class3 what is journalism for1

Post on 09-May-2015



News & Politics



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What is journalism for?Part one.

What is the role of the journalist?

K&R say: People have an intrinsic need to know what is

happening beyond their direct experience.

Do you buy that?

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

The Awareness Instinct.

People crave information.

We need to know what’s going on.

We need news.

Exchanging information is the basis for creating

communitycommunity, for making human connections.

News binds us as a society.

Journalism is the system societies employ

to supply news.

Journalism influences the quality of our lives, our thoughts and our culture.

Journalists make the abstract real.

It caused quite a controversy in London, which is what

images like that are meant to do. They're meant to basically cause a debate in the public: "Is this something we want to

be involved in?”

- Ken Jarecke

Who makes the decisions?

• Gatekeepers: anchors, reporters, editors, etc.

• Regulators: the government (FCC, FTC), pressure groups like Parents Music Resource Center.

• Industry groups: Society of Professional Journalists, National Association of Broadcasters.

Do you provide valuable information that will educate

people or do you provide information that

people want?

What is journalism for?

Journalism is a business.

Who pays for mass media?

• Advertisers pay to reach potential customers.

• Circulation and subscriber fees.

• Donations.

• Private support: foundations, corporations, etc.

• The government.

The bulk of media is paid for through advertisers.

About 80% of newspaper.

About 95% of magazines.

Nearly 100% of television/ radio.

Is that good or bad?

That gives advertisers influence.

Reaching a larger audience means outlets can charge more for the space/ time.

In theory, Journalism serves the public.

Let’s think positively.

Journalists set the agenda for the citizens.

We shed light on commonalities.

We give the public the information they need to make

their lives better.

Do you believe that?

Being a journalist is a

HUGE responsibility.

How do you know what is the proper behavior for journalists?

The principles of journalism:

• Journalism’s first obligation is to the truth.

• Our loyalty is to the citizens.

• Journalism is a discipline of verification.

• We must remain independent.

• We must be an independent monitor of power.

The principles, part II:

• We provide a forum for public criticism and compromise.

• We have a duty to make the significant interesting and relevant.

• We must be comprehensive.

• Journalists must have a conscience.

• Citizens are a vital part of journalism.

Do you believe that?

It’s a huge responsibility.

“No government ought to be without censors and where the press is free, no one ever will.”

-Thomas Jefferson said

to George Washington

… and in 1791, James Madison wrote these words …

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the

freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to

assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

- The First Amendment

Journalism is the only profession whose rights are

addressed in the Constitution or Bill of Rights.

Not doctors, lawyers or educators.

And yet there is no government certification

required to practice journalism like there is in medicine

or law.

Anyone can be a journalist.

(now more than ever)

Is Citizen Media the ultimate in Democracy?

Or is it the path to the ultimate erosion of trust of the media?

With so many options to choose from, people are only going to outlets that feed their

belief systems.

As consumers have more and more options, our commonalities become fewer and fewer.

We are becoming “fracturedfractured” as a society.

As mass media disintegrates, conglomerates buy more and

more outlets.

Putting more and more influence into fewer hands.

What can journalists do to make sure the public is

properly educated?

Seriously, do you have an answer?

The industry needs one.

There are three major reasons journalism is changing:

• Technology (specifically the way we get our information).

• The conglomeration of media outlets.

• Globalization (the world is accessible to nearly everyone immediately).



The Internet. And cool new toys.

Media Media consolidationconsolidation.

• Rupert Murdoch owns FOX, DirecTV the Wall Street Journal and numerous other newspapers, magazines and broadcast networks around the world.

• Disney owns ABC.

• General Electric owns NBC.

• Comcast is buying NBC/ Universal.

Who controls the flow of information?

In an era of globalization, how do you serve the public?

Reaching a larger audience means outlets can charge more for the space/ time.

So do you specialize or be massively general?

What is journalism for?

The industry is evolving.The industry is evolving.

Is traditional journalism even relevant anymore?

And do the Principles of JournalismPrinciples of Journalism continue to be applicable?

What is journalism for?

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