. A virus is usually written by expert programmers with an

intention of breaking into others’ computers. A virus is usually passed on through an infected pen

drive and the Internet. Discuss the effects that a virus can cause once it is active inside a computer.

A virus is written as a very small program in order to spread rapidly and escape detection.

Reproduction of a virus ensures that more and more copies of the virus are spread as quickly as

possible. The method of reproduction varies from virus to virus. Explain how the virus spreads

inside the computer and the steps that one should take to avoid the destruction it causes. Also,

explain the various categories of viruses.

Discuss with them about the other computer threats such as worms and Trojan horses. Worms are

used to destroy or alter the data in data processing programs. On the other hand, the Trojan horse

does not spread like a virus.

Discuss the various anti-virus software available in the market such as Norton, Quick Heal, etc.

Install Norton AntiVirus software in the computer and demonstrate its working to the class. Discuss

these points which are used to prevent virus attacks.

Avoid the use of illegal software. Illegal software may contain viruses.

Always write-protect your systems and program disks.


Always keep at least one set of back-up copies of all original disks. This will not prevent a

virus infection, but it will help in the recovery process in case of a virus attack.


Ask the students to scan all the drives of the computer and a particular folder in any drive using

the anti-virus software.

Ask the students to collect information on the history of viruses, and create a presentation on



1. Tick () the correct option.

a. (iii) b. (iv) c. (iii)

d. (ii) e. (iv)

2. Fill in the blanks.

a. replicates b. boot sector c. anti-virus

d.Worms e. QuickUpdate

3. State true or false.

a. True b. False c. True

d. True e. True

4. Answer the questions.

a. A computer virus is a program which is designed to perform undesired and malicious actions

by replicating and attaching itself to other programs. Viruses are created in order to gain an

illegal entry into a computer and obtain or destroy some vital information.

b. These are the various ways through which viruses can enter the system.

Viruses can enter the system when the system is booted with an infected pen drive.

Some viruses infect the system when a file is copied from an infected disk or pen drive.

Some viruses infect even when there is an attempt to erase the contents of an infected

disk or pen drive.

Viruses can also be passed from one computer to another when data or programs are

accessed on a network or a file is downloaded from the Internet.

If a virus is in the network, it tries to locate the computers that are prone to the virus


c. After entering a system, a virus tries to take control of the system. It replicates by making

copies of itself and also tries to carry out the harmful tasks written in its program.

d. Some of the preventive measures which should be undertaken to avoid a virus infection are

listed here.

Avoid booting the computer with a pen drive. If it is required to boot from a pen drive,

use a pen drive that is virus free.

Do not exchange your disks or pen drives with others. If you do so, always scan the disk

or pen drive with an anti-virus software before using it.

Do not use pirated software. If the software has been obtained illegally, it may contain a


Always keep at least one set of back-up copies of all original disks.

Always keep the Auto-Protect, Internet-worm Protection, and E-mail scanning features

of an anti-virus software on to prevent downloading of the infected files.

Update the anti-virus software frequently so that it can detect and delete new viruses.

Always check if your computer demonstrates any strange behavior such as slowing

down, disappearance of files, etc.


e. Anti-virus software is an application program which is designed to detect and remove viruses,

worms, and Trojan horses from the computer system.

The different scanning options provided by Quick Heal Total Security anti-virus program are

as follows.

Full system Scan: This option checks all boot records, drives, folders, and files on the


Custom Scan: This option checks the specific drives, folders, or files on the computer.

Memory Scan: This option checks the memory.

Boot Time Scan: This option restarts the system for scanning the boot sector.

Mobile Scan: This option checks the mobile phone when connected to the computer.

f. (i) Worms are the programs that are designed to find their way into the data processing

programs, and alter or destroy the data. Worms often use networks such as the Internet to

spread from one computer system to another, thus attacking systems that are linked through

communication lines.

(ii) A Trojan horse is a program which performs similar destructive activities. It is not a virus

since it does not replicate or spread like a virus. However, it can damage files, place a virus

on your computer, or break passwords. These programs enter into a computer through an e-

mail or through free programs downloaded from the Internet.

g. Computer viruses can be classified into various categories, as listed here.

Boot sector virus: This type of virus hides in the boot sector of a hard disk or a pen drive

and infects the start-up instructions which are required to boot the system.

Program virus: This is the most infectious type of computer virus. It usually resides

inside the memory. It infects the executable files such as .COM and .EXE files by

attaching its copy to them and hence, is also known as the file virus.

Stealth virus: This type of a virus attempts to hide its presence. Some of the simple

techniques include hiding the change in date and time and hiding the increase in the file


Multipartite virus: This virus can infect both the boot sector of a disk as well as the

executable files. It is the worst virus because it can combine a lot of techniques to prevent

its detection.

Macro virus: This type of virus infects data files. For example, this virus can attach itself

to a word processing or a spreadsheet file (typically a Word or Excel file) as a macro.

Once the file is accessed, it replaces one of the Word or the Excel standard macros with

an infected version, which can then infect all subsequent documents.

Chapter 10: Internet Services


This chapter discusses the various uses of the Internet. After reading this chapter, the students will

be able to

search the information on any topic from the Internet

find and locate the people online

save the information retrieved from the Internet on the hard disk

send and receive messages from one computer to another through the Internet

chat with the friends using a chat program

understand other ways of communication over the Internet such as videoconferencing and


understand the concept of e-commerce



Start the discussion with the revision of the various services provided by the Internet, which they

had learnt in their previous class. Demonstrate the use of search engines and how they are helpful.

Tell them the appropriate way of putting search phrase in order to search the information on the


Show them how one can search information on any topic and increase their knowledge and

awareness using the Internet. Explain how Internet can also be used to find people and retrieve

information about them.

Discuss with them that while browsing the Internet, they might find some information very useful

and want it to be available on their computer even when not being connected to the Internet.

Demonstrate how such information can be saved on their computer system in different ways.

Explain to the students the various communication services available on the Internet such as

chatting, videoconferencing and newsgroups. Demonstrate how one can send and receive messages

through e-mail services. Also, demonstrate the use of the Internet for conducting online business.

Discuss the advantages of these Internet services over the traditional methods.


Ask the students to search some information about Mughal Emperors from the Internet. Guide

them in entering the appropriate search phrase.

Ask them to save the information they like on their computer, and e-mail this information to any

of their friends.


1. Tick () the correct option.

a. (iii) b. (iv) c. (ii)

d. (i) e. (i)

2. Fill in the blanks.

a. chat program b. username, mail server c. Usenet

d. Videoconferencing e. Acronyms f. crawler

g. Inbox

3. State true or false.

a. False b. True c. False

d. False e. False f. False

4. Answer the questions.

a. Some of the communication services provided by the Internet are e-mail, videoconferencing,

and newsgroup.

E-mail: It is the process of exchanging messages electronically using computers. E-mails

allow users to communicate with each other in lesser time and at nominal costs.

Videoconferencing: It allows two or more people, who are geographically apart, to

communicate and interact via audio and video transmission.

Chatting: The Internet enables you to have a real-time conversation with people over

the Internet. This is known as chatting.

b. You can express and convey your emotions while writing e-mails and chatting by making

use of emoticons or smileys.


c. An e-mail address is divided into two parts, namely, the username and the name of the mail

server. The two parts are separated by the symbol @. The structure of an e-mail address is

given here.

d. Chatting enables you to have a real-time conversation with people over the Internet.

Videoconferencing allows two or more people, who are geographically apart, to

communicate and interact via audio and video transmission.

e. A search engine is a software that enables you to search any information on the Internet. You

can search for any information or even a website whose address is not known using a search

engine. Some popular search engines are Google, Yahoo, and AltaVista.

f. To find people on the Internet, follow these steps.

1. Open the web page for people search. For example, open

2. Enter the name (first name, last name, or user name) and the location (city, state, country

name, or zip code) of the person to be searched in the Name and Location text boxes,


3. Click the Search button. A web page with a list of persons with the search name appears.

You can click on the link of the desired person to view his/her details.

g. Organisations all over the world are using the Internet as a medium to conduct business. This

includes providing information about the product, buying and selling of a product as well as

providing services like after-sale service for the product. This is referred to as E-commerce,

Electronic commerce, or EC.



1. PRINT “Enter a number between 1 to 10:”


PRINT “The Table of ” ; N ; “ is:”

FOR i = 1 TO 10

PRINT N “ * ” ; i ; “= ” ; N * i



2 a. CLS


LET K = 50

FOR i = 1 to 7

CIRCLE (100, 100), k, 10

K = K + 5


LINE (100, 42) – (100, 158), 10

LINE (20, 100) – (180, 100), 10


2 b. CLS


LET K1 = 0

LET K2 = 200

FOR i = 1 to 7

LINE (K1, K1) – (K2, K2), 10, B

K1 = K1 + 10

K2 = K2 + 10



LINE (0, 0) – (200, 200), 10

LINE (0, 200) – (200, 0), 10

LINE (100, 0) – (100, 200), 10

LINE (0, 100) – (200, 100), 10







<BODY bgcolor= "Orange">



<H2 ALIGN= "CENTER"><FONTCOLOR= "RED"> Study Time - FunTime</FONT></H2>

<H3 Align= "LEFT"><B>About us </B></H3>


"Aliceblue"><P>Study Wizard is an educational website which provides

online class room facility that help students enhance their academic

skills. This website provides ample of information regarding all the

subjects that you study throughout your school life. You can search

information regarding any topic. The website covers basic subjects such

as English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Environment Science,

Hindi ,etc., for primary classes and advance subjects such as Biology,

Chemistry, History, Geography, Accounts, Economics, Reginal languages,

etc,. for senior classes. </P>

<P> Our website also helps teachers to upload study material, notes, etc.,

on the website that students can download and study. It also helps

teachers grasp new teaching skills that would make learning easier and





Worksheet 1

1. Tick () the correct option.

a. (i) b. (ii) c. (iv)

d. (iv) e. (ii)

2. Fill in the blanks.

a. optical scanner b. Copies c. True

d. OMR e. nesting f. six

g. keyframe

3. State true or false.

a. True b. False c. True

d. False e. True f. False

g. False

4. Answer the questions.


a. The three commonly used application software are discussed as follows.

Word processor: This software is used to compose, format, edit, and print electronic

documents. Microsoft Word and Word Perfect are examples of such programs.

Image editor: This software is designed specifically for capturing, creating, editing, and

manipulating images. Adobe Photoshop and Corel Draw are examples of such programs.

Database Management Systems (DBMS): This is a collection of computer programs that

allow storage, modification, and extraction of information from a database in an efficient

manner. Foxpro, Microsoft Access, and Oracle are examples of DBMS.

b. A SOUND statement produces a sound through the computer’s internal speakers. It enables

you to produce sounds of varying frequency and time duration. This feature can be used to

produce a variety of interesting sounds.

c. A touch screen is a special kind of input device which enables you to choose an icon or a menu

item displayed on a screen by simply touching it with your finger. Touch screens use either

optical grids or a pressure sensitive film. They register the input when you touch the screen

with your finger or an object.

d. (i) PSET: The PSET statement draws a single point (pixel) on the screen of a specified colour.

(ii) COLOR: The COLOR statement is used to change the colour of the text while working

with graphics. It lets you change the colour of the text to one of the available 16 colours.

e. A Column chart is used to compare different items. Different categories are placed on the x-

axis and the values are placed on the y-axis of the chart. In a column chart, each data point in

a series is signified by the column that rises from the x-axis.

A Bar chart is also used to compare different items. It is similar to a column chart, except that

the bars are aligned horizontally. It implies that the y-axis is placed horizontally and the x-axis,


f. The Internet, due to its enormous growth, is no longer restricted to personal use. Organisations

all over the world are using the Internet as a medium to conduct business. This includes

providing information about the product, buying and selling of a product as well as providing

services like after-sale service for the product. This is referred to as E-commerce, Electronic

commerce, or EC.

g. The HEAD element specifies the header information about the HTML document such as title,

keywords, etc. The content written between the opening and closing tags of the HEAD element

is not displayed in the web page.

h. The open path created using Pen Tool in Flash has different starting and last point, whereas the

closed path has the same starting and last point.

Worksheet 2

1. Tick () the correct option.

a. (iv) b. (i) c. (iv)

d. (ii) e. (iv)

2. Fill in the blanks.

a. Pie b. program c. anti-virus

d. error message e. Filtering f. TITLE

g. Business-to-Government (B2G) h. Gradient Transform

3. State true or false.

a. True b. False c. False

d. True e. False f. True

g. False h. True


4. Answer the questions.

a. A magnetic strip is a special type of strip which is used to store data. It can store up to 60

characters. The data on the magnetic strip is stored magnetically and the data once stored cannot

be changed. A magnetic strip is generally used with a plastic card. A special device called

magnetic card reader, is used to access the information stored on the magnetic strips.

b. Eyedropper tool in Flash is used to acquire colours and style from the existing lines, brush

strokes, and fills, and applying the same to the other object.

c. (i) Macro virus: This type of virus infects data files. For example, this virus can attach itself

to a word processing or a spreadsheet file as a macro. Once the file is accessed, it replaces one

of the Word or the Excel standard macros with an infected version, which can then infect all

subsequent documents. An example of macro virus is WM_Concept.A.

(ii) Stealth virus: This type of a virus attempts to hide its presence. Some of the simple

techniques include hiding the change in date and time and hiding the increase in the file size.

Some even prevent anti-virus software from reading the part of the file where the virus is

located. An example of stealth virus is Stoned Monkey.

d. To rename a layer, double-click on the name of the desired layer and then type the new name

for the layer.

e. To change the style of the chart, follow these steps.

1. Select the chart whose style you want to change.

2. Click the Design tab and then click More button in the Chart Styles group. A list of various

chart styles appears.

3. Select the desired style from the list.

f. The BEEP statement in QBASIC produces a sound to draw the attention of the user to some

error. The BEEP statement, when executed, produces a single sound that lasts for 1/4 of a

second. The sound produced by the BEEP statement is audible through external speakers only.

A SOUND statement produces a sound through the computer’s internal speakers. It enables

you to produce sounds of varying frequency and time duration. This feature can be used to

produce a variety of interesting sounds.

g. To view an HTML document, follow these steps.

1. Click the Internet Explorer tileon the Start screen. The Internet Explorer window appears.

2. Press Ctrl+O. The Open dialog box appears.

3. Click Browse. The Windows Internet Explorer dialog box appears.

4. Select the file to be opened from the available list or locate the file from the left pane of the

dialog box.

5. Click Open. The Open dialog box reappears with the path of the file that is to be opened.

6. Click OK. The web page is opened in the Internet Explorer.

h. A newsgroup, also known as a Usenet, is an online discussion group among people on the

Internet who share a common interest. Many websites, like,, and provide the facility of newsgroups.



1. Tick () the correct option.

a. Which of the following is not a loop statement in QBASIC?



b. Which of the following Excel functions is used to determine the highest number within a



(i) SUM (ii) AVERAGE

(iii) MAX (iv) MIN

c. Which of the following folders contains the e-mails deleted from any other folder?

(i) Drafts (ii) Trash

(iii) Spam (iv) Sent

d. Find the odd one out.

(i) Plotter (ii) Barcode reader

(iii) Smart card (iv) MICR

e. A __________ is a reusable graphic image, button, movie clip, or text that is stored as a

part of a Flash movie.

(i) Symbol (ii) Frame

(iii) Keyframe (iv) Object

f. Which of the following is an anti-virus software?

(i) Anti-worm (ii) Anti-Trojan

(iii) Norton AntiVirus (iv) None of these

2. Fill in the blanks.

a. The letters, words, and symbols used in the assembly language are called ______________.

b. The cell address A4 in a formula implies that it is a ___________ cell reference.

c. In a chart, the y-axis is also known as the _____________ axis.

d. ___________ Tool in Flash is used to draw precise paths with straight lines and smooth

flowing curves.

e. In QBASIC, ___________ deal with the manipulation of the text strings only.

f. An HTML document should always be saved with the _________or ________ extension.

g. A ___________ virus hides in the boot sector of a hard disk or a pen drive and infects the

start-up instructions, which are required to boot the system.

h. A ____________ is a software that enables you to search information on the Internet.

3. State true or false.

a. OMR is widely used in banks.

b. A Pie chart is used to plot a single set of series.

c. Frame is the smallest unit of Flash movie and is represented by a small rectangle.

d. The SQR function is used to find the square of a number.

e. The PARAGRAPH element is used to insert a blank line in an HTML document.

f. Stoned Monkey virus is an example of program virus.

g. The Internet cannot be used for finding people.

4. Differentiate between the following.

a. Gradient Transform Tool and Free Transform Tool in Flash

b. BEEP and SOUND statement in QBASIC

5. Short questions.

a. What do you understand by application software? Give examples.

b. What are the components of a function in Excel? Define them.

c. Write the steps to move the chart on a worksheet.

d. Write a short note on the use of Timeline in Flash.

e. Explain the working of WHILE…WEND loop.

f. Explain the terms ‘tag’, ‘attribute’, and ‘element’ in HTML.

g. Explain the terms worms and Trojan horses.


h. What is the structure of an e-mail address?

6. Long questions.

a. Discuss any three means of communication over the Internet.

b. Explain the various types of string functions in QBASIC.

7. Practical



1. Tick () the correct option.

a. The ____________ statement can be used to draw a square in QBASIC.

(i) LINE (ii) SQUARE

(iii) RECTANGLE (iv) None of these

b. Which of the following is an attribute of the HORIZONTAL RULE element?

(i) Align (ii) Width

(iii) Size (iv) All of these

c. Which of the following formulas is used to find the average of contents in cells A5 to A10?

(i) =AVG(A5:A10) (ii) =AVERAGE(A5, A10)

(iii) =AVERAGE (A5:A10) (iv) =AVG(A5, A10)

d. Which of the following symbols separates the two parts of an e-mail address?

(i) * (ii) !

(iii) ^ (iv) @

e. OMR stands for ___________________.

(i) Optical Mark Reader (ii) Optical Magnet Reader

(iii) Optical Mark Recognition (iv) None of these

f. Which of the following tools is used to acquire colours and style from existing lines and

applying the same to the other object in Flash?

(i) Copy Tool (ii) Paint Bucket Tool

(iii) Eyedropper Tool (iv) Pen Tool

2. Fill in the blanks.

a. The ____________ is a device which is used for displaying presentations created on a


b. In Excel, a function comprises two parts: ___________ and ____________.

c. List of data arranged in an alphanumeric manner is said to be in ___________ order.

d. In Flash, whenever a layer is deleted, all its ___________ are also deleted.

e. Any loop can be terminated prematurely using the ____________ command in QBASIC.

f. The __________ element of HTML is used to align the text or an image in the centre of

the web page.

g. A computer virus ____________ by making copies of itself and also tries to carry out the

harmful tasks written in its program.

h. ____________ folder stores all the incoming e-mails.

3. State true or false.

a. System software refers to a set of programs designed to control the operation of the

computer system.


b. =A1*A6 is an example of a formula.

c. In Excel, you can sort the data up to three fields at a time.

d. You can play a Flash movie by pressing the Spacebar key.

e. The control variable in the FOR…NEXT loop controls the number of times the loop is to

be executed.

f. The tag <BODY> is placed immediately after the closing tag </HEAD>.

g. WM_Concept.A is an example of multipartite virus.

h. An indexer searches the Internet for new terms.

4. Differentiate between the following.

a. Low-level language and high-level language

b. Column chart and Bar chart

5. Short questions.

a. Write a short note on smart card.

b. Write a short note on AutoSum feature of Excel.

c. What are the two different methods in which you can sort data in Excel?

d. What are layers? Write the steps to delete a layer in Flash.

e. Write a short note on the jump statements available in QBASIC.

f. Discuss the role of FONT element in HTML.

g. Explain the terms macro virus and stealth virus.

h. How is chatting different from videoconferencing?

6. Long questions.

a. Differentiate between the various language translators.

b. Discuss the preventive measures which should be undertaken to avoid a virus infection.

7. Practical

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